Podcasts about Barcelona

City in Catalonia, Spain

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    Latest podcast episodes about Barcelona

    Me Quiero Volver Chango

    Me Quiero Volver Chango

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 27:56

    En el episodio de hoy hablamos de lo mal que está el equipo de Pep Guardiola y desde cuando viene dando indicios de debilidad. #manchestercity #premierleague ⭐ Conviértete en miembro de este canal para disfrutar de las siguientes ventajas ⭐ Contamos con tres niveles

    El Partidazo de COPE

    El Partidazo de COPE

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 89:24

    Las ideas de Florentino Pérez en la última Asamblea. Victoria convincente del Real Madrid, otra vez dudas en el Barcelona, y la remontada del Atlético de Simeone

    Un tema Al Día
    La DANA y el negocio de la tragedia colectiva

    Un tema Al Día

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 16:12

    La Generalitat Valenciana está contratando la reconstrucción de Valencia con empresas ligadas a la corrupción del Partido Popular de las últimas décadas. Empresarios a los que a través de un contrato de urgencia, casi sin filtros, casi sin control, se les ha adjudicado obras importantes en la reconstrucción de todo lo que la DANA ha arrasado a su paso. Conocemos lo que le ha pasado en torno a la vivienda, la especulación y la DANA a la periodista de elDiario.es en Valencia Laura Martínez. Con Lucas Marco, también de la edición de elDiario.es en la Comunitat Valenciana, profundizamos en el detalle de los contratos y el contexto empresarial de la construcción que rodea este tipo de cosas. Además, hablamos con Isabelle Anguelovski, profesora de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Ha investigado este tipo de fenómenos en los que unas pocas empresas se benefician de tragedias colectivas. *** Envíanos una nota de voz por Whatsapp contándonos alguna historia que conozcas o algún sonido que tengas cerca y que te llame la atención. Lo importante es que sea algo que tenga que ver contigo. Guárdanos en la agenda como “Un tema Al día”. El número es el 699 518 743See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Darrers podcast - Ràdio Cubelles
    01 LA GRAN REVOLTA_DONES GRANS: Víctimes invisibles de la violència masclista

    Darrers podcast - Ràdio Cubelles

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 60:00

    Escolta 'La Gran Revolta' presentat per Àngels Fuster i Queta Giner. El capítol es titula 'DONES GRANS: Víctimes invisibles de la violència masclista'. El programa està organitzat pel Consell Comarcal del Garraf i el Consell Consultiu de la Gent Gran del Garraf. Col·labora SIAD Garraf i Ràdio Cubelles. Amb el suport de la Diputació de Barcelona podcast recorded with enacast.com

    Man City Drop Their Fifth In A Row


    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 24, 2024 112:45

    The FC crew react to Manchester City's 4-0 loss to Tottenham and discuss what Pep Guardiola needs to do to get the team back on track. Then, the guys break down Arsenal's 3-0 win over Nottingham Forest as Arsenal try to keep pace at the top of the table. Plus, a look at Barcelona's 2-2 draw at Celta Vigo. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Barcelona Podcast
    5 Headlines and Blame to Go Around in Barcelona's 2-2 Draw with Celta Vigo

    The Barcelona Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 24, 2024 20:29

    On episode 633, Dan gives his 5 Headlines for the 2-2 draw with Celta de Vigo. He talks about the Gerard Martín and Hector Fort situation, the comeback from Celta de Vigo, Kounde's terrible mistake, and much more! Watchalongs - HERE Join the Discord server! Check out our merch store: tbpod.link/store Listen on Apple Podcasts iOS App, Spotify and, if you want to support the show, head over to Patreon for more content! Become a Patreon to support the show and check out our Match Reviews – Thank you! Access our exclusive, listeners-only Facebook Group here. Follow us on Instagram! Find us and watch exclusive content on YouTube! Click here to subscribe via Apple Podcasts Click here to subscribe via Spotify Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Se Habla Español
    Noticia 53: Tragedia en Valencia - Episodio exclusivo para mecenas

    Se Habla Español

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 24, 2024 20:55

    Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! Episodio exclusivo para suscriptores de Se Habla Español en iVoox y Patreon: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sehablaespanol iVoox: https://www.ivoox.com/podcast-se-habla-espanol_sq_f1171214_1.html Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/sehablaespanol/w/6450 Donaciones: https://paypal.me/sehablaespanol Hola, ¿cómo va todo? Espero que bien, al menos, mejor que en la Comunidad Valenciana, en mi país. Imagino que estarás al tanto de lo que sucedió el pasado 29 octubre en esa zona de España. Seguro que has visto las imágenes en televisión, porque han dado la vuelta al mundo. De hecho, estamos hablando de la mayor tragedia natural de la historia de mi país, con más de 220 fallecidos. Y antes de seguir adelante quería explicar por qué no te he hablado de este tema en los episodios anteriores. La explicación es muy sencilla. Durante las últimas semanas he viajado mucho por razones de trabajo, de modo que tuve que grabar esos episodios con bastante antelación, porque sabía que iba a tener tiempo. Y es que he estado en Barcelona, en Madrid, en Eslovenia y en Croacia. Y pocas semanas antes también estuve en Bélgica y en los Países Bajos. Esa es la razón por la que tuve que grabar los episodios mucho antes de que se publicaran. Así que, ahora por fin puedo explicarte lo que ha sucedido, aunque sin entrar en grandes detalles, porque tampoco es el objetivo de estos episodios. Y lo primero de todo es recordar a las víctimas, personas inocentes que no se merecían un final así. Un abrazo muy fuerte para sus familias y para todas esas personas que siguen con vida, pero que lo han perdido casi todo. Tengo un par de amigos que viven en Valencia, y nada más conocer lo que estaba sucediendo les envié un mensaje para saber si sus familias estaban bien. Afortunadamente, ningún familiar sufrió las trágicas consecuencias de lo que se conoce como DANA, antes conocida en España como gota fría. Para que lo entiendas de una manera muy sencilla, la DANA es un fenómeno meteorológico en el que una masa de aire polar muy frío se encuentra con el aire más cálido y húmedo que suele haber en el mar Mediterráneo. Ese choque entre las dos masas de aire genera fuertes tormentas, sobre todo a finales del verano y principios del otoño, cuando la temperatura marítima es más elevada. Eso fue lo que sucedió el 29 de octubre, pero con una fuerza nunca antes vista en esa zona de la Comunidad Valenciana. El agua desbordó ríos, arroyos e inundó poblaciones enteras arrasando con todo lo que encontraba a su paso. Las imágenes que hemos podido ver son aterradoras. Muchas personas quedaron atrapadas en el interior de sus vehículos, otras fueron arrastradas por la corriente, y otras muchas quedaron aisladas en mitad del agua. En España se ha producido una fuerte polémica entre los dos partidos políticos más importantes del país, el Partido Socialista del presidente español Pedro Sánchez, y el Partido Popular del presidente de la Comunidad Valenciana, Carlos Mazón. Se echan la culpa mutuamente de no haber actuado a tiempo. Pero no voy a entrar en ese tema porque es muy complicado y tampoco tengo todos los datos como para explicártelo bien. Lo que vamos a hacer es escuchar una noticia que habla de las consecuencias de lo sucedido en los menores de edad, porque han tenido que presenciar escenas que no podrán olvidar fácilmente, y eso siempre genera problemas psicológicos. La noticia pertenece a Radio Nacional de España, y en ella vas a escuchar tres voces distintas. Así que, presta mucha atención a lo que nos cuentan. “Los psicólogos aconsejan a los padres que estén atentos por si los menores desarrollan alguna secuela por las situaciones vividas durante la DANA, que se manifiestan de distintas formas según la edad del menor, Rebeca Barroso. La psicóloga educacional Maripaz Vega advierte que situaciones catastróficas como esta pueden provocar síntomas psicológicos en los más pequeños, como apego hacia sus padres, o manifestar comportamientos que ya habían superado. Comportamientos que ya no tenían, ¿no?, niños que ya no tenían, ya no se chupaban el dedo, niños que no estaban todo el día pegados a sus padres, y ahora de repente manifiesten como una especie de retroceso evolutivo en ese sentido, ¿no? Si en los niños pueden aparecer regresiones, en los adolescentes, según la psicóloga, las secuelas se traducen en un nerviosismo que les impide seguir adelante con sus rutinas. No querer hacer actividades, ir al colegio, no querer estar con otros niños, o sea, un poco estar alerta. La especialista resalta el papel de los padres para ayudar a superar estos traumas. Insiste en que el acompañamiento emocional pasa por explicar a los menores, con un lenguaje adaptado a su edad, las situaciones que están viviendo y en enseñarles a gestionar las emociones negativas.” Esa gestión de las emociones es clave para que los traumas provocados por la tragedia vayan desapareciendo poco a poco, aunque no es una tarea sencilla. Vamos con las palabras y expresiones que pueden resultar más complicadas dentro de la noticia que acabamos de escuchar. Y empezamos con una expresión muy fácil, estar atento, que significa prestar atención. Te pongo un ejemplo distinto al que hemos escuchado. Los alumnos deben estar atentos en clase para comprender las explicaciones del profesor. Seguimos con la palabra secuela, que tiene dos significados. Una secuela puede ser una película, una serie de televisión o un libro que continúa una historia anterior. Por ejemplo, la película tuvo tanto éxito que decidieron hacer una secuela al año siguiente. Ese sería el primer significado. Pero una secuela también puede ser una consecuencia negativa de algo, como un suceso o una enfermedad. Y es el significado que se utiliza en nuestra noticia. Más ejemplos. La enfermedad le dejó como secuela una leve dificultad para caminar. Esa fue la consecuencia negativa de la enfermedad, que a partir de ese momento ya no pudo caminar como antes. Pasamos al verbo advertir, que significa avisar a alguien sobre una situación negativa que puede producirse. La policía advirtió a los conductores sobre el peligro de conducir con lluvia. Una advertencia es un aviso. La siguiente palabra merece un capítulo especial. Estoy hablando del apego, que puede entenderse como algo positivo o negativo, depende del contexto. Pero vamos a empezar explicando lo que significa. El apego es un vínculo, una relación o una conexión especial hacia alguien o hacia algo. Se puede tener apego a una persona, a una cosa o también a un lugar. Por ejemplo, María siente un gran apego por sus abuelos, siempre quiere estar con ellos. O sea, tiene un vínculo especial con ellos, una conexión diferente a la que tiene con el resto. Si nos referimos a un lugar, tenemos este otro ejemplo. Aunque Pedro se trasladó a otra ciudad por el trabajo, sigue teniendo un fuerte apego a su ciudad natal. En definitiva, al vivir lejos, se acuerda mucho de su ciudad, porque siempre le ha gustado mucho. Vale, pero antes te decía que puede tener una connotación negativa, sobre todo cuando el apego pasa de vínculo a dependencia. Por ejemplo, Laura tiene demasiado apego a sus padres y le cuesta hacer su propia vida. Está tan unida a sus padres que apenas tiene vida social, no se relaciona con otras personas. Creo que ahora entiendes perfectamente la palabra apego, ¿verdad? Bien. En la noticia dice que, después de un trauma, algunos niños vuelven a chuparse el dedo. El verbo chupar se usa cuando utilizamos la boca o la lengua para comer algo, por ejemplo un caramelo o un helado. El caramelo se derrite en nuestra boca gracias a la humedad de nuestra lengua. Y para comernos un helado sacamos la lengua una y otra vez. Y sobre este verbo hay algo curioso, porque en España hay una empresa que se llama Chupa Chups y que fabrica caramelos con un pequeño palo de color blanco. A esos caramelos los llamamos como la empresa, Chupa Chups, y suelen tener un chicle en el interior. Bueno, pues los chupa chups también se chupan, de ahí viene su nombre. Antes hablábamos del apego, y ahora tenemos una expresión parecida, estar pegado, que significa estar junto a alguien. El verbo pegar significa unir, juntar, y suele hacerse con pegamento, algo que suelen utilizar mucho los niños en el colegio. Bueno, ahora no sé si se usa tanto, pero cuando yo era pequeño siempre llevábamos una barra de pegamento en la mochila del colegio. El caso es que estar pegado a alguien significa estar a su lado. Por ejemplo, desde que son novios, Luis siempre está pegado a María, no se separa de ella nunca. Bien, luego tenemos dos palabras que podrían ser sinónimas, retroceso y regresión. Ambas se refieren a la acción de ir hacia atrás en un proceso, no avanzar, sino volver a estados anteriores. Creo que lo entiendes, porque en otros idiomas son parecidas, ¿no? Pero te pongo un ejemplo. Después de las vacaciones de verano el niño sufrió un retroceso o una regresión en la lectura. O sea, como no leyó durante el verano, pues perdió un poco la habilidad para leer, fue hacia atrás o retrocedió, que también es un verbo, retroceder, ir hacia atrás. Por último, otro verbo, resaltar, que no significa volver a saltar, sino destacar algo, subrayar, llamar la atención sobre algo. Por ejemplo, durante su discurso, el director de la empresa resaltó la gran labor de los trabajadores. Es decir, el jefe destacó como algo importante el trabajo realizado por sus empleados. Se entiende bien, ¿no? Pues esa era la última palabra que tenía que explicarte. De modo que ya estamos preparados para escuchar la noticia por segunda vez. Aquí la tienes. “Los psicólogos aconsejan a los padres que estén atentos por si los menores desarrollan alguna secuela por las situaciones vividas durante la DANA, que se manifiestan de distintas formas según la edad del menor, Rebeca Barroso. La psicóloga educacional Maripaz Vega advierte que situaciones catastróficas como esta pueden provocar síntomas psicológicos en los más pequeños, como apego hacia sus padres, o manifestar comportamientos que ya habían superado. Comportamientos que ya no tenían, ¿no?, niños que ya no tenían, ya no se chupaban el dedo, niños que no estaban todo el día pegados a sus padres, y ahora de repente manifiesten como una especie de retroceso evolutivo en ese sentido, ¿no? Si en los niños pueden aparecer regresiones, en los adolescentes, según la psicóloga, las secuelas se traducen en un nerviosismo que les impide seguir adelante con sus rutinas. No querer hacer actividades, ir al colegio, no querer estar con otros niños, o sea, un poco estar alerta. La especialista resalta el papel de los padres para ayudar a superar estos traumas. Insiste en que el acompañamiento emocional pasa por explicar a los menores, con un lenguaje adaptado a su edad, las situaciones que están viviendo y en enseñarles a gestionar las emociones negativas.” Me acabo de dar cuenta de que antes no te he hablado del acompañamiento emocional, aunque supongo que lo habrás entendido. Acompañamiento es el sustantivo del verbo acompañar, ir junto a alguien, hacer compañía. Y emocional se refiere a las emociones, a los sentimientos. Por tanto, el acompañamiento emocional nos habla de estar al lado de la persona que ha sufrido un trauma para ayudarle a gestionar sus emociones, las cosas que siente en esos duros momentos. Y dicho esto, vamos con el resumen de la noticia con otras palabras. En primer lugar, el presentador del informativo dice que los especialistas consideran importante que los padres presten atención a las posibles consecuencias negativas de la tragedia. Esas consecuencias pueden traducirse en problemas emocionales de distinto tipo en los menores de edad. La periodista que desarrolla la información introduce a una psicóloga experta en estos temas. Y, según la especialista, los niños pueden experimentar cambios en su comportamiento después de una situación dramática como la vivida en Valencia. En concreto, la psicóloga explica que algunos chicos van hacia atrás en su evolución, y vuelven a hacer cosas que solían hacer cuando eran más pequeños. La especialista también cuenta que los que ya no son tan niños también sufren las consecuencias negativas de algo así, pero de otra forma. Por ejemplo, una de las cosas que suelen ocurrir es una especie de miedo a seguir avanzando. Por último, la periodista recuerda que el papel de los familiares es clave, es fundamental para la recuperación emocional de los menores de edad. Bueno, he intentado no repetir lo mismo que has escuchado en la noticia, aunque a veces resulta complicado encontrar otra palabra. Espero haberlo conseguido para ayudarte a mejorar tu vocabulario. Y ahora vamos a escuchar la información por última vez. Mucha atención. Ahora tienes que entenderlo todo casi perfectamente. “Los psicólogos aconsejan a los padres que estén atentos por si los menores desarrollan alguna secuela por las situaciones vividas durante la DANA, que se manifiestan de distintas formas según la edad del menor, Rebeca Barroso. La psicóloga educacional Maripaz Vega advierte que situaciones catastróficas como esta pueden provocar síntomas psicológicos en los más pequeños, como apego hacia sus padres, o manifestar comportamientos que ya habían superado. Comportamientos que ya no tenían, ¿no?, niños que ya no tenían, ya no se chupaban el dedo, niños que no estaban todo el día pegados a sus padres, y ahora de repente manifiesten como una especie de retroceso evolutivo en ese sentido, ¿no? Si en los niños pueden aparecer regresiones, en los adolescentes, según la psicóloga, las secuelas se traducen en un nerviosismo que les impide seguir adelante con sus rutinas. No querer hacer actividades, ir al colegio, no querer estar con otros niños, o sea, un poco estar alerta. La especialista resalta el papel de los padres para ayudar a superar estos traumas. Insiste en que el acompañamiento emocional pasa por explicar a los menores, con un lenguaje adaptado a su edad, las situaciones que están viviendo y en enseñarles a gestionar las emociones negativas.” Pues ojalá que esos menores que han sufrido las consecuencias emocionales de la tragedia se recuperen pronto. Seguro que lo harán gracias a la ayuda de sus familiares y de los especialistas en la materia, como los psicólogos. Bueno, vamos a repasar ya las palabras y expresiones que hemos aprendido hoy. Son estas: -Estar atento:prestar atención. -Secuela: consecuencia negativa de un suceso o de una enfermedad -Advertir: avisar a alguien sobre una situación negativa que puede producirse. -Apego: vínculo, relación o conexión especial hacia alguien o hacia algo. -Chupar: utilizar la boca o la lengua para comer algo, por ejemplo, un caramelo o un helado. -Estar pegado: estar junto a otra persona. -Retroceso y regresión: acción de ir hacia atrás en un proceso, volver a estados anteriores. -Resaltar: destacar, subrayar. Si yo tuviera que resaltar algo de las personas que apoyan este proyecto dirían que son muy generosas, destacaría o subrayaría su generosidad. Así que, muchas gracias por tu ayuda, porque tú eres una de esas personas. Y ha sido un placer acompañarte una semana más, aunque esta vez el tema no era muy agradable, pero tenía que hablar de lo que ha ocurrido en mi país. Te espero la próxima semana. Cuídate. Adiós. Escucha este episodio completo y accede a todo el contenido exclusivo de Se Habla Español. Descubre antes que nadie los nuevos episodios, y participa en la comunidad exclusiva de oyentes en https://go.ivoox.com/sq/171214

    Oxley Bom MotoGP podcast
    Barcelona Tests - Things That Look Good In My Lounge

    Oxley Bom MotoGP podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 24, 2024 48:23

    This week, we're staying at the Barcelona paddock to report on the big test. That's right: it's been at least hours since a new champion was crowned, so testing for the next season can begin! So, what will Mat and Peter find and does it get them excited? Well, there's some stuff that looks absolutely amazing. And it's right next to the stuff that will probably give us headaches. But what's what, and why so? The only way to find out is to listen! Also, get ready for guest appearances by Jorge Martin's bike - and maybe we'll see Jorge, too, or at least his doppelgänger. What's he doing here? Does he want to be rewarded for winning the championship with a gifted subscription to this podcast? Or is he looking for something else? Cheers! Want more? Visit our website or support us on Patreon. With big thanks as always to Brad Baloo from The Next Men and Gentleman's Dub Club for writing our theme song. Check out The Nextmen for more great music! 

    Fuera de Juego
    En minutos, todo se derrumbó para Barcelona

    Fuera de Juego

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 24, 2024 30:47

    Los catalanes ganaban 2-0 y terminaron empatados, además los sentimientos del Cholo Simeone en el Atlético y las expectativas del Real Madrid. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Daily Reprieve
    Barcelona Meeting - Steve S

    The Daily Reprieve

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 24, 2024 48:01

    Steve Speaking to the Barcelona "Easy Does It, But Do It" meeting on January 3, 2024

    No es un día cualquiera
    No es un día cualquiera - "Verba Volant": El plátano

    No es un día cualquiera

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 24, 2024 13:26

    Nuestro latinista Emilio del Río explora el origen de la palabra plátano, su conexión con el latín y los mitos griegos. Además, nos sorprende con historias sobre animales venerados en templos antiguos, como las 13 ocas de la Catedral de Barcelona y las ratas sagradas del Templo de Karni Mata en la India.Escuchar audio

    CDMX se despertó con dos microsismos


    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 24, 2024 1:25

    En Sinaloa asesinan a Youtubero “El Jasper”  Profeco llama a revisión a autos de Honda y Acura  En España miles de personas exigen reducción de rentas de casa  Más información en Nuestro podcast

    L'ofici d'educar
    S'haurien de triplicar les llevadores per atendre tots els parts

    L'ofici d'educar

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 24, 2024 56:18

    Podcast de El Ecualizador
    El Ecualizador - Revival emo con los valencianos Laid (2024)

    Podcast de El Ecualizador

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 24, 2024 46:23

    Juanjo y Andreu (y su perrito Owen) pasaron por el estudio para hablarnos de Laid y sus planes de futuro como banda. Hasta la fecha tienen dos referencias, siendo 'At ease', lanzada en 2022, la más reciente. Juntos también comentamos lo más nuevo de los americanos The Offspring y sus hermanos Garbí; recomendamos el ciclo de conciertos de Carcosa Records pinchando a los manresanos Sadboys y nos despedimos con el último temazo de Militarie Gun. Enjoy! NOTA: La entrevista fue grabada a finales de octubre, bastante antes del desastre de la DANA, aprovechando que Juanjo estaba de visita por Barcelona... Desde aquí, un fuerte abrazo y mucho ánimo para los amig@s de València.

    Darrers podcast - Calafell Ràdio
    Partit Ok Lliga del 24/11/2024

    Darrers podcast - Calafell Ràdio

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 24, 2024 60:00

    Aquest diumenge, a partir de les 12.00 hores, retransmissió en directe de la novena jornada de la OK Lliga que enfrontarà al Parlem Calafell amb el F.C. Barcelona. Amb narració en directe del company Arnau Casals i al suport tècnic de l'Eduard Habas. podcast recorded with enacast.com

    Motorsport – meinsportpodcast.de
    47# Four in a Row: Verstappen holt vierten WM Titel bei Mercedes All-In in Vegas

    Motorsport – meinsportpodcast.de

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 24, 2024 74:14

    Wo feiert man als Max Verstappen seinen vierten Weltmeistertitel? Richtig, in Vegas! Neben dem Riesenerfolg des Niederländers reden wir auch über die überraschend starken Mercedes, dessen Doppelsieg in der Glücksspielhochburg kein Zufall war. Auch Ferrari zeigt, dass man in der Konstrukteursmeisterschaft noch auf Rot setzen kann. Neben der Spitze diskutieren wir auch das spannende Mittelfeld rund um die Racing Bulls, Haas und auch die beiden Alpine. Diese könnten nach dem Doppelpodium in Interlagos wieder für Furore sorgen. Im ersten Kapitel verteilen wir noch nachträglich die Awards des Rennwochenendes in Brasilien. Desweiteren gibt es ein paar neue News rund um Monaco, ein neues Fahrercockpit ...Du möchtest deinen Podcast auch kostenlos hosten und damit Geld verdienen? Dann schaue auf www.kostenlos-hosten.de und informiere dich. Dort erhältst du alle Informationen zu unseren kostenlosen Podcast-Hosting-Angeboten. kostenlos-hosten.de ist ein Produkt der Podcastbude.Gern unterstützen wir dich bei deiner Podcast-Produktion.

    Formel 1 – meinsportpodcast.de
    47# Four in a Row: Verstappen holt vierten WM Titel bei Mercedes All-In in Vegas

    Formel 1 – meinsportpodcast.de

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 24, 2024 74:14

    Wo feiert man als Max Verstappen seinen vierten Weltmeistertitel? Richtig, in Vegas! Neben dem Riesenerfolg des Niederländers reden wir auch über die überraschend starken Mercedes, dessen Doppelsieg in der Glücksspielhochburg kein Zufall war. Auch Ferrari zeigt, dass man in der Konstrukteursmeisterschaft noch auf Rot setzen kann. Neben der Spitze diskutieren wir auch das spannende Mittelfeld rund um die Racing Bulls, Haas und auch die beiden Alpine. Diese könnten nach dem Doppelpodium in Interlagos wieder für Furore sorgen. Im ersten Kapitel verteilen wir noch nachträglich die Awards des Rennwochenendes in Brasilien. Desweiteren gibt es ein paar neue News rund um Monaco, ein neues Fahrercockpit ...Du möchtest deinen Podcast auch kostenlos hosten und damit Geld verdienen? Dann schaue auf www.kostenlos-hosten.de und informiere dich. Dort erhältst du alle Informationen zu unseren kostenlosen Podcast-Hosting-Angeboten. kostenlos-hosten.de ist ein Produkt der Podcastbude.Gern unterstützen wir dich bei deiner Podcast-Produktion.

    Kolay Değil
    Başarılı İş İnsanı Ömer Barbaros Yiş'in İlham Veren Kariyer Hikayesi | Kolay mı? 006

    Kolay Değil

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 24, 2024 31:57

    Başarılı iş insanı Ömer Barbaros Yiş ile harika bir bölüm çektik. Kendisinin ilham veren eğlenceli hayat hikayesini ve dışarıdan başarılarla dolu gözüken kariyerindeki iniş çıkışları gözükmeyen yanlarını dinledik.

    Indiepodcast 15x21 - Baldur 3, COD BO6 y Plucky Squire


    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 24, 2024 83:58

    Hablamos sobre la pop-up store de Nintendo en Barcelona. Tramemos luego, sin respiro, análisis de 3 grandes juegos: Baldur's Gate 3, The Plucky Squire y Call of Duty Black Ops 6. Comentarios: https://t.me/comentariosindiepodcast

    Sporting Witness
    The Unified Team at the 1992 Olympics

    Sporting Witness

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 23, 2024 9:00

    In 1992 history was made at the Olympics in Barcelona as 12 former Soviet republics competed for the first and only time as the Unified Team. It was the final time the countries who had been part of the USSR took part in sporting events as the same team. And it marked a revolution for athletes who had been part of the Soviet athletics machine like World Champion Ukrainian fencer Sergei Golubitsky. He speaks to Ashley Byrne about the mixed feelings he and other athletes had as their countries turned their back on communism and gradually embraced a new way of doing elite sport. A Made in Manchester production.Eye-witness accounts brought to life by archive and testimony. Sporting Witness is for those fascinated by sporting history. We take you to the events that have shaped the sports world through the eyes of the people who were there. For nine minutes, you become a fan in the stands as we take you back in time to examine memorable victories and agonising defeats from all over the world. You'll hear from people who have achieved sporting immortality, or those who were there as incredible sporting moments unfolded.Recent episodes explore the forgotten football Women's World Cup, the plasterer who fought a boxing legend, international football's biggest ever beating and the man who swam the Amazon river. We look at the lives of some of the most famous F1 drivers, tennis players and athletes as well as people who've had ground-breaking impact in their chosen sporting field, including: the most decorated Paralympian, the woman who was the number 1 squash player in the world for nine years, and the first figure skater to wear a hijab. You can learn all about fascinating and surprising stories, such as the tennis player who escaped the Nazis, how a man finally beat a horse in a race, and how the FIFA computer game was created.(Photo: Fencers fencing. Credit: Getty Images)

    Tagesschau (512x288)
    tagesschau 20:00 Uhr, 23.11.2024

    Tagesschau (512x288)

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 23, 2024 15:09

    Weiterhin kein Abschluss bei der Weltklimakonferenz in Baku, SPD-Jugendverband kritisiert langwierige Diskussion über Kanzlerkandidatur bei Bundeskongress, Schwerer Luftangriff auf libanesische Hauptstadt Beirut zerstört achtstöckiges Wohnhaus, Designierter US-Präsident Trump nominiert Hedgefonds-Manager Bessent als Finanzminister, Tausende demonstrieren in Barcelona gegen hohe Mieten, 11. Spieltag der Fußball-Bundesliga, Deutsches Team gewinnt bei Curling-EM im Finale gegen Schottland, Pius Paschke gewinnt in Lillehammer bei Weltcup-Auftakt im Skispringen in Lillehammer, Spektakuläre Lawine in einem Naturschutzgebiet in China, Das Wetter Hinweis: Die Beiträge zu den Themen "Fußball" und "Curling" sowie "Skispringen" dürfen aus rechtlichen Gründen nicht auf tagesschau.de gezeigt werden.

    A vivir que son dos días
    Visión semanal informativa | "Si dejamos de pagar se les acaba el negocio" qué pasaría si hubiera una huelga de alquileres

    A vivir que son dos días

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 23, 2024 19:08

    Hablamos con Sara Torrijo una de las vecinas que están hciendo una huelga de alquiler en Madrid contra el fondo buitre Nestar-Azora, el tercer casero del país, se niegan a pagar unas cláusulas abusivas que en ocasiones representa el 30% del alquiler. A pesar de haber demandado a este fondo y de tener el apoyo del Sindicato de Inquilinas de Madrid, esta situación les está afectando a la salud mental familiar. Enric Aragonés es el portavoz del Sindicat de Llogateres de Barcelona donde hoy está convocado una gran manifestación, igual que en otras 50 localidades de todo el país. Aragonés nos cuenta cómo y qué puede suponer una huelga de alquileres.

    Messi Ronaldo Neymar and Mbappe
    Iñigo Martínez The Rise | Culers

    Messi Ronaldo Neymar and Mbappe

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 23, 2024 4:04

    The rise of Iñigo Martínez. Iñigo Martínez Berridi is a Spanish professional footballer who plays as a centre-back for La Liga club Barcelona and the Spain national team.

    Steamy Stories Podcast
    Joan Finds God & Eros.

    Steamy Stories Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 23, 2024

    Based on the legend of Pope Joan.By professor98. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories. The following account is fiction, which is based on the well-documented Legend of Pope Joan, the first, and last female Pope of the Catholic Church.As this story took place in the ninth century of the Christian era, or Year of our Lord; many of the terms are from ancient languages. Words such as slitten, which is Old English for slit, and sheath, later referred to as ‘cunny' or cunt. Although the specific accounts were not taken down on paper, the story refers to certain facts in which the legend was based.In the year of our lord, 823 A D, a girl, Joanna Wellen was born in a small village not far from Salisbury Plain in southern England. He mother died due to complications of the birth. As she grew, she would often visit Stonehenge, with her father who treated her with great love and affection. Stonehenge was a religious center, and an astronomical observatory; which lay not far from their village. It was used as a place of worship, especially by the surfs and peasants who were not allowed to attend Church.In those days in England and Europe for that matter, females were considered worthless and only good for birthing babies, cooking, scrubbing and cleaning for a man. They were not allowed to go to school, as society thought them incapable of learning.Joanna grew up as a scullery maid and worked on her Father's farm for years. From the time she learned to speak, Joan always wanted to learn about everything, so when she was fifteen and began to clean house for the village schoolteacher, they became friends and when she was not working, she begged him to teach her to read.As her father loved her very much, he had no complaints regarding her studies, and invited the schoolteacher for supper, four evenings a week in payment for teaching her.After several years, the schoolteacher, one Edmund Beddus was married to a fairly well to do somewhat older widow, Gwendolyn Vaughan, who's late husband was killed in a horseback ridding accident. It was not well known at the time; however he was drunk. As Edmund didn't earn much money, he jumped at the chance to marry Gwendolyn, mostly for her stature and wealth.After a while, Gwendolyn became angry due to the attention Edmund paid to Joan and threatened him with a divorce. Edmond ended his three-year relationship with the girl, and she had to return all of the books she had borrowed.The young village priest Father Paul had always seen Joan walking with a book in her hands and was taken with her beauty. One day he saw her passing the church, however she had no book. He called to her and said,"Are you no longer reading Joan?""I no longer have books available to me, Father." She said."Well Joan, if ever you wish books to read again, feel free to come by the rectory after supper and I will let you read some that belong to the church."This was a very special offer as there were no libraries and all books were written by hand. It would be six hundred years before; Johannes Gutenberg would invent moveable type and print his first bible.The following evening, after making supper for her Father, Joan walked to the church and knocked on the rectory door. Father Paul answered and invited her in. As the parish was pour, they only had four books. One was a bible, the second was a book called, "Entrance to Heaven", which was a guide for priests.The third and fourth were written in Latin, a language in which Joan had no knowledge. Father Paul told her to be seated by the fire, picked up the book in Latin and began to read."When a priest has a craving for a physical union, it is the duty of all females to give themselves to him willingly. This is the law of God. Sexual union is God's reward to everyone who follows his decrees. The female shall spread her legs wide and allow the priest to enter her with his phallic member."Father what is a phallic member?""All males have a phallic member Joan. It is the essence of a man.""I have no knowledge of such essence. What will it do?""It is the instrument that will allow a female to see God.""Do you have your phallic member with you Father Paul?""Yes, I do.""May I see it Father?""Of course my child."Father Paul lifted his short tunic and revealed his penis and testicles. Joan was very interested and asked how she would be able to see God, with his instrument. The Father invited her to repose on his bed of straw, and he would display the power of his essence.When she complied, Father Paul knelt down and lifted her tattered dress, revealing her slitten, the entrance to her passageway. As he spread her legs, Joan wondered what he was doing and why. In her eighteen years she had never heard of this type of ritual, and wondered who had written the book.Kneeling between Joan's legs, Paul stripped off his tunic and was naked before her; his member became erect and was pointing toward the ceiling. As he bent forward, and guided his penis toward the opening to her vagina, she wondered if she would really see God. A priest would never lie to her, she thought.As Father Paul rubbed the large head of his phallus up and down her damp slitten, she became more interested in his movements. They felt strangely pleasing, and her slitten began to tickle and was becoming very warm, and wet. She had felt nothing like this in her short life.It was wonderful and caused her to breath harder. Slowly Paul began to move his penis into her vagina and she screamed in pain. It felt as though he was entering her with a double-egged sword. She knew right then, she was about to see God, as his phallus would surly end her life. She had never experienced a pain such as this. Father Paul was deep into her vagina, and moving fast as she lay under him, her tears flowed down her cheeks as she waited for impending death.However as he continued to move, her pain was subsiding and pleasure was replacing it. She believed that Father moving his phallus in and out of her; was devoid of wisdom and good sense.Other than a nice feeling from between her legs, the whole process seemed fruitless, and a bit pointless. He continued for some time and pointless as the process appeared to be, she was developing a wonderful feeling in her belly. Father Paul was creating a desire, which previously Joan had no knowledge of. Her belly was tingling as the Father continued his thrusts, his phallus sliding in and out of her passageway. She found herself lifting her legs, then wrapping them around Father Paul's legs, pulling him tight into her channel.As he continued, Joan's feelings for the young Father were growing at an alarming rate and her need for some kind of satisfaction was increasing. Her emotions were on a never ending latter, climbing to the sky.Without any warning, Joan felt herself begin to discharge juices with a force. She felt fulfillment and gratification of an unknown desire and appetite, which lifted her to extreme pleasure and contentment.Father Paul had not yet discharged his essence and doubled his efforts. As Joan felt his increasing movements in to her, desire began to grow again almost exponentially and she held him tight to her. Father Paul called out to heaven,"Oh Lord my God, I am your humble servant and I do your bidding."Joan felt a new gush of liquid, however it wasn't coming from her, it was coming from Father Paul. The feeling was beautiful in design and execution, and although she did not see God, she believed she was closer to him. The whole occurrence was a delicacy as to arouse intense delight, and satisfaction. Joan cared little to see God, as she was taking great pleasure and delight in his glory.Suddenly a reoccurrence of her discharge began, and she was lifted beyond the bounds of Earth. Her blood ran hot as her juices flowed once again."Your phallus is as you said Father, truly the essence of man, and God.""Remember Joan, although my member, my penis, from the Latin, if you will, is a wonderful instrument. It would be useless without your marvelous passage of desire. My penis requires your vagina to achieve its primary and sacred function. Without woman, man has little purpose in life. It is God's design."Joan knew that her existence had taken a new direction. She was truly a daughter of God, and would do everything necessary to fulfill the Heavenly Father's design. As Father Paul lay in coitus relaxen, a Latin term for rest after sexual intercourse, Joan lifted his depleted penis and examined it carefully. She found a hidden beauty within its current state, although it was much more useful when it was swollen to a larger size.She felt closer to Father Paul than she had to any individual, except maybe her own Father. The closeness was of course the feeling most women would feel to a man; who brought her such euphoria and intense pleasure. Joan felt compelled to pay homage to his member and leaned down to kiss it.It had a strange yet inexplicable odor. Not a bad odor, but one, which could not be described. She had detected a similar odor before when the farm animals were ready for breeding. Joan kissed Father Paul's member on the tip once again, and suddenly it began to throb and swell. As she unexpectedly enjoyed the taste, she slid the head of his penis into her mouth, and for some unknown, but natural desire, began to suck on it.Father Paul squirmed in delight feeling something wonderful which he only had knowledge of, during confessions of travelers to the Far East. It was told to him that Egyptian girls reveled in sucking a man's penis, and excelled in elevating a man to an ultimate level of fulfillment and gratification.Strangely he had never heard of an English female performing such a wonderful service. This was something that God and the Church made no mention of, possibly because it had nothing to do with reproduction.Joan now had a challenge and believed she would be able to master it. As she sucked the Priest's penis he moaned, apparently enjoying her oral stimulation causing him arousal, and intense pleasure beyond that of which she provided with her vagina. The priest took hold of Joan's head and moved his hips upward in a masterful manner, emulating copulation.Joan was now eager to give the young priest something he would continue to desire, throughout their newly found friendship. As she sucked him, her hand took hold of his testicles and fondled them as one might do with a favorite pet. The priest in return moaned and mewed letting her know how much the manipulations of her mouth on his penis were appreciated.With little warning the priest began to spray his bodily secretions into her mouth with a degree of fluidity that surpassed his previous performance. Joan sat up wondering what was to be done with Father Paul's essence. Would it be a sin to expel it from her mouth? As it was a gift from God, she wondered what she should do. Father Paul saw the questioning expression on Joan's face and said,"Swallow it, Joan. God would want nothing less. Essence is too important to be splattered on the floor."Although the creamy liquid felt wonderful in her mouth, she followed directions and allowed the liquid to slowly slide down her throat. Although a bit salty, the essence was also sweet. A fascinating combination she thought."Do you want me to continue reading, Joan?""No. Not tonight as I believe Morpheus, the ancient Roman god of sleep and dreams, is calling to me. May I return after supper on the morrow, Father Paul?""Of course my child. You may visit me any time you desire, and I will teach you everything I have knowledge of."Joan joins a priest, who is entertaining another person.Joan slept the sleep of chastity, although she knew that she was no longer a maiden, and deserved little satisfactory sleep. She could not understand why she had such wonderful feelings throughout her body. Apparently it was God's desire, and he was pleased with her actions.She spent the day, milking the cows, currying the horses, cooking and cleaning. She fed all of the animals and cleaned their stalls, while her father worked in the fields planting vegetables. They broke for the mid-day meal and sat together while eating. Her Father asked,"Joan, what did you learn at the church with Father Paul, last eve?""Father Paul read to me from a large book in Latin. I learned about God's design and the essence of man. He also taught me how man should best serve God, and what God expects of his children.""My daughter is such a wonderful student; and has an admirable mind, unlike her ignorant father.""Father, if it was not for your understanding and love for me, I would never have learned to read and write. You are not ignorant and I love you.""Are you going to the church tonight little one?""Yes father, if that would be convenient for you. There is much work to be done.""Of course my daughter, although I feel you deserve some enjoyment and rest. You work here all the day, then study hard after dark. A girl should also have some good times in her young life.""Believe me Father, the enjoyment I have received from God's love has been wonderful and fulfilling. My life has found new meaning and absolute pleasure. Are you remaining home on this eve?No, I plan to go to the public house and have a tall glass of warm Ale.""In moderation, father. Do not forget your last venture to the public house. You were unable to get out of bed long past sunrise.""Yes daughter, I recall. I will only have a pint or so."Father and daughter then parted company. Joan washed the dishes, swept the floors, and then went out to feed the hogs. He father returned to his planting. They would have a good harvest on the year.Supper came and went. As night fell, Joan fed the fireplace and as the light danced on the walls of the room, she wondered if Father Paul would elevate her with his phallus and essence. Taking a torch from its storage place, she shoved the end of it into the fire. The tip burned brightly, warming her face.Leaving the house, she trudged up the path, in the dark toward the rectory. Upon arriving, Joan opened the door and walked in. Father Paul was naked and laying on top of her close friend Lily, a postulate, or nun-in-training. His phallus was deeply imbedded in her sheath.Joan stood there and watched as Father Paul continued to enter into and permeate her vagina, helping her temporarily ascend to heaven's gate. Lily was much involved in Father Paul's God-like movements, and was sinking her nails in his back, moaning loud and mumbling,"More Father Paul, more. Send me to see God."Joan sat in a chair, next to the bed of straw and watched as the Father's penis slid in and out of her friend. Everything seemed to be very wet and coated with a viscous liquid, and a small amount of blood. Joan wondered if it would be better for her to withdraw, as Father was fully involved in her friend."Joan", said Paul. "Please disrobe and join us in the bed. We can all do the Lord's work together."Quickly, as Father Paul began to eject his essence into the young girl, she moaned loudly and began to squirt her juices, pumping them past Father's penis and onto his testical sack.She stated to the priest; "More Father Paul, please do more. I want God to love me.""God does love you, my child, more than most women, whom would refuse to share their sacred passage with the sons of the church."Joan shed her clothing and joined the couple on the bed of straw, which was covered with a sheet like covering. Father rolled off of the girl as she lay in a semi unconscious state, moaning lightly.Joan took hold of Paul's phallus and began to stroke it as she had done the evening prior. It took some patient time and affectionate gestures of fondness, however when his penis again became tumescent, Joan lifted her leg over him and eased down onto his lap, allowing his coccus to impale her tight moist vagina.She moved front to back, feeling the priest's huge member inside of her, thanking God in a little prayer for bringing such knowledge and pleasure to her.She was full of cheer as she thought there would be more pain associated with another coupling, however she now understood that the

    Daily Easy Spanish
    ”Se acabó. Bajemos los alquileres”: la masiva protesta en Barcelona para exigir que se respete el derecho a la vivienda

    Daily Easy Spanish

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 23, 2024 9:54

    Una nueva manifestación se desarrolló en España contra los precios de los alquileres. Esta vez fue en Barcelona, a donde acudieron miles de personas.

    Paddock Pass Podcast - Motorcycle Racing - MotoGP - World Superbike
    Episode 455: SolidarityGP Questions Answered & Dorna talk about the ‘new' MotoGP

    Paddock Pass Podcast - Motorcycle Racing - MotoGP - World Superbike

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 22, 2024 65:00

    Adam, David and Steve rattle through your questions in the wake of the 2024 MotoGP season closer in Barcelona, reveal who won the Alpinestars Paddock Pass Podcast Fantasy League and talk to a special guest: MotoGP Senior Brand Manager Nuria Garcia about how and why MotoGP is evolving the brand, the new logo and reimagining the future.

    Full Blast
    Ben Kamon! Champion!

    Full Blast

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 22, 2024 101:09

    Ben Kamon is back! After a successful time at the Damasteel Chef Invitational, Ben sold out of his work and took away “Best Cleaver” at the event. We had a blast taking about it and then talked about business scammers and fooled around too. Ben is one of the most talented Knifemakers who also like to horse around over here and has an open door policy. Follow Ben here:https://www.instagram.com/kamon_knives/?hl=enGet on his newsletter:https://www.kamonknives.com/The Full Blast Podcast on Instagram:https://instagram.com/thefullblastpodcast?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=If you want to support Full Blast Support  Feder Knives - ( go buy a shirt )https://www.federknives.com/Take a class: https://centerformetalarts.org/Follow CMA on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/centerformetalarts/?hl=enJoin us in Barcelona for the 2025 weekend Workshops!https://florentinekitchenknives.com/pages/workshopsVisit Tormek's website: https://tormek.com/enFollow Tormek on Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/tormek_sharpening/?hl=enFollow Tormek on TikTokhttps://www.tiktok.com/@tormek_sharpening?lang=en *******ARTICLES ON SECTION 230*******Is This the End of the Internet As We Know It? | ACLUInfographic: Why Section 230 Is So Important | Electronic Frontier FoundationInterpreting the ambiguities of Section 230 | BrookingsWTF is Section 230? - DigidayPlease subscribe, leave a review and tell your friends about the show. it helps me out a lot! Thank you Baker Forge & Tool for your beautiful Steel. Go to Bakerforge.com to see all the incredible steels they offer. ‘FullBlast' gets you 10% off your orderWelcome to our new Sponsor- EVENHEAT- Manufacturers of the best heat treating ovens available.  To find your next oven go to Evenheat-kiln.comFollow them on Instagram: Welcome aboard Texas Farrier Supply! For all your forging and knife making supplies go to www.texasfarriersupply.com   and get 10% off your order with PROMOCODE Knifetalk10Brodbeck Ironworks Makers of an Incredibly versatile grinder, with Many different attachmentsLeather sewing equipment and even abrasives Check out Brodbeck Ironworks for yourself:https://brodbeckironworks.com/“Knifetalk10” gets you 10% off Follow Brodbeck Ironworks on Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/brodbeck_ironworks/Trojan Horse Forge Get your THF Stabile Rail knife finishing vise at https://www.trojanhorseforge.com/And when you use the promo code “FULLBLAST10 you get 10%off everything on the site.Follow them on instagram:https://www.instagram.com/trojan_horse_forge/ TotalBoatAdhesives, paints, primers and polishing compounds.Go to http://totalboat.com/FULLBLASTTo support the podcastWelcome G.L.Hanson and SonsG.L. Hansen & Sons On Instagramhttps://instagram.com/g.l._hansenandsons?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Gcarta.bigcartel.comG-Carta is unique composite of natural fibers and fabrics mixed with epoxy under pressure and heat Boofa, ripple cut, Tuxini, by Mikie, Mahi Mahi, Radio worm g-cartaPheasant by MikieColorama by MikieHoopla by MikeAmazing colors and razzle dazzle for your project. MARITIME KNIFE SUPPLIESMaritimeknifesupply.CAAll your knifemaking needs, belts abrasive, steals, kilns forges presses, heat treating ovens anvils and everything you need to get started or resupply. Including Dr. Thomas's book:“Knife Engineering”They're in Canada but ship to the US with ease and you can take advantage of the exchange rate The steel selection is always growing and Lawrence just got 3900 lbs. of steel in.10% off on abrasive belt packs of 10 get a hold of https://www.instagram.com/maritimeknifesupply/ and see what the fuss is about.Welcome Tormek as a sponsor to the show. Take your sharpening to a new level. I love these sharpening machines. Waterfed, easy to use. Jigs included. Definitely check out what they have to offer. If you need it sharpened, Tormek is definitely something for you:https://tormek.com/en/inspiration/woodworking--craftsGo look at the course curriculum at CMA:https://centerformetalarts.org/workshops/** Taking classes from some of the best in forging at one of the best facilities in the country is an excellent opportunity to propel yourself as a blacksmith. Not to be missed. And with housing on the campus it's a great way to get yourself to the next level. Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy

    Monocle 24: The Entrepreneurs
    Eureka 417: Can smart toy design foster child development? 

    Monocle 24: The Entrepreneurs

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 22, 2024 6:20

    We meet Nuria Torras, the founder of Lekkid, a Barcelona-based toy brand focused on promoting creativity and imagination in children through educational play.  See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Morning Footy: A daily soccer podcast from CBS Sports Golazo Network
    Headlines: Javier Mascherano reportedly set to be hired by Inter Miami as new Head Coach (Soccer 11/22)

    Morning Footy: A daily soccer podcast from CBS Sports Golazo Network

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 22, 2024 9:02

    The group react to the breaking news that reportedly Inter Miami has found their replacement for the now vacant head coaching position. Javier Mascherano is set to take over the helm. Mascherano is an Argentine professional football coach and former player. As a player, he played as a centre-back or defensive midfielder, most notably for Liverpool, Barcelona and the Argentina national team, being heralded as one of the best defenders and midfielders of his generation. Morning Footy is available for free on the Audacy app as well as Apple Podcasts, Spotify and wherever else you listen to podcasts.  Follow the Morning Footy podcast on Twitter: @CBSSportsGolazo, @susannahcollins, @nicocantor1, @NotAlexis, @CharlieDavies9 Visit the betting arena on CBSSports.com for all the latest in sportsbook reviews and sportsbook promos for betting on soccer For more soccer coverage from CBS Sports, visit https://www.cbssports.com/soccer/ To hear more from the CBS Sports Podcast Network, visit https://www.cbssports.com/podcasts/ Watch UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League, UEFA Europa Conference League, Serie A, Coppa Italia, EFL, NWSL, Scottish Premiership, Argentine Primera División by subscribing Paramount Plus: https://www.paramountplus.com/home/ To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Fuera de Juego
    Las prioridades para los equipos en el regreso de LaLiga

    Fuera de Juego

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 22, 2024 30:37

    Los expertos de Fuera de Juego analizan las principales preocupaciones para Barcelona, Atlético y Real Madrid, tras la pausa por los juegos de selecciones. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Fútbol es Radio
    Fútbol es Radio: ¿Recortará el Real Madrid puntos al Barcelona?

    Fútbol es Radio

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 22, 2024 48:37

    Sergio Valentín comenta con María Trisac, Gonzalo Heredero y Jaime Ugarte la previa de la jornada de Liga.

    barcelona liga puntos el real madrid jaime ugarte sergio valent
    Es la Tarde de Dieter
    Historia Patriótica de España: El reino de Aragón

    Es la Tarde de Dieter

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 22, 2024 33:50

    Dieter conversa con José María Marco sobre la influencia de Carlomagno, los francos, el condado de Barcelona y la creación de la ciudad de Teruel.

    Filling the Sink
    Priced out: Tenants threaten rent strike as housing crisis worsens

    Filling the Sink

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 22, 2024 25:39

    This Saturday November 23 the Tenant's Union accompanied by dozens of housing activism organizations have planned a protest in Barcelona to demand a significant reduction in rents. We discuss the housing crisis, analyze the reasons behind rising prices and find out how tenants are fighting back. Host Beth Cohen is joined by Catalan News journalist Cillian Shields to explore how the housing situation has evolved in recent years. Cillian talks to tenants about the difficulties of renting in Barcelona, the increasingly unfavorable contracts offered by landlords and the saturated housing market. Beth investigates the rent cap law, finds out what a ‘tense housing zone' is and discovers how landlords are using legal loopholes to continue to charge prices which reflect market demand. We interview some of the key figures involved in Saturday's protest, including Carme Arcarazo, the spokesperson for the Tenants´ Union, and Judit Esposa, a representative of a housing union in the Barcelona neighborhood of Gràcia. They clarify what the protest hopes to achieve, while experts question the viability of a rent strike. Filling the Sink also reveals how locals are being priced out of their neighborhoods, as tourism and luxury real estate put pressure on rental prices. For those who do want to stay, compromise comes in the form of a flat share or moving back into the family home, neither of which are desirable options for working adults. This week's Catalan phrase is “Començar la casa per la teulada” - to start the house with the roof. It means to do things in the wrong order and is the equivalent of the English saying “To put the cart before the horse.” 

    Arroe Collins
    Top Selling Soprano Sarah Brightman's A Christmas Symphony On Tour And More

    Arroe Collins

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 22, 2024 8:48

    The world's biggest-selling soprano and legendary GRAMMY® Award-nominated artist Sarah Brightman is back to spread holiday cheer this upcoming season! Sarah will dazzle audiences once again with her ‘A Christmas Symphony' tour this November and December. Accompanied by orchestra, choir and special guests, this enchanting holiday show will feature Sarah performing many of her holiday classics and greatest hits. Now an annual tradition, ‘A Christmas Symphony' is such a special way to enjoy the holidays with family and friends. Tickets are now available at SarahBrightman.com/Tours.Sarah Brightman has amassed sales of more than 30 million, received awards in more than 40 countries and garnered more than one billion streams worldwide. She performed at such prestigious events as the Concert for Diana, The Kennedy Center Honors and the Barcelona and Beijing Olympic Games. Sarah's albums Eden, La Luna, Harem, Symphony and Dreamchaser were each chart-topping Billboard hits and were all accompanied by world tours. Her most recent full length studio album HYMN debuted at #1 on the Classical and Classical Crossover Billboard charts. Sarah has been recognized for her outstanding contribution to music and theatre with a ‘STAR' on the world-renowned, majestic Hollywood Walk of Fame, in addition to receiving an Honorary Doctor of Arts (Hon DArt). Now an annual tradition, Sarah's holiday tour visited 22 cities in Canada and the US in 2023, receiving glowing reviews and standing ovations! This year, Sarah's “A Christmas Symphony” tour visits 14 new cities in the Western United States and Mexico beginning in Thackerville, OK on November 29th concluding on December 18th in Mexico City, MX.  Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/arroe-collins-unplugged-totally-uncut--994165/support.

    BetUS Soccer
    LaLiga Picks Matchday 14 | LaLiga Odds, Soccer Predictions & Free Tips

    BetUS Soccer

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 22, 2024 61:10

    LaLiga picks show previewing the matchday 14 games.LaLiga is back for a great slate of games! With international duty done, players return to their clubs for another weekend of intense league games. Barcelona still reigns supreme, six points above Real Madrid, and displaying a superior brand of football. They will attempt to expand their dominance once again on matchday 14. This slate includes some fantastic games spearheaded by the Basque derby between Athletic Bilbao and Real Sociedad. Other great ones include Barcelona traveling to Vigo, Osasuna hosting Villarreal and Real Madrid visiting Leganes. Join our BetUS host, Gordon “Flash” Watson, who'll be joined by our soccer experts Paco Polit and Pavlos Laguretos to discuss the best LaLiga odds available, and to share with you their hottest soccer predictions, free tips, and best soccer picks for this Matchday 14.LaLiga Matchday 14 Preview LaLiga Betting Record Match PredictionLaLiga Q&A LaLiga Best Bets 

    St. Robert Daygame Pick-up Podcast
    Ep. 181: From 1,500 Daygame Fails to Getting Laid in Amsterdam | St. Robert Daygame Testimonial

    St. Robert Daygame Pick-up Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 22, 2024 28:46

    In this episode, I sit down with an Amsterdam-based finance pro who's done over a thousand approaches but struggled to get consistent results with local Dutch girls. He got a random lay with a tourist here and there. But that's it. We met in Barcelona for coaching. In this episode we dive into troubleshooting his game, needy texting, and lack of structure - and how he started fixing it. From a hot lay in Barcelona to pulling girls in Amsterdam, this is how coaching helped him level up his daygame. Daygame Infield Coaching - ⁠https://www.strobert.blog/daygame-coaching/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Online Coaching Program - ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.daygamecourses.com/strobert-community/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Daygame Model I Teach All My Students -⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.strobert.blog/thestructurednaturalapproach/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Free Texting And Dating Courses - ⁠https://www.daygamecourses.com/ (0:00) Intro (0:55) About (03:51) History (1000-1500 sets, 5 lays in total) (07:07) Previous coaching experience (07:38) Why coaching (09:12) Why work with St. Robert (10:08) Concern before getting coaching (11:13) Coaching experience (19:54) After coaching (20:52) First lay (23:00) Lay in Amsterdam (26:06) What's next