Capital and prefecture of Japan
In just over a half century since the first c-store opened in Tokyo, the definition of convenience has been reshaped over and over throughout Asia. Hear what the big ideas are in Tokyo and which ones could be coming to your market. Hosted by: Jeff Lenard About our Guest: Mark Wohltmann, Director, NACS Global Mark is responsible for the strategic development of NACS Global, a worldwide network that supports convenience retailers and their businesses. He has more than 20 years of experience in research and consulting, with a focus on FMCG/CPG and retail. Mark began his career in the advertising industry, focusing on trade marketing and sales advertising in impulse retail channels at Dorland in Berlin and at Grey and BBDO in Duesseldorf.
Dave shares his (almost) daily diary of audio recordings from Tokyo and talks book hunting, Japan Comic Art Expo, Tokyo Comic Con, meeting Peach Momoko and the surreal city that he is quickly falling in love with. Dave shares his original art commission by Shintaro Kago, talks local cuisine, coffee, Godzilla, praises the lost art of walking, and discusses the value and promise of new partnerships. And more coffee.
La revue de presse internationale - Les correspondants d'Europe 1
Direction Istanbul où Mathilde Wardat nous rapporte les déclarations du ministre turc des Affaires étrangères. Ce dernier exhorte la France à rapatrier et juger les djihadistes français retenus en Syrie par les forces kurdes, alliées de la France dans la lutte contre Daesh. Un sujet sensible qui illustre les tensions entre la Turquie et les Kurdes, considérés comme terroristes par Ankara.Ensuite, c'est à Beyrouth qu'Inès Gilles nous emmène. Les médias libanais se concentrent sur l'élection du nouveau président, Joseph Aoun. Un événement porteur d'espoir pour la population après plus de deux ans sans président. Mais son élection soulève des interrogations, notamment concernant ses relations avec le puissant mouvement chiite Hezbollah.Enfin, nous terminons notre tour du monde à Tokyo avec Bernard Delattre. La Une de la presse japonaise est dominée par l'Exposition universelle d'Osaka, qui ouvrira ses portes dans seulement trois mois. Mais les préparatifs accusent du retard et peinent à susciter l'engouement du public japonais, ce qui fait craindre un fiasco pour le Japon.Notre équipe a utilisé un outil d'Intelligence artificielle via les technologies d'Audiomeans© pour accompagner la création de ce contenu écrit.
Direction Istanbul où Mathilde Wardat nous rapporte les déclarations du ministre turc des Affaires étrangères. Ce dernier exhorte la France à rapatrier et juger les djihadistes français retenus en Syrie par les forces kurdes, alliées de la France dans la lutte contre Daesh. Un sujet sensible qui illustre les tensions entre la Turquie et les Kurdes, considérés comme terroristes par Ankara.Ensuite, c'est à Beyrouth qu'Inès Gilles nous emmène. Les médias libanais se concentrent sur l'élection du nouveau président, Joseph Aoun. Un événement porteur d'espoir pour la population après plus de deux ans sans président. Mais son élection soulève des interrogations, notamment concernant ses relations avec le puissant mouvement chiite Hezbollah.Enfin, nous terminons notre tour du monde à Tokyo avec Bernard Delattre. La Une de la presse japonaise est dominée par l'Exposition universelle d'Osaka, qui ouvrira ses portes dans seulement trois mois. Mais les préparatifs accusent du retard et peinent à susciter l'engouement du public japonais, ce qui fait craindre un fiasco pour le Japon.Notre équipe a utilisé un outil d'Intelligence artificielle via les technologies d'Audiomeans© pour accompagner la création de ce contenu écrit.
A lot to cover as we're back from our unplanned hiatus, so it's more of an overview of the past two weeks of All Elite action, from Tokyo, Kanto to Athens, Georgia, we're skimming over everything!The Elite Beat Plugs of the WeekAndy: Superman Returns (MAX)Megan: Scrubs (Hulu)
Japanese police arrested Kinuko Iwamoto, former chancellor of Tokyo Women's Medical University, on Monday on suspicion of breach of trust involving fictitious payments of construction consulting fees by the university, people familiar with the investigation said.
Avant de créer l'agence Think Tank, ils sont partis à Tokyo sac à dos et sont restés là-bas faire de l'architecture. Ils y ont appris une autre manière de penser l'espace : mutation, réversibilité, transformation, dans des échelles d'espace et de temps différents. De retour en France, Adrien Pineau travaille chez Gaëlle Péneau, Jacques Ferrier. Marine de la Guerrande après un détour à Bangkok intègre as.architecture-studio. En bref, avant de fonder leur propre agence/outil de travail, ils se sont confrontés à de nombreux défis. Parmi les ultimes défis : créer leur agence sans projet. Mais la commande arrive rapidement par le biais de l'urbanisme via une collaboration. Aujourd'hui, leur projet de réhabilitation d'une halle XIXe en gymnase, dans le 12e arrondissement à Paris, est emblématique de leur manière d'aborder le projet, en regardant "plus haut". Leur projet "Ensemble Lafayette : bureaux, activités, commerces, logements" avec l'agence Data architectes (mandataire) reçoit en 2024 l'EQUERRE D'ARGENT dans la catégorie ” Lieu d'Activités ” et le prix PRIX D'A 10+1 2024 ! Ainsi, ils figurent aujourd'hui parmi les agences qui comptent, avec une pratique à l'international qui est en train de s'imposer !Dans ce numéro de Com d'Archi, ils racontent tout ce parcours, leurs projets, leur outil de travail, avec générosité. Image teaser DR © Think TankIngénierie son : Ali Zogheib____Si le podcast COM D'ARCHI vous plaît n'hésitez pas :. à vous abonner pour ne pas rater les prochains épisodes,. à nous laisser des étoiles et un commentaire, :-),. à nous suivre sur Instagram @comdarchipodcast pour retrouver de belles images, toujours choisies avec soin, de manière à enrichir votre regard sur le sujet.Bonne semaine à tous ! Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Get a monthly bonus episode and support the podcast at our Patreon!Join 2 Tokyo locals Jordan (8 Bit Theme Park Japan) and Alex (@thehappyzan) as we talk about the memories and the mistakes made at Universal Studios Japan's 27 hour New Year's event, as well as discussing news regarding Fantasy Springs at Tokyo DisneySea finally opening up to all guests, and our anticipation for it's a small world with Groot coming to Tokyo Disneyland this month.Want to bring the magical scents of your favourite rides and attractions into your home? Visit and use promo code RISINGFUN to get 15% off your entire order!
A recap of the past week across Monocle Radio, from Justin Trudeau’s resignation as Canada’s prime minister to Swiss security and the Golden Globe Awards. Plus: dispatches from the Consumer Electronics Show and we take in the sounds of Tokyo. See for privacy information.
Fluent Fiction - Japanese: Unexpected Adventures: A Day of Surprises in Yoyogi Park Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Ja: 東京の中心、賑やかな都市の喧騒から逃れるように、広々とした代々木公園が広がっている。En: In the heart of Tokyo, as if offering an escape from the hustle and bustle of the lively city, the spacious Yoyogi Park spreads wide.Ja: 冬の寒さは空気を澄ませ、木々は裸だけれど、活気と笑い声に包まれたこの公園は人々を心温かく迎えている。En: The winter chill clears the air, and although the trees are bare, this park enveloped in vitality and laughter warmly welcomes people.Ja: 今日は成人の日。En: Today is Coming of Age Day.Ja: 成人になる若者たちはきれいな着物を身にまとい、ここ代々木公園もいつも以上に賑わっている。En: Young people becoming adults are dressed in beautiful kimonos, making Yoyogi Park busier than usual.Ja: 公園の一角では、カラフルな旗や賑やかなブースが並び、そこでは犬の衣装コンテストが開催中だ。En: In one corner of the park, colorful flags and lively booths are lined up, hosting a dog costume contest.Ja: この日、ヒロシとエミコは公園を散歩する予定だった。En: On this day, Hiroshi and Emiko planned to stroll through the park.Ja: エミコの犬、ポンズを散歩に連れて行きながら、静かに楽しむつもりだったのだ。En: They intended to enjoy a quiet time while taking Emiko's dog, Ponzu, for a walk.Ja: ヒロシは計画通りの一日を望んでいた。En: Hiroshi hoped for a day according to plan.Ja: 一方、エミコは驚きを求めていた。En: On the other hand, Emiko sought surprises.Ja: 「ヒロシ、とても楽しいイベントを見つけたよ!」エミコが興奮気味に言った。En: "Hiroshi, I found a really fun event!" Emiko said excitedly.Ja: 「何のこと?」ヒロシは少し緊張しながら尋ねた。En: "What is it?" Hiroshi asked a bit nervously.Ja: 「犬の衣装コンテストだよ!ポンズも参加できるかも!」エミコが指さした先には、賑やかなコンテストの様子が見える。En: "It's a dog costume contest! Maybe Ponzu can join in!" Emiko pointed to the lively contest scene.Ja: 「でも、ポンズには何も持ってないし…」ヒロシは不安そうに言った。En: "But we don't have anything for Ponzu…" Hiroshi said anxiously.Ja: 「心配いらないよ!即席で何か作れるかも。」エミコは笑顔で答えた。En: "Don't worry! We might be able to make something on the spot." Emiko answered with a smile.Ja: ヒロシはためらった。En: Hiroshi hesitated.Ja: このままでは人前で恥ずかしい思いをするかもしれない。En: This might lead to an embarrassing moment in public.Ja: だが、エミコの笑顔は彼を少し安心させた。En: However, Emiko's smile reassured him a little.Ja: そこで、彼らは公園周辺で使えそうなものを探し始めた。En: So, they began looking around the park for something they could use.Ja: これが彼らの即席コスチューム作りの始まりだった。En: This marked the start of their impromptu costume-making adventure.Ja: エミコはリボンや葉っぱを拾い集め、ヒロシは匠の手つきでそれをポンズに取り付ける。En: Emiko gathered ribbons and leaves, while Hiroshi skillfully attached them to Ponzu.Ja: 何とか形になったその姿に満足し、彼らはコンテストに参加することに決めた。En: Pleased with the outcome, they decided to enter the contest.Ja: コンテストの司会者が参加者を紹介し始める。En: The contest host began introducing the participants.Ja: エミコとヒロシの番が来たとき、観客は驚きの表情から次第に笑顔へと変わり、大きな拍手が湧き起こった。En: When it was Emiko and Hiroshi's turn, the audience's expressions changed from surprise to smiles, and they erupted in applause.Ja: 「わあ、すごいね!」エミコが声を上げた。En: "Wow, this is amazing!" Emiko exclaimed.Ja: 「やってやるさ!」やや誇らしげに、ヒロシはポンズと一緒に小さな寸劇を始めたのだった。En: "We can do it!" Feeling somewhat proud, Hiroshi began a small skit with Ponzu.Ja: 結果発表の時が来た。En: The time for the results came.Ja: ポンズと彼らの衣装は「最も活気ある参加者賞」を受賞し、ヒロシは予想外の人気を得た。En: Ponzu and their costume received the "Most Lively Participant Award," and Hiroshi gained unexpected popularity.Ja: その場にいる皆が祝福してくれた。En: Everyone present shared their congratulations.Ja: 「今日は素敵な日になったね。」エミコが言った。En: "Today turned out to be a wonderful day," Emiko said.Ja: 「そうだね。時には計画外のこともいいもんだ。」ヒロシは微笑んで答えた。En: "Yeah, sometimes it's nice to do things that weren't planned." Hiroshi answered with a smile.Ja: 彼は新しいことを学び、記憶に残る一日を過ごしたのだった。En: He learned something new and spent a memorable day.Ja: その日、代々木公園での経験は彼ら二人にとって忘れられない思い出となり、二人の友情をさらに深めた。En: That day's experience at Yoyogi Park became an unforgettable memory for both of them, deepening their friendship even further.Ja: ヒロシは計画に縛られない日々の美しさに気づき、エミコはヒロシの柔軟さを新たに発見した。En: Hiroshi realized the beauty of days not bound by plans, and Emiko discovered a new side of Hiroshi's flexibility.Ja: 寒い冬の日でも、心温まる瞬間があるのだと気づかせてくれる、そんな日だった。En: It was a day that showed even on a cold winter day, there are moments that warm the heart. Vocabulary Words:hustle: 喧騒bustle: 賑やかspacious: 広々としたchill: 寒さbare: 裸enveloped: 包まれたlively: 活気kimonos: 着物booths: ブースstroll: 散歩anxiously: 不安そうにhesitate: ためらうembarrassing: 恥ずかしいimpromptu: 即席applause: 拍手erupted: 湧き起こったamazing: すごいskit: 寸劇proud: 誇らしげunforgettable: 忘れられないdeepening: 深めたflexibility: 柔軟さmarked: 始まりだったcontest: コンテストintroducing: 紹介participants: 参加者expressions: 表情congratulations: 祝福vitality: 活気plan: 計画
首相公邸、2023年7月10日、東京都千代田区石破茂首相は12日、佳子夫人と共に、東京・赤坂の衆院議員宿舎から首相公邸に移った。 Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba and his wife, Yoshiko, on Sunday moved into the prime minister's official residence from a dormitory for members of the House of Representatives, both in central Tokyo.
東京都の小池百合子知事は12日、教員や技術系公務員として都内で就職した学生の奨学金返済を支援する制度を創設すると表明した。 The Tokyo metropolitan government will establish a program to support the repayment of student loans for those who will start working as teachers or technical civil servants in Tokyo in April or later, Governor Yuriko Koike said Sunday.
Let's Learn Sumo - Hatsu Basho, January Day 1 of the Grand Sumo Tournament at the Kokugikan in Tokyo. Yokozuna returns, Ozekis looking for promotion. Lets review the Day 1 top division bouts.Send us a text
The Tokyo metropolitan government will provide up to 100,000 yen in subsidies from October to residents of Tokyo who opt for painless deliveries, Governor Yuriko Koike has said.
Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba and his wife, Yoshiko, on Sunday moved into the prime minister's official residence from a dormitory for members of the House of Representatives, both in central Tokyo.
The Tokyo metropolitan government will establish a program to support the repayment of student loans for those who will start working as teachers or technical civil servants in Tokyo in April or later, Governor Yuriko Koike said Sunday.
Got Faded Japan ep 766! In this action-packed episode, Johnny introduces his pick of the best Shochu of 2025, the value and excitement of visiting antique shows in Japan and of course he breaks down this weeks most bizarre and hilarious news articles! FADE ON! Faders, please help our friend Pee Wee who is a long time Fader, friend of the show and owner of Gamuso. Pee Wee has been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and he needs our help. If you are in Japan, please come to his charity fund raiser event on February 1st at 7th Floor Shibuya or donate whatever you can to his PayPal account at: PayPal Details: Paypal: email: Username: Sullivan Lee @sullivanLee243 Event Details: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supporting GOT FADED JAPAN ON PATREON directly supports keeping this show going and fueled with booze, seriously could you imagine the show sober?? Neither can we! SUPPORT GFJ at: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK OUT OUR SPONSORS AND SUPPORT THE SHOW!!!! 1. THE SPILT INK: Experience art, buy art and get some original art commissioned at: SITE: INSTAGRAM: @thespiltink YouTube: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. MITSUYA LIQUOR in ASAGAYA: "The BEST beer shop and standing beer bar in Tokyo!" 1 Chome- 13 -17 Asagayaminami, Suginami Tokyo 166-0004 Tel & Fax: 0303314-6151Email: Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Harry's Sandwich Company 1 min walk from Takeshita Street in HarajukuCall 050-5329-7203 Address: 〒150-0001 Tokyo, Shibuya City, Jingumae, 1 Chome−16−7 MSビル 3F -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Share Residence MUSOCO “It's a share house that has all that you need and a lot more!” - Located 30 minutes form Shibuya and Yokohama - Affordable rent - Gym - BAR! - Massive kitchen - Cozy lounge space - Office work units - A spacious deck for chilling - DJ booth and club space - Barber space - AND MORE! Get more info and move in at: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Food House https://soulfoodhouse.comAddress:2-chōme−8−10 | Azabujūban | Tokyo | 106-0045 Phone:03-5765-2148 Location Features:You can reach Soul Food House from either the Oedo Line (get off at Azabujuban Station and it's a 7-minute walk) or the Namboku Line (get off at Azabujuban Station and it's a 6-minute walk). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GET YOURSELF SOME GOT FADED JAPAN MERCH TODAY!!! We have T-Shirts, COFFEE Mugs, Stickers, even the GFJ official pants! BUY NOW AND SUPPORT THE SHOW: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Got Faded Japan Podcast gives listeners a glimpse of the most interesting side of Japan's news, culture, peoples, parties, and all around mischief and mayhem. Hosted by Johnny and Jeremy who adds opinions and otherwise drunken bullshit to the mix. We LOVE JAPAN AND SO DO YOU! Send us an email on Facebook or hell man, just tell a friend & post a link to keep this pod rolllin' Fader! Kanpai mofos! #japan #japantalk #japanpodcast #gotfadedjapan
Wes and Rett cruise the Tokyo expressway looking to race in this week's film Shuto Kousoku Trial. This 80s street racing film inspired video game series such as Ridge Racer and Tokyo Xtreme Racer, along with The Fast and The Furious film franchise. So hop in to your Nissan Skyline and prepare to drift into the night. the show on X @genvideopodcast and on Instagram @generationvideopodcast to secure your reservation for the hottest new releases! Email your feedback and suggestions to generationvideo@yahoo.comGeneration Video crew shirts and membership card stickers are now available! Support your local virtual video store! #racing #streetracing #shutoku #shuto #tokyo #xtreme #racer #nissan #skyline #toyota #eightsix #initiald #ridgeracer #drift #drifting #fairladyz #fast #furious #japan #japanese
0:00 2010年英语专业四级 新闻11:14 2010年英语专业四级 新闻22:28 2010年英语专业四级 新闻33:42 2010年英语专业四级 新闻44:19 2010年英语专业四级 新闻55:09 2010年英语专业四级 新闻62010年英语专业四级 新闻1Four American teenagers, all children of U.S. military personnel, have been arrested on charges of attempted murder after a woman was knocked off her motorbike with rope strung across two poles Japanese police said.日本警方称,四名美国青少年因被控谋杀未遂被捕,他们都是美国军方人员的子女。此前一名女子被绑在两根杆子上的绳子绊住,摔下摩托车。The 4 suspects-two 15-year-old boys, a 17-year-old girl, and an 18-year-old man-were taken into custody on Saturday, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department said.东京警察局表示,4名嫌疑人——2名15岁的男孩、1名17岁的女孩和1名18岁的男子——周六被拘留。They are accused of causing a severe head injury to a 23-year-old restaurant employee by stringing a rope between poles across a road.他们被控在两根杆子中间绑了一根绳子,导致一名23岁的餐馆员工的头部严重受伤。U.S.Forces in Japan was informed of the August incident in late October, a public information officer said.一名公共信息官员说,10月下旬,美国驻日本部队得知了8月份的事件。There was no clear explanation for the delay in the handover of the suspects to police, other than it involved rules between Washington and Tokyo covering U.S.force and their dependents in Japan.除了此事涉及华盛顿和东京之间关于美国军队及其在日本的家属的规定之外,美国方面没有明确解释为何延迟将嫌疑人移交给警方。The U.S. military presence and its impact on Japanese residents have been a thorny issue over the years.多年来,美国驻军及其对日本居民的影响一直是个棘手的问题。2010年英语专业四级 新闻2Iraqi lawmakers are expected to vote on a security agreement by Wednesday, which will keep the U.S. troops here until the end of 2011,the parliament's speaker said yesterday.伊拉克议会议长昨日表示,预计伊拉克议员将在周三之前就一项安全协议进行投票,这项协议规定美国在伊拉克的驻军到2011年底须撤离。After hours of heated debate, Speaker Mahmoudal-Mashhadani announced that the vote is scheduled for Wednesday and can be put forward provided parties in the parliament would reach an agreement on the pact.经过几个小时的激烈辩论,议长马什哈达尼宣布,投票定于周三举行,如果议会各党派能就该协定达成一致,投票可以提前进行。The long-delayed agreement passed the Iraqi cabinet last week and went to the parliament for reviewing.这一拖延已久的协议上周在伊拉克内阁获得通过,并提交议会审议。The vote date was originally set for tomorrow.投票日期原定于明天。The security agreement will replace the UN mandate to grant U.S. military presence in Iraq legal status from 2009.这份安全协议将取代联合国的授权,该授权授予美国在伊驻军合法地位。The U.S. has agreed to pull troops out of Iraqi cities and towns by mid-2009 and leave lraq by the end of 2011.美国同意在2009年年中之前从伊拉克城镇撤军,并在2011年底之前撤离伊拉克。The Iraqi government wants the parliament to make the decision before lawmakers would set out for a pilgrimage trip to Mecca next week.伊拉克政府希望议会在议员们下周前往麦加朝圣之前做出决定。2010年英语专业四级 新闻3Honduran authorities dedicated to the protection of children and adolescents have undertaken campaign to protect youngsters who beg on the streets.洪都拉斯当局致力于保护儿童和青少年,发起了保护街头乞讨儿童的运动。"In the capital of Tegucigalpa alone, the effort has resulted in the rescue of 350 children," city officials said.“仅在特古西加尔巴一个城市,就有350名儿童获救。”当地官员说道。Honduran Institute of Childhood and Family, together with the police and the district attorney, carried out operations around the country to rescue the children and punish the parents.洪都拉斯儿童和家庭研究所,连同警察和地方检察官,在全国各地展开行动,营救儿童,惩罚父母。"Many children are used for begging," said Nora Urbina, special prosecutor for children's issues.“许多儿童被用来乞讨,”儿童问题特别检察官诺拉·乌尔比纳说。"Many children are rented and that is precisely what we hope to punish, because Article 170 of the Juvenile Penal Code sets a penalty of up to six years in detention."“许多儿童被租借出去,我们希望惩罚这样的行为,因为《少年刑法》第170条规定最多可判处6年监禁。”Those children who are rescued are taken to the Honduran Institute of Childhood and Family and then handed over to their parents with the promise that their rights will be protected.这些获救的儿童被送往洪都拉斯儿童和家庭研究所,然后交给他们的父母,父母须承诺他们的权利将得到保护。Parents who allow their children to be exploited in this way face, in addition to as many as six years in prison, the equivalent of a $500 fine.允许自己的孩子以这种方式被剥削的父母,除了面临长达6年的监禁外,还面临500美元的罚款。2010年英语专业四级 新闻4A campaign is getting underway in Italy to take back large stretches of the country's beaches from private bathing clubs which usually charge to use them.意大利正在进行一项运动,目的是收回私人浴场向游人收费的大片海滩。This has been a summer of discontent because despite government efforts, an entire coastline has been monopolized by profiteering bathing clubs.这是一个不满的夏天,因为不管政府如何努力,整个海岸线都被暴利的游泳俱乐部所垄断。Italy has some of Europe's finest beaches, but they are often buried under a mountain of deckchairs and umbrellas.意大利有一些海滩是欧洲最好的,但经常摆满了躺椅和遮阳伞。The government says the state owns the shoreline and swimming should be free.政府表示,海岸线归国家所有,游泳应该是免费的。2010年英语专业四级 新闻5The Northwest braced for blizzards Friday night.星期五晚上西北地区遭遇暴风雪。Icy roads created from storms this week paralyzed much of the greater Seattle,Washington area, where schools were closed and bus routes were suspended Fridayas roads were too icy to navigate.本周暴风雨造成华盛顿州大西雅图地区大部分地区的道路结冰,陷入瘫痪。由于路面结冰严重,周五学校停课,公交暂时停运。Two charter buses carrying 80 people that collided and skidded off a road were pulled to safety.两辆载有80人的包租巴士相撞并滑出公路,目前已安全撤离。The buses crashed through a metal railing and hung precariously over Interstate 5 for several hours before tow trucks pulled them back on the road.两辆公共汽车撞穿了一根金属栏杆,摇摇欲坠地悬挂在5号州际公路上,几个小时后,拖车将它们拖回公路。The snowfall closed the airport for several hours and cut into local business hours for retail shops during the busiest shopping season of the year.受大雪影响,机场关闭了几个小时;目前正是一年中最繁忙的购物季节,当地零售商店的营业时间被迫缩减。2010年英语专业四级 新闻6Hundreds of emergency workers combed the site of a five-story apartment building in southern Ukraine Thursday after a series of explosions reduced it to rubble,authorities said.有关部门说,乌克兰南部一幢五层公寓楼周四发生一系列爆炸,导致大楼变成一片废墟,数百名紧急救援人员对该建筑进行了彻底搜查。The blasts Wednesday night in the Black Sea resort town of Yevpatoria left at least 17 people dead and 24 others missing, according to lgor Krol, a spokesman forth Ukrainian's Emergency Situations Ministry乌克兰紧急情况部发言入伊戈尔·克罗尔说,“周三晚上发生在黑海度假胜地耶夫帕托里亚的爆炸造成至少17人死广.24人失踪。21 people have been rescued. "We are now investigating all possible reasonsfor the explosions," Krol said.21人获救。“我们正在调查所有可能造成爆炸的原因,”克罗尔说。Volodymiyr Shandra, the Ukrainian Emergency Situations minister, told local media that oxygen canisters being stored in the basement of the building could have triggered the blasts.乌克兰紧急情况部部长沃洛迪米尔·珊德拉对当地媒体表示,存放在大楼地下室的氧气罐可能引发了爆炸。Television footage showed rescuers trying to free people buried underneath fallen debris, while others scrabbled through wires, construction rods and boulders.电视画面显示,救援人员试图救出被埋在废墟下的人们,而其他人则在电线、建筑杆和大圆石周围搜寻伤者。
A series of essays on the culture of the community.Get all the news you need by listening to WBZ NewsRadio 1030 on the free #iHeartRadio app! Or ask Alexa to play WBZ NewsRadio on #iHeartRadio.
東京都の小池百合子知事、2024年12月東京都の小池百合子知事は11日、都内在住者が無痛分娩を行う場合、10月から最大10万円の費用助成を行うと表明した。 The Tokyo metropolitan government will provide up to 100,000 yen in subsidies from October to residents of Tokyo who opt for painless deliveries, Governor Yuriko Koike has said.
For our first episode of 2025: "otaku culture" as a phenomenon began to emerge, in part, as a reaction against the crass commercialism of postwar Japan. Yet now, it is entirely a part of the fabric of that commercialism. How did that happen? We'll explore it by looking at two fascinating phenomena: the dojin market known as Comiket and the transformation of Tokyo's neighborhood of Akihabara. Show notes here.
Join January Jones and Richard Carthon on Hot Topics of Edge of Show as they delve into exciting developments in Web3, blockchain, and digital innovation! In this episode, they discuss their rebrand to the Edge of Show, Tokyo's pioneering Web3 events, the highly anticipated Bitcoin spotlight at ETH Denver 2025, and a fascinating review of 2024's crypto milestones. With a $100 Ethereum giveaway and reflections on 400 episodes, this discussion is packed with insights, events, and future predictions. Don't miss out on the latest happenings in the crypto world!Support us through our Sponsors! ☕
A 2025 preview: Georgina Adam, our editor-at-large, tells host Ben Luke what might lie ahead for the market. And Ben is joined by Jane Morris, editor-at-large, and Gareth Harris, chief contributing editor, to select the big museum openings, biennials and exhibitions.All shows discussed are in The Art Newspaper's The Year Ahead 2025, priced £14.99 or the equivalent in your currency. Buy it here.Exhibitions: Site Santa Fe International, Santa Fe, US, 28 Jun-13 Jan 2026; Liverpool Biennial, 7 Jun-14 Sep; Folkestone Triennial, 19 Jul-19 Oct; Ruth Asawa: A Retrospective, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 5 Apr-2 Sep; Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York, 19 Oct-7 Feb 2026; Gabriele Münter, Guggenheim Museum, New York, 7 Nov-26 Apr 2026; Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris, 4 Apr-24 Aug; Elizabeth Catlett: a Black Revolutionary Artist, Brooklyn Museum, New York, until 19 Jan; National Gallery of Art (NGA), Washington DC, 9 Mar-6 Jul; Art Institute of Chicago, US, 30 Aug-4 Jan 2026; Ithell Colquhoun, Tate Britain, London, 13 Jun-19 Oct; Abstract Erotic: Louise Bourgeois, Eva Hesse, Alice Adams, Courtauld Gallery, London, 20 Jun-14 Sep; Michaelina Wautier, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, 30 Sep-25 Jan 2026; Radical! Women Artists and Modernism, Belvedere, Vienna, 18 Jun-12 Oct; Dangerously Modern: Australian Women Artists in Europe, Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide, 24 May-7 Sep; Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, 11 Oct-1 Feb 2026; Lorna Simpson: Source Notes, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 19 May-2 Nov; Amy Sherald: American Sublime, SFMOMA, to 9 Mar; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, 9 Apr-Aug; National Portrait Gallery, Washington DC, 19 Sep-22 Feb 2026; Shahzia Sikander: Collective Behavior, Cincinnati Art Museum, 14 Feb-4 May; Cleveland Museum of Art, US, 14 Feb-8 Jun; Cantor Arts Center, Stanford, US, 1 Oct-25 Jan 2026; Jenny Saville: The Anatomy of Painting, National Portrait Gallery, London, 20 Jun-7 Sep; Linder: Danger Came Smiling, Hayward Gallery, London, 11 Feb-5 May; Arpita Singh, Serpentine Galleries, London, 13 Mar-27 Jul; Vija Celmins, Beyeler Collection, Basel, 15 Jun-21 Sep; An Indigenous Present, ICA/Boston, US, 9 Oct-8 Mar 2026; The Stars We Do Not See, NGA, Washington, DC, 18 Oct-1 Mar 2026; Duane Linklater, Dia Chelsea, 12 Sep-24 Jan 2026; Camden Art Centre, London, 4 Jul-21 Sep; Vienna Secession, 29 Nov-22 Feb 2026; Emily Kam Kngwarray, Tate Modern, London, 10 Jul-13 Jan 2026; Archie Moore, Queensland Gallery of Modern Art, 30 Aug-23 Aug 2026; Histories of Ecology, MASP, Sao Paulo, 5 Sep-1 Feb 2026; Jack Whitten, Museum of Modern Art, New York, 23 Mar-2 Aug; Wifredo Lam, Museum of Modern Art, Rashid Johnson, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, 18 Apr-18 Jan 2026; Adam Pendleton, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington DC, 4 Apr-3 Jan 2027; Marie Antoinette Style, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 20 Sep-22 Mar 2026; Leigh Bowery!, Tate Modern, 27 Feb- 31 Aug; Blitz: the Club That Shaped the 80s, Design Museum, London, 19 Sep-29 Mar 2026; Do Ho Suh, Tate Modern, 1 May-26 Oct; Picasso: the Three Dancers, Tate Modern, 25 Sep-1 Apr 2026; Ed Atkins, Tate Britain, London, 2 Apr-25 Aug; Turner and Constable, Tate Britain, 27 Nov-12 Apr 2026; British Museum: Hiroshige, 1 May-7 Sep; Watteau and Circle, 15 May-14 Sep; Ancient India, 22 May-12 Oct; Kerry James Marshall, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 20 Sep-18 Jan 2026; Kiefer/Van Gogh, Royal Academy, 28 Jun-26 Oct; Anselm Kiefer, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 14 Feb-15 Jun; Anselm Kiefer, Van Gogh Museum, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 7 Mar-9 Jun; Cimabue, Louvre, Paris, 22 Jan-12 May; Black Paris, Centre Pompidou, Paris, 19 Mar-30 Jun; Machine Love, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, 13 Feb-8 Jun Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
302. Plan Your Dreams, Live Your Best Year - The Power of Paring Paper Planners with Vision Boards. | Routines, Schedules, Time Management, Time Blocking, Goals, Dreams, Vision Boards, Planners, Moms, Habits, Resolutions, New Year's Resolutions, Planners, Productivity >>> Don't you feel it's about time you UNLOCK YOUR BEST YEAR YET? Plan Your Dreams, Live Your Best Year: The Power of Paper Planners and Vision Boards . Learn how to MAKE 2025 YOUR BEST YEAR EVER by attending our LIVE ONLINE SUMMIT for Moms! Mark your calendars for January 13-17, 2025! [Click here to register & get $100 off - This week ONLY!] . . If you're ready to take 2025 to the next level, I've got something special for you! . A NEW YEAR'S SALE FOR OUR HFM PLANNERS! Planners ON SALE for THIS WEEK ONLY! Type in code: KIM30 at checkout for Get 30% off your Paper Planners!! . Get your HFM Productivity Planner today! HFM PRODUCTIVITY PLANNERS [click here to shop planners] . Hey, Hey There Mama, Are you ready to make 2025 your most intentional year yet? If you're a busy mom with big dreams (but not a lot of extra time), this episode is for you! Today, I'm sharing how two simple tools—a paper planner and a vision board—can completely transform your year. These tools will help you set meaningful goals, stay organized, and finally achieve those New Year's resolutions you've been dreaming about. We'll dive into the science-backed reasons why using a paper planner and creating a vision board are game-changers for busy moms who want to: • Prioritize what matters most • Boost productivity • Reduce stress • Make progress on their big dreams Plus, I'll give you all the details about my upcoming Live BEST YEAR EVER Summit, where you'll learn how to dream big, set goals, CREATE YOUR OWN VISION BOARD, and plan for a successful and intentional year ahead! . ✨ Let's make 2025 the year you thrive, mama! . A Few Highlights From This Episode:
Former CBC Radio producer Karen Levine has been named to the Order of Canada for her groundbreaking journalism. We listen to her 2001 documentary Hana's Suitcase. It tells the story of a girl murdered in Auschwitz in 1944, and how her suitcase turned up in Tokyo 57 years later.
Karl and Erum welcome Dr. Chris Mason. He's a professor of genomics, physiology, and biophysics, as well as co-founder / COI of BiotiaNYC, Ursa Bio, and Onegevity. Chris will take you on a journey from the mysteries of space genomics to the hidden worlds of Earth's microbiomes. He discusses the intersection of advanced biology and space exploration, diving into his work with NASA's twin study, the possibilities of planetary engineering, and his fascination with unknown DNA found even in urban subways. Chris also talks about how the convergence of ancient biological knowledge and cutting-edge technology could redefine humanity's future, both on Earth and beyond. Grow Everything brings the bioeconomy to life. Hosts Karl Schmieder and Erum Azeez Khan share stories and interview the leaders and influencers changing the world by growing everything. Biology is the oldest technology. And it can be engineered. What are we growing? Learn more at Chapters: 00:00:00 - The Spark of Science and Fresh Starts 00:01:23 - The Biotech Buzz in San Francisco 00:03:37 - Blockchain Meets Biology 00:07:45 - 2025's Game-Changers: Microbes and Mars 00:08:52 - Into the Unknown: Dr. Chris Mason's Journey 00:12:29 - Space's Genetic Surprises 00:15:55 - Portable Labs Orbiting Earth 00:21:58 - Hidden Worlds Underfoot: Urban Microbes 00:32:19 - Tokyo's Microbial Enigma 00:33:08 - The Peanut Paradox and Immune Myths 00:35:56 - Singular Cells in Vast Ecosystems 00:36:46 - From Genes to Blueprints: Synthetic Biology 00:47:31 - Terraforming at Planetary Scale 00:50:45 - Commercial Space Odysseys 00:52:53 - The Biology of Tomorrow: Dreams of Terraforming 00:55:59 - Wrapping Up with Visionaries Episode Links: The Next 500 Years: Engineering Life to Reach New Worlds by Chris Mason Two New Space Planes DeSci Market Capitalization Chris Mason Lab Twins Study - Astronaut genomics MetaSub Among New York Subway's Millions of Riders, a Study Finds Many Mystery Microbes Extreme Microbiome Project Colossal Biosciences Topics Covered: space genomics, urban microbiomes, dna discovery, planetary engineering, biotechnology trends, genetic engineering, synthetic biology tools, microbiome exploration Have a question or comment? Message us here: Text or Call (804) 505-5553 Instagram / Twitter / LinkedIn / Youtube / Grow Everything Email: Music by: Nihilore Production by: Amplafy Media
AEW finally played the back half of the home-and-home with New Japan, sending a handful of stars to Tokyo last week for “Wrestle Dynasty.” I had resident #TeamAFP AEW beat writer Ray Petree on for our weekly wrestling podcast, and the relationship between AEW and NJPW was a focal point. Among the discussion points: Kenny Omega made his in-ring return at “Wrestle Dynasty,” an interesting choice, given that AEW is where he makes a tony of money. Despite telling the AEW audience on this week's “Dynamite” that he may never again be the Kenny Omega of old, Omega was, pretty much, the Kenny Omega of old in his match with Gabe Kidd. We're told that NJPW suspended commentator Chris Charlton for his comments during the Omega-Kidd match directed at Tony Khan and AEW's booking of former New Japan stars. One way to look at this: there's a strain in the relationship between the companies. Which would make sense from New Japan's perspective, since AEW raided the top of its roster. But why would AEW have an issue going forward with New Japan? Zack Sabre Jr. is a throwback to wrestling before it became sports entertainment. The IWGP world champ is unique in working matches that feel real in an era with guys trying to get in every high spot they can in the few minutes they get. Powerhouse Hobbs got the dub in the Casino Gauntlet Match to win a shot at AEW world champ Jon Moxley. Will this be another one-off for Hobbs, who has been the victim of on-again, off-again pushes? We got our first taste of what we'll see in the first-ever Women's Casino Gauntlet Match this week on “Dynamite.” It has to end with Toni Storm winning the title shot against AEW women's champ Mariah May next month's “Grand Slam Australia” PPV, doesn't it? Mercedes Mone's first several months in AEW were uneven, at best. But Mone, the TBS champ, is starting to hit her stride.
Hoy, 10 de enero de 2025, nuestros elefantes cumplen 38 años en Radio 3. Lo celebramos con frases de Sir George Martin, John Cage, Aldous Huxley o Jordi Savall y grabaciones de Simone ('Começar de novo'), Henri Salvador ('Ça n´a pas d´importance'), Tony Bennett & Amy Winehouse ('Body & soul'), Isabelle Antena ('Le poisson des mers du sud'), Delicatessen ('In a mellow tone'), Ivan Lins & Metropole Orkest ('Daquilo que eu sei'), Toco ('Zum zum'), Michael Franks ('Rainy day in Tokyo'), Gordon Haskell ('Antonio´s song'), Melody Gardot ('If you love me'), António Zambujo ('Milagrário pesoal'), Elis Regina ('Atrás da porta'), Bernard Lavilliers ('Guitar song') y Rosa Passos ('Zanga zangada').Escuchar audio
The Cap and Mo are joined by Beer to review WWE's #WWERAW polarising debut on Netflix! PLUS we look back on two nights in Tokyo last week with Wrestle Kingdom and Wrestle Dynasty, the downfall of Hulk Hogan and it's Tiffy Time! We also hear from the Brothers Of Max Destruction Travis Anderson, Cypher and Chris Reid ahead of Promo Rumble, and we announce the NEW Group MVP and EVP! Theme song: "Every Single Scar" by our house band Captain's Revenge #kennyomega #kennyomegareturn #wrestledynasty #wrestlekingdom #hulkhogan #rawisnetflix #therock #wwenetflix #tiffanystratton #tiffytime #wwe #aew #wrestling #podcast #wwepredictions #wrestlingpodcast #wrestlinghighlights #wrestlingnews #allelitewrestling #nxt #njpwworld #newjapanprowrestling #ddtpro #ddtprowrestling #tnawrestling #tnaimpact #thisistna #aewvsnxt #aewpodcast #aewdynamite #aewrampage #wweraw #wwesmackdown #romanreigns #codyrhodes #rhea ripley #mjf #cmpunk Visit us as Facebook: Twitter: Soundcloud: Spotify:
A conversation with Jonathan Katz - pianist, composer and orchestrator with various music projects, and leader of Tokyo Big Band sharing stories from his musical journey from New York to Tokyo, the joy of discovering jazz and how Japan has influenced not only his life but also his music.
[A.S. Roma] MARIONE - Il portale della ControInformazione GialloRossa
Te la do io Tokyo - Trasmissione del 10/01/2025 - Tutte le notizie su
法政大多摩キャンパスの教室内で女がハンマーのようなものを振り回した事件で、現場周辺を調べる警察官、10日午後、東京都町田市10日午後3時40分ごろ、東京都町田市相原町の法政大多摩キャンパス5号館で、授業中に突然、女が教室内でハンマーのようなものを振り回し、授業を受けていた男女8人がけがをした。 Eight people were injured by a hammer-wielding woman at Hosei University's Tama campus in Tokyo on Friday afternoon.
We visit two destinations that should factor into your 2025 travel plans. In Portugal we assess the hospitality sector after a record year in visitor numbers, then we tune in to the sounds of Tokyo to hear what sonic attractions await you in the Japanese capital.See for privacy information.
The School of Homeopathy offers fully accredited and awarding winning online courses, from beginner to practitioner level. They have helped thousands of graduates into practice across the world since 1981. Misha Norland explores the four elements—fire, air, water, and earth—transitioning from energy to matter, linked to seasons, temperaments, and life stages. He emphasises these as symbolic maps, not absolutes, inviting reinterpretation. Through vivid imagery, he connects elements to homeopathic personalities like Lachesis, Nux Vomica, and Lycopodium. Here is a bio for Misha: The School of Homeopathy's Founder, Misha Norland (13/6/1943 - 27/11/2021) was a Fellow and a founding member of The Society of Homeopaths and was the first editor of its journal. A practitioner for over 40 years, he was Head of Homeopathic Research at the first UK homeopathic college. Internationally respected for his teaching and practice skills, he influenced and taught many of the world's leading homeopaths. As well as establishing the School of Homeopathy in the UK in 1981 (the longest running School in the UK). He developed the distance learning course established in 1987 and also helped develop partner School's in New York (no longer running), Tokyo and Hong Kong & China. In 2024 he was awarded the Maesimund B. Panos MD Homeopathy Educator Award by the National Centre of Homeopathy in the USA in recognition for his impact on homeopathy in North America.
Every Thursday 21:00 Japan time. Become a Patreon member for 5 bucks a months (that's like one tall boy) and Dan will give you a shoutout and read your questions on the podcast. YouTube Video Podcast This week Dan does The Dan Wilson in Tokyo Podcast from Gakugei Daigaku, Tokyo. He explains the Japanese word for smegma. He answers Patreon member's questions around train station. Become a sponsor and support the Dan Wilson in Tokyo Podcast. Email: The Dan Wilson in Tokyo Podcast Your one-stop podcast for everything Japan and Japanese culture...kind of. Dan Wilson is an American living in Japan working in the entertainment industry in the comedy duo Badonkadonk | バドンカドンク Instagram & TikTok = @danielywilson
What's up, people? This week we have our second full podcast in English with former Puerto Rican national team and Olympian in Tokyo 2020+1, Jazmon Gwathmey. Jazmon had the opportunity to play different sports, and basketball was the one that interested her. The same one that led her to play college basketball at the highest level, the same one that led her to the opportunity to play with the Puerto Rico national team in the Olympics. What are we talking about? You have to play the podcast. Dímelo Corrillo, esta semana tenemos nuestro segundo podcast full en inglés con la ex seleccionada nacional de Puerto Rico y olímpica en Tokio 2020+1 Jazmon Gwathmey. Jazmon tuvo la oportunidad de jugar varios deportes y el baloncesto fue el que le interesó, el mismo que la llevó a jugar al baloncesto colegial al más alto nivel, el mismo que la llevó a reasentar a Puerto Rico en las olimpiadas y vivir cosas brutales. ¿De qué hablamos, tienes que darle play al podcast? REDES Jazmon Gwathmey Desde La Línea Podcast
Contemporary artist Tanoa Sasraku unearths complex relations with British landscapes and natural resources, connecting environments from the north coast of Scotland to South West England, and flagging colonial extractivism in Ghana, through their series of Terratypes (2022-Now). Dartmoor: A Radical Landscape runs at the Royal Albert Memorial Museum (RAMM) in Exeter until 23 February 2025. Tituba, Who Protects Us? runs at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris until 1 May 2025. A major solo exhibition of Tanoa's work opens at the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) in London in October 2025. For more about Invasion Ecology (2023), co-curated by Jelena Sofronijevic for Radical Ecology, and Southcombe Barn on Dartmoor, listen to the episodes with the exhibition's artists: - Ingrid Pollard, on expanded photography, Blacknesses, and British identities, in Carbon Slowly Turning (2022) at the Turner Contemporary in Margate: - Hanna Tuulikki, on selkies, Scottish folklore, and performance, in Avi Alarm (2023): You can also read about Hanna's installation, under forest cover (2021), at City Art Centre in Edinburgh: And hear about Fern Leigh Albert's activist photographic practice, now on display at RAMM. - Ashish Ghadiali - whose film Can you tell the time of a running river? (2024), from the series Cinematics of Gaia and Magic (2023-Now), also features at RAMM - in the episode from Against Apartheid (2023) at KARST in Plymouth: For more about Ibrahim Mahama's 2024 exhibition at Fruitmarket in Edinburgh, drawing from archives, and mineral extraction in West Africa, hear the artist's episode about Sekondi Locomotive Workshop (2024): PRODUCER: Jelena Sofronijevic. Follow EMPIRE LINES on Instagram: And Twitter: Support EMPIRE LINES on Patreon:
In this chilling episode of Stuttering in Silence, Matt and Gavin delve into the twisted histories of three infamous cults that left their mark on the world. Explore the bizarre rise and fall of the Rajneesh Movement, the horrifying murder-suicides orchestrated by the Order of the Solar Temple, and the devastating Tokyo subway attack carried out by Aum Shinrikyo. Discover the conspiracies that still surround these groups, how they manipulated their followers, and how society responded both then and now. Buckle up — this episode will make you question how far belief can go when it falls into the wrong hands.
All the holiday shennanigans have been put to rest and we are back! Hope everyone had a happy holiday. In this ep we talk the merits of holidays, accessing porn south of the Mason/Dixon, going to Grady Hospital, California burnin...again, NYE terror attacks, winter storms across America, Trump goin crazy renaming stuff, Facebook to stop fact checking, and much more! Email here: Check us out Facebook here: Check out the Youtube Channel here: Follow us on Twitter @TokyoBlackPod Get your apparel at You can also catch us Apple Podcasts, Google Play, and Spotify Check out Every Saturday Morning here Check out the new hip hop mix here
Découvrez l'histoire d'une mystérieuse disparition et le combat de sa famille. Tiphaine Véron a disparu au Japon, un jour de juillet 2018 alors qu'elle voyageait seule à l'âge de 36 ans. Elle s'est comme volatilisée à une centaine de kilomètres de Tokyo. Depuis, sa famille la cherche sans relâche. Une quête presque quasi impossible, à 10 000 kilomètres de chez eux, dans un pays dont ils n'ont pas les codes… Dans le dernier épisode, Caroline Nogueras recevra Damien Véron, le frère de Tiphaine, pour évoquer son combat et son intime conviction. Son frère en quête de vérité A la fin de l'année 2022, cela fait maintenant cinq ans que Tiphaine Véron est introuvable. Après Maitre Antoine Vey et l'enquête d'Abgral, le Covid a mis toutes les chances de relancer l'enquête à plat. Et puis, le Japon rouvre ses portes aux touristes fin 2022 et le dossier est ensuite confié à Maître Corinne Herrmann, une avocate spécialisée dans les affaires criminelles non résolues. La fratrie s'envole pour la sixième fois vers le Japon, en quête de vérité. Découvrez la saison précédente en intégralité : L'affaire June Hopkins ou l'histoire d'une liaison fatale Production et diffusion : Bababam Originals Écriture : Capucine Lebot Voix : Caroline Nogueras En partenariat avec upday. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The School of Homeopathy offers fully accredited and awarding winning online courses, from beginner to practitioner level. They have helped thousands of graduates into practice across the world since 1981. Sulphur is one of the most prescribed remedies in Homeopathy. It is often linked with fire and brimstone, epitomises volcanic intensity both in nature and the human experience. This lecture explores Sulphur's transformative properties, its association with eruptive skin conditions, its mental creativity, and its profound contrasts - from the unkempt philosopher to the driven idealist. A remedy of heat, brilliance, and complexity. Here is a biog for Misha: The School of Homeopathy's Founder, Misha Norland (13/6/1943 - 27/11/2021) was a Fellow and a founding member of The Society of Homeopaths and was the first editor of its journal. A practitioner for over 40 years, he was Head of Homeopathic Research at the first UK homeopathic college. Internationally respected for his teaching and practice skills, he influenced and taught many of the world's leading homeopaths. As well as establishing the School of Homeopathy in the UK in 1981 (the longest running School in the UK). He developed the distance learning course established in 1987 and also helped develop partner School's in New York (no longer running), Tokyo and Hong Kong & China. In 2024 he was awarded the Maesimund B. Panos MD Homeopathy Educator Award by the National Centre of Homeopathy in the USA in recognition for his impact on homeopathy in North America.
Mr. Christopher sits down with Lettuce guitarist Adam Smirnoff aka Shmeeans. We discuss the origins of Lettuce, their creation process, Live in Tokyo, Prince, bootleggers, and so much more.
James is joined by Christy to talk New Year's Dash from Tokyo as NJPW sets off its new rivalries and squares up some of the loose ends from Wrestle Kingdom Weekend. With plenty of controversy, and a CHAOS vs TMDK Main Event to set you heart aflutter.
Gustavo Bernal received his Bachelor's in Animation and Visual Effects from Academy of Arts University, San Francisco. Born in Caracas, Venezuela, Gustavo has strong roots in his Hispanic heritage and multicultural background. With several years of experience, he previously worked for prestigious advertising agencies and production companies in Venezuela and New York City, including Havas Health, The Vidal Partnership, Adrenalina, and Warner Brothers Television. He had edited projects with well-known celebrities and personalities such as Spike Lee, Quest Love, Thalia, Aurora, Moby, Gorillaz, KT Tunstall, Lilly Allen, actor Nestor Carbonel, musician Robin Thicke, restaurateur Danny Meyers, and Magic Johnson. Gustavo brings a unique vision as a filmmaker and creator to all the projects he works on, with his interests in storytelling, film editing, and visual effects. He has been actively involved with AIA Austin since 2019 and is the filmmaker behind WiA's Profiles interview video series. Furthermore, he has won numerous awards for his advertising and independent filmmaking work. His film Tiny Victories 2.0, A Tale of Empathy, has been screened at film festivals in Venice, Copenhagen, Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro, Dubai, Chicago, Dallas, London, and the Better Cities Film Festival—Detroit, where it won the Emerging Ideas Award. The short documentary was presented in the #Archtober AIA Queens, Architecture Short Films festival in NY, the Western Australian Museum - Boola Bardip in Melbourne.Gustavo has spoken about storytelling in architecture and film at the AIA Austin Design Excellence, Texas Society of Architecture, and AIA National Conference. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Découvrez l'histoire d'une mystérieuse disparition et le combat de sa famille. Tiphaine Véron a disparu au Japon, un jour de juillet 2018 alors qu'elle voyageait seule à l'âge de 36 ans. Elle s'est comme volatilisée à une centaine de kilomètres de Tokyo. Depuis, sa famille la cherche sans relâche. Une quête presque quasi impossible, à 10 000 kilomètres de chez eux, dans un pays dont ils n'ont pas les codes… Dans le dernier épisode, Caroline Nogueras recevra Damien Véron, le frère de Tiphaine, pour évoquer son combat et son intime conviction. Une enquête sans fin Seuls face à l'immobilisme de la police nipponne, la famille Véron s'accroche. Mais malgré les nombreuses pistes à explorer et l'intervention d'Emmanuel Macron et du Premier Ministre japonais, Shinzo Abe, rien ne se passe. A Nikko, face aux journalistes, les enquêteurs font mine de s'activer, mais en réalité, ils brassent de l'air. Tiphaine est introuvable. Les jours passent et les scénarios qui se dessinent sont de plus en plus macabres… Découvrez la saison précédente en intégralité : L'affaire June Hopkins ou l'histoire d'une liaison fatale Production et diffusion : Bababam Originals Écriture : Capucine Lebot Voix : Caroline Nogueras En partenariat avec upday. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Stew talks to current TNA World Tag Team Champions, the legendary Matt & Jeff Hardy, about their careers, their upcoming title defense at TNA Genesis, and more. Plus, he recaps WWE Raw's debut on Netflix, as well as NJPW's Wrestle Kingdom and Wrestle Dynasty in the Tokyo Dome.