Drzá holka s harmonikou na sebe během dvou let strhla pozornost. Provokuje sprostě milostnými písněmi a historkami nebo tím, že na sebe navlíkne pytel. S její tvrdou palicí si ale nedovedlo poradit ani velké vydavatelství. Odmítla slavného kanadského producenta a druhé album Láska, hlína, rýč si nahrála a vydala sama. Ve výročním best of Headlineru se překvapivě stalo jednou z nejskloňovanějších nahrávek. A Josef Vlček jej v recenzi označil za „vzpurné generační gesto“. „Dobrý, jsem docela spolehlivá,“ ucedí Rozálie na otázku, jaké to je dělat teď sama sobě i manažerku. Na nové album si vzala pilu, postavila kapelu a rozhodla se vyprávět jeden milostný příběh od začátku až do konce a hlavně se vším všudy. Povídáme si o českém šoubyznysu, spolupráci s Adrianem Rassem, za kterým vtrhla do šatny jako bláznivá fanynka, i cestě k hudební svobodě. Poslechněte si audioverzi titulního rozhovoru lednového Headlineru.
Veletrh CES v Las Vegas je za námi a tak si pojďme říct co nás zaujalo. Novinkový díl je tady. Povíme si o novém robotickém vysavači od Roborocku, co má ruce, aby vám uklidil ponožky. LG ukázalo přenosnou televizi. Řekneme si o partnerství Googlu a Mediateku, vlastním 5G čipu od Applu a také nezapomeneme na chytré auto od Sony.
Ma ciao goccia di cioccolato al latte perfettamente posizionata in un ciambellotto artigianale che vede le sue sorelle sprofondate durante la cottura sulla base dello stampo da forno. Per questa volta non leggerai una semplice descrizione dell'episodio (non lo è mai in realtà, però non serve essere così sgarbate Pamela, modera i toni). Siamo alla puntata 139 che, oltre a essere un numero primo che amplifica indirettamente i nostri poteri da ragazze che bevono acqua di luna perché non temono la diarrea, è il numero di puntate che costituisce la seconda stagione di POV, essendo infatti questo l'ultimo episodio di un ciclo che dura ormai da un anno e mezzo. Per quanto questo gruppo sia costituito da due Riccardo Primo e due pulzelle (generalmente persone etichettate come maggiormente inclini all'emozione poiché non in grado, per l'uomo alfa medio, di cambiare una lampadina e sai cosa Nazzareno? Non saprò cambiare una lampadina ma faccio un risotto alle fragole che farebbe piangere qualsiasi maschione), vogliamo spendere un momento per scrivere due parole riguardo questa esperienza che è diventata, nel corso del tempo, più di 4 semplici amici che si divertono sparando minchiate come se il tutto poi non fosse caricato online. Volevamo ringraziarti Pamela per aver permesso a questo podcast di diventare la cassa di risonanza per tante persone accomunate da punti di vista, esperienze di vita, pensieri talvolta inespressi o da dolori che spesso abbiamo bisogno di sentire condivisi dal prossimo, per scongiurare la paura di essere i soli a provarli. Grazie per averci permesso (e di continuare a permetterci) di accompagnarti durante le tue giornate, i tuoi momenti no o quelli dove si è più vulnerabili e tutto ciò che si cerca è una voce amica che ci intrattenga per non pensare, per staccare la spina. Vi mandiamo un grande bascio e un abbraccio alla Sandro, di quelli magari non troppo fisici ma che sai che valgono il quintuplo quando te ne da uno, ora ti lasciamo all'ultimo episodio tanto noi come sempre stiamo dopo il play, sappi solo che si parla di un ragazzo che aveva una tresca col proprietario di casa più grande, immagina solo come sta Lele.
The 2025 Australian Open is officially here and the boys have plenty to talk about in this week's episode!The guys kick off with insights on player perks and experience in Melbourne before diving into the main storylines heading into this year's tournament.They then move onto a Nothing Major staple - the snake draft. Each guy drafts their own team for the 2025 Australian Open before wrapping with personal memories from the AO. From going 5 sets with a furious Nalbandian, to blowing their stipends in the local casino, John, Sam and Steve share some of their best and worst times down under.--00:00) Intro: Let's Dive In(00:46) Kokkinakis Apologies (Our Bad!)(01:54) Happy Slam? Australian Open Debate(05:12) Toughest Slam to Play(06:24) Best Slam to Win(07:09) Late-Night AO Madness(10:12) American Contenders(12:44) Nishikori & Opelka Shoutouts(15:42) First-Round Players to Avoid(18:02) Beyond Alcaraz and Sinner(20:44) Is Djokovic Flying Under Radar?(22:38) Most Vulnerable Top 8?(23:59) AO Snake Draft Teams(32:18) Final Draft Recap(33:56) AO Memories: The Good Ones(34:18) Meeting Federer: Awkward Dream Moment(35:56) Steve's Federer Post-Match Story(38:23) Federer's 90-Minute Match Record(38:50) Nalbandian's AO Collapse(40:14) Sam's POV(41:19) Melbourne's Worst Memories(42:07) Outside Courts Experience(43:34) Where to Stay in Melbourne?(45:15) Best Melbourne Memory… wasn't during AO!(47:17) Sam's Nip Slip(49:49) Goodbye: Wrapping It Up(50:25) Trivia Challenge: Australian Open edition Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Mighty Blue On The Appalachian Trail: The Ultimate Mid-Life Crisis
We have a fellow hiking podcaster on the show today. Collyn Nielsen, known as Doc to his listeners, is the host of Hiker Trash Radio. The show was originally the John Freakin' Muir Podcast, but Doc extended its remit by re-branding to reach a wider audience, speaking to climbers, kayakers and others who spend their time in the outdoors. You can find his podcast on all the platforms, as well as at his website, hikertrashradio.com. Doc even turned the tables on me by interviewing me in a section taken directly from his own show. Check it out. Our book reading, Happy Hiking, by my friend, Emily Leonard is–of course–written from a woman's POV and a woman's voice. I hope you enjoy listening to my reading of it. If you'd like to buy the book, you can find it on Amazon at Happy Hiking: Falling in love on the Appalachian Trail, or on Emily's website, at Happy Hiking. I used my hike earlier this year on the South West Coast Path in the UK to help raise money for my absolute favorite charity, Parenting Matters, on whose board I've been privileged to serve for over a decade. You can learn more about the hike and the organization–and donate–by visiting Hike with Steve - Empowering Parents, One Step at a Time | Parenting Matters %. I hope you want to support this critical mission. Don't forget. Our entire series of videos from our Woods Hole Weekend in 2022 is now FREE and available at my YouTube page at Woods Hole Weekend - Trailer There, you'll find all sorts of tips and tricks that our guests took away from the weekend that helped them with their own hikes this year. Check it out. I often ask listeners for ideas on who to interview, and I'm sure several of you say, “I could do that. I've got an awesome story to tell.” You're the person we need to hear from. If you'd like to be interviewed on the podcast, just register as a guest on the link below, and I'll be in touch. Come on the show! If you like what we're doing on the Hiking Radio Network, and want to see our shows continue, please consider supporting us with either a one-off or monthly donation. You'll find the donate button on each Hiking Radio Network page at Hiking Radio Network . If you prefer NOT to use PayPal, you can now support us via check by mailing it to Mighty Blue Publishing, PO Box 6161, Sun City Center, FL 35751. Any support is gratefully received. Additionally, you can “Zelle” me a donation to steve@hikingradionetwork.com. Or “Venmo“ me at @Steve-Adams-105. They both work! If you'd like to take advantage of my book offer (all three of my printed hiking books–with a personal message and signed by me–for $31, including postage to the United States) send a check payable to Mighty Blue Publishing at the address just above.
Juliet, Scooby Dru (yes, it's true) and Sire Rebecca explore the prescient themes of “I Robot You Jane.” Rife with never heard behind-the-scenes stories and Drusilla's extremely unique POV. Part 2 includes the “Missing Scene That Could Have Been in I Robot,” showcasing Willow and Giles. Editor; Patrick Sheffield Composer: Tim Steemson or as Dru calls him, “Little Lamb Timmy.” Artwork: GirlpireTimeline order: Council Kerri – Kerri Summers Thank you Harmony Davidson Send us a textYouTube - http://www.youtube.com/@slayinitpodcastTwitter/X - @julietlandauInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/juliet_landau Facebook - Juliet Landau Official (Page) https://www.facebook.com/julietlandauofficialFacebook - Fans of Juliet Landau (Group) https://www.facebook.com/groups/julietlandau/Email: revampedpod@gmail.com Juliet Landau's directorial feature debut, A Place Among The Dead Trailer: https://vimeo.com/791299045/5b5d98726a A Place Among The Dead Blu-Ray with nearly 5 hours of bonus extras: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CJJY4MB9/ref=ox_sc_saved_image_4?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1
Are you struggling to convert your Proof of Value (POV) to sales? Do your POV periods often extend beyond reasonable timelines? How can you involve multiple evaluators while keeping the process efficient and engaging?In this episode of Cybersecurity Go-To-Market Podcast, Alexei Rubinstein joins Andrew Monaghan to tackle these challenges head-on.
This week we chat about big no no's from a guests POV at your wedding, and how to keep them sweet !Follow us on socials @letsgetyouwedpodcastEmail us your listener questions letsgetyouwedpodcast@gmail.com
On this episode, Marlon and Jack recap the regular season and preview the big playoff matchup against the Steelers. (0:00) Intro (1:09) Marlon's Mind (3:50) Marlon's preferred weather for Ravens/Steelers (6:05) On making the Pro Bowl (14:44) Marlon surprised with Steelers strategy (16:43) Do players know about incentives (19:41) Michael Pierce's interception from a players POV (22:55) Marlon's ultra veteran move (27:06) EDC questions how locked in Marlon is (29:26) Difference in playoff prep versus regular season (31:42) Marlon's pocket watching habits (36:30) Don't Die on Netflix and applying that to football (46:30) Ravens/Steelers preview (53:30) Ravens/Steelers preview pt. 2
I love it when Valerie and I study different theories and come to different conclusions about the movie. Crazy, Stupid, Love has great examples of slow/low tension and high/intense tension - it's a great movie demonstrating how tension works. However, it doesn't work so well when the 4 Story Questions are applied. Why? Because a multi-point-of-view story needs answers for all POV characters! Which POVs work and which don't…dive into this episode and find out. -M"Having your characters make stupid decisions is a great way to increase tension." -Melanie HillRelated Story Nerd Episodes:The Accidental Tourist (Season 5, Episode 503) For access to writing templates and worksheets, and more than 70 hours of training (all for free), subscribe to Valerie's Inner Circle.To learn to read like a writer, visit Melanie's website.Follow Valerie on Instagram and Threads @valerie_francisFollow Melanie on X, Instagram and Facebook @MelanieHillAuthor
Martin Musil je mentálním koučem a zakladatelem platformy Najdi kouče. Povídáme si o podstatě koučinku, o tom, proč je důležité, aby si klient našel řešení sám, a co můžete očekávat, když se rozhodnete koučování vyzkoušet na vlastní kůži. Co dalšího uslyšíte: Proč je koučink jiný než terapie nebo mentoring? Jak poznat dobrého kouče? A co všechno může přinést koučovací výcvik, i když se tím nechcete živit? Platformu Najdi kouče, o které mluvíme, najdete na https://najdikouce.czVíce informací o Martinovi a jeho práci najdete na https://www.musilmartin.cz Časová osnova: (00:01) Kdo je Martin Musil a co je platforma Najdi kouče? (00:34) Co je to koučink a proč to není „jen povídání“? (01:39) Aha momenty: Jak si uvědomit, že problém není tak velký, jak se zdá? (03:05) Proč koučink často začíná u byznysu, ale končí u osobního života? (04:39) Jaký je rozdíl mezi povídáním s kamarádem a koučováním? (06:02) Co se děje „v hlavě kouče“ během sezení? (08:35) Dá se koučovací dovednost naučit? (10:58) Specifika platformy Najdi kouče: Jak pomáhá koučům i jejich klientům? (13:36) Jak poznat dobrého kouče a co by kouč nikdy neměl dělat? (15:39) Co rozhoduje o kvalitě kouče? (19:11) Kdy koučink přechází do mentoringu? (20:45) Pro koho má smysl koučovací výcvik? (25:04) Koučování v osobním životě: Jak se lépe domluvit v rodině? (27:31) Co dělá koučovací výcvik Najdi kouče výjimečným? (28:59) Jak se připojit k platformě Najdi kouče?
Feeling overwhelmed by all the marketing “must-dos” out there? Or wondering how to create a plan that actually feels manageable and works for you? In this episode, I'm walking you through the six core elements of a successful 2025 marketing ecosystem. We'll talk about crafting a clear POV statement, prioritizing signature content, and the value of having a strong attraction strategy. Plus, I'll share why experimentation and playfulness are your secret weapons for creating share-worthy content. Tune in and let's dive into how you can build a marketing plan that's both effective and enjoyable! In this episode of the podcast, I talk about: Understanding the role of your POV in marketing Defining your unique attraction strategy to grow your audience Prioritizing signature content for consistent brand messaging Building effective strategies to attract new audiences Using experimentation to create engaging and shareable content Aligning marketing efforts with business goals and values Embracing playfulness and experimentation in your strategy ...and more! This Episode Was Made Possible By: Riverside All-in-One Podcast & Video Platform Visit Riverside and use the code DREA to get 15% off any Riverside individual plan. We use it to record all our podcast interviews: https://onlinedrea.com/riverside Go to the show notes for all the resources mentioned in this episode: https://onlinedrea.com/339
Happy New Year! We kick off 2025 with Neha Shah, Senior Manager, Digital Commerce and Omnichannel Shopper Marketing at The Campbell's Company. Neha's nearly two-decade career has included senior eCommerce positions at Johnson & Johnson and Kenvue. In her new role, she is spearheading omnichannel efforts across the Campbell's portfolio of brands. Neha shares her experiences in the early days of eCommerce (7:47), the evolution of the consumer journey in recent years (10:58), navigating Amazon AVN negotiations (13:12), how Campbell's is pioneering the next wave of what's happening in the omni and retail media spaces (19:36), and her favorite books on personal and professional development (22:41). Note: all views expressed in this episode are Neha's personal POV.Connect with Neha: https://www.linkedin.com/in/msnehashah/Take advantage of a special offer from It'sRapid and get a free image, video or banner ad by emailing sales@itsrapid.io with code "BEYOND2024"Learn more about ItsRapid: https://itsrapid.ai/ Theme music: "Happy" by Mixaud - https://mixaund.bandcamp.comProducer: Jake Musiker
On this episode, we were joined by Oscar-nominated filmmaker RaMell Ross, director and co-writer of Nickel Boys, the new screen adaptation of Colson Whitehead's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel.Rated five stars by The Times and The Guardian, hailed as a "masterpiece" by The Independent, and recently named Best Film of 2024 by the National Society of Film Critics, Ross' film is a transformative adaptation of Whitehead's novel, employing a first-person POV that faithfully translates the book's prose experience into the language of cinema.RaMell spoke to us about the daunting task of adapting the work of a literary icon, his unique journey from potential NBA prospect to artist, his love of J.D. Salinger, and whether genre-oriented books make for the most successful screen adaptations.
Well, we are not starting 2025 on exactly the right foot, I'll explain. Plus, I'm pondering a question about cats, using an old school trick to fix my son's attitude which leads me to questioning my Dad, recapping NYE, an almost Jonas brother encounter, and much more!Check out website here: https://www.thedailylifeoffrank.comTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thedailylifeoffrank
In this episode, Dialogue Doctor Coach Laura Humm sits down with author Emma Jane Heaton to talk about the three book science fiction series Emma is working on. They discuss writing when you only have short bursts of time, keeping the complexity of a plot interesting for readers, intertwining multiple POV plots, and moving through a trilogy. For more on the craft of writing, check out https://dialoguedoctor.com/ Also, subscribe to the free Dialogue Doctor Newsletter to get updates on the Dialogue Doctor. https://dialoguedoctor.us7.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=486bed00f9c27e9e5f39bb863&id=9a924168ac
They have crossed oceans of time to find you. Al & Siena are vampires pretending to be humans pretending to be vampires in this extra thirsty episode on INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE (1994) x BRAM STOKER'S DRACULA (1992)! Hear how Stan Winston Studios helped Tom Cruise slurp up that rat, learn what turn-of-the-century camera trick inspired Coppola's vampire POV shots, and uncover the real reason for Lestat's pointy thumbnail weapon in this bloodsucking and batty edition of Splice & Splatter. Splice & Splatter is presented by the Jean Cocteau Cinemain Santa Fe, New Mexico with new episodes out every other Monday!THIS VIDEO IS SPONSORED BY BEASTLY BOOKSSAVE 10% OFF ONLINE WITH CODE SPLICE10 AT CHECKOUT!Hosts: Al LaFleur and Siena Sofia BergtProducer: Warren LangfordTheme Song: Theodore SchaferFollow us on social media at linktr.ee/spliceandsplatterpodEnjoy full length video episodes on Youtube and behind-the-screams on Patreon!Support the show
V tomto dílu podcastu diskutujeme s Danem klíčové otázky správy rodinného bohatství. Povídáme si o důležitosti investování, chybách, kterým je dobré se vyhnout, a roli diverzifikace. Přinášíme také praktické tipy, jak zvládnout emoce při investování a proč je důležité mít dlouhodobou strategii. Dozvíte se, jak zajistit, aby rodinné bohatství přetrvalo více generací, a sdílíme inspirativní příklad rodiny, která díky promyšlené investiční strategii dosáhla finanční stability.
Happy New Year!! Film Roundtable is thrilled to welcome Cinematographer, Jomo Fray (The Nickel Boys, All Dirt Roads Taste of Salt). Jomo's latest film, The Nickel Boys, directed by RaMell Ross, is an adaptation of Colson Whitehead's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel and recently won the New York Film Critics Award for Best Cinematography. He is also nominated for an Independent Spirit Award for Best Cinematography for his work on this film.The conversation is thoughtfully moderated by Cinematographer and Visual Artist, Shawn Peters.Jomo shares his journey from his early love of filmmaking, shaped by a Caribbean immigrant upbringing, to his transition from entertainment law back to cinematography. He and Shawn discuss the visual language of The Nickel Boys, the film's striking first-person POV approach, and the deep intentionality behind every frame. They also explore the power of images to evoke emotion, foster empathy, and reshape cinematic storytelling.Tune in to hear Jomo's insights into his craft and the artistry behind The Nickel Boys. This episode offers a glimpse into the mind of a visionary cinematographer and the dedication it takes to bring such powerful stories to life.Enjoy!!Your Friends at Film RoundtableCheck out this conversation wherever you listen to podcasts and also available to watch on our YouTube channel.
Asi každý, kdo nakupuje na internetu, zažil čekání na kurýra a nejistotu, v kolik hodin přesně dorazí a kdy teda máme mít čas, abychom si mohli zásilku převzít. Asi pro nikoho z nás to není příjemná zkušenost, a proto spousta zákazníků využívá alternativy, jako je třeba doručení do různých boxů, na prodejny apod. Další alternativou může být doručování zboží v konkrétních časových slotech. Něco, co známe třeba od on-line prodejců potravin jako Košík nebo Rohlík. Stát se to standardem ale může pro všechny e-shopy, což podporuje i iniciativa nečekej.online. Za ní stojí společnost DoDo a můj dnešní host Michal Menšík. Povídat si budeme nejen o Dodu, ale právě i o slotovém doručování. Video rozhovoru najdete zde: Toto je exkluzivní rozhovor pro moje předplatitele. V případě jakýchkoliv dotazů a připomínek mi neváhejte napsat na info@rostecky.cz. Veškerá doporučení, informace, data, služby, reklamy nebo jakékoliv jiné sdělení zveřejněné na našich stránkách je pouze nezávazného charakteru a nejedná se o odborné rady nebo doporučení z naší strany. Podrobnosti na odkazu https://rostecky.cz/upozorneni.
Asi každý, kdo nakupuje na internetu, zažil čekání na kurýra a nejistotu, v kolik hodin přesně dorazí a kdy teda máme mít čas, abychom si mohli zásilku převzít. Asi pro nikoho z nás to není příjemná zkušenost, a proto spousta zákazníků využívá alternativy, jako je třeba doručení do různých boxů, na prodejny apod. Další alternativou může být doručování zboží v konkrétních časových slotech. Něco, co známe třeba od on-line prodejců potravin jako Košík nebo Rohlík. Stát se to standardem ale může pro všechny e-shopy, což podporuje i iniciativa nečekej.online. Za ní stojí společnost DoDo a můj dnešní host Michal Menšík. Povídat si budeme nejen o Dodu, ale právě i o slotovém doručování. Video rozhovoru najdete zde: Toto je exkluzivní rozhovor pro moje předplatitele. V případě jakýchkoliv dotazů a připomínek mi neváhejte napsat na info@rostecky.cz. Veškerá doporučení, informace, data, služby, reklamy nebo jakékoliv jiné sdělení zveřejněné na našich stránkách je pouze nezávazného charakteru a nejedná se o odborné rady nebo doporučení z naší strany. Podrobnosti na odkazu https://rostecky.cz/upozorneni.
Gisella buon inizio anno, che il 2025 sia il quadrato perfetto che ti meriti perché tu-sei-per-fett- ta. Ora, dopo questo inizio motivazionale da fare invidia a qualsiasi descrizione di un prodotto Herbalife, mettiti comoda patatina perché la seconda stagione di POV sta volgendo al termine, ma al cuore non si può mai dire stop. Ti aspettiamo dopo il play Gisé, oggi confuse più che mai
Read between the theological lines of C.S. Lewis' classic masterpiece and religious satire, penned from the POV of a demon serving in the bureaucracy of Hell. Ben explores the wildly comic and strikingly original letters from one demon to another, as the pair seek to undermine the Christian faith and tempt man into extravagantly wicked and deplorable sins. - - - Today's Sponsor: PureTalk - Exclusive discount for our listeners at: https://www.PureTalk.com/Shapiro
Mighty Blue On The Appalachian Trail: The Ultimate Mid-Life Crisis
Wyly O'Brien, or Calamity Jane, is our guest today. Wyly attempted her thru-hike in 2007, researched the trail and her gear to give herself the best chance ot completing the hike, and began with a self-confidence that was ultimately shattered when she quit the trail after more than 1600 miles. Wyly shares her story of what happened and what she learned along the way. More than a decade later, Wyly found her journal and decided to write about her “failure,” offering tips on what she could have done to imporve her chances. You can check out her new book on Amazon at Done, But Not Thru: Thru-Hiking the Appalachian Trail - A Cautionary Tale Our new sponsor for the New Year is TSX Challenge, who turn one week into inspiration for a lifetime. And I should know. Chris at TSX told me he could get me to the top of Mt Whitney…and he did! Check out their incredible group hikes at TSX Challenge - Guided Backpacking Trips to Mt. Whitney, Grand Canyon & Beyond, and save 10% at checkout by using the code MIGHTYBLUE. Our book reading, Happy Hiking, by my friend, Emily Leonard is–of course–written from a woman's POV and a woman's voice. I hope you enjoy listening to my reading of it. If you'd like to buy the book, you can find it on Amazon at Happy Hiking: Falling in love on the Appalachian Trail, or on Emily's website, at Happy Hiking. I used my hike earlier this year on the South West Coast Path in the UK to help raise money for my absolute favorite charity, Parenting Matters, on whose board I've been privileged to serve for over a decade. You can learn more about the hike and the organization–and donate–by visiting Hike with Steve - Empowering Parents, One Step at a Time | Parenting Matters %. I hope you want to support this critical mission. Don't forget. Our entire series of videos from our Woods Hole Weekend in 2022 is now FREE and available at my YouTube page at Woods Hole Weekend - Trailer There, you'll find all sorts of tips and tricks that our guests took away from the weekend that helped them with their own hikes this year. Check it out. I often ask listeners for ideas on who to interview, and I'm sure several of you say, “I could do that. I've got an awesome story to tell.” You're the person we need to hear from. If you'd like to be interviewed on the podcast, just register as a guest on the link below, and I'll be in touch. Come on the show! If you like what we're doing on the Hiking Radio Network, and want to see our shows continue, please consider supporting us with either a one-off or monthly donation. You'll find the donate button on each Hiking Radio Network page at Hiking Radio Network . If you prefer NOT to use PayPal, you can now support us via check by mailing it to Mighty Blue Publishing, PO Box 6161, Sun City Center, FL 35751. Any support is gratefully received. Additionally, you can “Zelle” me a donation to steve@hikingradionetwork.com. Or “Venmo“ me at @Steve-Adams-105. They both work! If you'd like to take advantage of my book offer (all three of my printed hiking books–with a personal message and signed by me–for $31, including postage to the United States) send a check payable to Mighty Blue Publishing at the address just above.
RE-VAMPED is here!!! Meet the team: Juliet, Scooby Dru (yes, it's true), Sire Rebecca and Watcher Dev as they explore the prescient themes of “I Robot You Jane.” Rife with never heard behind-the-scenes stories and Drusilla's extremely unique POV. Also, drumroll please… Our next 2 contenders announce themselves for the ultimate Buffy trivia-match showdown, “The Battle of The Uber Buffy fans!” Editor: Patrick Sheffield Composer: Tim Steemson Artwork: GirlpireTimeline Order: Council Kerri – Kerri Summers Send us a textYouTube - http://www.youtube.com/@slayinitpodcastTwitter/X - @julietlandauInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/juliet_landau Facebook - Juliet Landau Official (Page) https://www.facebook.com/julietlandauofficialFacebook - Fans of Juliet Landau (Group) https://www.facebook.com/groups/julietlandau/Email: revampedpod@gmail.com Juliet Landau's directorial feature debut, A Place Among The Dead Trailer: https://vimeo.com/791299045/5b5d98726a A Place Among The Dead Blu-Ray with nearly 5 hours of bonus extras: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CJJY4MB9/ref=ox_sc_saved_image_4?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1
Creating engaging content isn't all there is. Transforming it into a consistent, key messaging powerhouse is what truly elevates brands and drives significant engagement.In this episode, Justin sits down with Erica Schneider to chat about the common traps of content creation like the urge to imitate perceived successful strategies (hello, SEO rabbit holes!), and the importance of establishing a strong, authentic POV that resonates with your audience over time. They also share tools and mindsets that help maintain focus and prevent the overwhelming pull of constant comparison on social media. *** WHEN YOU'RE READY♻️ Distribution First Newsletter
In which Preeti and Jenn are not sold on some structural choices (SURPRISE), are very stressed out for Rand, and have a new favorite POV character even though this is the second to last book, what even!!!Next episode: A Memory of Light, Prologue - Chapter 3 inclusivePayal Mehta's Romance Revenge Plot is out now!House of HarknessMerch:tar-valon-or-bust.printify.me/products and northingtron.redbubble.com Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
In this episode, Chris Walker joins a live event by Finn Thormeier to share his current approach to content, and what it takes to create a B2B content strategy in 2025 that actually works. Topics covered in this episode: Chris's current content approach and strategy while building Passetto The problem with sharing your IP too freely in your content Lead gen vs. audience building Invite-only events as a secret weapon When to focus on niche vs. broad content How to develop your content POV's The most effective way to source weekly content topics Who should be the face of your content brand Why distribution won't save bad strategy How to measure results from content The future of content creation roles – Thanks to our friends at Hatch for producing Revenue Vitals and all of Chris's short-form video and YouTube content. Hatch is a video-first content agency that creates short-form video content, video podcasts, original video series, and YouTube videos for B2B companies. Visit www.hatch.fm to learn more.
Have to put one more FREESTYLE log on the fire as we close 2024! Following the latest SURFACE NOISE A-Side, our vinyl enthusiasts got an update on Arnaldo's difficulties with a recent Discogs situation from the seller POV, we talked about Beyonce's performance on Christmas Day during Netflix's foray into the NFL, and a few more vinyl tidbits before the year closes. Thank you for your continued support of Vinyl Community Podcasts and our related shows - cheers to a warm Happy New Year, and continued vinyl luck in 2025! For more on Concert Buddie: https://www.youtube.com/@ConcertBuddie https://concertbuddie.com For more information on Arnaldo (fidelios_frequency): https://www.youtube.com/@fidelios_frequency For more on Jason Roxas: https://www.youtube.com/@JasonRoxas For more on David Bianco (Safe & Sound Texas Audio Excursion): https://www.youtube.com/@SafeAndSoundTXAudioExcursion https://www.whatnot.com/user/vinyl4ever/shop For more information on Vinyl Community Podcasts: https://vinylcommunitypodcasts.com . . . . . Don't forget to visit FOTS (friends of the show) Vinyl Storage Solutions for the BEST sleeves to protect your best records (and your worst). Save 10% using the code(s) below: VCP10 https://vinylstoragesolutions.ca
Content creator and vlogger Ramis Ansari, famous for his POV, lip-sync, and comedy videos, has amassed over 460,000 followers on social media. In an insightful conversation, he discusses the challenges desi content creators face, the social vibe, and why he chose social content creation as a career over traditional jobs. - وی لاگر رامس انصاری اپنے سوشل میڈیا اکاؤنٹ پر POV، لپ سنِک، اور کامیڈی ویڈیوز پوسٹ کرنے کے لیے مشہور ہیں۔سوشل میڈیا پلیٹ فارم پر ان کے 4,60,000 سے زیادہ فالوورز ہیں۔ان سے کی گئی دلچسپ بات چیت میں کرکٹ، شادی، اور لگی بندھی ملازمت کے بجائے سوشل کانٹنٹ کو زریعہ روزگار بنانے جیسے موضوعات پر دلچسپ بات چیت سنئے۔
Landon Van Soest is an Emmy Award-winning filmmaker, Fulbright Scholar, and two-time Sundance Fellow. His work presents social commentary through rich characters and immersive narratives. Landon recently directed the Hulu Original Documentary The Jewel Thief, which was the #1 most viewed movie on Hulu worldwide in the summer of 2023. His previous documentary, For Ahkeem, premiered at the 2017 Berlinale and Tribeca Film Festivals, won seven Best Documentary awards, opened theatrically in ten cities, and is being distributed by The Orchard and Amazon. His first documentary, Good Fortune, was broadcast on the award-winning PBS series POV, where it received an Emmy Award, the Witness Award for Human Rights and the Overseas Press Club's Carl Spielvogel Award. Landon is a founder of the not-for-profit Brooklyn Filmmakers Collective and co-founder of Transient Pictures, where he has collaborated with non-profits and brands including Toyota, UNICEF, eBay, Facebook, 23andMe, Lincoln Center, ABC, National Geographic and PBS. Topics Discussed In This Episode: Landon's introduction to filmmaking (00:02:06) Skateboarding's influence on culture and creative expression (00:04:31) Landon describes his mindset on approaching his creative projects (00:11:49) Discussion about Landon's film Light, Darkness, Light and its conceptual roots (00:13:30) How Landon chooses which projects he wants to work on (00:38:30) Yoshino and Landon speak about the process of letting go (00:46:48) Landon recounts the making of The Jewel Thief on Hulu, the story of master criminal Gerald Blanchard (00:49:15) Yoshino and Landon discuss the importance of starting projects, evolving through them, and staying authentic to one's interests (01:00:51) artistdecoded.com transientpictures.com/ instagram.com/landonvansoest
Send me a Text Message!Another year down and it has been a doozy!Ongoing genocides and the re-election of the Cheeto and so much more! We collectively have to do better. The time for words and lessons is past and now we got to dedicate ourselves to action. Action that will bring about the change that is needed to fix this mess of a world we have created. Clean it up, fix it up and leave it a livable planet for our kids.I'm sort of leaning towards that direction too. I seem to be at some sort of impasse and I am not sure if I will continue podcasting after I come back from my break in January. Although, I'm not even 100% sure about that decision but it is something I am thinking over. And even if that is the case, it won't be a permanent goodbye, more like podcasting infrequently as compared to before. AND I will still be posting other content on my Instagram and YouTube (links below) so please follow me there to keep up with me and what the future holds. And to get in touch with me directly for any suggestions or feedback you can DM me or send me an email at: shehla.faizi01@gmail.comMy deepest gratitude to all y'all who have stuck around with me for these 4 years in my podcasting journey. I'll still be here, in a sense, and I hope you'll follow me in me growth from this moment on. Love Y'all
Mighty Blue On The Appalachian Trail: The Ultimate Mid-Life Crisis
Today, we meet the two members of the Mighty Blue Class of 2025, with Beth Bakke Stenehjem and Dave Santi under the spotlight. Beth is my friend, having hiked twice with her, enjoying her sunny smile and encouraging manner. She's heading out there at the end of March, with her stepson, Andrew. The two of them will make a terrific couple as they plough their way north. I'm looking forward to hearing their journey. Equally, Dave Santi is set up to succeed. Dave is from the West Coast, coming east to take on the AT and ready to pitch himself into the challenge. He has a dogged determination–which he'll need, of course. You can follow Dave on the Trek at https://thetrek.co/author/davesanti/, while he also has a separate Facebook page set up to share his hike. You can follow that at https://www.facebook.com/dave.hikes.the.appalachian.trail/ . Our book reading, Happy Hiking, by my friend, Emily Leonard is–of course–written from a woman's POV and a woman's voice. I hope you enjoy listening to my reading of it. If you'd like to buy the book, you can find it on Amazon at Happy Hiking: Falling in love on the Appalachian Trail, or on Emily's website, at Happy Hiking. I used my hike earlier this year on the South West Coast Path in the UK to help raise money for my absolute favorite charity, Parenting Matters, on whose board I've been privileged to serve for over a decade. You can learn more about the hike and the organization–and donate–by visiting https://parentingmattersfl.org/eventer/hike-with-steve-empowering-parents-one-step-at-a-time/edate/2024-04-15/. I hope you want to support this critical mission. Don't forget. Our entire series of videos from our Woods Hole Weekend in 2022 is now FREE and available at my YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wA8ImK4qpNc&list=PLu8u88nsJtgWZxT8DLwEW2yXcz4gT6HXs There, you'll find all sorts of tips and tricks that our guests took away from the weekend that helped them with their own hikes this year. Check it out. I often ask listeners for ideas on who to interview, and I'm sure several of you say, “I could do that. I've got an awesome story to tell.” You're the person we need to hear from. If you'd like to be interviewed on the podcast, just register as a guest on the link below, and I'll be in touch. https://www.hikingradionetwork.com/show/mighty-blue-on-the-appalachian-trail-the-ultimate-mid-life-c/guests/intake/ If you like what we're doing on the Hiking Radio Network, and want to see our shows continue, please consider supporting us with either a one-off or monthly donation. You'll find the donate button on each Hiking Radio Network page at https://www.hikingradionetwork.com . If you prefer NOT to use PayPal, you can now support us via check by mailing it to Mighty Blue Publishing, PO Box 6161, Sun City Center, FL 35751. Any support is gratefully received. Additionally, you can “Zelle” us a donation to steve@hikingradionetwork.com. It works! Trust me! If you'd like to take advantage of my book offer (all three of my printed hiking books–with a personal message and signed by me–for $31, including postage to the United States) send a check payable to Mighty Blue Publishing at the address just above.
Check out this lost episode of Three Aunties and a Mic for our POV on politics and brining a plus one to the family holiday dinner.
Al, Codey, and Micah talk about their favourite farming and cottagecore games of 2024. Timings 00:00:00: Theme Tune 00:00:30: Intro 00:01:37: What Have We Been Up To 00:22:18: Rules Explanation 00:26:13: Update Of The Year 00:42:17: Early Access Of The Year 00:52:11: Game Of The Year Nominations 01:46:31: Debate 02:01:59: Winner Discussion 02:10:47: Outro Contact Al on Mastodon: https://mastodon.scot/@TheScotBot Email Us: https://harvestseason.club/contact/ Transcript (0:00:30) Al: Hello farmers and welcome to the sixth annual harvest season (0:00:35) Al: game of the year episode. (0:00:37) Al: My name is Al. (0:00:38) Codey: And my name is Cody. (0:00:40) Micah: And I’m Micah. (0:00:41) Al: And we’re here today to talk about Cottagecore games. (0:00:44) Codey: Ooh. (0:00:45) Micah: Yay. (0:00:48) Codey: Make it, it’s a woo, not yay. (0:00:49) Micah: Yeah, wooh. (0:00:53) Al: All right. This is. Spicy, we, as mentioned, this is going to be our game of the year episode (0:00:54) Micah: I’m trying to add a little spice to it, you know, spice it up a little bit. (0:01:04) Al: for this year. Why all that? This is the sixth one. I don’t know how to deal with that. (0:01:10) Micah: Yeah, I can’t believe it’s it’s been that long you said I didn’t even register (0:01:15) Micah: I saw the list of the the previous ones you said six just now and it hit me like a truck (0:01:20) Al: We’ve changed things up this year a little bit compared to previous years. (0:01:21) Codey: Yeah you said it and I was like no way. This is wild. (0:01:30) Al: I’m not going to go into that just now, but just bear in mind listeners, there are some (0:01:34) Al: slight changes. (0:01:37) Al: Before that, Micah, what have you been up to? (0:01:38) Micah: Aww, I’ve been playing a lot of Jeragon Quest 3, HD2D, which I might talk a little bit about the Greenhouse episode. (0:01:50) Al: I love how you say might like we’ve not just recorded it. (0:01:50) Micah: Might, maybe, you’ll have to tune into the Greenhouse episode to find out. (0:01:56) Codey: You could cut it. (0:01:57) Codey: You could cut it out. (0:01:58) Micah: Great. (0:01:58) Al: No, it’s fine. It’s fine. I love when we like we break through the barrier and like stop (0:02:04) Codey: Oh, yeah. (0:02:04) Al: pretending like we record the greenhouse later. (0:02:06) Micah: that is primarily what I’ve been playing when I have the time to play games. Cody and I were (0:02:09) Codey: You’re right, you’re right. (0:02:17) Micah: just talking before we started recording about just being busy and not being able to play a (0:02:22) Micah: whole lot of games this year. So it’s always nice doing a game of the year recording because it (0:02:27) Micah: gives me an excuse to kind of revisit and catch up on things and have a an allotted time to play (0:02:34) Micah: games, but other than that, it’s been Drangle. (0:02:36) Micah: Quest 3. And I have also been shiny hunting a lot more in (0:02:41) Micah: Pokemon, but in older Pokemon games, I’ve been kind of (0:02:44) Micah: revisiting and kind of I don’t know what the term is, like (0:02:53) Micah: realigning myself with what I loved about Pokemon, and not so (0:02:56) Micah: much the how what modern Pokemon has become, I guess. And there’s (0:03:03) Micah: been a lot of like interesting I found in the (0:03:07) Micah: the kind of like deeper level in community, there’s a lot (0:03:12) Micah: of like really interesting new things that people have found (0:03:15) Micah: or like, you know, different hunts that people have set up (0:03:20) Micah: like one of the things that I’m working on right now is shiny (0:03:22) Micah: hunting, Kanto starters in the original gen one virtual console (0:03:27) Micah: games, which is something that you can do, but you have to do (0:03:27) Al: Oh, why? Why? (0:03:29) Micah: it by like, trading them over to a gen two virtual console game (0:03:33) Micah: to see or if you (0:03:37) Micah: have a totally legal copy of the virtual console games, (0:03:42) Micah: there’s a patch that you can apply that will just show you (0:03:44) Micah: if it’s shiny or not, which is very cool. (0:03:47) Micah: But there’s been a lot of like really neat little things like (0:03:49) Micah: that that I’ve been kind of experiencing and re-linking (0:03:56) Codey: You’re you’re getting back to your roots now. What’s your current hunt? (0:03:57) Micah: myself with and yeah, yep. (0:04:02) Micah: I think there’s been a lot of, well, yeah, that Gen 1 hunt is (0:04:05) Micah: my current hunt. (0:04:06) Micah: Uh, I’m doing all four of this stuff. (0:04:10) Micah: So like the three Kanto original Kanto starters and the Pikachu in the (0:04:15) Micah: games that they originate in, um, which is, has been a little bit complicated (0:04:22) Micah: to set up, uh, but it has been pretty enjoyable, like learning how things, (0:04:28) Micah: uh, work and how, how to, you know, like set things up properly. (0:04:33) Micah: Uh, it’s just been, I don’t know. (0:04:36) Micah: Interesting. (0:04:37) Micah: And I think there’s been a lot over the years that has like kind of had me (0:04:44) Micah: disconnect from Pokemon and in specific ways that like, kind of, like you said, (0:04:51) Micah: you know, coming back to my roots has kind of retaught me what it is that I (0:04:56) Micah: love so much about creature collecting and, you know, these core games and (0:05:02) Micah: stuff like that, this of course has nothing to do with the fact that, uh, (0:05:07) Micah: you know, earlier this year, they shut down the three S, uh, internet (0:05:12) Micah: capabilities and that may be possibly in the future. (0:05:15) Micah: Pokemon bank is going to shut down and that I am anxious about the (0:05:19) Micah: possibility of losing, you know, and I’m not rushing to, you know, it has (0:05:24) Micah: nothing to do with the fact that I’m like prepping for the quote unquote (0:05:24) Codey: Yeah. (0:05:28) Micah: end of the world when it comes to, but yeah. (0:05:32) Al: Prepping for something they haven’t even announced is going to happen yet. (0:05:35) Micah: Yes. (0:05:36) Codey: But it’s going to happen, though. (0:05:36) Micah: You know, that’s the glory of anxiety. (0:05:41) Al: Well, yeah, fair. (0:05:44) Codey: You can’t choose what you get worried about. (0:05:45) Micah: Yep. (0:05:46) Micah: Yep. (0:05:46) Codey: You just– yep. (0:05:47) Micah: And then you just over prepare for it. (0:05:48) Micah: And everyone’s like, why did you do that? (0:05:49) Micah: And I’m like, I don’t know. (0:05:50) Micah: I just felt like it was a good idea. (0:05:52) Al: There is no why there only is. (0:05:54) Micah: Yep. (0:05:55) Micah: That’s right. (0:05:56) Codey: Yep, I did that. I’ve been doing a PhD. I don’t know if you all know about that. So, I mean, I’ve just had like, this is like conference season. And then I’ve also had a lot of review requests lately. So journals have been like, hey, there’s a paper that you’re really like is within your like niche. Can you review this? Since you’re a subject matter expert? (0:05:56) Micah: So that’s primarily what I’ve been doing. (0:05:59) Al: Cody, what have you been up to? (0:06:26) Codey: And I’ve learned that I’m bad at saying no. So I am about to finish that. Like, literally after this, I have to write something for a nomination. And then I have to finish a review. And then I will finally be free of my obligations. And then I can actually focus on just my, my PhD. Yeah, lots of insect identification. Lots of that. And then (0:06:52) Codey: recently started playing, uh, Pokemon Pocket. (0:06:56) Codey: And, uh, I, during that Venusaur event that happened, um, I got three (0:07:03) Codey: of the promo Venusaur, but I did not get any of the Jigglypuff or the (0:07:06) Codey: Hunter and I am really salty about that. (0:07:08) Micah: Oh no. (0:07:10) Codey: Like I literally opened my game. (0:07:13) Codey: I was like, Oh, I need to do those. (0:07:14) Codey: Cause I thought today was the last day, like through like 11 59 tonight, (0:07:19) Codey: but it was yesterday, so rip. (0:07:21) Al: Yeah, this is the problem Cody, you need to be doing this this event all through the event, (0:07:26) Al: otherwise it’s going to because I did, I kid you not, 38 packs of that event. 38 packs I opened (0:07:32) Codey: That means, that means you won 38 of the, okay, with no Venusaur. (0:07:36) Al: with no Venusaur. Yes, correct. With no Venusaur in 38 packs. The last three packs that I could (0:07:44) Micah: That is unbelievable. (0:07:49) Al: could have opened in the game because of the timer. (0:07:51) Al: Without paying gold, the last three packs, all Venus are. (0:07:56) Codey: They turned up the Venus or the Venus or knob. I mean, maybe (0:08:00) Codey: that’s where they opened the cannon. Um, maybe that’s where (0:08:07) Codey: that’s my issue because I did start doing it near the end. And (0:08:11) Al: I don’t, yeah, I don’t think, I don’t think, I think it’s just cause like there were loads (0:08:12) Codey: so they, there was like all Venus or it’s just like (0:08:18) Al: of people I know who couldn’t get any Grinninja and kept getting Venus or instead. So I don’t (0:08:22) Al: think it’s, I don’t think it’s quite that simple, but yeah, if you want it like 41 is what I got, (0:08:27) Al: 41 packs is why I opened and that, and I needed to get, you know, 39 to get one of each. (0:08:30) Codey: Wow. (0:08:30) Codey: Mm-hmm. (0:08:34) Al: So like, yeah, you can’t, you can’t half-heartedly do these events. If you want everything, (0:08:38) Al: You got to go all in. And the good thing is that like one. (0:08:41) Al: Once you’ve done the first couple of days, if you do all of the, like, use all of the (0:08:46) Al: hourglasses in the first couple of days, like just kind of like do everything as quickly (0:08:50) Al: as you can, then the most you can do a day is two because of the 12 hour timer. So it (0:08:56) Al: makes it really quick and easy after the first couple of days. I guess the problem. Well, (0:08:59) Codey: I mean my I’m not a try-hard though (0:09:03) Al: I think you’re always going to be disappointed in pocket if that’s the case, then. (0:09:06) Codey: I’m just I’m just always gonna be disappointed in myself. Let’s be honest. That’s never gonna not (0:09:10) Micah: I got the inverse of that initial I eventually did get to Venus or which was I was happy (0:09:22) Micah: with that because that’s you know, the max that you can put in a deck is two of a card. (0:09:26) Micah: But it took a very, very long time and I got an endless amount of Haunter like just a ridiculous (0:09:33) Micah: amount of Haunter to the point that I thought it was like something either was wrong or (0:09:34) Al: Yeah. (0:09:38) Micah: Or I was like, it’s been. (0:09:40) Al: Opening the wrong packs or something. (0:09:40) Micah: Having a trick played on me or something. (0:09:42) Micah: Yeah. (0:09:42) Micah: Like something was going wrong because it was just, it was just (0:09:46) Micah: Haunter all the time and I w I went to my, my work team and I was like, (0:09:51) Micah: Hey, is anybody else just pulling Haunter and everyone was like, no, (0:09:56) Micah: I got all of them already. (0:09:57) Micah: I figured, you know, whatever. (0:09:58) Micah: And I’m like, what is wrong with my game? (0:10:00) Al: Yeah, I got 13 Hunter and 11 Jigglypuff. (0:10:00) Micah: I’m like hard resetting and (0:10:04) Codey: Well, why don’t you save them for me, please, because I need it. (0:10:05) Micah: incredible. (0:10:09) Micah: - Yeah. (0:10:10) Micah: - There’s no shortage of, no shortage of Haunters for you when the trading happens. (0:10:11) Al: We’ll see what trading ends up being like, but yeah, got your name on it. (0:10:19) Micah: - Al, what have you been playing? (0:10:26) Al: Because I’m recording so many, I’m literally recording the live. (0:10:30) Al: So I am specifically going to talk about one game that I haven’t talked about on the other episodes so that I don’t get confused about things. (0:10:46) Al: So this is not all I’ve been up to. This is just what you’re getting this episode. I have played Sonic Shadow Generations, Sonic X, or to be specific, I’ve played Shadow Generations. (0:11:00) Al: I wasn’t playing Sonic Generations because I did enjoy it when I played it the first time, but I don’t have time to be replaying games. Come on, that’s not my life anymore. (0:11:08) Al: So I bought the game to play Shadow Generations. And let me tell you, I still do not like 3D Sonic games, even when it’s Shadow you’re playing as instead. (0:11:21) Micah: Okay, so is it is it sonic generations just with like added? Oh (0:11:28) Al: So, think of it like Bowser’s Fury with Mario. (0:11:31) Al: Did you play that? (0:11:32) Micah: Sure, yeah (0:11:33) Al: It’s exactly the same as that. (0:11:35) Al: You open up the game and it shows you the two things side by side, and you either choose (0:11:38) Al: Sonic Generations or you choose Shadow Generations, and they are different games. (0:11:40) Micah: » I see. (0:11:41) Micah: » Okay. (0:11:45) Al: It’s not like you’re playing Sonic Generations, but with Shadow, no. (0:11:48) Al: It’s a different story. (0:11:49) Al: It’s your different character, and it’s different levels, and he has different powers. (0:11:55) Al: It’s completely different. (0:11:56) Micah: And a motorcycle and swears I mean he has a gun and (0:11:58) Al: » Yeah, exactly, exactly. (0:12:01) Al: So, I keep trying to like 3D Sonic games, (0:12:04) Al: and I think part of the problem is I did enjoy Sonic Generations, (0:12:08) Al: which did have some 3D levels, (0:12:10) Al: and I don’t know whether maybe I should play Sonic Generations to check, (0:12:14) Al: but I’m not going to. (0:12:16) Al: But I wonder whether I liked that despite the 3D levels, (0:12:20) Al: and I just mostly enjoyed the 2D levels, (0:12:22) Al: or whether I actually enjoyed the 3D levels in that game. (0:12:25) Al: I can’t remember. (0:12:26) Codey: Well, the more important question is are you gonna see the movie or when are you gonna see the movie? (0:12:28) Al: Oh, yeah, I’ve already got tickets. (0:12:33) Codey: Okay (0:12:34) Al: Let me check when I’ve got them booked for. (0:12:36) Al: So I have them booked for the Saturday because I’m, yeah, I couldn’t do the Friday because (0:12:41) Al: Rona’s out to a concert, but yeah, I’ve got tickets booked for the Saturday. (0:12:42) Codey: Mm hmm. So there’s some showings on Thursday for me where I’m at, but I that’s also my partner’s (0:12:52) Codey: Christmas holiday party. So and we always go to like a fancy place and they pay for everything. (0:12:56) Codey: So I’m going to get a bunch. I’m going to slam free food in my face, but I’ll probably like really. (0:12:59) Micah: The dream. (0:13:02) Al: You’re gonna eat as much food as you can as quickly as possible and then go to see Sonic? (0:13:06) Codey: Uh, I don’t know if that’s going to work, but I will probably see Sonic on Friday. If not the (0:13:13) Codey: after when it’s like cheap, cheap, cheap. Um, because. (0:13:14) Al: hmm I see I don’t care about the price because I have the like season pass (0:13:20) Codey: Oh, what? Wait, what? (0:13:21) Micah: there’s a there’s a season pass to the theater (0:13:23) Al: you guys don’t have that yeah I i I paid 135 pounds and I can go to the (0:13:26) Micah: at least not that i’m aware of (0:13:31) Al: cinema as many times as I want it for a year for the whole year yeah (0:13:34) Micah: - What? (0:13:35) Codey: - What? (0:13:36) Micah: I’ve never heard of this. (0:13:38) Micah: What is your like, big name, like theater, like cinema? (0:13:42) Al: So we have, we have two bigs, we have two. (0:13:44) Al: big cinema chains. One is called ODEON and one is called Cine World. And both of them, (0:13:49) Micah: Okay, neither of those (0:13:51) Al: but yeah. Well, so I think, is ODEON I think is owned by MGM maybe? I don’t know. They’re (0:14:00) Al: both owned by big US brands, but they kept a specific name. No, maybe it’s not. Oh, sorry. (0:14:07) Al: It’s AMC, the audience owned by MGM and do not own actual cinemas. (0:14:10) Micah: - Okay, AMC, I do know. (0:14:15) Al: There is a filmmaker. Let’s see what. (0:14:17) Micah: They make the movie. (0:14:20) Codey: Literally all that they offer to us is $15 a year gets you like points and you don’t have to pay fees for if you buy tickets online and that’s pretty much it. (0:14:36) Micah: Okay. So I do see, I’m looking now, cause this is mind blowing, so I didn’t know this (0:14:39) Codey: It is yeah. (0:14:40) Micah: concept existed. Uh, we have Marcus theaters has a, it’s $10 a month and you get one movie (0:14:47) Codey: - Oh. (0:14:49) Micah: credit per month, which means you just get a, a single movie ticket. Yeah. I mean, you’re (0:14:51) Al: What’s the point, then? (0:14:56) Micah: kind of, I mean, if you’re seeing one movie a month, you’re probably not really, I guess (0:15:03) Micah: Maybe you’re saving a little bit (0:15:06) Micah: I mean (0:15:06) Al: Yeah. Yeah, whereas I, I see like easily for like, I’m easily seeing one. (0:15:14) Micah: Okay, so there’s there is also unused credits rollover so like if you miss a month you say there’s nothing right (0:15:20) Al: Yeah but that’s still, unless that’s cheaper than a cinema ticket, there’s no point. (0:15:22) Micah: You’re still paying for the month (0:15:26) Micah: Which I think it is I think it’s $10 a month (0:15:29) Micah: I don’t know what what like a movie ticket is there but here in the (0:15:34) Micah: Great (0:15:36) Micah: I think we’re in the ballpark of at minimum like 16 to 20 dollars for a movie ticket (0:15:41) Al: Oh my word. For 20, I’d be expecting at least IMAX. That’s wild. (0:15:42) Codey: - Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. (0:15:43) Micah: So you are saving some but you’re also (0:15:50) Micah: No, you’re talking standard you’re talking getting your chairs kicked (0:15:54) Al: Oh no. So yeah, so that’s just because you said that. That’s the same company that is (0:15:56) Codey: Yeah, so regal which is a cinema place in some parts of the United States has (0:16:08) Al: world technically it’s cine world owns regal not the other (0:16:11) Al: for this one but yeah they’re the so they’re the same same company (0:16:12) Codey: Ok. (0:16:14) Codey: But you said you pay what? $100? (0:16:16) Al: I paid 135 pounds for the year so what does that work out at 135 (0:16:19) Codey: Mm-hmm. (0:16:21) Codey: That is $170 US dollars. (0:16:24) Al: uh it’s (0:16:24) Codey: We can get… (0:16:26) Micah: Just I just looked at what you’re (0:16:28) Al: yeah so that’s that’s 14 dollars uh 14 dollars a month or 11 (0:16:32) Codey: Mm-hmm Regal unlimited pricing for the base tier that only has access to 148 theaters (0:16:39) Codey: So 100% not you’re not gonna get it where you are like where most people are going to be (0:16:46) Codey: is (0:16:49) Codey: $260 a year (0:16:50) Al: for the cheapest. (0:16:52) Codey: For the cheapest and that’s about $22 a month you get unlimited tickets (0:16:52) Micah: Mm-hmm (0:16:53) Al: Oh, my word. (0:16:58) Codey: It says tickets, but I’m assuming it’s just like you get a ticket. It’s not that’s probably it’s probably purpose (0:17:01) Micah: Right, I would imagine, yeah. (0:17:03) Al: Yes, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, it is. (0:17:03) Codey: and (0:17:05) Codey: Then you get 10% off concessions, which is nothing (0:17:08) Al: Yeah. Yeah, we get that as well. We get that as well, which is is is totally just a way to get you to buy more of the cinema, which I obviously do because I’m a sucker and I know that I’m a sucker. (0:17:09) Micah: Yeah, that’s pretty much nothing. (0:17:15) Micah: Now, (0:17:20) Micah: the next question is because our ticket prices (0:17:23) Micah: are so much higher than yours, (0:17:24) Micah: are your concession prices as high as ours are? (0:17:27) Al: I mean, so okay. (0:17:27) Micah: ‘cause we can, I mean, a small popcorn is $5, maybe. (0:17:31) Micah: And a small soda or small beverage is probably also like $5. (0:17:31) Codey: Mm hmm. Mm hmm. (0:17:36) Al: So I feel like they’re not too bad. (0:17:38) Al: So if I go, I can go into my app just now, because the good thing about (0:17:41) Al: the cinema that I have, that I go to now, which is like fantastically like 10 (0:17:45) Al: minutes drive from my house, which is, is amazing, um, which is, you know, for (0:17:50) Al: city people might seem weird, but like, yeah, I don’t have things 10 (0:17:54) Al: minutes away from my house. (0:17:56) Al: Uh, if I look, I can get, so you said a small popcorn, $5. (0:18:02) Al: Let’s see for us. (0:18:03) Al: uh yeah a regular popcorn would be five (0:18:07) Al: um but they do like deals that make them cheaper (0:18:10) Codey: they used to do that. They don’t do that anymore. I remember you could get like a meal deal. I don’t (0:18:16) Codey: think they do that anymore. (0:18:17) Al: - Yeah, so like me and Rona went to see Wicked (0:18:19) Al: and I never get run into the cinema. (0:18:21) Al: Like that’s the first time she’s been to the cinema since. (0:18:24) Al: Oh, what was that other musical? (0:18:26) Al: The one about the kid who kills himself. (0:18:28) Codey: You have to be more specific. (0:18:28) Micah: Holy moly. Yeah, there’s oh (0:18:29) Codey: You have to be more specific. (0:18:32) Al: Dear Evan Hansen. (0:18:33) Al: There we go, dear Evan Hansen. (0:18:33) Codey: Oh yeah. (0:18:34) Al: So that was the last film she saw in the cinema (0:18:38) Al: before Wicked. (0:18:39) Al: So that’s kind of, was that like two and a half years ago (0:18:41) Al: or something like that? (0:18:42) Al: So she doesn’t come out to the cinema very often (0:18:45) Al: just because she just doesn’t like going out in the evening. (0:18:47) Al: Which is fair, we went to see Wicked and we bought, we got two hot dogs, a large portion (0:18:57) Al: of tater tots and one large slushie and that was 17 pounds, so it’s not cheap, but for (0:19:08) Al: me that felt not terrible. (0:19:09) Codey: Mm-hmm. (0:19:11) Micah: Yeah, we we really don’t get that much it’s I mean it’s it’s kind of the like the the the (0:19:12) Codey: Yeah, that’s a lot for that amount of money. (0:19:14) Codey: Yeah, I-M-O. (0:19:22) Micah: common concept of going to the theaters and eating anything is that you’ve kind of like (0:19:27) Micah: just bring your like sneak your own stuff in yeah. (0:19:29) Codey: You sneak. You sneak your own. Yeah, 100%. (0:19:31) Al: Oh, yeah, yeah. And I, to be fair, I do that a lot. I don’t often buy stuff from the cinema, (0:19:36) Al: right? We were doing that because it was a special occasion type thing, like let’s go. (0:19:37) Micah: Which like (0:19:40) Al: We went to IMAX because I have to pay more to go to IMAX. I don’t, it doesn’t include (0:19:44) Al: IMAX in the, in the bundle. I think I have to pay five, five pounds to upgrade a ticket (0:19:48) Al: to IMAX, which I feel is not too bad. But it’s not something I do every week, obviously. (0:19:53) Al: So we went to IMAX and we paid like stupid amounts for her ticket. And then we, we got (0:20:00) Al: their spindle of feed didn’t. (0:20:02) Al: And we just like made an evening of it. (0:20:03) Al: So it was fun. (0:20:06) Codey: All of this to say, I’m really excited for Sonic 3. (0:20:09) Codey: And I didn’t realize that Shadow is voiced by Keanu Reeves. (0:20:15) Al: Yeah. Wild. Wild that they have Keanu Reeves’ shadow and Idris Elba’s knuckles. It’s like, (0:20:18) Codey: Wild. (0:20:20) Codey: And Idris Elba. (0:20:23) Al: what a combination. Amazing. What other famous massive actors can they get playing furries. (0:20:26) Micah: That’s incredible (0:20:28) Micah: You (0:20:30) Micah: You (0:20:35) Codey: - I guess whose tails? (0:20:37) Al: Oh, I don’t know (0:20:39) Codey: I’m gonna Google it. (0:20:40) Codey: We could probably move on and fuck this. (0:20:42) Micah: Uh, I am also seeing the Sonic movie, but it’s, I’m not like a huge Sonic fan. (0:20:48) Micah: I like Sonic, but I’m not like, you know, mega fan or anything, but my like best friend (0:20:54) Micah: is absolutely obsessed. (0:20:56) Micah: So as part of our like Christmas get together, we’re going to see the, the Sonic three, um, (0:21:05) Micah: that like opening weekend, which is like, not don’t typically go to the theater that (0:21:09) Micah: often anymore. (0:21:12) Micah: So I’m kind of excited because it’s very rare. (0:21:14) Codey: Yeah (0:21:16) Micah: This is the first time I’ll be at the theater, I think, all year. (0:21:19) Codey: Tails is uh, Colleen O’Shaughnessy (0:21:20) Micah: Yeah, I don’t know what that is either. (0:21:22) Al: Don’t know who that is. (0:21:24) Codey: I don’t she sees she’s a voice actor. Uh, looks like that’s what it is (0:21:27) Al: Right, okay. So the only actual voice actor. (0:21:28) Micah: Okay. (0:21:30) Micah: I have seen the two previous Sonic movies, though, and they’re really good. (0:21:30) Codey: Yeah (0:21:31) Al: Because of course Ben Schwartz is Sonic as well. (0:21:34) Codey: Yeah, I’m just (0:21:39) Codey: I love those movies so much so good (0:21:39) Micah: They did a really good job of them. (0:21:42) Micah: Great. (0:21:42) Micah: Mm-hmm. (0:21:42) Micah: Mm-hmm. (0:21:42) Al: Yeah, I think they’re exactly what we need from Sonic films. (0:21:47) Al: And I think if you did this, what they’ve done with Sonic films, if you did it with anything else, (0:21:51) Al: it wouldn’t work the same. It works because of what it is, and nobody takes it too seriously. (0:21:58) Al: So yeah, I don’t like 3D Sonic games. That’s a shame. Maybe I should stop trying. I do still (0:22:06) Al: like 2D Sonic games, so hopefully they make another one of those. But yeah, that’s what I’ve been up to. (0:22:12) Codey: - Woo. (0:22:13) Al: Whoo! (0:22:19) Al: All right, so we are gonna go into our… No, let me just… Right, I’ll explain what’s happening (0:22:27) Al: first before I try and do a funny segue. So I’ve changed things up a little bit this year (0:22:35) Al: because there have been so many questions about early access games and updates and what counts (0:22:41) Al: for game of the year. So I decided. (0:22:43) Al: To make it simpler going forward, we’re going to have three awards now. (0:22:47) Al: Okay, we’re going to have update of the year, which is for any game that has (0:22:52) Al: previously released out of early outside of early access and now has a content update. (0:22:58) Al: We’re going to have early access, which is for games that are in early access. (0:23:02) Al: And then we’re going to have game of the year, which is for any game that has (0:23:05) Al: released their first non early access version. Does that make does that is that clear? (0:23:08) Codey: » Sounds good. (0:23:10) Codey: » Yep. (0:23:11) Al: See you next time. (0:23:12) Micah: Yes, I guess a great system (0:23:12) Al: Excellent, we’ll see, we’ve never tried it like this before, we’ll see whether it’s good or not. (0:23:14) Codey: Yep. (0:23:20) Al: So that this game, this episode isn’t three times as long as the previous ones, we’re going (0:23:27) Al: to do the nominations a little bit differently for update and early access. So for game of the (0:23:32) Al: year we’re going to do the same as we always have, except one slight change, which I’ll get to that (0:23:36) Al: in a minute, in round robining our nominations and then we’ll decide from. (0:23:42) Al: What we’ve done, which should be the winner for update and early access, we’ve just got a list (0:23:48) Al: of all the ones that came out that we could think of because there’s less than 10 of each. (0:23:54) Al: So it’s a nice list to just list them all and then we can debate. The one other thing is, (0:24:00) Al: because of the debacle last year of Carl Island not winning, I have been forced into, (0:24:06) Codey: - Got scammed. (0:24:11) Al: I would suggest to do. (0:24:12) Codey: - No one is forcing you. (0:24:12) Al: I was suggested by Johnny and I thought it was a good idea that when we, I sent (0:24:18) Codey: - It’s a good suggestion. (0:24:19) Al: out a Google farm to the other people who have been on the podcast this year, I think this year, (0:24:24) Al: I don’t know, some people who have been on the podcast, I sent them a form so they can input (0:24:29) Al: as well. So we’re going to also read their feedback on what they think should win the awards. (0:24:35) Al: And maybe that will, maybe that will stop the co-hosts complaining after (0:24:40) Codey: Nope nope (0:24:40) Al: - Sure. (0:24:42) Micah: I am convinced that the reason that Cody and I are both on this episode with you is because (0:24:42) Al: - I don’t know. (laughing) (0:24:46) Codey: You can uh you can dream out (0:24:56) Micah: this is the equivalent of the Coral Island committee jumping me in a back alley for my (0:25:03) Al: Oh yeah, because it was Kevin last year, wasn’t it, is that right, because Cody had played (0:25:05) Micah: game of the year 2023. Yes. Yeah. (0:25:12) Micah: It was, and it mostly was, yeah, it mostly was down to that. Kevin and I hadn’t played it. (0:25:13) Al: Carl Island (0:25:14) Al: Exactly, exactly. (0:25:18) Codey: Yeah, and you were like, oh, I really think it should be and we were all screaming at our podcast players. (0:25:19) Al: Because I think all three of you, you and Johnny and Bev all, all said that you would (0:25:27) Codey: Yeah. Yeah. 100%. (0:25:33) Al: be playing for Carl Island. (0:25:34) Micah: This is this is my formal apology to (0:25:38) Micah: everyone. [laughs] (0:25:39) Codey: You’re no you’re allowed to have like you provided your input with the knowledge that you had and I’m here to make sure that you do it the right way this time. (0:25:47) Al: This is why we have the farm. (0:25:50) Al: It’s so that we can see people, we can see the other co-hosts opinions (0:25:50) Micah: - Under, (0:25:53) Al: before we make a bad decision and then still make a bad decision. (0:25:56) Codey: And we can still make, yeah, we can still make that decision. (0:26:00) Al: No, I’m excited for this one. (0:26:01) Al: We’ll see, we’ll see how it goes. (0:26:02) Al: I’ve seen, I’ve seen the feedback from the other hosts. (0:26:05) Al: So I’m, I’m, I’m interested to see what your guys’s are. (0:26:07) Al: We’ll get to that in a minute. (0:26:10) Al: And I’m in it. (0:26:10) Al: Goodness me, probably like two hours, we’ll see. (0:26:14) Al: We’re going to start off with update of the year. (0:26:18) Al: And so I’ll just, I’ll read through the nominations for that this year. (0:26:21) Al: Uh, and hopefully I’ve not missed anymore. (0:26:23) Al: Cause apparently I list missed three off the list. (0:26:25) Al: When I sent the form to the other costs, we have Stardew Valley, 1.6, Carl Island, 1.1 (0:26:34) Al: Moonstone Island, cooking update, Disney, Dreamlight Valley, a rift in time, which yes, (0:26:39) Al: was this year, the whole thing we released it this year, which is crazy. (0:26:43) Al: I thought some of it had released last year, but. (0:26:45) Al: but uh (0:26:47) Al: farm skies of Azoria, Dave the Diver DLCs, those would be Godzilla and I can’t remember (0:26:54) Al: the other one. Yeah what was oh um oh Dredge Dredge uh Terranil Vita Nova and Wildflowers (0:26:55) Micah: whatever the non Godzilla one is, (0:26:57) Micah: ‘cause the Godzilla one is the only one I made it. (0:26:59) Codey: Yeah, I was gonna say it was a dredge. (0:26:59) Micah: Oh, sure, sure, sure, yeah, yeah. (0:27:05) Al: Magical Creatures. Yeah yeah because Kevin decided not to put anything in the farm until (0:27:15) Al: literally, what, five hours before we start? (0:27:18) Al: I’m not sure, and was the only person to mention wildflowers, I had completely forgotten the (0:27:24) Al: wildflowers had an update this year. Anyway. (0:27:28) Micah: You know, I looked at the show notes last night, too, and did not see that on there. (0:27:32) Micah: So that makes complete sense. (0:27:34) Al: Yeah. So, um, I’ll just go through our other hosts opinions and what should win, and then (0:27:39) Al: we can discuss what we think as well. Uh, so we have one person says, Dave, the diver, (0:27:47) Al: we have, uh, two people saying stardew outright, uh, one person adding stardew as one of their (0:27:55) Al: three that they decided, uh, but not like the ultimate, what they think should win. (0:28:01) Al: one for wildflowers. (0:28:04) Al: one for terra nell, vita nova, and then one for disney dreamlight valley. (0:28:09) Al: I feel like I need to read johnny’s out, because it’s just, this is a weird year for best update. (0:28:16) Al: carl island 1.1, a great update no doubt, it added everything carl island and yours were asking for, (0:28:20) Al: but to reward this with update of the year feels wrong, it should have been 1.0 but it wasn’t. (0:28:25) Al: stargie 1.6 added more to a great game and the updates are good, but also just stop, (0:28:30) Al: it’s okay for stargie to be done, i’m ready for it. (0:28:33) Micah: Which is funny maybe I’m wrong and in assuming this but I feel like that’s a wild take from Johnny is that. (0:28:40) Codey: No, I think he’s he would be a proponent of like, let like, like, stop the nostalgia machine from cranking. Yeah, I think that’s also Yeah. (0:28:46) Al: I think he’s worried for concerned apes mental health. (0:28:48) Micah: Okay, okay (0:28:49) Micah: for concern days (0:28:51) Micah: Yeah, I mean after that interview where he was kind of like, uh, I could just keep going forever. I don’t know (0:29:00) Al: I think that leaves Disney Dreamlight Valley is the one that stands at his best update that (0:29:03) Al: continues to add to a great game bringing in memorable characters in a way that continues (0:29:07) Al: to surprise and delight. So that looks what I can see that looks like two stardew votes, (0:29:13) Al: One Wildflowers, one Drusney Dreamlet Valley, and one Davey. (0:29:16) Al: The Diver. What do you guys think? (0:29:19) Codey: Um, so I, so I mean, some of these, I didn’t play. So like, I didn’t play moonstone island. Uh, I (0:29:23) Al: Fair. That list is just going to get longer as we go through the episode. (0:29:28) Codey: right. I feel like it’s true. I feel like Fay Farm Skye’s Zozoria when we were talking about it on (0:29:33) Codey: the pod, it did not fix the issues that people wanted in the first one. So I think in my opinion, (0:29:35) Al: No (0:29:38) Codey: we can just strike that off. Um, I think the same about Taranell. I don’t think that that added (0:29:39) Al: I agree. Yeah (0:29:43) Codey: anything really. Um, and I honestly like, honestly, like, (0:29:46) Al: R.I.P. Kevin’s option. (0:29:49) Codey: I will just like double retweet Johnny’s thing because I agree. Like my go-to was (0:29:59) Codey: Coral Island 1.1. Um, I really loved it, but it did basically add like, one of the reasons I loved (0:30:05) Codey: it is because it added the rest of the story, but that should have been in the initial game. (0:30:06) Al: Mm hmm. Yeah. (0:30:10) Codey: Like why, like you can’t have an update, just be like, oh, adding the things that we didn’t (0:30:17) Codey: I had originally, but finished again. (0:30:20) Codey: So I don’t want to go with that. (0:30:22) Al: I would, I would agree with that. (0:30:23) Al: Any objections, Micah, to those three being struck off. (0:30:26) Micah: I think Coral Island is an incredible game, and I think it should win. (0:30:32) Al: Have you played it yet? (0:30:34) Micah: So okay, I have not, but this is where I’m at with Coral Island, because if you recall on the (0:30:40) Micah: previous Game of the Year episode, the reason that I said that I didn’t get it yet was because I was (0:30:44) Micah: waiting for the Switch version, which we all kind of know how that went. So I did eventually just (0:30:48) Al: Awkward. You. (0:30:53) Micah: kind of buckle and get it on the steam deck so I do have (0:30:56) Al: Yeah, nice. (0:30:56) Micah: it now to play on the steam deck haven’t had a chance to (0:30:59) Micah: play it yet but I am excited to play it especially after (0:31:02) Micah: hearing uh how much 1.1 kind of made it a 1.0 I guess um but (0:31:06) Codey: Yeah. (0:31:10) Micah: there’s just you know II’ve been I’ve yeah I don’t know I’ll (0:31:15) Micah: get I’ll get into that more later but I have not played it (0:31:17) Micah: yet. (0:31:18) Codey: Okay. And then yeah, Stardew is the same, like, I agree with Johnny, like, let it, let it lie. (0:31:24) Codey: And so for what I’ve played. (0:31:25) Al: I’m not, just for the record, I’m not, I’m not striking stardew off the list. (0:31:28) Codey: Correct. Did not strike Stardew off the list. This is just my opinion. (0:31:30) Al: I’m not, yeah, I don’t care what you’re saying. I’m not doing it. (0:31:32) Al: I’m not letting that happen right now. Right. We’ll get to that. (0:31:37) Codey: My top one would be Disney, Journey Valley. They really did add a lot of really good characters. (0:31:42) Codey: I didn’t play specifically the Rift in Time, like the paid deals, because that’s the paid one. (0:31:46) Codey: Um. (0:31:48) Codey: But I saw all the stuff from it and I know that it added like a considerable amount to the game and added to the story and I would like to play it when it becomes free. Fingers crossed that that ever happens. (0:32:00) Al: Is it not included in Game Pass? (0:32:02) Codey: Um, yeah. (0:32:06) Codey: No, you have to pay, you have to buy the DLC in Game Pass. (0:32:08) Al: Oh, weird. (0:32:10) Al: I think for, right, that’s interesting, because the whole point of Apple Arcade is everything (0:32:10) Micah: - I think it’s the same way with Apple Arcade, (0:32:17) Al: is free and you never have to pay for anything, but anyway, well, okay, yes, but you don’t (0:32:20) Codey: You have to pay for Apple Arcade. (0:32:22) Micah: Yeah, yeah (0:32:23) Al: have to pay for anything else. (0:32:24) Al: Like it removes in-app purchases from every game and stuff like that. (0:32:26) Al: I think, for the purposes of argument, we will crown it for a game. (0:32:30) Al: I feel like nobody is arguing for Moonstone Island, is that correct? (0:32:34) Codey: Well then it’s gotta, if it’s just gonna be for a game, (0:32:36) Codey: then it’s gotta be Coral Island, right? (0:32:38) Codey: No, I’m kidding, I’m kidding. (0:32:40) Micah: - I agree, definitely, Coral Island. (0:32:43) Codey: Yeah, so that’s my two cents. (0:32:50) Micah: I have not played enough of Moonstone Island to be able to confidently to even touch the cooking update, so I don’t think that I could justify it. (0:32:58) Al: Yeah, I don’t think I think cooking is a fun thing to add and it did add a few more (0:33:04) Al: spirits, but I don’t feel like it added enough to be like (0:33:08) Al: Major like I don’t think it stands aside stardew 1.6 and all of the stuff that Disney dream life alley added (0:33:17) Micah: Uh I still have yet to play Dave the Diver. I’ve heard great things about it. Uh it just (0:33:21) Al: At all. Come on, maker. (0:33:25) Micah: it just there’s something about it that just you know just hasn’t like clicked with me yet. (0:33:31) Micah: It hasn’t hooked me. That’s not I didn’t mean that as a pun but uh but I will say the Godzilla update (0:33:32) Al: you need to start it, that’s why. You need to just play it. (0:33:39) Micah: got me enticed me a little bit because I I do love my Kaiju but uh I I want to play it and I’ve (0:33:47) Micah: heard nothing but good things about it. My boss is like in love with it and sings its praise all (0:33:50) Al: David Diver is a fantastic game. The Godzilla DLC in particular is so silly. I love it so (0:33:51) Micah: the time but um (0:34:00) Al: much, right? Like any game where you like find Godzilla in a cave underwater and then (0:34:07) Al: you end the story by literally controlling Godzilla has my vote. (0:34:12) Codey: Oh, so you’re, is that your vote then? (0:34:12) Micah: That sounds awesome. That sounds incredible, honestly. (0:34:17) Al: What was that Cody? Well, I mean, it’s, it would definitely be on the shortlist. (0:34:18) Codey: I said, is that your vote then? (0:34:24) Codey: Okay. (0:34:25) Al: I’m not saying it’s definitely my favorite, but I feel like it’s, I could be convinced of that. (0:34:30) Codey: Okay. (0:34:32) Micah: uh as far as the rest of them I think you know looking at the the two current feels like top (0:34:40) Micah: contenders being disney dreamlight valley and stardew I like cody have played disney dreamlight (0:34:48) Micah: valley base not the the paid dlc portion of it yet um and I did really really enjoy it (0:34:56) Micah: uh I just the the cost to get to (0:35:02) Micah: you know we kind of talked about this when I was on previously right around what disney (0:35:06) Micah: dreamlight valley came out um that I was under the impression that it was cheaper than it was (0:35:13) Micah: or that there was a they were doing a uh like a like a um uh like a free to play version of it (0:35:21) Micah: when it had originally started to come out but you know I feel like the price of disney dreamlight (0:35:26) Micah: valley has just felt bigger and bigger over the the years (0:35:32) Micah: and that’s that’s great if the amount of content is there and it’s a very like pretty game it seems (0:35:38) Micah: like there is plenty of content there um but it’s a really like pitting that against stardew which (0:35:47) Micah: you know I know stardew has been around for so long it is it’s it just keeps going I do agree (0:35:54) Micah: it is okay for stardew to be done again I i love the game but it is okay concerned you can focus (0:36:02) Micah: here now it’s okay you can work on other things it’s all right but the the 1.6 update for stardew (0:36:09) Micah: is so massive for free content that like it’s hard for me to pit it against you know something that (0:36:20) Micah: the total cost of it is like what are we you know pushing a hundred dollars at this point (0:36:27) Micah: with in-app currency and all this stuff. I don’t know. Again, (0:36:32) Micah: I really, really like Disney Dreamlight Valley and I’m looking forward to playing more of it. (0:36:38) Micah: I love that they have kept it up. The community for it seems great, but yeah, it’s just such a (0:36:46) Micah: hard comparison because it’s like massive franchise, massive brand, costs a lot of money. (0:36:54) Micah: They’re still keeping it up and doing a great job with it versus one guy making stuff for free (0:36:58) Codey: - Yeah, I get that. (0:37:02) Micah: and I’m like, you know, I don’t know. It’s hard. If I personally had to put it on something, (0:37:08) Micah: I would put it on Stardew, but I would not be opposed to Disney Dreamlight Valley yet, (0:37:12) Codey: I mean, you do have to put it we have to we’re here to put it on (0:37:17) Micah: which is very hard for me to try. But yeah, that would be my nomination. I think would be Stardew 1.6. (0:37:23) Al: I feel like we’re probably we’re striking wildflowers off right? I think I don’t think (0:37:30) Codey: Sorry, Kevin. (0:37:30) Micah: Sorry Kevin (0:37:32) Al: even he was seriously suggesting it because I think yeah I yeah so so he says wildflowers (0:37:34) Codey: Yeah, the first thing in his thing is stardew. (0:37:36) Micah: Just more the representation, you know (0:37:41) Al: because it hasn’t won anything yet and it’s amazing and wildflowers but in reality but (0:37:45) Micah: It’s got to get the wildflowers representation in this understandable (0:37:48) Al: in reality Terranell is the only update I’ve played is great so he hasn’t even played wildflowers (0:37:54) Al: I think I understand why he would want wildflowers to win something because he thinks it probably (0:37:59) Al: should have won game of the year last year but yeah I think as an update it I don’t think (0:38:06) Al: it compares to stardew 1.6 or to all of the updates that Disney Dreamland valued so we’re (0:38:12) Al: down to 3 stardew 1.6 Disney Dreamland Valley and the day of the diving (0:38:19) Codey: I think from what Micah said, I’ve moved over to Stardew. (0:38:24) Codey: I didn’t play it, but I know literally dozens of people who have. (0:38:31) Codey: And yeah, I think the amount of effort that this solo human keeps pumping into this game (0:38:37) Codey: that is so beloved by the communities, it deserves it. (0:38:42) Codey: - Bye. (0:38:43) Al: - Say that with more passion. (0:38:45) Micah: But, you know, that’s in the context of like how much effort and how much content there (0:38:47) Al: Yeah. (0:38:53) Micah: is in something like the Disney Dreamlight Valley DLC, like I think it’s just the greater (0:39:00) Micah: context of the amount of effort and money that is put into one versus the other, I suppose. (0:39:05) Al: I think I would also say that as much stuff as there is in the Disney Dreamland Valley (0:39:12) Al: updates over the last year, the fact of the matter is the day that Stardew 1.6 came on, (0:39:18) Codey: Yeah. (0:39:18) Al: it became like the fifth highest consecutive players on Steam for like a week. That is (0:39:23) Micah: Mm hmm. Which is (0:39:25) Al: a wild amount of control that that game still has over. (0:39:31) Micah: Yeah, that’s, I mean, remarkable for a game as old as it is to be able to update and hit (0:39:38) Micah: that milestone is incredible. (0:39:41) Micah: It’s just, you don’t see that with really anything aside from like me, you know, multiplayer (0:39:45) Al: Yeah, and legitimately, like, I can’t find the chart, but it’s all time peak was miles (0:39:47) Micah: online games or something like it’s, it’s impressive. (0:40:00) Al: lower than that. And then the update came out and then suddenly it was high up. So it’s (0:40:08) Al: all time peak takes a 56 place, place at 56. But I think on the week that it was out, it (0:40:15) Al: was top five. I think I can’t remember because we don’t have obviously the historical, historical (0:40:17) Micah: Mm-hmm, sure. (0:40:21) Al: data for that. But like, yeah, abs and that was, you know, I think it’s previous peak (0:40:26) Al: was something like 50,000 or something. So it like quadrupled its highest consecutive (0:40:32) Al: players for an eight year old game. That’s that’s mad. And I also got me to the point (0:40:38) Micah: Yeah, it’s pretty remarkable. (0:40:43) Al: of perfecting the game. (0:40:45) Al: Like I had never gotten close to that, and with 1.6, I put so much time into it because (0:40:51) Al: of all of the different things that it had and all the different additions it had. (0:40:56) Micah: Mm-Hmm (0:40:57) Al: I got to the point where I was like, Oh, I can, I can complete this game. (0:41:01) Al: You know, it’s like I created a new save, a brand new save, because I hadn’t really (0:41:01) Micah: Mm-Hmm (0:41:06) Al: played it on my steam deck. (0:41:07) Al: I had done it originally on, on switch and so I brought a brand new save and I sunk (0:41:14) Al: a hundred hours into it. (0:41:15) Al: So we’re giving it to Stardew, Stardew 1.6 update of the year with honorable mentions (0:41:20) Micah: Yeah. I think so. (0:41:30) Al: for Disney Dreamlight Valley and Dave the Diver, specifically the Godzilla one. (0:41:33) Codey: Godzilla. (0:41:34) Micah: I am floored. (0:41:36) Al: The dredge one is fun and has more content on it, but the Godzilla one was the one that (0:41:41) Codey: You’re floored. (0:41:43) Micah: I’m floored that Coral Island did not. (0:41:45) Micah: Going into this, I prepared, reading the list, I prepared that I was just going to fold to (0:41:50) Micah: Coral Island the second that you both defended it, but. (0:41:52) Al: No, I think everybody’s opinion is the same about Coral Island, is that 1.1 should have (0:41:58) Al: been 1.0. This is obviously what matters to them, but if they had waited until the 1.1 update to (0:41:59) Micah: Mm-hmm (0:42:06) Al: release 1.0, I reckon it would have been Game of the Year this year. For us, obviously not, (0:42:10) Micah: Mm-hmm. Yep (0:42:10) Codey: Yeah, yep, for everything. (0:42:14) Al: for the Game Awards. All right, next we have Early Access Game of the Year. (0:42:20) Al: So our nominations for this. (0:42:22) Al: A new leaf memories chill town for lands fields of mystery garden life cozy simulator go go down like your frontier of life and land and over magic. (0:42:36) Al: And the opinions from other hosts are one that I think we can probably discount over magic because it sounds magical. I think this person. I think this person has not played any early access games this year. (0:42:46) Codey: With the shrug emoji? (0:42:50) Al: Uh, we have to vote. (0:42:52) Al: I think the early access game of the year should be demos. (0:42:58) Al: Honestly, everything that’s come out in early access has been a disappointment. (0:43:02) Al: It’s become the vehicle for a game with a single cool concept to release, get bits of hype, and then proceed to deliver something exceptionally mid. (0:43:10) Al: Meanwhile, there has been a resurgence of demos, games trying to win your business by offering a slice. (0:43:14) Al: These games are the ones that have brought me joy this year. (0:43:18) Al: this year, death to early access, long-lived demos. (0:43:22) Al: So that’s two votes for Fields of Mystery and one for demos. (0:43:27) Al: There’s not any specific demo, just demos in general. (0:43:34) Al: For me, it’s Fields of Mystery. (0:43:36) Al: I think Fields of Mystery is a fantastic start for the game. (0:43:40) Al: I think it does. (0:43:42) Al: What I really hate about Early Access is when it’s like, here’s the game, but it’s buggy. (0:43:49) Al: I much prefer how Fields of Mystery have done it and how (0:43:52) Al: like Ooblets did it and Carl Island did it, which is here is a very solid base for the game. It feels (0:43:59) Al: like it’s a complete game and you just hit roadblocks along the way. I think that’s a really good way (0:44:03) Al: of doing it. I do kind of agree with Johnny and that this can be a problem in many cases. It’s (0:44:08) Al: sometimes hard to go back to games when you’ve started with early access, but I do think that (0:44:13) Al: means most people probably just shouldn’t play early access games, but you know, what can you do? (0:44:20) Al: I also enjoyed Gogotown. (0:44:22) Al: I am not sure if this is a good one, but I feel like they have a lot more work to do to make a fully formed game. (0:44:28) Al: It also released in AWP, it didn’t feel buggy sort of aspect and you had the core bones of the game there, but there’s no real narrative there and it kind of felt a little bit like it fell off quite quickly. (0:44:42) Al: So that’s why I would vote for Fields of Mistreer. (0:44:44) Al: Hmph. (0:44:44) Codey: Uh, I didn’t play any of these and, um, I kind of agree with Johnny, but also (0:44:51) Codey: like, basically early access is just a way to almost like crowdfund something. (0:44:56) Codey: So you’re like pitching your, your base ideas to an audience and then they (0:45:02) Codey: give you money to like, make it what you want it to be like to develop it. (0:45:07) Codey: Cause they’re, they believe in what you’re doing. (0:45:09) Codey: Uh, so like I see the value of early access, but I also. (0:45:14) Codey: I, I think that it’s often like abused in that it’s just, like you said, like (0:45:21) Codey: release the buggy version or release like a small version to like, generate (0:45:26) Codey: hype or something. (0:45:28) Codey: Um, so yeah, I’m, I mean, I, I am willing to just like pass or defer my (0:45:35) Codey: judgment to y’all, like whatever y’all decide, cause I just personally, unless (0:45:39) Codey: there’s this super big argument for any one particular thing, and we want to (0:45:43) Codey: thing and we want to discuss. (0:45:46) Micah: Well, that might make things easy because I also not voting for fields of mystery. (0:45:52) Codey: Yay, fields of mystery. (0:45:53) Micah: Yeah, I, I do, I agree with what a lot of what Al said that, you know, the, the core (0:46:05) Micah: of the game is so solid. (0:46:08) Micah: It’s also just, you know, it does feel so, so heavily based in like stardew core. (0:46:16) Micah: Or that like, you know, I think that can be seen as a negative sometimes now where like, (0:46:22) Micah: you know, it’s just, it started with a coat of paint or like, it started with like a different (0:46:28) Micah: slightly different feature or whatever. (0:46:30) Micah: But I think there’s enough things that stand out in fields of mystery to separate it. (0:46:36) Micah: Like, I don’t know, just quest progression and I just feel like the, I mean, personally, (0:46:47) Micah: I like the pixel, the pixel art is beautiful. (0:46:49) Micah: The, the character portraits are fantastic. (0:46:53) Micah: They’re done in that kind of like 90s Bishoujo, like anime style, like, like magical girl, (0:47:01) Micah: kind of like Sailor Moon era anime. (0:47:03) Micah: And I, it, it just also, you know, everybody in the game is, is beautiful, which I think, (0:47:12) Micah: you know, Cody had the issue with Coral Island, but you know, like (0:47:16) Codey: Yeah. (0:47:16) Micah: just like one, somewhat like normal person, you know, would be cool to see but, but, but yeah, I mean, everyone is very, very nice to look a
Today's episode centers on the powerful and deeply moving design work behind the film *Nickel Boys*, the adaptation of Colson Whitehead's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel. Joining me are two incredible talents: Production Designer Nora Mendis and Set Decorator Monique Champagne, who brought the harrowing yet human story of the Dozier School for Boys to life. Led by director RaMell Ross the innovative POV shooting style takes audiences deep into the protagonist's experience. With the camera primarily showing what the protagonist sees, the set dressing had to authentically reflect this subjective perspective. Nora and Monique meticulously chose items that would naturally populate the protagonist's world while conveying historical accuracy and thematic depth. They sourced authentic materials from places like Etsy and eBay, including 1970s subway coins, bus schedules, refrigerator magnets, fabrics, and more, ensuring each detail felt genuine. They overcame budget constraints and transformed unconventional locations, like an old convent and an Amtrak station, into emotionally charged spaces. This creative approach not only enhanced the visual storytelling but also enriched the film's emotional and historical resonance. This episode is a testament to the power of production design in storytelling. Whether you're a film enthusiast, history buff, or aspiring decorator, the stories shared by Nora and Monique will inspire and educate you on the profound impact of thoughtful dedication of production design and decorating. Discover the Art of TV and Film Design on Decorating Pages Podcast! Step behind the scenes with Emmy-winning set decorator Kim Wannop as she explores the magic of visual storytelling. Each episode delves into the artistry of TV and film production, featuring exclusive interviews with industry professionals—production designers, set decorators, prop masters, and more. Gain rare insights into how your favorite shows and movies come to life. Whether you're a film enthusiast, design lover, or simply curious about the creative process, Decorating Pages Podcast is your ultimate guide to the world of TV and film production. Don't miss a single episode—subscribe now to start your journey behind the scenes!
Happy Merry & hope your holidays are going wonderfully cozy, easy, and not at all stressful. In this Christmas Eve solo holiday special, I'm reskinning Jack Harrison a.k.a. Mousehole Press' Bucket of Bolts from a futuristic spaceship POV experience to inhabiting the iconic sleigh of St. Nicholas himself, instead playing as the sleigh for the many Santas throughout the centuries. It's short, simple, and fun, but definitely made me think about how I would run this game if I was playing in a sci-fi game, especially because it opens up such interesting ideas for sentient ships, AI co-pilots, and just fleshing out the story of an oft-overlooked member of any spacefaring party - the ship itself. Other contributors to Bucket of Bolts whose tables I used included: Riley Rethal Matt Sanders a.k.a. Sealed Library Anna Blackwell a.k.a. Blackwell Games ----more---- Friend of the show Raso & I just released a game called MECH, a Carved by RUNE hack of GilaRPGs' incredible RUNE & REAP games, which I've played on this channel. It's a solo TTRPG with tactical combat where you pilot a MECH against Dormants - apocalyptic threats to humanity. Can you remember the Promise and pledge it or beat back the kaiju to buy the city more time? More will be coming out for MECH in 2025! I made a Ko-Fi if you feel absurdly generous and want to help cover podcast hosting costs & all the upkeep. I'm still working on whether I want to offer anything special over there or just give my extreme gratitude (maybe some stickers or something in the mail) to those who donate, but no pressure whatsoever :) Where to Follow Rene Plays Games: LinkTree | BlueSky | Threads | Instagram | Facebook | DMs After Dark email: RenePlaysGamesPod@gmail.com Music in the Episode: Theme Song written & produced by Dan Pomfret | @danfrombothbands Bucket of Bolts soundtrack by Mousehole Press
In Episode 24 of Flow State Podcast, Harry recounts an unforgettable day in LA: freestyling for Gerard Butler and O'Shea Jackson Jr. at the Den of Thieves 2: Pantera press event in the morning before performing at The Comedy Store in comedian Adam Ray's Dr. Phil Live show at night. He reflects on the legendary lost Bruce Lee interview about flow state and how it aligns with his freestyling philosophy. Harry answers fan questions about entrepreneurial lessons, memory techniques, and the value of connection over shock value. He also reacts to a fan-submitted freestyle and a classic clip from his Energy Exchange tour. Harry wraps up the episode with a freestyle recap featuring a rhythmic pen-tap performance by Lenstrumental. ---- ______ SHOW NOTES: Lenstrumental @Lenstrumental https://www.instagram.com/lenstrumental Den of Thieves 2: Pantera https://www.denofthieves.movie/ Harry Mack Freestyles for Gerard Butler and O'Shea Jackson Jr. for Den of Thieves 2: Pantera https://youtu.be/mv5its26bZI Harry Mack Freestyles For The Cast Of Transformers: Rise of the Beasts https://youtu.be/p9vhXLRdUQg Harry Mack Freestyles For Ice Cube, Seth Rogen On Set Of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem https://youtu.be/VH80FTveM_4 Adam Ray https://adamraycomedy.com/ Dr Phil LIVE! - Part 2 Drops 12/24 https://youtu.be/eIP0PWq2o7Y?si=4rhf9tpLm4TET40h Adam Ray Is Dr. Phil UNLEASHED https://www.netflix.com/title/81944995 Freestyle Rapper Harry Mack Performs - The Ellen Show https://youtu.be/D_anMreV450?si=_MAWTB8Gq7tSgIYn Viral Rapper Harry Mack Impresses Jennifer with Freestyle About ‘American Idol' and Simon Cowell https://youtu.be/muZAObdrKkg?si=aVMhLYJM3x9c63dy Bruce Lee: The Lost Interview, The Pierre Berton Show (1971) https://youtu.be/vHtP9oSoMpI?si=XzBLrioW5O8Uw9F2 Effortless Mastery by Kenny Werner https://kennywerner.com/effortless-mastery Harry Mack x Beardyman | When Pigs Fly https://youtu.be/msB6SXRX1UI The Best Word I've Ever Been Given | Harry Mack x Beardyman https://youtu.be/CRDfZWwT8KI good kid, m.A.A.d city by Kendrick Lamar https://open.spotify.com/album/3DGQ1iZ9XKUQxAUWjfC34w?si=wWu5clfzTp6ft8nEkC5ZXQ Limitless by Jim Kwik https://bookshop.org/a/102858/9781401968717 Harry Mack | The Portland Show https://youtu.be/W5oOdDB-t-M?si=TuB__nLKqS95CSyf ______ Timestamps 00:00:00 Intro 00:00:49 A crazy day in LA 00:17:57 Bruce Lee - “Be Water” 00:30:00 Q1: What has being a rapper taught you as an entrepreneur? 00:38:44 Q2: What fuels you? 00:54:07 Q3: How do you remember the conversations before freestyles so well? 01:02:57 Freestyle submission 01:08:54 Harry reacts to POV of a Person Without Technology 01:18:53 Closing Freestyle featuring Lenstrumental
Přátelé, opět se na nás usmálo štěstí! Tentokrát naše pozvání na rozhovor přijal jeden z nejznámějších slovenských rapperů – Majk Spirit. Hlavním tématem byla kreativita – jak ji v sobě může každý objevit, rozvíjet a co dělat, aby se stala přirozenou součástí každodenního života. Povídali jsme si o rutinách, bariérách a jak přistupovat k (umělecké) […]
Mighty Blue On The Appalachian Trail: The Ultimate Mid-Life Crisis
Daniel Shaw, of Team Whimsy, give us his view of some of the Hurricane Helene clean up and recovery, meeting people where they are, on their worst day ever, when they need someone to show up and help. It is a fascinating model for a 501c3 that can have countrywide effect, with a sign up to help within your own community and beyond. I hope that listening to Daniel will inspire you to click on the volunteer page and add your name to his list. You can find his website here https://www.teamwhimsy.org/ with the sign up link, here. https://www.teamwhimsy.org/volunteer/ Daniel also offer his other great passion, a martial arts and fitness gym in Conway, Arkansas, where veterans, first responders, and supporters come to train and find community and support. Check that out here. https://graybeardforge.org/ Our book reading, Happy Hiking, by my friend, Emily Leonard is–of course–written from a woman's POV and a woman's voice. I hope you enjoy listening to my reading of it. If you'd like to buy the book, you can find it on Amazon at Happy Hiking: Falling in love on the Appalachian Trail, or on Emily's website, at Happy Hiking. I used my hike earlier this year on the South West Coast Path in the UK to help raise money for my absolute favorite charity, Parenting Matters, on whose board I've been privileged to serve for over a decade. You can learn more about the hike and the organization–and donate–by visiting https://parentingmattersfl.org/eventer/hike-with-steve-empowering-parents-one-step-at-a-time/edate/2024-04-15/. I hope you want to support this critical mission. Don't forget. Our entire series of videos from our Woods Hole Weekend in 2022 is now FREE and available at my YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wA8ImK4qpNc&list=PLu8u88nsJtgWZxT8DLwEW2yXcz4gT6HXs There, you'll find all sorts of tips and tricks that our guests took away from the weekend that helped them with their own hikes this year. Check it out. I often ask listeners for ideas on who to interview, and I'm sure several of you say, “I could do that. I've got an awesome story to tell.” You're the person we need to hear from. If you'd like to be interviewed on the podcast, just register as a guest on the link below, and I'll be in touch. https://www.hikingradionetwork.com/show/mighty-blue-on-the-appalachian-trail-the-ultimate-mid-life-c/guests/intake/ If you like what we're doing on the Hiking Radio Network, and want to see our shows continue, please consider supporting us with either a one-off or monthly donation. You'll find the donate button on each Hiking Radio Network page at https://www.hikingradionetwork.com . If you prefer NOT to use PayPal, you can now support us via check by mailing it to Mighty Blue Publishing, PO Box 6161, Sun City Center, FL 35751. Any support is gratefully received. Additionally, you can “Zelle” us a donation to steve@hikingradionetwork.com. It works! Trust me! If you'd like to take advantage of my book offer (all three of my printed hiking books–with a personal message and signed by me–for $31, including postage to the United States) send a check payable to Mighty Blue Publishing at the address just above.
Is your content feeling stale? Wondering what's working in marketing right now? In this episode of the Boss Mom Podcast, Dana sits down with Shannon McKinstrie, an expert social media strategist, to talk about the shift in marketing trends, why user-generated content is crushing it, and how personal storytelling can help your brand connect and convert. They dive deep into: Why high-ticket programs are declining and smaller solutions are thriving. How to leverage user-generated content marketing to build trust. Why people are taking longer to buy and how to nurture your audience effectively. Simple content strategies you can implement right now to grow your social presence organically. If you're ready to simplify your content, make deeper connections, and stand out in today's noisy online space, this episode is packed with actionable insights just for you. What You'll Learn in This Episode: Why polished, high-end content isn't connecting anymore. How user-generated content marketing brings trust and relatability. The power of POV-style storytelling and personal experiences. Why specificity in your messaging is key to attracting your audience. The “Age of Sleuthing” and why the buying process is now a long game. Connect with Shannon McKinstrie: Instagram: @ShannonMcKinstrie LinkedIn: Shannon McKinstrie TikTok: @ShannonMcKinstrie Reels Lab: Learn More Here About Shannon: Shannon is an engaging Social Media Strategist, Trainer & Mentor who guides small business owners into making a big splash online and growing their accounts through proven, organic, and sustainable strategies. Resources Mentioned: Reels Lab: Shannon's go-to program for creating scroll-stopping Instagram Reels that actually work.
In this episode, I dive deep into the power of storytelling and how it can transform your content engagement. Forget dry tutorials – storytelling captivates your audience, increases watch time, and helps you stand out in a crowded space. I share actionable frameworks, like the “problem-agitate-solution” and “four C's” structures, to help you craft stories that connect emotionally and leave your audience wanting more. You'll also learn how to use AI tools like ChatGPT to brainstorm ideas, gather B-roll to enhance visuals, and film with creative angles for maximum impact.In this episode, we discuss:[00:03] Introduction: Why storytelling is the key to skyrocketing engagement.[01:26] What storytelling means: Turning ideas, challenges, or processes into captivating narratives.[04:18] Why your interests matter: How to transform everyday experiences into engaging content.[06:13] Avoiding the “and then” trap and using “buts” to add jeopardy, obstacles, and surprises.[09:30] Examples of story structures: Starting in the middle, showing a process, or outlining a journey.[12:27] How to add obstacles and limitations to make stories more compelling.[16:09] Using ChatGPT as a muse to generate creative and dynamic story ideas.[18:35] The four C's framework: Context, conflict, climax, and closure.[21:30] Problem-agitate-solution: A proven structure for turning pain points into engaging stories.[24:21] Filming tips: POV formats, creative angles, and B-roll for visually rich storytelling.[28:37] How to produce stories efficiently: Writing, filming, and adding visuals for a polished result.[29:35] Story length: Why 40-60 seconds is the sweet spot for higher engagement.-------Thanks for listening! Here's what you need to do next
Geertrui Mieke de Ketelaere reflects on the uncertain trajectory of AI, whether AI is socially or environmentally sustainable, and using AI to become good ancestors. Mieke joined Kimberly to discuss the current trajectory of AI; uncertainties created by current AI applications; the potent intersection of humanlike AI and heightened social/personal anxiety; Russian nesting dolls (matryoshka) as an analogy for AI systems; challenges with open source AI; the current state of public literacy and regulation; the Safe AI Companion Collective; social and environmental sustainability; expanding our POV beyond human intelligence; and striving to become good ancestors in our use of AI and beyond. A transcript of this episode is here. Geertrui Mieke de Ketelaere is an engineer, strategic advisor and Adjunct Professor of AI at Vlerick Business School focused on sustainable, ethical, and trustworthy AI. A prolific author, speaker and researcher, Mieke is passionate about building bridges between business, research and government in the domain of AI. Learn more about Mieke's work here: www.gmdeketelaere.com
7 Things That Keep You Stuck With A Narcissist or a toxic person. In this vid you get the POV of a narcissist on what could keep you stuck in a toxic relationship. What's going on beautiful people, if the is your first time seeing my face or hearing my voice, my name is Lee and I am a self aware narcissist. I have narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ) and I've been in therapy for my personality disorder since 2017 and it has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything. The point of these videos is to help bring awareness from the other side of the narcissistic *buse spectrum. All my videos give perspective on why many narcissists do what they do and the possible different reasons behind them. The victims get validation and the Narcissists get to see that you can get help and that you are not alone Website - www.mentalhealness.net Courses/Groups - https://courses.mentalhealness.net 1 on 1's and all my links - https://beacons.page/mentalhealness Self Love Journal - https://a.co/d/70L3zKb --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mentalhealness/support
Welcome to It's A Wonderful Podcast! We just really didn't want Noirvember to end this year, so decided to extend the celebration of the dark, deceitful genre into December and take a look at some FESTIVE FILM NOIR! What's more Noir than a Philip Marlowe detective story!? And what a fascinating one for Morgan and Jeannine to get into this week with Robert Montgomery's maverick-ly made, POV adaptation of LADY IN THE LAKE (1947)! Starring Montgomery through our eyes mostly as Marlowe, and Audrey Totter as the magazine editor who hires him, and falls for him! Our YouTube Channel for Monday Madness on video, Morgan Hasn't Seen TV, Retro Trailer Reactions & More https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvACMX8jX1qQ5ClrGW53vow The It's A Wonderful Podcast Theme by David B. Music. Donate: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ItsAWonderful1 Join our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ItsAWonderful1 IT'S A WONDERFUL PODCAST STORE: https://its-a-wonderful-podcast.creator-spring.com/ Sub to the feed and download now on Anchor, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music & more and be sure to rate, review and SHARE AROUND!! Keep up with us on (X) Twitter: Podcast: https://twitter.com/ItsAWonderful1 Morgan: https://twitter.com/Th3PurpleDon Jeannine: https://twitter.com/JeannineDaBean_ Keep being wonderful!! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/itsawonderfulpodcast/support
Jack and Peter end the week by answering your questions from X and Instagram!Did the Red Sox give up too much for Crochet? - @jmhall13 on IG Who will be the best prospect moved this offseason? will it end up being teel? (am i forgetting another trade) - @ryan05foster on XWho will be considered the “steal” of the off-season? Maybe someone who is going to get a smaller contract than they deserve or a free agent you guys are very high on. - @GutTakes on XIf the Reds trade from their surplus of starting pitchers, who could they trade and to potentially what team? What could a trade look like? - @TeamKaptain08 on XHow do you think the Orioles and the Mariners could match up in a trade? - KleineSchroeder on X What's best case scenario, from the Cardinal's POV, for an Arenado trade? Hope for a straight salary dump, or could there be an actual interesting piece coming back in return? - @d_rawlings23 on IGAs a Giants fan, I would like to hear your opinion about how the Giants are being ran. Posey says he would like to focus on scouting (assuming he's speaking on drafting) but why do we donate our draft picks for QA free agents? We lost the chapman and snell picks. The west is too strong for a mid Giants team with no farm (we cant even win a top 10 spot in the draft lotto) Does it really make sense to go full force and sign QA free agents instead of signing 1 year flippable players at the deadline? Posey's contract is only for 3 years and he has given away another pick this year. - @moritsugu.ryan on IGThe Tigers, Royals, and Mets were the pleasant surprises of last season. Who is your prediction for surprise team for this upcoming season? - @trebbs44 on IGIf Dombrowski were to push the chips forward to try and bring Kyle Tucker to Philly, what would the package look like that would send him from Houston to Philly? - @gabegarner15 on IGSubscribe to Our New Newsletter!Check out our LinkTree!Get Your Just Baseball MerchUse Code "JUSTBASEBALL" when signing up on BetMGMOur Sponsors:* Check out Uncommon Goods: https://uncommongoods.com/JUSTBASEBALLSupport this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/the-just-baseball-show/donationsAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
Mighty Blue On The Appalachian Trail: The Ultimate Mid-Life Crisis
We've got a couple of free spirits on the show today, who happen to be mother and son. Jessica and Largo Sueiro, went on a big adventure this year; taking on the Appalachian Trail. As a family, they have lived unconventional lives, yet this half-year of mother and son bonding must have been precious to them both, combining their hiking, Largo's school work, and his Dungeons & Dragons business along the way. Both are great conversationalists, so sit back and enjoy their story. If you'd like to see more of their journey, you can check out their YouTube channel at World Towning and see them on Instagram at Instagram (@worldtowning) . Or, if you like the idea of traveling with the family and being introduced by them to various international cultures, check out their travel website at Full-Time Travelers Leading You To Local Experiences. You can even see Largo's D&D biz site at Home Our new book reading, Happy Hiking, by my friend, Emily Leonard is–of course–written from a woman's POV and a woman's voice. I hope you enjoy listening to my reading of it. If you'd like to buy the book, you can find it on Amazon at Happy Hiking: Falling in love on the Appalachian Trail, or on Emily's website, at Happy Hiking. I used my recent hike in the UK on the South West Coast Path to help raise money for my absolute favorite charity, Parenting Matters, on whose board I've been privileged to serve for over a decade. You can learn more about the hike and the organization–and donate–by visiting Hike with Steve - Empowering Parents, One Step at a Time | Parenting Matters %. I hope you want to support this critical mission. Don't forget. Our entire series of videos from our Woods Hole Weekend in 2022 is now FREE and available at my YouTube page at Woods Hole Weekend - Trailer There, you'll find all sorts of tips and tricks that our guests took away from the weekend that helped them with their own hikes this year. Check it out. I often ask listeners for ideas on who to interview, and I'm sure several of you say, “I could do that. I've got an awesome story to tell.” You're the person we need to hear from. If you'd like to be interviewed on the podcast, just register as a guest on the link below, and I'll be in touch. Come on the show! If you like what we're doing on the Hiking Radio Network, and want to see our shows continue, please consider supporting us with either a one-off or monthly donation. You'll find the donate button on each Hiking Radio Network page at Hiking Radio Network . If you prefer NOT to use PayPal, you can now support us via check by mailing it to Mighty Blue Publishing, PO Box 6161, Sun City Center, FL 35751. Any support is gratefully received. Additionally, you can “Zelle” me a donation to steve@hikingradionetwork.com. It works! Trust me! If you'd like to take advantage of my book offer (all three of my printed hiking books–with a personal message and signed by me–for $31, including postage to the United States) send a check payable to Mighty Blue Publishing at the address just above.
Hello and welcome to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through A Song of Ice and Fire! In this episode, we begin A Feast for Crows with Pate's Prologue down in Oldtown, a bunch of slackers sit around debating Daenerys' destiny (sound familiar?) before Pate gets himself killed by a semi-familiar face. Next time: we set sail for the Ironborn storyline with "The Prophet," Aeron Greyjoy's first POV chapter, in which the king is dead...long live the king. Emmett's twitter: twitter.com/PoorQuentyn Manu's Twitter: https://twitter.com/ManuclearBomb Manu's patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ManuclearBomb Our patreon: www.patreon.com/NotACastASOIAF Our merch store: https://notacastasoiaf.threadless.com Our twitter: twitter.com/NotACastASOIAF Our facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/289889118235797/ Our youtube page: www.youtube.com/channel/UCmmDfPdG…iew_as=subscriber Our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/notacastasoiaf/