Podcasts about Puerto Rico

Island of the Greater Antilles in the Caribbean

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Puerto Rico




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    Latest podcast episodes about Puerto Rico

    The Hamilcast: A Hamilton Podcast
    #454: Sabrina Imamura // Hamilton's Philip Tour // Part Three

    The Hamilcast: A Hamilton Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 41:45

    In her third and final episode, Sabrina Imamura ties up how she landed on the Hamilton's Philip Tour after starting with the original Angelica Tour in 2017 and making stops on Broadway (twice), the Eliza Tour (the Los Angeles sit down), and the And Peggy Tour (which kicked off in Puerto Rico). Sabrina explains the importance of gigs that feed you creatively and why doing a show for the sake of it isn't really what she's about. You know what she *is* about, though? More stories about Asian people that don't revolve around war or politics or the fetishization of Asian women and people. Plus, Sabrina goes in on her favorite books with the strongest female leads, why animals are the greatest, vintage project runaway talk, and our plea for JUSTICE FOR NATALIE FROM LOVE, ACTUALLY!! It'll make sense when you get there, I promise. Sabrina on Instagram Sabrina's Fashion Account Sabrina on TikTok /// Gillian's Website The Hamilcast on Twitter The Hamilcast on Instagram Join the Patreon Peeps

    Business of Home Podcast
    Benjamin Noriega-Ortiz: 'Designers need to learn to take the blame'

    Business of Home Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 60:09

    After an idyllic childhood in Puerto Rico, Benjamin Noriega-Ortiz was set to pursue higher study in math—instead, he chose architecture, and found himself working for legendary New York designer John Saladino. After setting up his own firm in the 1990s, Noriega-Ortiz built a legend of his own, designing boutique hotels for Ian Schrager and homes for celebrities like Lenny Kravitz.On this episode of the podcast, Noriega-Ortiz speaks with host Dennis Scully about learning to design like a painter, how he trains architects to think like designers, and why he writes a story for every project—but doesn't always tell the client.This episode is sponsored by Ernesta and Hickory ChairLINKSBenjamin Noriega-OrtizDennis ScullyBusiness of Home

    The Take
    Why did Bad Bunny's anthem to Puerto Rico strike a global chord?

    The Take

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 25:00

    Bad Bunny’s new album, Debi Tirar Mas Fotos, became the number-one streamed album worldwide. It mixes different Puerto Rican music genres and touches on themes of gentrification and a loss of cultural identity. How is the album bringing the Puerto Rican fight for survival to the world? In this episode: Jorell Meléndez-Badillo (@jorellmelendezb), Author of “Puerto Rico: A National History” Episode credits: This episode was produced by Marcos Bartolome with Hanah Shokeir, Hagir Saleh, Melanie Marich and our guest host, Natasha Del Toro. It was edited by Noor Wazwaz. The Take production team is Marcos Bartolomé, Sonia Bhagat, Sarí el-Khalili, Tamara Khandaker, Phillip Lanos, Chloe K. Li, Ashish Malhotra, Khaled Soltan, and Amy Walters. Our editorial interns are Melanie Marich, Hagir Saleh and Hanah Shokeir. Our guest host is Natasha Del Toro. Our engagement producers are Adam Abou-Gad and Vienna Maglio. Aya Elmileik is lead of audience engagement. Our sound designer is Alex Roldan. Our video editors are Hisham Abu Salah and Mohannad al-Melhem. Alexandra Locke is The Take’s executive producer. Ney Alvarez is Al Jazeera’s head of audio. Connect with us: @AJEPodcasts on Instagram, X, Facebook, Threads and YouTube

    Cafe on a Budget
    #254: Incertidumbre = Oportunidad, ¿como beneficiarte de los cambios de Trump?

    Cafe on a Budget

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 50:37

    La incertidumbre económica y política puede ser aterradora, pero también puede ser el momento perfecto para aprovechar oportunidades. En este episodio, analizamos cómo los cambios en la administración de Trump pueden impactar la economía, los mercados y las oportunidades de empleo en Puerto Rico. Hablamos de cómo prepararte financieramente para cualquier escenario y cómo posicionarte para el éxito, incluso en tiempos inciertos. ¿Dónde están las oportunidades en medio del caos? ¿Cómo puedes tomar ventaja de la volatilidad en los mercados y las potenciales inversiones en Puerto Rico?Dale play y descubre cómo convertir la incertidumbre en una ventaja.  Enlaces: ❤️ ENAMORATE DE TU DINERO❤️ No permitas que pase otro mes del 2025 sin claridad sobre tus finanzas! Separa tu espacio de Consulta 1:1 para Febrero!! https://www.cafeonabudget.com/enamorate ☕ ÚLTIMOS ESPACIOS para agendar tu Consulta GRATIS de 15 minutos con Manolo o Suhailly y te respondemos cualquier pregunta que tengas sobre La Comunidad, o cualquier otro de nuestros espacios. https://calendly.com/coab/consulta-de-15-mins-con-coab ☕NEWSLETTER: Suscríbete a nuestro newsletter para que te enteres de lo que está pasando en COAB! https://www.cafeonabudget.com/newsletter ☕GUÍA GRATIS: Descarga nuestra guía gratis de saldo de deudas con los 7 pasos para saldar tus deudas de alto interés en 2 años o menos...https://www.cafeonabudget.com/deudas Síguenos en nuestras Redes Sociales:InstagramFacebookTikTokYouTube

    Puestos pa'l Problema
    Puestos Pa' los Industriales - ESPECIAL

    Puestos pa'l Problema

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 65:45

    En este episodio: nos transportamos al foro de salud de la Asociación de Industriales para hablar de temas relacionados a la industria desde el punto de vista de los socios. Conversamos con:-Yandia Pérez, vicepresidenta ejecutiva de la Asociación de Industriales -Dra. Carolyn Rodríguez, Principal Oficial de Farmacia - MCS- -Mariano Socarraz - CORE PLUS - EMPRESA PUERTORRIQUENA DE PATOLIGIA DE PRECISION -Elliott Pacheco, nuestro Contralor y Patroncito estrella. Hablamos de los esfuerzos de cabildeo en DC para el sector de la salud y un deadline importante que se vence el lunes. -Lcdo. Carlos L. Rodríguez, jefe legal de Triple S. (Siempre se tiene que colar un abogado) - Las reglas de pago propuestas para el programa MA que entraran en vigor para el 2026 (MA Advance Notice 2026) fueron publicadas a principios de enero, luego de un análisis técnico, encontramos que no se incluyo ninguno de los ajustes que venimos como sector y como país solicitando por los pasados 4 años. A tales efectos, el presidente de La Cámara de Comercio; Luigi Pizarro, así como el presidente de Empresarios por Puerto Rico; Elliot Pacheco, redactaron la carta comunitaria recomendada a enviar a CMS y HHS, siguiendo las recomendaciones y estrategias trabajadas por el equipo técnico. Adjunto le hago llegar el borrador de carta, para la cual nuevamente solicitamos su apoyo para endosar la misma. El deadline para responder es el lunes, 10 de febrero a las 5pm. Una vez recibamos su aprobación via email, procederé a incluir el logo y nombre de su organización, tal como lo hemos trabajado anteriormente. El tiempo a premia, por lo que tenemos un pequeño ejercito trabajando durante el fin de semana. Tanto Roberto Pando 787-506-5196, como esta servidora Ana Maria Santiago 787-319-1415, así como Luigi Pizarro 787- 237-0124 y Elliot Pacheco 787-367-3599 estamos en la mejor disposición de aclararles cualquier duda al respecto. Agradecemos de antemano su apoyo nuevamente para esta gestión de país en beneficio de nuestros adultos mayores. - Si fueras partes de nuestro patreon, hubieras escuchado este episodio el viernes. ¡Únete a la mejor comunidad del internet boricua en patreon.com/puestospalproblema! Aprovecha la oferta de 50% de descuento en el primer mes. - Presentado por el mejor internet de Puerto Rico - AeronetPR.com. Cambiate ahora llamando al 787 273 4143.Suscríbete a nuestro Patreon y recibe contenido exclusivo, artículos: https://patreon.com/puestospalproblemaSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Las cosas como son
    Jenniffer González hace una advertencia a Rivera Schatz

    Las cosas como son

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 8, 2025 10:23

    En el vídeo de hoy el Profesor Ángel Rosa analiza las recientes expresiones de la gobernadora de Puerto Rico, Jenniffer González en torno a la suerte que corra el nombramiento de Janet Parra como secretaria de Justicia. La Gobernadora hizo una advertencia velada al presidente del Senado Thomas Rivera Schatz al condicionar otro nombramiento a la confirmación de su designada exfiscal. ¡No te lo pierdas! Nadie te va a poder explicar estas cosas mejor que el Profesor quien un conocedor íntimo del proceso político puertorriqueño.

    Everyone's Business But Mine with Kara Berry
    Naomi Watts' Pavlova: A Real Housewives of New York Recap

    Everyone's Business But Mine with Kara Berry

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 7, 2025 48:57

    This week marks the finale of RHONY! In part 2 of the reunion, Brynn and Ubah (and everyone) discuss what happened in Puerto Rico!Follow me on social media, find links to merch, Patreon and more here! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Rewilding Earth
    Episode 141: Tom Biebighauser Gives A Wetland Rewilding Masterclass

    Rewilding Earth

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 7, 2025 44:59

    Since 1979, Tom Biebighauser has enthusiastically restored wetlands, lakes, streams, and rivers. He has designed over 10,000 wetland projects and successfully supervised the construction of more than 3,000 wetlands and streams in 26 states, three Canadian provinces, Mexico, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, and Taiwan. He has a deep and long-standing concern for the environment and […] Read full article: Episode 141: Tom Biebighauser Gives A Wetland Rewilding Masterclass

    Fuel Your Legacy
    Navigating Life's Questions: From Sales to Self-Discovery Episode 358: Luis Báez

    Fuel Your Legacy

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 7, 2025 45:22

    SummaryLuis Baez, a sales and revenue enablement leader. Luis shares his journey from growing up in poverty in Puerto Rico and the Bronx to achieving success in the corporate world. He discusses the importance of cultural identity, empathy, and effective communication in both personal and professional settings. Luis emphasizes the significance of understanding different perspectives and the common human experiences that connect us all. He also delves into his transition into sales and leadership, highlighting the confidence he gained and the impact he aims to have on others through his work in sales enablement.Learn More about Sam KnickerbockerFuel Your Legacy: 9-Pillars to Build a Meaningful LegacyLearnFromLuis.comTakeawaysLuis Baez emphasizes the importance of cultural identity in shaping one's perspective.Empathy is a crucial skill developed through diverse life experiences.Direct communication can be misinterpreted in different cultural contexts.Sales enablement is about connecting sales, marketing, and operations for success.Imposter syndrome is a common experience among successful individuals.The confidence gained in sales can lead to broader opportunities in leadership.Understanding the DNA of a team is essential for fostering a positive work environment.Celebrating success is vital for team morale and motivation.Luis's journey reflects the power of resilience and adaptability.Helping others achieve their goals is a core part of Luis's mission. Chapters00:00 Introduction to Luis Baez and His Journey01:32 Luis's Early Life and Background11:46 Cultural Identity and Empathy20:14 Navigating Communication Styles27:28 Transitioning into Sales and Leadership39:12 Sales Enablement and Business Success

    Cultura Secuencial
    Rock Hard 1977 | ¿Quién Va? Se. 13 Ep. 03

    Cultura Secuencial

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 7, 2025 68:29

    En el 3er episodio de la sesión número 13 de nuestro programa ¿Quién Va?, Eddy de www.twitch.tv/sozettagames, Judge Konnan y El Watcher terminan de jugar "Rock Hard 1977" de "Devir Games" con su Invitado Especial Gabriel Alejandro, de la banda "Doktor Zaius", en la tienda de "Titan Games" localizada en Caguas, Puerto Rico. ¡Visita https://titanhobbygames.com y descubre la gran variedad de artículos relacionados a "Trading Card Games", "Board Games", Juguetes y Coleccionables que tienen disponible! ¡Disfruta de la música de "Doktor Zaius" en https://youtu.be/gBWokUNFUxU y https://doktorzaius1.bandcamp.com ! ¡Se la diferencia en la vida de los niños de la Fundación de Niños de Puerto Rico! Aporta con tu donativo aquí: https://www.extra-life.org/participant/Cultura-Secuencial-2025 ¡Subscríbete a nuestro canal de YouTube! Visita: https://www.youtube.com/culturasecuencial ¡Síguenos y Suscríbete a nuestro canal de Twitch! Visita: https://www.twitch.tv/culturasecuencial ¡Síguenos en Instagram! Visita: https://www.instagram.com/culturasecuencial ¡Síguenos en Facebook! Visita: https://www.facebook.com/CulturaSecuencial

    Cultura Secuencial
    ¿Qué Esperamos del Año 2025? | Ep. 334

    Cultura Secuencial

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 7, 2025 103:50

    En nuestro Ep. 334 Vanesthy, Gabriel y El Watcher hablan sobre todo lo relacionado a su experiencia viendo los primeros tres episodios de la segunda temporada de "Severance" (2022), el "Teaser Trailer" de "The Fantastic Four: First Steps" (2025) y las películas que vieron en el "Sundance Film Festival" en el segmento "Wachin' con Wacho", toda la recién polémica relacionada a Karla Sofia Gascón en el segmento "Awards Spotlight" y conversan sobre lo que esperan del año 2025 en cuanto a Eventos, Videojuegos, Series y Películas. ¡Se la diferencia en la vida de los niños de la Fundación de Niños de Puerto Rico! Aporta con tu donativo aquí: https://www.extra-life.org/participant/Cultura-Secuencial-2025 ¡Subscríbete a nuestro canal de YouTube! Visita: https://www.youtube.com/culturasecuencial ¡Síguenos y Suscríbete a nuestro canal de Twitch! Visita: https://www.twitch.tv/culturasecuencial ¡Síguenos en Instagram! Visita: https://www.instagram.com/culturasecuencial ¡Síguenos en Facebook! Visita: https://www.facebook.com/CulturaSecuencial

    Con Las Bases Llenas Podcast de Beisbol
    Leones vs. Charros: ¡Gran Final de la Serie del Caribe 2025!

    Con Las Bases Llenas Podcast de Beisbol

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 7, 2025 58:16

    En el episodio de hoy de Baseball News, analizamos la gran final de la Serie del Caribe entre los Leones del Escogido y los Charros de Jalisco. ¿Podrá Escogido alcanzar su 5to título, o será México quien se corone de manera invicta? Además, repasamos las noticias más importantes del béisbol:

    TheLines Podcast
    The Lines MonsterPod: Super Bowl LIX Best Bets

    TheLines Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 7, 2025 36:31

    Check out our Super Bowl betting picks, NFL odds and predictions as Matt Brown and Mo Nuwwarah take you through the Super Bowl markets and odds. TheLines NFL MonsterPod crew share their thoughts on the betting markets for all the games, line movement, teaser opportunities, expert picks and more ways to get your money down at a sportsbook for the Super Bowl. We look at which sportsbook betting apps you can find the best odds for the Super Bowl, break down every game on the NFL slate with real analysis, and give our betting tips, free NFL picks and predictions for the point spread and total. We also look at player props and which online sportsbook has the best betting odds and lines for your NFL football bets. ⭐

    The Boxing Rush Hour Show
    Ep 107: WBO President Gustavo Olivieri, Esq.

    The Boxing Rush Hour Show

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 7, 2025 71:48

    This week's guest is WBO President Gustavo Olivieri, Esq. Topics we discuss:-First 90 days as President-Revamping the Annual WBO conference-Update on Sam Goodman's mandatory position-Judge evaluation with scoring and what it could mean for those bad scorecards- Using the sanctioning fees to benefit the fighters payingand so much more.Don't forget to like, subscribe and comment on the YT page.Looking to bet on the fights this upcoming weekend?Head over to my dedicated page at signupexpert.com/fightsATW to sign up to some of boxing's best sportsbooks.

    Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network
    Conversations That Make a Difference with Teresa Velardi: From Welfare Lines to Bestseller Lists

    Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 7, 2025 59:59

    From Welfare Lines to Bestseller Lists: The Untold Story of Reinventing My Life GUEST: Rachel Pedersen RACHEL'S WEBSITES: www.rachelpedersen.com RACHEL'S BIO: Rachel Pedersen, a USA Today Best-Selling Author and social media expert, is passionate about helping entrepreneurs thrive online without burning out. Known for her bold ideas and authentic approach, Rachel empowers businesses and individuals to stand out through creative, disruptive strategies that deliver exponential results. A college dropout and former single mom who faced significant personal challenges, Rachel transformed her life and now dedicates herself to helping others achieve similar breakthroughs. Through her marketing agency, The Viral Touch, Rachel has spearheaded campaigns that defy expectations, like achieving 7,134% growth for an organic skincare brand and generating $3 million in a year for a fitness company. As the founder of Social Media United, a leading training platform for social media managers, Rachel has empowered over 1,100 students from 70+ countries—many of them stay-at-home parents and single moms—to build thriving careers in digital marketing. Rachel's efforts extend beyond business. She has raised support for 90+ single mothers and their children during the holidays and funded relief projects for hurricane victims in Puerto Rico. She also supports Operation Underground Railroad, an organization dedicated to rescuing children from sex trafficking. Featured in global outlets such as The Today Show, Cosmopolitan, The Huffington Post, and Content Marketing Institute, Rachel continues to inspire with her story of resilience and success. Above all, she is a devoted wife and mother of three, committed to making a difference in both her family's and others' lives. Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/live/aRw8a5Fy0CM?si=W9tRHQDV9NFdTYSf Chat with Teresa during Live Show with Video Stream: write a question on YouTube Learn more about Teresa here: https://www.webebookspublishing.com    http://authenticendeavorspublishing.com/

    Celebramos el natalicio 99 de Don Tite Curet Alonso


    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 7, 2025 55:52

    En NEGRAS, celebramos el natalicio 99 de Catalino Curet Alonso, Don Tite, compositor y cronista de la diáspora africana. Un ser profundamente antillano.Mujeres afrodescendientes conversan sobre proyectos, académicos y comunitarios, relacionados a la negritud y la racialización en Puerto Rico. Aprende de los saberes de mujeres afrodescendientes y desaprende mitos que, históricamente, han degradado a las personas visiblemente negras en la nación puertorriqueña.Una producción de Colectivo Ilé ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.colectivoile.org/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ para Radio Universidad de Puerto Rico. Viernes 3:00 pm a través del 89.7 FM en San Juan, el 88.3 FM en Mayagüez

    Arquitectura Hoy
    109_Viejo San Juan en riesgo

    Arquitectura Hoy

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 7, 2025 56:02

    Conversamos sobre los errores más comunes en las restauraciones, reconstrucciones y reparaciones en el VSJ y sobre el patrimonio edificado abandonado. Invitado: Andy Rivera Enlace para ver el documental: https://youtu.be/CEoDOswSDGQ?feature=shared Programa original transmitido en Radio Universidad el 6.febrero.2025. Este programa es auspiciado por el Colegio de Arquitectos y Arquitectos Paisajistas de Puerto Rico.

    WBUR News
    Come along on a tour of Mass Maritime's new training ship

    WBUR News

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 7, 2025 6:20

    Massachusetts Maritime Academy's new training ship, the Patriot State, is heading to St. Thomas this week after stops in Puerto Rico and North Carolina. Students are taking part in a six-week voyage as part of the school's Sea Term.

    A palo limpio

    A palo limpio

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 7, 2025 48:19

    Lanoticia en Puerto Rico no se detiene y aquí se analiza sin ataduras.

    Ante la Justicia

    Ante la Justicia

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 7, 2025 49:35

    Es el analistapolitico de mayor trayectoria en Puerto Rico analizando los temas de la isla,Estados Unidos e internacionales. Luis Davila Colon los pone a todos En LaMirilla.

    Delvis Griselle & Compañía
    Rotundo NO al proyecto para eliminar el ICP

    Delvis Griselle & Compañía

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 7, 2025 55:06

    Rotundo NO al proyecto del Senado 273 para eliminar el Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña (ICP). Invitados: los artistas gráficos Rafael Trelles y Nick Quijano, la profesora Sonia Cabanillas y la escritora Vanessa Droz. Programa radial originalmente difundido el 4 de febrero de 2025 por la cadena WIAC 740 en Puerto Rico.

    Delvis Griselle & Compañía
    Trump trastoca todo el estado de derecho

    Delvis Griselle & Compañía

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 7, 2025 56:28

    Trump trastoca todo el estado de derecho. Los profesores de Derecho, Yanira Reyes y Carlos Ramos González, explican los alcances constitucionales de las medidas que está tomando el Presidente. Programa radial originalmente difundido el 5 de febrero de 2025 por la cadena WIAC 740am en Puerto Rico. 

    Club Sabroso Radio Network

    Club Sabroso Radio Network

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 7, 2025 60:00

    Send us a textOPEN BAR RADIO GUEST MIX BY STEFANO RANIERI.Powered by the Club Sabroso Radio NetworkFollow IG/FB: @CLUBSABROSORADIO24/7 Live Stream at: WWW.CLUBSABROSORADIO.COM

    Club Sabroso Radio Network

    Club Sabroso Radio Network

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 7, 2025 60:00

    Send us a textOPEN BAR RADIO GUEST MIX BY NORTY COTTO.Powered by the Club Sabroso Radio NetworkFollow IG/FB: @CLUBSABROSORADIO24/7 Live Stream at: WWW.CLUBSABROSORADIO.COM

    The Fat-Burning Man Show by Abel James: The Future of Health & Performance
    John Lee Dumas: How to Quit the Rat Race and Move to Paradise

    The Fat-Burning Man Show by Abel James: The Future of Health & Performance

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 55:56 Transcription Available

    Have you ever dreamed of dropping out of the rat race and moving to a tropical paradise?This week's guest actually did it.If you've ever struggled through an 80 hour workweek, you know it can be incredibly profitable… but at what cost to your health, happiness and family life?How do you know when enough is enough?Today we're here with fellow OG podcaster and host of the hit show Entrepreneurs on Fire, my friend John Lee Dumas.After years working 60-80 hours a week living in San Diego, JLD made the life-changing decision to revamp his business and move his family to Puerto Rico, where he now works just 20-30 hours a week kicking back in a Caribbean paradise.And get this—after more than a decade of podcasting, JLD has recorded more than 4,500 podcast interviews with some of the top minds in business, so he has the unique ability to tap into the pulse of what it really means to be a successful entrepreneur, and someone whose successful in business and in life for the long term.In this episode with John Lee Dumas, you're about to hear:How John reduced his workweek from 80 hours to around 20 hours—doesn't that sound niceHow to achieve longevity in podcasting, business, and lifeHow to adapt to the AI RevolutionHow to find financial freedom by defining your “enough”And much more…Read the show notes: https://fatburningman.com/john-lee-dumas-how-to-quit-the-rat-race-and-move-to-paradise/Go to https://uncommonsuccessbook.com/ to grab John Lee Dumas' top-rated book, "The Common Path to Uncommon Success" and head over to https://www.eofire.com/ to listen to the Entrepreneurs On Fire podcast with John Lee DumasJoin the Abel James' Substack channel: https://abeljames.substack.com/Listen and support the show on Fountain: https://fountain.fm/show/6ZBhFATsjzIJ3QVofgOHWatch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fatburningmanLike the show on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/fatburningmanFollow on X: https://x.com/abeljamesClick here for your free Fat-Burning Kit: http://fatburningman.com/bonusThis episode is brought to you by:Pique Life—Save 20% off the Pu'er Bundle plus a free starter kit when you go to: PiqueLife.com/wildAG1—Claim your FREE $76 gift with your subscription at DrinkAG1.com/abel, and start your new year on a healthier note.

    Anything Better?
    NFL Preview & Picks | Super Bowl

    Anything Better?

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 34:55

    The Super Bowl is here! The fellas make their picks and predictions about Chiefs attempt at a three-peat and the Eagles chances of breaking their streak. If you haven’t signed up for BetMGM yet, use bonus code BURR and you will get up to a $1500 First Bet Offer on your first wager with BetMGM! Here’s how it works: Download the BetMGM app and sign-up using bonus code BURR. Deposit at least $10 and place your first wager on any game. You will receive up to $1500 in bonus bets if your bet loses! Just make sure you use bonus code BURR when you sign up! First Touchdown Offer Simply place a prop bet on the player to score the first touchdown in any NFL game. If your player doesn't score first but instead scores second, you'll get your stake back in cash. Disclaimer: See BetMGM.com for Terms. 21+ only. US promotional offers not available in New York, Nevada, Ontario, or Puerto Rico. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER (Available in the US). Call 877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY (467369) (NY). Call 1-800-NEXT-STEP (AZ), 1-800-327-5050 (MA), 1-800-BETS-OFF (IA), 1-800-981-0023 (PR). First Bet Offer for new customers only. Subject to eligibility requirements. Rewards are non-withdrawable bonus bets that expire in 7 days. In partnership with Kansas Crossing Casino and Hotel.

    Around The Way Curls Podcast
    Ep 405. They Will Not Whitewash Our King

    Around The Way Curls Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 100:27

    In this episode, Shanti deepens her love of Bad Bunny and Puerto Rico while Antoinette shares another musical gem with the people. For our main topic, Antoinette kicks off Black History Month, celebrating the life of Dr. Martin Luther King. The conversation explores the political weaponization of King's teachings in an attempt to soften his radical ideologies. The discussion highlights the role of white moderates and the church in the civil rights movement, the historical context of American injustice, and the ongoing relevance of King's teachings in today's society. If you need to deepen your understanding of what Dr. King represented, this is the perfect episode for you. Join us...Contact Us:Hotline: (215) 948-2780Email: aroundthewaycurls@gmail.comPatreon: www.patreon.com/aroundthewaycurls for exclusive videos & bonus episodesSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Michigan Football – In the Trenches with Jon Jansen
    Conqu'ring Heroes 155 - Tracy Smith

    Michigan Football – In the Trenches with Jon Jansen

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 21:27

    Michigan Baseball's season begins next weekend in Puerto Rico, so third-year Head Coach Tracy Smith joins us on this week's episode of Conqu'ring Heroes to reflect on his first two years in Ann Arbor and break down the Wolverines' talented roster ahead of the opener against #4 Virginia.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Puestos pa'l Problema
    PPP Extra: Senadores populares colaboran con el PNP para restringir el derecho al aborto

    Puestos pa'l Problema

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 52:48

    En este episodio: Molusco admite que se equivocó en pelea con Chente (y Playmaker casi casi lo admite); te contamos el nuevo guiso televisivo de Alexandra Lúgaro; y reaccionamos a entrevista con la senadora popular Ada Álvarez Conde sobre proyecto que limita acceso al aborto a menores de 15 años. - Si fueras partes de nuestro patreon, hubieras escuchado este episodio ayer. ¡Únete a la mejor comunidad del internet boricua en patreon.com/puestospalproblema! Aprovecha la oferta de 50% de descuento en el primer mes. - Presentado por el mejor internet de Puerto Rico - AeronetPR.com. Cambiate ahora llamando al 787 273 4143. Nuestros Patroncitos PYMES de hoy: Durante más de 25 años, Volkswagen Kennedy ha sido su concesionario en Puerto Rico con una gran reputación basada en la honestidad y calidad. Nuestra conveniente ubicación en la avenida Kennedy en San Juan nos convierte en el concesionario preferido tanto para adquirir tu Volkswagen nuevo, usado certificado y a la vez también puedes confiar en nuestro servicio y repuestos ya que tenemos el mayor inventario de repuestos originales Volkswagen. Contamos con los mejores técnicos certificados de todo Puerto Rico. ¡Ven y visítanos! Volkswagen Kennedy – El Original - 787-782-4039. Suscríbete a nuestro Patreon y recibe contenido exclusivo, artículos: https://patreon.com/puestospalproblemaSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Life in Spanglish
    I Can Feel The Beat, The Bad Bunny Effect, Sneakerheads and Loving GOD is Cool con Jearnest Corchado

    Life in Spanglish

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 44:50 Transcription Available

    In this episode we sit down with the incredibly multi-talented Jearnest Corchado to talk about her journey from Puerto Rico to Hollywood. At just 17, she left everything behind to chase her acting dreams in California —now, she’s starring in major roles, including the highly anticipated Lisa Lisa biopic 'Can You Feel the Beat.' Jearnest opens up about making it in the industry, the power of faith and manifestation, and why she believes it’s cool to love God. She also dives into the impact of Bad Bunny on Puerto Rican culture, the harsh reality of gentrification on the island, and what it was like landing roles on Blacklist, Sneakerheads, and Little America. Plus, we get into family, her music career, and what’s next for this rising star. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Fat-Burning Man by Abel James (Video Podcast): The Future of Health & Performance
    John Lee Dumas: How to Quit the Rat Race and Move to Paradise

    Fat-Burning Man by Abel James (Video Podcast): The Future of Health & Performance

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 51:50

    Have you ever dreamed of dropping out of the rat race and moving to a tropical paradise? This week's guest actually did it. If you've ever struggled through an 80 hour workweek, you know it can be incredibly profitable… but at what cost to your health, happiness and family life? How do you know when enough is enough? Today we're here with fellow OG podcaster and host of the hit show Entrepreneurs on Fire, my friend John Lee Dumas. After years working 60-80 hours a week living in San Diego, JLD made the life-changing decision to revamp his business and move his family to Puerto Rico, where he now works just 20-30 hours a week kicking back in a Caribbean paradise. And get this—after more than a decade of podcasting, JLD has recorded more than 4,500 podcast interviews with some of the top minds in business, so he has the unique ability to tap into the pulse of what it really means to be a successful entrepreneur, and someone whose successful in business and in life for the long term. In this episode with John Lee Dumas, you're about to hear: How John reduced his workweek from 80 hours to around 20 hours—doesn't that sound nice How to achieve longevity in podcasting, business, and life How to adapt to the AI Revolution How to find financial freedom by defining your “enough” And much more… Read the show notes: https://fatburningman.com/john-lee-dumas-how-to-quit-the-rat-race-and-move-to-paradise/ Go to https://uncommonsuccessbook.com/ to grab John Lee Dumas' top-rated book, "The Common Path to Uncommon Success" and head over to https://www.eofire.com/ to listen to the Entrepreneurs On Fire podcast with John Lee Dumas Join the Abel James' Substack channel: https://abeljames.substack.com/ Listen and support the show on Fountain: https://fountain.fm/show/6ZBhFATsjzIJ3QVofgOH Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/fatburningman Like the show on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/fatburningman Follow on X: https://x.com/abeljames Click here for your free Fat-Burning Kit: http://fatburningman.com/bonus

    Voices of Your Village
    322- Embracing Imperfection in Parenthood with Kate Hamilton

    Voices of Your Village

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 63:14

    You're listening to Voices of Your Village, and today I get to hang out with Kate Hamilton. She is married to Charlie since 2000 and is a mother of two young adult men who are independent, confident, and productive college students. Some might say she's an unlikely writer because of her dyslexia, yet her life experiences compelled her to write The Imperfect Parent: A Nonjudgmental Guide to Raising Children in the Modern World. She earned an MBA in international business and is a former corporate executive turned mother and entrepreneur. When Kate is not coaching parents and their children, you'll find her volunteering with Lemonade Day, a youth entrepreneur program, planning the next family adventure, or working with Charlie in San Juan, Puerto Rico. It was fun to chat with Kate because we know that perfection is not the goal. I also really enjoyed this breakdown with Rach, and you get to hear some of my real -time takeaways where Rach was helping me understand some guilt that I've been experiencing as a parent and really diving into like what's coming up for me there. I also just always feel so seen in how Rach responds to me in the moment. So I hope you enjoy the breakdown of this bad boy as well. All right, folks, let's dive in.  Connect with Kate: Instagram: @katehamiltonpr, @theimperfectparentbook Website: www.kate-hamilton.com Order the book: The Imperfect Parent: A Nonjudgmental Guide to Raising Children in the Modern World Facebook:  www.facebook.com/katehamiltonpr https://www.facebook.com/share/19mXTLz35f/?mibextid=wwXIfr LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/katehamiltonpr?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=ios_app Connect with us: Instagram: @seed.and.sew  Podcast page: Voices of Your Village Seed and Sew's Regulation Quiz: Take the Quiz Order Tiny Humans, Big Emotions now!  Website: seedandsew.org Music by: Ruby Adams and Bensound Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    La Garita del Diablo (The Devil's Sentry Box)


    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 43:30

    Is that music? In this episode, Ayden tells a haunting tale about La Garita del Diablo (The Devil's Sentry Box), a legendary sentry box in the city of San Juan, Puerto Rico.Want to hear your story on Susto? Fill out the Letters From the Beyond form or visit SustoPodcast.com to be shared on the show!Become a Patron here!

    TheLines Podcast
    NBA Coast to Coast: Best NBA Player Props for Thursday, February 6, 2025

    TheLines Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 6:15

    Get free NBA Player Props today, NBA betting picks and NBA predictions with Coast 2 Coast, our daily NBA basketball betting advice and injury news rundown. Today we look at which sportsbook betting apps you can find the best NBA prop bets, odds and NBA best bets for tonight, Thursday, February 6, 2025. We breakdown the key match ups and NBA DFS plays with real analysis, and give our betting tips and predictions for NBA player prop bets today and which online sportsbook has the best odds and lines for your 2/6/2025 NBA betting picks. 00:00 - Best NBA Player Prop Bets for February 6, 2025 00:41 - Nate Pick 1 03:23 - Nate Pick 2 ✉️ Join TheLines official email newsletter and never miss our latest updates! https://www.thelines.com/email-preference/ Find the Best Sportsbook Promos for the NBA in your state: https://www.thelines.com/betting/best-nba-sites/ For the latest NBA odds and player props, visit: https://www.thelines.com/odds/nba/ ⭐⭐WIN an Amazon Gift Card! Subscribe to the channel and watch daily to find out how to enter the giveaway. Subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNg6eqiqndQ0xvAGHErP4FA?sub_confirmation=1 ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐WIN PRIZES TODAY TheLines.com has Free Pick 'Em Contests every day! Make daily picks for your chance to win. Play Now at https://play.thelines.com/ ⭐⭐ Make sure to subscribe to @TheLinesUS to get notified for more Best Bets, Free Picks Today and betting predictions for the MLB, NFL, NBA, PGA, NCAA, and full sports betting expert insight. Join TheLines.com Official DISCORD: Continue the discussion in our DISCORD betting community, as we dissect all of the games. https://discord.com/invite/XRbcmEcZKy FOLLOW THE LINES

    El negocio del entretenimiento con Jafet Santiago
    “BaD bUnNy y TiCkEtErA: cÓmO sE vEnDiErOn 400,000 BoLeToS eN 4 HoRaS y PoR qUé EsTo CaMbIaRá ToDo”

    El negocio del entretenimiento con Jafet Santiago

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 59:15

    ¿Un récord global o una señal de un cambio en la industria del entretenimiento? Conoce los secretos de la venta record de la Residencia de Bad Bunny en Puerto Rico. #badbunny #Ticketera #ColiseoDePuertoRico #VentasDeBoletos #EntretenimientoGlobal #CambioDeIndustria #ticketingsystem #jimmyfallon #puertorico #debitirarmasfotos #dtmf #puertorico NUEVAYoL VOY A LLeVARTE PA PR BAILE INoLVIDABLE PERFuMITO NUEVO (feat. RaiNao) WELTiTA (feat. Chuwi) VeLDÁ (feat. Omar Courtz, Dei V) EL CLúB KETU TeCRÉ BOKeTE KLOuFRENS TURiSTA CAFé CON RON (feat. Los Pleneros de la Cresta) PIToRRO DE COCO LO QUE LE PASÓ A HAWAii EoO DtMF LA MuDANZA Foto de Bad Bunny By: www.siempreric.com https://badbunnypackages.vibee.com/ https://www.ticketera.com/events/detail/bad-bunny __________ Invitados: Omar Báez, Manny Rodríguez y Ricardo Aponte Productor Ejecutivo y Host: Jafet Santiago Productor: Leroy E. Santiago Director: James Lynn Editor: Alejandro Colón Luces y Cámaras: James Lynn Una producción de Sparkof Studios para Sparkof TV www.sparkof.com Derechos reservados Sparkof Media LLC y Sparkof Entertainment Group Corp 2025

    Bonita Radio
    MDUM República Dominicana Vs Mexico En La Final De La Serie Del Caribe

    Bonita Radio

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 36:49

    #SerieDelCaribe #CriollasDeCaguas #LVSF Más De Una Milla 06/02/2025 México vuelve a dominar a Puerto Rico y pasó a disputar el campeonato contra la República Dominicana | Las Criollas de Caguas se consolidan como las líderes del Voleibol Superior Femenino #VamoArriba #AlmuerzoDeportivo #tiempodedeportes #BonitaDeportes #DeporteEsMásQueJuego #Anótalo #periodismoinvestigativo #periodismodigital

    A palo limpio

    A palo limpio

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 43:50

    La noticia en Puerto Rico no se detiene y aquí se analiza sin ataduras.

    Oral Arguments for the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit
    Compania Cervecera de Puerto Rico, Inc. v. NLRB

    Oral Arguments for the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 34:31

    Compania Cervecera de Puerto Rico, Inc. v. NLRB

    Delvis Griselle & Compañía
    La vellonera vitriólica de Rafael Matos

    Delvis Griselle & Compañía

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 59:31

    La periodista Delvis Griselle Ortiz y el periodista Rafael Matos hablan sobre periodismo literario del nuevo libro "La vellonera vitriólica". Programa transmitido por la cadena radial WIAC 740am en Puerto Rico el 6 de febrero de 2025.

    Ante la Justicia

    Ante la Justicia

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 48:16

    Es el analista politico de mayor trayectoria en Puerto Rico analizando los temas de la isla, Estados Unidos e internacionales. Luis Davila Colon los pone a todos En La Mirilla.

    Enigmas sin resolver
    La leyenda del chupacabras

    Enigmas sin resolver

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 30:54

    En 1995, en Puerto Rico, un grupo de ovejas fue atacado por lo que los lugareños describieron como una criatura que chupaba la sangre del ganado y de pequeños animales domésticos.  El chupacabras es una muy conocida leyenda que comparte gran parte de Latinoamérica, pero su historia es en realidad muy reciente.  A 30 años del inicio del mito revisamos todo alrededor de este extraño ser. 

    Crimepod Puerto Rico
    Un Crimen en Villisla

    Crimepod Puerto Rico

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 19:58

    Envíanos un mensaje!En este episodio te hablo de un terrible crimen que sacudió a una comunidad en el pueblo de Arecibo. Ya han pasado 10 años desde que ocurrieron los hechos y todavía los familiares de las víctimas se preguntan quién pudo haber cometido semejante acto.Fuentes de información y documentos adicionales disponibles en Patreon.Background Music: CO.AG MusicSi estás buscando un cambio de carrera o escalar al próximo nivel gerencial o ejecutivo, un buen resumé y buen perfil para LinkedIn será crucial. Los servicios de Career Branding son personalizados y conllevan una reunión telefónica para discutir la experiencia e identificar información que añada valor. Todo de manera confidencial. También trabajan resumés para el gobierno federal.  Comunícate con Career Branding al 787.300.7777 para más detalles o visita www.resumeprofesional.com.Este episodio también es traído a ustedes por Jabonera Don Gato. Los jabones Don Gato son hechos a mano, sin químicos dañinos ni detergentes. Elaborados con aceites naturales, esenciales y aromáticos, seguros para la piel. Pruébalos y siente la diferencia. Visítalos en jaboneradongato.com y utiliza el código "Crimepod" para obtener un 10% de descuento en tu compra.Puedes llamar a Fernando Fernández Investigador Privado y Forense con más de 17 años de experiencia a nivel local e internacional al 787-276-5619 o visítalo en: Fernando Fernandez PIEste episodio es traído a ustedes por Libros787.com. Ordena tus libros favoritos escritos por autores puertorriqueños desde la comodidad de tu casa. Utiliza el código promocional: CRIMEPODPR para que recibas envío gratuito en tu primera compra. Envíos a todas partes de Puerto Rico y Estados Unidos.Career Branding, Don Gato, FF & 787 Call to actionSupport the show

    Color Forward
    99. Wellness in the Workplace

    Color Forward

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 38:48

    Did you know? Women who experience high levels of stress are 46% more likely to seek new job opportunities.We take a holistic approach into the critical topic of wellness in the workplace and how it intertwines with our overall career satisfaction and significantly impacts how we show up in our personal lives.HR executive Dr. Merary Simeon and career coach Courtney Copelin share their insights on how both employers and employees share the responsibility of fostering a healthy work environment. Learn how to identify your own needs and stressors, whether they stem from your workload, workplace culture, or personal circumstances. Get help to better assess these factors, so you can engage in meaningful conversations with your manager about available resources and benefits that can support your well-being.We also highlight the importance of energy management over traditional notions of work-life balance. How you spend your time outside of work and how those activities contribute to or detract from your overall wellness are also part of the equation.Episode Highlights:• Accessing benefits and resources at work• Taking a holistic perspective with your career• Identifying your needs• Setting boundaries• The role of leaders in supporting wellness• Wellness beyond the workplace• Managing your energy, not your timeMentioned in this Episode:“More than A Program: A Culture of Women's Wellbeing at Work” by Gallup, 12/4/24“Work-Life Balance is a Cycle, Not an Achievement” by Harvard Business Review, 1/29/21Bright Horizons daycare solutions2024 State of Workforce Mental Health Report by Lyra HealthThe Corporate Athlete by Jack Groppel, PhDMerary's Bio: Dr. Merary Simeon, a seasoned Human Resources executive, brings 25 years of experience as a trusted advisor to C-suite executives in Fortune 50 corporations. Dr. Merary has a doctorate in Strategic Leadership. She is a best-selling author and co-host of the What Rules!? podcast. As co-CEO of Zera Consulting, she passionately advocates for the advancement of multicultural women in the workplace. Dr. Merary is from Puerto Rico and is fluent in Spanish.Courtney's Bio:As an Accountability and Mindset Coach, Courtney is committed to helping her clients achieve their career goals to gain clarity, confidence, and alignment in their job search. With a passion for coaching and a deep understanding of what it takes to succeed in today's competitive job market, Courtney works closely with clients to provide guidance, support, and actionable strategies that drive results to level up their career.Connect with us on our social media: Instagram and LinkedInMore from Alisa Manjarrez: Instagram and...

    Dinero en Spanglish
    121 ¿Cuenta Tradicional, Roth o Brokerage? Elige la mejor opción para ti

    Dinero en Spanglish

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 27:22

    Elegir la cuenta de inversión correcta puede hacer una gran diferencia en tu futuro financiero, en cuánto pagas en impuestos y las decisiones para usar ese dinero. En este episodio, exploramos las diferencias entre cuentas tradicionales (pre-tax), Roth y brokerage, y cómo decidir cuál es la mejor opción según tu situación financiera y metas. El libro de Transforma tu Dinero® ya está disponible. Ordena tu libro AQUI - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.transformatudinero.com/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ¡Vamos a comenzar tu educación financiera! Tener tus finanzas personales en orden te da poder. Recursos ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.transformatudinero.com/podcast⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Educación financiera para la comunidad Hispana en Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico. DISCLAIMER: el contenido de Dinero en Spanglish el podcast, todos sus episodios y contenido compartido en el website y las redes sociales, es para efectos educativos solamente. Te comparitmos nuestra opinión y perspectivas relacionadas a temas de dinero y finanzas personales, pero no reemplaza la consulta con un asesor financiero, abogado y/o contador.

    TheLines Podcast
    EXPERT Picks for Super Bowl 59 | Beat the Closing Number

    TheLines Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 17:59

    Eli Hershkovich and special guest Evan Silva (@EvanSilva) take you through their best bets for NFL Super Bowl 59 with their thoughts on the NFL betting markets for the Chiefs vs Eagles. The crew discuss their thoughts on the Super Bowl and more ways to get your money down at a sportsbook for the biggest game of this 2024-25 NFL Season. ⭐

    TheLines Podcast
    NBA Coast to Coast: Best NBA Player Props for Wednesday, February 5, 2025

    TheLines Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 13:47

    Get free NBA Player Props today, NBA betting picks and NBA predictions with Coast 2 Coast, our daily NBA basketball betting advice and injury news rundown. Today we look at which sportsbook betting apps you can find the best NBA prop bets, odds and NBA best bets for tonight, Wednesday, February 5, 2025. We breakdown the key match ups and NBA DFS plays with real analysis, and give our betting tips and predictions for NBA player prop bets today and which online sportsbook has the best odds and lines for your 2/5/2025 NBA betting picks. 00:00 - Best NBA Player Prop Bets for February 5, 2025 00:54 - Nate Pick 1 04:05 - Josh Pick 1 06:36 - Nate Pick 2 09:23 - Josh Pick 2 ✉️ Join TheLines official email newsletter and never miss our latest updates! https://www.thelines.com/email-preference/ Find the Best Sportsbook Promos for the NBA in your state: https://www.thelines.com/betting/best-nba-sites/ For the latest NBA odds and player props, visit: https://www.thelines.com/odds/nba/ ⭐⭐WIN an Amazon Gift Card! Subscribe to the channel and watch daily to find out how to enter the giveaway. Subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNg6eqiqndQ0xvAGHErP4FA?sub_confirmation=1 ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐WIN PRIZES TODAY TheLines.com has Free Pick 'Em Contests every day! Make daily picks for your chance to win. Play Now at https://play.thelines.com/ ⭐⭐ Make sure to subscribe to @TheLinesUS to get notified for more Best Bets, Free Picks Today and betting predictions for the MLB, NFL, NBA, PGA, NCAA, and full sports betting expert insight. Join TheLines.com Official DISCORD: Continue the discussion in our DISCORD betting community, as we dissect all of the games. https://discord.com/invite/XRbcmEcZKy FOLLOW THE LINES

    De vuelta a la casa de los retardos / Bájale 2


    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 68:44

    Bienvenidos al único programa que se cuestiona porque existen los reality shows, aún. ¡Bienvenidos a otro episodio de Bájale 2! ¿Si tu pareja está buena, te dejarías pegar? Eso es lo que nos cuestionamos hoy en la sección de los criminales más bellos de Puerto Rico. Hablando de gente de bella, pero retardada, vuelve el show más cafre de la América Latina...La Casa de los Famosos. Lástima que el hijo de Jordan y Cosculluela, los teco bros, no puedan participar de esta gran programación, conocida también como: Tropical TV. No se ofendan por lo que aquí hablamos, pero si usted como quiera va y se ofende...¡Bájale 2! Grabado desde GW-Cinco Studio como parte de GW5 Network #tunuevatelevisión. Puedes ver toda la programación en www.gwcinco.com. siguenos en instagram @gw_cinco Patreon:   patreon.com/gw5network patreon.com/hablandopop