Read Online“But woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation. Woe to you who are filled now, for you will be hungry. Woe to you who laugh now, for you will grieve and weep. Woe to you when all speak well of you, for their ancestors treated the false prophets in this way.” Luke 6:24–26Luke 6:20–49 offers us a shortened version of the Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew's Gospel. Luke's version of this sermon takes place on a plain, “a stretch of level ground.” The teachings in the two Gospels are very similar, despite their difference in length. Luke's teaching on the Beatitudes adds the “woe to you's” quoted above, which are not found in Matthew's version.The early Church Father Saint Bede comments that Saint Luke's version of the “woes” are meant for those who are “uninstructed hearers” because they “must first be brought by terrors to good works.” He goes on to say that the first part of the Beatitudes, the “blessings,” are meant for the “perfect” because they “need but be invited by rewards” rather than fear of punishment. The fact that Saint Luke includes a teaching for both the sinner and the saint should lead us to the conclusion that we can benefit from both approaches in our spiritual lives.When your spiritual life is strong and you are consistently avoiding serious sin, it might be more helpful to reflect regularly upon the blessings found in the Beatitudes. This will have the effect of drawing you into greater perfection as the desire for the reward of holiness becomes the object of your hope.When your spiritual life is weaker and you are regularly struggling with more serious sin, it might be more helpful to reflect upon the woes of the Beatitudes. This will have the effect of deterring you from the cycle of sin you struggle with, on account of the fear of the consequences of those sins.In the end, the Beatitudes and their subsequent woes are meant to point us interiorly to the desires of our hearts. We must become more and more aware of what occupies our thinking and desires. Ultimately, wealth or poverty, hunger or satisfaction, worldly praise or persecution do not matter. What matters is that our hearts are detached from the desires identified in this sermon so that we more fully desire only God and His holy will, regardless of the circumstances of life we find ourselves in.Reflect, today, upon your own spiritual and moral life and first consider whether you are blessed to be living a life that more imitates the saints or whether you more often reflect the serious struggles of the sinner. From there, try to choose which form of teaching you need the most. Do you need to ponder the rewards of seeking even greater beatitude in life so as to grow deeper in holiness? Or do you need Jesus' clear condemnations to help you break free from the cycle of sin with which you are struggling? Humbly identify that which is most helpful to you right now in your spiritual life and allow this full sermon of Jesus to help you on your journey to the Kingdom of Heaven.Lord of holiness, I do desire to follow You and become truly holy. Please free me from my sin so that I am able to avoid the consequences of those sins. Please help me to also desire the heights of holiness so that I will receive the great rewards that You promised to the saints in Heaven. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: catholic-daily-reflections.comCopyright © 2025 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.Boston at English Wikipedia & John Stephen Dwyer, CC BY-SA 3.0
Join Pastor Fredo as he explores Psalm 46, a powerful declaration that God is our refuge and strength, even in times of chaos. As the world around us may feel unstable, we can take comfort in knowing that God is present and in control. Reflect on God's protection and peace, and pray for strength in the face of adversity.--Support content like this and the vision of Sandals Church at http://sandalschurch.com/support/Join our email list for content updates: http://sandalschurch.com/subscribeDownload the Sandals Church App: http://sandalschurch.com/app/If you have questions, need prayer or want to get connected, please email us anytime at online@sandalschurch.com!
In today's episode, Colleen explores a common challenge: the struggle to maintain consistent effort in self-care and personal growth. She uncovers the hidden beliefs that might be driving resistance and shares how shifting your motivation—from fixing yourself to gifting yourself—can transform your relationship with self-care. Learn how to reconnect with your future self, reframe your mindset, and take actions that feel like a gift rather than a chore. Key Takeaways: The Truth About Resistance: Resistance to self-care often stems from subconscious beliefs that you need to “fix” yourself. Shame-driven motivation triggers your brain's habenula, putting the brakes on your energy and motivation. Reframe Self-Care as a Gift: Think of self-care as a way to set your future self up for success, not as a punishment for being “broken.” Actions taken with the intention to benefit your future self feel more rewarding and are easier to sustain. Performance vs. Iterative Mindset: Shift from a performance-driven mindset (judging yourself by today's productivity) to an iterative mindset (learning from yesterday's results to create better outcomes). Celebrate progress and focus on creating strategies that align with your goals and intentions. Curiosity Over Judgment: When you feel resistance, pause and get curious about the story you're telling yourself. Resistance may reveal an action that's misaligned with your true needs or a belief rooted in shame. Actionable Steps: Notice the Story: Pay attention to the thoughts and beliefs that arise when you feel resistance to self-care or personal growth. Ask yourself: What story am I telling myself about why I have to do this? Reframe the Action: Shift your mindset to see self-care as a gift to your future self. For example, “I'm doing this now to make tomorrow easier and more enjoyable for me.” Practice Intentional Choices: Pause before acting and ask, “Does this action align with where I want to be and how I want to feel?” If not, adjust your actions or remove them from your to-do list. Reflect and Realign: Take time to evaluate whether your actions are motivated by self-criticism or self-love. Reorganize your priorities to focus on actions that genuinely serve you. Homework: Identify one self-care action that feels difficult or unmotivating and reframe it as a gift to your future self. Practice gratitude toward yourself for taking that action, and notice how it shifts your motivation and energy. Click here to BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL. If you're ready to fully commit to your personal growth and do the work to get emotionally sober (side effects include an 80 percent reduction in drinking),You'll walk away from our call with a clear understanding of how to get the skills you need to transform your life. Do you want help from Colleen with a situation you're struggling with? Click here to submit your question for Colleen's NEW Q& A episodes. Your name will not be mentioned on air! —Want daily updates from me? Find me on TikTok @hangoverwhisperer and IG @thehangoverwhisperer —Click here to TAKE THE QUIZ: Do you have a drinking problem or a thinking problem?
Real time follow along body doubling episodeOur little virtual book club is a true experiment to see if we can get through a whole book together, learn something that will truly help and support us AND make it a ton of fun ✨
In today's reading, Pastor Fredo meditates on Psalm 45, a beautiful song of love for the king, often understood as a prophetic psalm pointing to Christ. This psalm highlights the majesty of the king and the beauty of His reign. Reflect on God's eternal kingship and take time to worship Him with a heart full of love.--Support content like this and the vision of Sandals Church at http://sandalschurch.com/support/Join our email list for content updates: http://sandalschurch.com/subscribeDownload the Sandals Church App: http://sandalschurch.com/app/If you have questions, need prayer or want to get connected, please email us anytime at online@sandalschurch.com!
Join us on a special Valentine's Day edition of 'Have Faith, Let It Begin' with your host, Angel Santana. In this episode, we explore the notion that expressing love should go beyond just one designated day a year. Reflect on the importance of celebrating love daily, not just on Valentine's Day, and discover how simple acts can make every day special. As you listen, learn how to extend love to others and feel the warmth of God's unwavering love. Embrace the call to reach out and touch someone's life, whether through a call, a prayer, or a simple act of kindness. Remember, our Heavenly Father is the ultimate Valentine, offering unconditional love at every moment. Let Angel guide you through an uplifting message, filled with personal anecdotes, prayers, and a call to action in making everyday moments count. Share the love and Have Faith, Let It Begin!
Real time follow along body doubling episodeOur little virtual book club is a true experiment to see if we can get through a whole book together, learn something that will truly help and support us AND make it a ton of fun ✨
“Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body." Proverbs 16:24As the sun rises on Valentine's Day, let us embrace the beauty of love that surrounds us. Just as the bees gather nectar to create honey, we too can gather kind words and gracious actions to sweeten our relationships. The ancient wisdom of Proverbs 16:24 reminds us, “Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” Let us be mindful of the power our words hold, for they can be a balm to the weary heart.In the tapestry of life, each thread represents moments of kindness and affection. Reflect on a time when a simple word of encouragement lifted your spirit. Perhaps it was a friend who offered a gentle reminder of your worth or a stranger whose smile brightened your day. These small gestures echo the love of our Creator, reflecting His grace in our interactions. As we share kindness with others, we mirror the divine love that God has poured into our lives.Romans 13:8 says, "Be indebted to no one, except to one another in love. For he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law." “Let all that you do be done in love,” Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 16:14. As we celebrate this day of love, let us consciously choose to infuse our conversations with sweetness and grace. A compliment, a note of appreciation, or even a heartfelt prayer can transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. These acts of love are like honey, nourishing our souls and fostering deeper connections with those around us.As we journey through this day, may our hearts overflow with joy and gratitude. Remember that every act of love, no matter how small, contributes to a greater tapestry of compassion in the world. In moments of doubt or frustration, let us turn our hearts towards God, seeking His guidance and strength. For He is the source of all love, and through Him, we find healing for our bones and sweetness for our souls. Colossians 4:6 says, "Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." Amen.Prayer for the Day!Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of love and for the people You have placed in our lives. Help us to speak graciously and act kindly, reflecting Your love in all that we do. May our words be sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Guide us in nurturing our relationships, and let our hearts be vessels of Your grace today and always. In Jesus' name. Amen. https://maglife.org
Read OnlineThey were exceedingly astonished and they said, “He has done all things well. He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.” Mark 7:37This line is the conclusion to the story of Jesus healing a deaf man who also had a speech impediment. The man was brought to Jesus, Jesus took him off by himself, cried out “Ephphatha!” (that is, “Be opened!”), and the man was cured. And though this was an incredible gift to this man and an act of great mercy toward him, it also reveals that God wants to use us to draw others to Himself.On a natural level, we all lack the ability to hear the voice of God when He speaks. We need the gift of grace for this. As a result, on a natural level, we are also incapable of speaking the many truths that God wants us to speak. This story teaches us that God also desires to heal our ears so as to hear His gentle voice and to loosen our tongues so that we can become His mouthpiece.But this story is not only about God speaking to each one of us; it also reveals our duty to bring others to Christ who do not know Him. The friends of this man brought him to Jesus. And Jesus took the man off by himself. This gives us insight into how we help others to come to know our Lord's voice. Oftentimes when we want to share the Gospel with another, we tend to talk to them and try to rationally convince them to turn their lives to Christ. And though this can bear good fruit at times, the real goal we must have is to help them to go off with our Lord by themselves for a while so that Jesus can do the healing.If your ears have truly been opened by our Lord, then your tongue will also be loosened. And only if your tongue is loosened will God be able to draw others to Himself through you. Otherwise your act of evangelizing will only be based on your effort alone. Therefore, if you have people in your life who do not appear to be listening to the voice of God and following His holy will, then first and foremost commit yourself to listening to our Lord yourself. Let your ears hear Him. And when you do hear Him, it will be His voice that, in turn, speaks through you in the way He desires to reach out to others.Reflect, today, upon this Gospel scene. Ponder, especially, the friends of this man as they are inspired to bring him to Jesus. Ask our Lord to use you in a similar way. Prayerfully ponder those in your life whom God wants to call to Himself through your mediation and place yourself at the service of our Lord so that His voice can speak through you in the way He chooses.My good Jesus, please open my ears to hear all that You wish to say to me and please loosen my tongue so that I will become a mouthpiece of Your holy word to others. I offer myself to You for Your glory and pray that You will use me in accord with Your holy will. Jesus, I fully trust in You.Source of content: catholic-daily-reflections.comCopyright © 2025 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.Image via Wikimedia Commons
#537 In this episode of the podcast, I chat with Kelly Lawson, a passionate photographer who transitioned from the healthcare field to create a successful photography career. Kelly shares her journey, highlighting the allure of creativity and entrepreneurship that photography offers. She emphasizes the importance of mastering light and using minimal resources effectively to elevate your photography skills. THE BIG IDEAS Explore Your Creative Outlet: Photography is a beautiful way to express creativity outside of your day job and discover new entrepreneurial opportunities.Find Joy in Small Wins: Each photographic success, no matter how small, builds confidence; cherish these moments to propel your learning.Appreciate the Power of Teaching: Sharing your knowledge with others is both rewarding and reinforces your own skills.Utilize One Light Source: Simplifying your lighting setup lets you focus on mastering the fundamentals and achieving clearer, crisper photos.PHOTOGRAPHY ACTION PLANExperiment with Natural Light: Observe how natural light changes throughout the day. Use large windows or open shade outdoors for consistent lighting without harsh shadows.Create a Simple Background: Purchase affordable foam core or cardstock to create a seamless background that enhances your product photos. Set up a small, clean photo area in your home with these materials.Focus on a Single Subject: Start with a simple object like a coffee cup and explore different angles and lighting setups. Capture it from various perspectives to understand how angles influence perception.Connect with Your Target Audience: Tailor your photos to captivate your intended audience by thinking about what excites them. Brainstorm visual elements that resonate with your audience's interests.Rekindle Your Passion: Regularly revisit your initial motivations for taking up photography to reignite your passion. Reflect on your journey and acknowledge your growth. RESOURCES:Visit Kelly Lawson's Website - https://kellylawson.ca/Follow Kelly Lawson on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/kellyslawson/Sign up for your free CloudSpot Account today at www.DeliverPhotos.com Learn What Camera Settings to Use in our free guide!https://perfectcamerasettings.com/Connect with the Beginner Photography Podcast! Join the free Beginner Photography Podcast Community at https://beginnerphotopod.com/group Send in your Photo Questions to get answered on the show - https://beginnerphotopod.com/qa Grab your free camera setting cheatsheet - https://perfectcamerasettings.com/ Thanks for listening & keep shooting!
Selah: Pause, Reflect, and See How God is MovingIn this deeply personal and reflective episode of Divine Table Talk, Jamie and Jane invite you to pause and think about how God has been moving in their lives. This raw and real conversation explores unexpected lessons, divine encounters, and the power of surrender. If you're longing for an authentic discussion on faith, reflection, and trusting God in every season, this episode is for you.____________________________________Connect with Jamie:Website: www.jamieklusacek.comInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/jamieklusacekConnect with Jane:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/janewwilliams____________________________________ Get Jamie's Newest Book:Living Loved: An 8-week Journey to Living Fully Loved
On the Schmooze Podcast: Leadership | Strategic Networking | Relationship Building
Being a first-time author is often a mix of excitement, self-doubt, discovery, and persistence. You might initially feel thrilled by the prospect of sharing your story or ideas with the world. You dive in with strong motivation, full of ideas, and maybe a bit of romanticism about the process. Every word written feels like a small victory, and each page a milestone. But as you go deeper, reality hits: writing a book is hard. You might confront self-doubt ("Is this any good?"), impostor syndrome ("Who am I to write this?"), and moments when inspiration wanes. You begin to worry about whether anyone will want to read it. The author journey is a rollercoaster of pride, frustration, and growth, but ultimately, completing the book feels deeply fulfilling. It's an accomplishment that represents a body of work and the journey you undertook to create it. But publishing is not the end of the story. Reflect on why you wrote a book and how the book fits into your larger business strategy. You have more work to do to meet those goals and can't do it alone. You need expert support to help you leverage your book to create the impact you envisioned. To assist you in finding your author community and connecting with experts, I've created valuable resources for authors at www.BizBookPubHub.com. Joining me today are three talented authors. Lisa Harrington wrote “Abiding Strategies: Build Your Best Business Foundation,” a step-by-step guide to building a strategy unique to your business. With her strategies, you will create a solid foundation that will stand the test of time. Nikki Soulsby wrote “Lies I Told Myself, & Other Truths: How to Squash the Mental Monsters and Live Your Dreams,” a candid and reflective memoir that explores personal truths, growth, and self-realization, offering insights into overcoming internal and external challenges. Sandra Long, author of “LinkedIn for Personal Branding: The Ultimate Guide” and co-author of “Supercharge Your Notary Business With LinkedIn: How Mobile Notaries and Loan Signing Agents Build Their Brand, Get Known, and Connect With Their Dream Clients.” She is a LinkedIn expert and a LinkedIn Top Voice specializing in LinkedIn education and thought leadership. Please join me in welcoming Lisa, Nikki, and Sandra. In this episode, we discuss the following: Discover the excitement, self-doubt, and perseverance that come with writing a book as a first-time author. Understand the importance of connecting with expert support to transform your book into a powerful business tool through the Biz Book Pub Hub community. Hear how our guests wrote with a purpose, from guiding small business strategies to inspiring personal growth and mastering LinkedIn branding. Links for Lisa Harrington LinkedIn and YouTube. www.AbidingStrategy.com “Abiding Strategies: Build Your Best Business Foundation” “Taking in Strays: Leadership Lessons from Unexpected Places” Links for Nikki Soulsby LinkedIn and Instagram www.nikkisoulsby.com “Lies I Told Myself, & Other Truths: How to Squash the Mental Monsters and Live Your Dreams” The Power of Doubt | Nikki Soulsby | TEDxHickory Links for Sandra Long LinkedIn and Instagram www.postroadconsulting.com “LinkedIn for Personal Branding: The Ultimate Guide” “Supercharge Your Notary Business With LinkedIn: How Mobile Notaries and Loan Signing Agents Build Their Brand, Get Known, and Connect With Their Dream Clients” Books mentioned in this episode: “Book More Business: Make MORE Money Speaking” by Lois Creamer Other Resources Learn more about Lois Creamer. Learn more about Judy Hoberman. Robbie's Resources Schedule a complimentary book launch brainstorming session: www.BookLaunchBrainstorm.com. Find all the archived podcast episodes, plus an invitation to free virtual networking events for writers and authors, AND Hub Partners ready to help entrepreneurs become successful authors: www.BizBookPubHub.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
In episode 78 we are getting into the science (and neuroscience) of change aka self-directed neuroplasticity! I discuss how change actually happens in the brain, why discipline is more important than motivation, how to create and stick to habits, and why systems and processes are more important than goals!Nerd Alert- Parts of the brain that deal with and resist change; orbitofrontal cortex & basal ganglia __Check out myAmazon Storefrontfor all of my favorite Brianna Approved things!You can visit my websitewww.briannadiorio.comto learn more. Be sure to follow my Instagram @briannadiorio for all the Brianna Approved educational content!Production Manager and Graphics @kylediorio__Purchase my new Relationship eBook,Reflect & Connect, a pocket guide that includesIntentional prompts & guided reflections to break patterns, shift limiting beliefs and deepen your self-awareness.___Befriending Anxiety E-CourseMy Befriending Anxiety E-Course is now live! You can enroll now and learn more here!
Have you ever let your birthday slip by as just another regular workday? Maybe you’ve been too busy with responsibilities, planning celebrations for others, or simply haven’t thought about taking the day for yourself. Well, in this episode, I’m here to encourage you to change that! Your birthday isn’t just another day—it’s a milestone, a reminder of the beautiful journey you’re on. It’s a day to pause, reflect, and celebrate YOU. I truly believe that taking your birthday off is one of the most powerful acts of self-love and joy you can give yourself. And it doesn’t have to be extravagant. Whether it’s a quiet day with a journal and a coffee, a nature walk, a spa experience, or a day of pure adventure, the key is making it special in a way that fills your heart. In this episode, I’ll share:✨ Why taking your birthday off is an act of self-care and self-celebration✨ Dreamy ideas for making your birthday truly magical✨ The power of reflection and setting new intentions on your special day✨ How to make this a tradition that brings joy for years to come So, let this be your sign—next time your birthday rolls around, plan to take the day off. You deserve it!
Send us a textEver walked into a networking event and felt completely lost? Like you're just aimlessly shaking hands and collecting business cards with no real connections? What if there was a way to not just show up—but to own the room, build meaningful relationships, and actually walk away with opportunities?In this electrifying episode, we're unlocking the secrets to high-energy networking with the expert in the field, Joe Apfelbaum! This is not your typical ‘just be friendly and hope for the best' advice—Joe brings the science, the art, and a proven strategy to transform your networking game.Joe is a powerhouse entrepreneur, AI software developer, and networking strategist who's been featured in Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, Business Insider, and more. As the author of High Energy Networking, he's here to teach you how to maximize your connections—without the awkward small talk or salesy gimmicks.Inside This Episode:
Unlock the secrets of impactful leadership through storytelling with Andrea Sampson, CEO of Talk Boutique and TED-trained speaking coach. Andrea shares her expertise on how leaders can move beyond mere facts and figures to connect with their audiences on an emotional level, transforming how they persuade, build trust, and inspire action. You'll discover Andrea's "story spine" framework, a powerful tool that simplifies storytelling into essential components like environment, characters, and resolution, making it accessible for leaders at any stage. We also cover common storytelling pitfalls, offering practical tips to avoid mistakes like irrelevant details and disconnected narratives, all while emphasizing the importance of contrast and tension to keep your audience engaged.Reflect on the storytelling barriers that may be holding you back and find inspiration to overcome them. This episode encourages listeners to embrace storytelling as a skill that can be practiced and refined, inviting you to share your stories and experiences along the way. Don't miss our next episode with John Tarnoff, where we tackle the broken hiring system and explore strategies for navigating career transitions. Stay connected with us on social media and join our community as we continue to explore the transformative power of storytelling and leadership.Send us a textSupport the show✅ Follow The Leadership Project on your favourite podcast platform and listen to a new episode every week!
Fresh off their incredible journey to Washington, DC, the STEAM Box youth from Highlander Charter School share their biggest takeaways from the experience! From meeting fans and making new friends from Maryland and Delaware to receiving words of encouragement—and even a few celebrity endorsements—But as the excitement settles, the conversation takes a heartfelt turn as the youth reflect on their favorite moments and personal growth with STEAM Box. Tune in for an episode filled with inspiration, gratitude, and a reminder of how far they've come!#STEAMBoxPodcast #YouthVoices #WashingtonDC #STEAMBoxOnTheRoad #MakingConnections #GrowthJourney #FanLove #CelebrityEndorsement #StudentSuccess #PodcastReflections #RIYouth #HighlanderCharter #FutureLeaders #STEAMPower #WordsOfEncouragement
Main Topics Discussed: 1. The significance of God's light and presence in the lives of believers, as emphasized in scripture. 2. The inevitability of challenges, trials, and suffering, and the assurance of hope and help through faith. 3. The importance of spiritual renewal, both individually and through communal worship and testimonies. 4. The eternal perspective of viewing earthly struggles as temporary compared to the eternal rewards of faith. 5. Encouragement to remain steadfast in faith and to rely on God during times of trouble. Key Details & Recommendations: - Believers are called to persevere and find strength in God's mercy, light, and presence, even in moments of despair. - God's light represents truth, purity, and fellowship, and it dispels the darkness of sin and ignorance. - Apostle Paul's teachings highlight the inevitability of earthly troubles but assure believers that they are never without hope or help. - Daily spiritual renewal through prayer, scripture, and reflection is essential for maintaining inner strength and faith. - Sharing testimonies and participating in communal worship strengthens faith and provides encouragement. - Hardships should be viewed as temporary and light when compared to the eternal rewards awaiting believers. Action Items & To-Do List: - Reflect on personal faith and challenges, seeking strength from God's light and purpose. - Commit to daily spiritual renewal through prayer, scripture reading, and reflection. - Encourage others in the faith to remain steadfast and share the message of hope and salvation. - Participate in fellowship and communal worship to foster spiritual growth and encouragement. - Study Apostle Paul's writings and scripture for deeper understanding and application in daily life. Questions Raised: - How can believers practically ensure they do not "faint" or give up in the face of adversity? - What specific actions can individuals take to let God's light shine more visibly in their lives? - How can individuals deepen their daily renewal of faith? - What steps can be taken to ensure consistent focus on eternal, unseen truths over temporary, visible challenges? Additional Notes: - The sermon heavily draws on the Apostle Paul's teachings, using vivid metaphors such as "treasure in earthen vessels" and "light dispelling darkness" to convey spiritual truths. - The tone is motivational and encouraging, aiming to inspire resilience, faith, and reliance on God amidst life's challenges. - The message emphasizes the contrast between temporary earthly struggles and eternal spiritual rewards, calling for steadfastness and daily renewal of faith.
In this special relaunch - Success Suite - Julie returns to talk about the importance of building a strong foundation for achieving success. Rather than rushing into multiple tasks or goals, listeners are encouraged to focus on mastering the fundamentals. Julie highlights the significance of intentional actions, quality over quantity, and the value of feedback in evaluating progress. By slowing down and reflecting on each step, individuals can align their efforts with their true objectives, ultimately leading to greater confidence and resilience. KEY TAKEAWAYS Focus on Fundamentals: Building a strong foundation is essential for long-term success. Prioritising core principles allows for intentional actions that align with true objectives. Quality Over Quantity: A few well-executed tasks are more effective than many scattered ones. Concentrating on quality leads to tangible and meaningful results. Reflect and Analyse: Before diving into new opportunities, take time to reflect on what needs to be done and how it aligns with your goals. This practice improves clarity and helps avoid costly mistakes. Establish a Feedback Loop: Seek external perspectives through mentors, trusted friends, or journaling to evaluate progress. This feedback is crucial for identifying areas for improvement and fostering growth. Commit to Intentional Action: Focus on doing things right before taking on more tasks. Each small, correct step contributes to building momentum, resilience, and a sense of purpose in the journey toward success. BEST MOMENTS "Building a strong foundation is everything. Imagine your core principles and approach as the base of your journey towards success." "When you prioritise your core principles, you're not just going through the motions. You're doing the right things, the right way." "A few well-executed tasks are more effective than a high number of scattered ones." "Every small correct step adds up, propelling you forward with momentum, resilience and a sense of purpose." "Choose one core task or goal you're working on and slow down your approach. Pay attention to each step."
"Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony." Colossians 3:14 In the symphony of life, love stands as the conductor, guiding each note and rhythm to create a harmonious existence. As the great poet Rumi once said, “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” In our moments of pain and struggle, it is love that binds us together, stitching the fabric of our lives with threads of grace and compassion. Reflect upon Colossians 3:14, which whispers to our hearts: “And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.” Love is not merely an emotion but a force that unites our virtues, weaving them into a melody that resonates with peace and understanding. In every act of kindness, we reveal the essence of our Creator, reflecting His love in our interactions. John 15:12-13 says, "This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." Consider the story of Ruth and Naomi, two women bound by love and loyalty. In their journey through hardship and loss, Ruth declared, “Where you go, I will go; where you stay, I will stay.” Their bond exemplifies how love transcends circumstances, providing strength and solace even in the darkest valleys. Just as Ruth stood by Naomi, we too are called to uplift one another through the trials of life. As we navigate our days, let us remember the words of 1 John 4:19: “We love because He first loved us.” Our capacity to love flows from the wellspring of divine love that fills our hearts. With each act of love, we become vessels of hope, pouring kindness into a world longing for connection and understanding. Amen. 1 Thessalonians 3:12 says, "And may the Lord cause you to increase and overflow with love for one another and for everyone else, just as our love for you overflows." Amen. Prayer for the Day!Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of love that binds us in unity. Help us to wear love as our greatest virtue, allowing it to guide our actions and thoughts. May we be instruments of Your peace and grace, spreading harmony wherever we go. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
Read OnlineSoon a woman whose daughter had an unclean spirit heard about him. She came and fell at his feet. The woman was a Greek, a Syrophoenician by birth, and she begged him to drive the demon out of her daughter. Mark 7:25–26A parent's love is powerful. And the woman in this story clearly loves her daughter. It is that love that drives this mother to seek out Jesus in the hope that He will free her daughter from the demon who possessed her. Interestingly, this woman was not of the Jewish faith. She was a Gentile, a foreigner, but her faith was very real and very deep.When Jesus first encountered this woman, she begged Him to free her daughter from the demon. Jesus' response was at first surprising. He said to her, “Let the children be fed first. For it is not right to take the food of the children and throw it to the dogs.” In other words, Jesus was saying that His mission was first to the people of Israel, the chosen people of the Jewish faith. They were the “children” of whom Jesus was speaking, and the Gentiles, such as this woman, were the ones referred to as “the dogs.” Jesus spoke this way to this woman not out of rudeness but because He could see her deep faith, and He wanted to give her an opportunity to manifest that faith for all to see. And so she did.The woman responded to Jesus, “Lord, even the dogs under the table eat the children's scraps.” Her words were not only exceptionally humble but were also based on deep faith and a deep love for her daughter. As a result, Jesus responds with generosity and immediately frees her daughter from the demon.In our own lives, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking we deserve the mercy of God. We can think that we have a right to God's grace. And even though Jesus deeply desires to pour forth His grace and mercy in superabundance on our lives, it is essential that we fully understand our unworthiness before Him. The disposition of this woman's heart sets for us a perfect example of how we must come to our Lord. Reflect, today, upon the beautiful example of this woman of deep faith. Prayerfully read her words over and over. Try to understand her humility, her hope, and her love for her daughter. As you do, pray that you will be able to imitate her goodness so as to share in the blessings she and her daughter received. My merciful Lord, I trust in Your perfect love for me and for all peoples. I pray especially for those who carry heavy burdens and for those whose lives are deeply intertwined with evil. Please set them free, dear Lord, and welcome them into Your family so that they become true children of Your Father. May I have the humility and faith I need to help bring forth this abundance of grace for others. Jesus, I trust in You.Source of content: catholic-daily-reflections.comCopyright © 2025 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.Image via Web Gallery of Art
Join Pastor Fredo as he explores Psalm 43, where David pleads for God to be his refuge and guide. In times of darkness and despair, we are called to trust in God's light and truth. Reflect and pray with Pastor Fredo, seeking God's direction and peace in the midst of struggle.--Support content like this and the vision of Sandals Church at http://sandalschurch.com/support/Join our email list for content updates: http://sandalschurch.com/subscribeDownload the Sandals Church App: http://sandalschurch.com/app/If you have questions, need prayer or want to get connected, please email us anytime at online@sandalschurch.com!
Today we are joined by two entrepreneurs to discuss work-life balance. Dr. Alice Rizzi is a Psychologist based in New York City, specializing in helping individuals overcome fear and self-doubt, manage their stress, and gain confidence. Adam Walker is a long-time entrepreneur, having founded multiple companies over his career. Join us as we discuss determining your values, setting boundaries, and useful tips on achieving work-life balance. - Chapters - 00:00:00 Introduction and Background 00:04:58 Defining Work-Life Balance 00:06:33 Personal Values Impact Life 00:08:38 Getting Out of Sync 00:09:41 Physical Health Issues 00:12:52 Does Tech Affect Work-Life? 00:15:03 Finding Balance in Busy-ness 00:17:22 Tools for Task Management 00:19:55 Less Work = Higher Quality 00:20:38 Reflect for Successful Balance 00:21:36 Closing
In Chapter 7 of The Think Big Movement, titled “Trust Your Gut,” Jacob wrestles with a challenge many leaders face: the tension between data-driven decisions and following intuition. While logic and analysis have their place, Jacob learns the value of trusting his instincts—realizing that his gut has often led him to the right choices in the past. This chapter reminds us that intuition, informed by experience, can be a powerful tool in decision-making. Consider this: When was the last time you trusted your gut and it paid off? Reflect on a current business challenge and take a moment to tune into your instincts before diving into the data. Action Step: For your next major decision, pause for a minute to consider your initial instinct. Let it guide you alongside your analysis. Download The Think Big Movement and its companion workbook for more insights on growing your business big.
Throughout history, mountains have held deep spiritual significance—serving as meeting places between heaven and earth, battlegrounds of supernatural warfare, and stages for divine encounters. From the Garden of Eden to Mount Sinai, from the transfiguration of Christ to the crucifixion, the Bible is filled with moments where mountains play a pivotal role in God's plan for humanity. But why? What is the deeper connection between these sacred heights and the cosmic battle between good and evil?In this episode of the Revelations Podcast, host Reagan Kramer welcomes back pastor, author, and theologian Doug Van Dorn for an eye-opening discussion on biblical mountains, the divine council, and the supernatural forces that have shaped human history. Together, they explore how God uses mountains as places of revelation, how fallen entities have sought to corrupt them, and how Jesus' ministry strategically reversed the destruction caused by the enemy.Whether you're a seasoned Bible scholar or just beginning to explore the deeper spiritual dimensions of scripture, this episode will leave you with a greater understanding of God's plan and the victory we have in Christ.Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:Gain a deeper understanding of the biblical significance of mountains and their connection to the supernatural realm.Learn about the concept of the divine council and how it relates to mythological entities like Zeus and Baal, and their connection to Satan.Reflect on the practical implications of understanding the supernatural worldview, particularly in terms of overcoming worry and trusting in God's control.Become Part of Our Mission! Support The Revelations Podcast:Your support fuels our mission to share transformative messages of hope and faith. Click here to learn how you can contribute and be part of this growing community!ResourcesMore from the Revelations Podcast hosted by Reagan Kramer: Website | Instagram | Apple Podcast | Youtube"Rings of Revelation" by Doug Van Dorn"Giant Sons of God" by Doug Van Dorn"The Unseen Real" — by Dr. Michael HeiserDoug Van Dorn: Website | InstagramGiant Steps Podcast - Apple Podcast | Spotify PodcastIron and Myth Podcast - YouTube Kingdoms Unveiled Podcast - YouTube | Apple Podcast | Spotify PodcastBible VersesPsalm 82:1Isaiah 14:12-14Ezekiel 28Genesis 3:1Ezekiel 31Psalm 91Psalm 24Psalm 68Daniel 42 Peter 2:4Jude 1:6This Episode is brought to you by Advanced Medicine AlternativesGet back to the active life you love through natural & regenerative musculoskeletal healing: https://www.georgekramermd.com/Episode Highlights[0:44] Introduction to Doug Van Doren and his WorkA journey from Minneapolis to Denver shaped Doug Van Dorn's path as a pastor, author, and theologian dedicated to biblical mysteries and the supernatural.His extensive background includes roles as a scholar, radio host, CEO, mountain climber, and fellow at the Institute for Biblical Anthropology.Books like Rings of Revelation and Giant Sons of God, along with the Giant Steps podcast, dive deep into theological and supernatural themes.This episode unpacks key topics such as biblical mountains, divine encounters, and the ongoing spiritual battle between good and evil.[3:20] Significance of Mountains in the BibleBiblical events unfold on mountains, from Noah's Ark resting on Mount Ararat to the giving of the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai.[4:46] Doug: “"Mountains are all over the place. And the question becomes, why would that be? And that's where you need to understand first of all, that God is meeting with people on all of these mountains.”The "axis mundi," a concept describing mountains as divine meeting points, reveals their role as a bridge between heaven and earth.Mountains hold significance not only in the Bible but also in global mythologies, including Mount Olympus and sacred Native American sites.Isaiah 14 introduces the “mount of assembly,” linking biblical mountains to divine councils where heavenly beings gather.[5:10] Divine Council and Mythological ConnectionsMountains serve as the setting for the divine council, where God meets with angels and heavenly beings to rule over creation.Ancient mythologies mirror biblical narratives, with figures like Zeus and Baal representing the same rebellious entity—Satan.Mount Zaphon, recognized as Baal's sacred mountain, connects directly to the divine council and the spiritual battle against false gods.The fall of Lucifer in Isaiah 14 echoes the rebellion of spiritual beings, linking the serpent in Eden to later deceptions throughout history.[17:42] Eden and the Divine CouncilThe Garden of Eden is depicted as a mountain, a place where heaven and earth intersect.Adam and Eve's use of fig leaves for covering may symbolize an early attempt to seek refuge in fallen supernatural beings.Satan's jealousy over humanity's God-given authority fueled his deception in Eden, setting the stage for spiritual warfare.The Edenic narrative connects to a larger biblical pattern of rebellion, redemption, and the ongoing struggle between good and evil.[24:01] The Post-Flood Rebellion and the Return of the NephilimFollowing the flood, fallen angels were imprisoned in "gloomy chains of darkness," as described in 2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 6.Despite this judgment, the Nephilim reappear after the flood, indicating a renewed rebellion by supernatural forces.Ancient texts, including the Book of Enoch, describe how 200 fallen angels conspired to corrupt humanity.The struggle between God's people and these rebellious beings continues throughout Scripture, reinforcing the need for spiritual vigilance.[36:29] Moses, Mount Sinai, and the Law as a Divine RevelationMount Sinai is a sacred site where God revealed His law to Moses, establishing a covenant with Israel.Patterns in Scripture link Sinai to Eden and the future Temple, each acting as a central place of divine presence and instruction.The tabernacle mirrors the structure of the mountain, symbolizing levels of access to God's holiness.The law delivered at Sinai not only governed Israel but also foreshadowed Christ's fulfillment of righteousness.[40:16] The Golden Calf and IdolatryThe Israelites, fearing God's presence, attempted to worship Him through an idol, reshaping Him into something they could control.[41:02] Doug: “Idolatry is we're going to make that God that's up there come and be in this calf, so that we can somehow manipulate him because that's too terrifying for us.”The golden calf represented a common struggle—seeking to domesticate God rather than submitting to His true nature.Idolatry in all forms distorts faith, leading people to trust in tangible symbols rather than divine truth.Understanding this historical moment sheds light on the continuous human tendency to replace God with lesser things.[43:58] Jesus' Ministry and Supernatural BattlesEach phase of Jesus' ministry strategically dismantles Satan's authority over the world.[48:27] Doug: “Jesus's ministry is a multiple phased attack on Satan, and you have to understand some cosmic geography, and some of the motifs we've been talking about here are also very helpful.”The region of Bashan, known as "the land of the serpent," becomes the battleground where Christ begins His campaign against darkness.Key moments—including His temptation in the wilderness, His healing miracles, and His transfiguration—symbolize a reclaiming of territory from the enemy.Through these events, Jesus openly declares war on the forces of darkness, establishing His dominion over both heaven and earth.[52:48] Jesus' Death, Resurrection, and AscensionCalvary stands as the cosmic mountain where Jesus' sacrifice defeats sin and death.Descending into Hades, Christ proclaims victory and liberates those who awaited redemption.His resurrection seals His triumph, securing authority over all spiritual forces.By ascending to the right hand of God, Jesus asserts His role as the ultimate conqueror over evil.[57:10] Practical Implications of a Supernatural WorldviewThe desire for control, often expressed through worry and fear, stems from spiritual forces working against faith.Trusting in God's sovereignty dismantles the illusion of control and realigns believers with divine truth.Spiritual warfare manifests not only in extraordinary events but in daily battles over faith, trust, and obedience.Understanding Christ's victory allows believers to walk in peace, embracing their role in God's kingdom rather than being consumed by speculation about the future. About Doug Van Dorn Doug Van Dorn is a pastor, author, and theologian known for his deep exploration of biblical mysteries and the supernatural realm. With over two decades of pastoral experience, he has dedicated his work to uncovering the spiritual battles woven throughout Scripture, from the Nephilim and the Divine Council to the cosmic significance of mountains in biblical history. As the author of Giant Sons of God and Rings of Revelation, Doug bridges ancient texts, historical research, and theological insight to reveal the hidden layers of God's plan and the forces at work against it.Beyond writing, Doug is the host of the Giant Steps podcast and co-host of Iron and Myth, where he collaborates with other scholars to discuss the supernatural foundations of the Bible. A fellow at the Institute for Biblical Anthropology, he is also a speaker and researcher who challenges believers to embrace a biblical worldview that acknowledges the unseen realm. Whether teaching in his church or uncovering historical and theological connections, Doug's passion lies in equipping believers to discern truth, stand firm in faith, and understand how Jesus' ministry actively overcomes the darkness.Connect with Doug Van Dorn and explore his books, podcasts, and resources on his website.Enjoyed this Episode?If you did, subscribe and share it with your friends!Post a review and share it! If you found our deep dive into the spiritual influences on mental health insightful, we'd love to hear your thoughts. Leave a review and share this episode with friends and family. Uncover the hidden layers of biblical history and step into a deeper understanding of the supernatural realm. Strengthen your faith by recognizing the spiritual battles at play and discern truth from deception. Embrace victory that Christ has already won.Have any questions? You can connect with me on Instagram.Thank you for tuning in! For more updates, tune in on Apple Podcasts.
Valentine's Day can be a tender time, especially for widows and single moms. In this episode, Lori encourages listeners to keep a heavenly perspective to combat the enemy's lies of being unloved. She shares the history of Valentine's Day, creative ways to celebrate with children, and practical ways to find joy by giving love to others.Lori also readsThe Father's Love Letter, a beautiful reminder of God's love and faithfulness. She closes with a heartfelt prayer for widows and single moms, asking God to lift their spirits and fill their hearts with His love.Key Takeaways:Keep a heavenly perspective and reject lies that you are unloved.Celebrate Valentine's Day with your children in creative ways.Find joy by giving love to others—through notes, small gifts, or acts of kindness.Reflect on God's deep and personal love for you.Resources:The Father's Love Letter Triumph Over Triggers Podcast Episode 150Celebrating Valentine's Day as a Single ParentPodcast Episode 45Connect:Have questions or want to share your thoughts? Email Lori atlori@perspectiveministries.org. If this episode blessed you, consider leaving a review—it would be a great encouragement!You are loved, seen, and held by a Father who cares for you deeply.
Get ready to unlock the mysteries of cryptocurrency and its impact on education as we engage with Russ Davis, a pivotal figure in Shiba Inu marketing. Discover how understanding digital currencies like Bitcoin can be as crucial for today's kids as learning about the internet was in the early 2000s. With Russ's insights, we navigate the shift from seashells to digital payments and why equipping our children with the right tools to understand these evolving financial landscapes is more important than ever.Reflect on how far technology has come, from the days of early computers to the rise of blockchain and cryptocurrencies as game-changers in the financial world. We explore the practical applications of these digital assets, such as secure cross-border payments, and tackle the looming questions of government regulation and taxation. The conversation underscores the necessity of preparing younger generations to thrive in a rapidly changing economy.We also venture into the world of crypto investments, comparing it to the initial skepticism surrounding credit cards. From understanding blockchain's role in safe transactions to the use of crypto debit cards for everyday purchases, this episode offers a roadmap for those considering diving into the crypto waters. We even touch on the fascination with NFTs and meme coins, spotlighting their educational value. With Russ Davis's expertise, this episode is your guide to demystifying cryptocurrency and understanding its transformative potential.Russ Davis- InstagramThe Bitcoin Cinderella & The Spirit of Shiba Inu: The Diary of the Blockchain Adventure Series (The Bitcoin Cinderella & The Diary Of Her Blockchain Adventures - Part 1)What is the most important thing we can teach our kids?HOW TO HANDLE AN EMERGENCY!This could mean life or death in some cases!Help a child you know navigate how to handle an emergency situation with ease:Let's Talk, Emergencies! -and don't forget The Activity Book!The Tuttle Twins - use code Cheryl40 for 40% the age 5-11 series!Support the showInstagram: TheHomeschoolHowToPodcast Facebook: The Homeschool How To Podcast
Confidence and communication are the keys to leadership success, but how do you develop them when self-doubt creeps in? In this episode of Stepping Into Your Leadership, host Christine Courtney is joined by the dynamic Blonka Winkfield to kick off a new mini-series on communication.
Discover the profound connection between unity and individuality as we unravel the experiences of the Jewish people at Mount Sinai. Witness how the public revelation of the Torah distinguished Judaism from other faiths with its unparalleled communal experience, as every individual stood united—"like one man, with one heart". Reflect on the powerful declaration of "Naaseh V'Nishma" and consider how this timeless unity remains relevant in today's world, amidst current debates and challenges within the Jewish community.Explore a moving narrative of transformation and love, as a rabbi's journey from extremism to embracing Ahavas Yisrael (love for every Jew) inspires us to prioritize compassion over conflict. Delve into the intricate dynamics of the yeshiva system, where choosing the right study partner is essential. Learn from Reb Chaim Shmulevitz about the delicate balance between personal Torah growth and sensitivity to others' feelings, illustrating the importance of nurturing harmonious relationships without compromising on individuality.As we reflect on the lessons of Mount Sinai, consider how we can foster a spirit of inclusivity and respect within our communities. Embrace the responsibility of rabbinic leadership and community members to uphold dignity and unity, ensuring that every Jew feels a sense of belonging. This episode serves as a heartfelt reminder of our collective identity under Hashem and the enduring power of compassion and unity in shaping our interactions and strengthening our communal bonds._____________This episode (Ep 7.17) of the Parsha Review Podcast by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe on Parshas Yisro is dedicated in honor of our President & in honor of our Holy Soldiers in the Battlefield and our Torah Scholars in the Study Halls who are fighting for the safety of our nation!Download & Print the Parsha Review Notes:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ncaRyoH5iJmGGoMZs9y82Hz2ofViVouv?usp=sharingRecorded at TORCH Meyerland in the Levin Family Studios (B) to a live audience on February 11, 2025, in Houston, Texas.Released as Podcast on February 12, 2025_____________DONATE to TORCH: Please consider supporting the podcasts by making a donation to help fund our Jewish outreach and educational efforts at https://www.torchweb.org/support.php. Thank you!_____________SUBSCRIBE and LISTEN to other podcasts by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe: NEW!! Prayer Podcast: https://prayerpodcast.transistor.fm/episodesJewish Inspiration Podcast: https://inspiration.transistor.fm/episodesParsha Review Podcast: https://parsha.tansistor.fm/episodesLiving Jewishly Podcast: https://jewishly.transistor.fm/episodesThinking Talmudist Podcast: https://talmud.transistor.fm/episodesUnboxing Judaism Podcast: https://unboxing.transistor.fm/episodesRabbi Aryeh Wolbe Podcast Collection: https://collection.transistor.fm/episodesFor a full listing of podcasts available by TORCH at https://www.TORCHpodcasts.com_____________EMAIL your questions, comments, and feedback: awolbe@torchweb.org_____________Please visit www.torchweb.org to see a full listing of our outreach and educational resources available in the Greater Houston area!_____________#Torah, #Parsha, #Exodus, #Unity, #MountSinai, #Community ★ Support this podcast ★
Discover the profound connection between unity and individuality as we unravel the experiences of the Jewish people at Mount Sinai. Witness how the public revelation of the Torah distinguished Judaism from other faiths with its unparalleled communal experience, as every individual stood united—"like one man, with one heart". Reflect on the powerful declaration of "Naaseh V'Nishma" and consider how this timeless unity remains relevant in today's world, amidst current debates and challenges within the Jewish community.Explore a moving narrative of transformation and love, as a rabbi's journey from extremism to embracing Ahavas Yisrael (love for every Jew) inspires us to prioritize compassion over conflict. Delve into the intricate dynamics of the yeshiva system, where choosing the right study partner is essential. Learn from Reb Chaim Shmulevitz about the delicate balance between personal Torah growth and sensitivity to others' feelings, illustrating the importance of nurturing harmonious relationships without compromising on individuality.As we reflect on the lessons of Mount Sinai, consider how we can foster a spirit of inclusivity and respect within our communities. Embrace the responsibility of rabbinic leadership and community members to uphold dignity and unity, ensuring that every Jew feels a sense of belonging. This episode serves as a heartfelt reminder of our collective identity under Hashem and the enduring power of compassion and unity in shaping our interactions and strengthening our communal bonds._____________This episode (Ep 7.17) of the Parsha Review Podcast by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe on Parshas Yisro is dedicated in honor of our President & in honor of our Holy Soldiers in the Battlefield and our Torah Scholars in the Study Halls who are fighting for the safety of our nation!Download & Print the Parsha Review Notes:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ncaRyoH5iJmGGoMZs9y82Hz2ofViVouv?usp=sharingRecorded at TORCH Meyerland in the Levin Family Studios (B) to a live audience on February 11, 2025, in Houston, Texas.Released as Podcast on February 12, 2025_____________DONATE to TORCH: Please consider supporting the podcasts by making a donation to help fund our Jewish outreach and educational efforts at https://www.torchweb.org/support.php. Thank you!_____________SUBSCRIBE and LISTEN to other podcasts by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe: NEW!! Prayer Podcast: https://prayerpodcast.transistor.fm/episodesJewish Inspiration Podcast: https://inspiration.transistor.fm/episodesParsha Review Podcast: https://parsha.tansistor.fm/episodesLiving Jewishly Podcast: https://jewishly.transistor.fm/episodesThinking Talmudist Podcast: https://talmud.transistor.fm/episodesUnboxing Judaism Podcast: https://unboxing.transistor.fm/episodesRabbi Aryeh Wolbe Podcast Collection: https://collection.transistor.fm/episodesFor a full listing of podcasts available by TORCH at https://www.TORCHpodcasts.com_____________EMAIL your questions, comments, and feedback: awolbe@torchweb.org_____________Please visit www.torchweb.org to see a full listing of our outreach and educational resources available in the Greater Houston area!_____________#Torah, #Parsha, #Exodus, #Unity, #MountSinai, #Community ★ Support this podcast ★
SummaryIn this episode, SaCola Lehr explores the concept of work-life harmony, emphasizing the flaws of the traditional work-life balance model. She discusses the importance of prioritizing oneself and how self-care is essential for maintaining energy and clarity. The conversation shifts to actionable steps for turning harmony into action, including creating a framework for prioritizing values and making small changes for a significant impact. The episode concludes with a challenge to reflect on personal values and align daily activities accordingly.TakeawaysBalance isn't about standing still; it's about motion and flow.Work-life harmony is the real goal, not balance.Balance creates unrealistic expectations that lead to guilt and burnout.Harmony is about integrating personal and professional life.Self-care is vital for maintaining energy and clarity.Setting boundaries allows you to show up better for others.Reflect on what's truly important to you and align actions with values.Small changes in daily routines can lead to significant impacts.Focus on your energy, not just your availability.Happiness comes from aligning thoughts, words, and actions.Tools and Strategies"Mindfulness Journaling": "00:06:01""Creating a Harmony Checklist": "00:12:58"Quotes"Albert Einstein": "00:00:01""Oprah Winfrey": "00:01:27""Steve Jobs": "00:06:01""Ralph Waldo Emerson": "00:11:23""Mahatma Gandhi": "00:12:58"'00:03:02', 'My aunt found more freedom by focusing on what truly matters at the time, aligning her life to her values.''00:06:01', 'If you don't take time to take care of yourself, to do things that fuel you, that energize you, emptiness syndrome and that period of your life is real.''00:12:58', 'Work-life harmony isn't a destination; it's a journey, a process, and by focusing on your values, prioritizing your self-care, and embracing flexibility, you can create a life that feels authentic and fulfilling.'Podcast Episode Reference00:12:58 Check out episode 13 on Creating Core Values for Your Life & BusinessChapters00:00 Introduction to Work-Life Harmony01:18 Flaws of Work-Life Balance04:32 The Importance of Prioritizing Yourself08:15 Turning Harmony into Action11:51 Creating a Harmony FrameworkReady to join the WLO community to receive exclusive updates? Click the link: https://workitliveitownit.com/Follow SaCola on Instagram: https://instagram.com/workitliveitownit Subscribe to Work it, Live it, Own it! On YouTube: https://bit.ly/2lxB1TSEmail for business inquiries: info@workitliveitownit.com
Ever thought your dad wrote a Metallica song? I sure did, and it was those quirky family moments that shaped my love for music and comedy. Join me on a hilarious journey from my Texas roots to the vibrant city life of Austin, where the art of people-pleasing reached new heights—literally—when a friend's mishap led to my broken arm. Laughter is our guide as we explore the peculiar blend of Southern charm and modern living, all wrapped up with an invitation to my live shows at the famous Velveeta Room.What if we stopped booing and started celebrating success? Let's challenge the norm by rethinking the way we view public figures, from athletes to pop sensations like Taylor Swift. Reflect on how our identities and upbringing shape the way we engage with sports and entertainment. Through a playful look at childhood dreams and societal expectations, we'll question why negativity often overshadows dedication and passion.Speaking of legends, imagine sharing a stage and sushi with Jon Lovitz! Hear tales from my unforgettable weekend performing alongside this comedy icon, including his priceless advice on navigating the entertainment industry. From the thrill of a clean set to the joy of making Jon laugh, it's a story of growth, gratitude, and unexpected camaraderie. As the episode wraps up, I express heartfelt thanks for your support through Patreon and merchandise purchases, cherishing the connection and laughter we share.
Send us a textUnlock the secrets to transformative success as you break free from the chains of limited beliefs and ordinary thinking. Imagine a life where societal conditioning no longer dictates your goals, and you're equipped to embrace a 10X mindset that propels you toward extraordinary achievements. This episode invites you on a journey to identify and demolish the mental barriers that hold you back, revealing how to rewire your brain for exponential growth. Through a compelling seven-day challenge, discover how to turn failures into valuable stepping stones on your path to mastery.Explore the intricacies of fear-based thinking and the brain's resistance to change, and learn how to conquer these obstacles. By immersing yourself in grand ideas and surrounding yourself with ambitious minds, you can break free from stagnation and cultivate habits aligned with a 10X mindset. We'll dive into the power of language and visualization, equipping you to reshape your reality and train your brain to operate at its peak potential. It's time to flip the script, letting your brain work for you in achieving dreams you once thought impossible.Finally, seize the moment to take decisive action on those tasks you've been procrastinating. Discover why success is a collaborative journey, enriched by high-level opportunities and mentors. Embrace discomfort and make bold choices, whether it's in your career, relationships, or personal growth. Reflect on your progress, assess your growth, and prepare for necessary adjustments as you lay the foundation for a 10X life. Stay connected with me, Anthony, for ongoing support as we redefine potential together—because the future is yours to create, starting now."True mastery is found in the details. The way you handle the little things defines the way you handle everything."
The Unapologetic Vixen Podcast: Owning Pleasure As A Black Woman
The Importance of Solo Sexual ExperiencesEpisode Overview:In this episode, we're diving into the significance of solo sexual experiences. Whether you're already comfortable with this practice or just starting to explore it, this conversation will help you understand why prioritizing solo pleasure is a key part of self-intimacy, empowerment, and overall well-being.What You'll Learn in This Episode:1. Why Solo Sexual Experiences Are ImportantBuilding Self-Intimacy: Learn how exploring your own body fosters self-awareness, confidence, and better communication in partnered experiences.Reclaiming Ownership of Pleasure: Shift away from societal narratives that prioritize others' pleasure and embrace your own desires without shame.Reducing Stress and Improving Well-being: Discover the scientific benefits of solo pleasure, including stress relief, better sleep, and enhanced relaxation.2. The Harm of Neglecting Solo Sexual ExperiencesDisconnect from Self: How avoiding solo exploration can lead to a lack of body awareness and difficulty expressing needs.Perpetuating Shame and Taboo: The impact of cultural stigmas on self-perception and generational patterns of shame.Impacts on Mental and Physical Health: The connection between pleasure, stress management, and emotional well-being.3. The Transformation Through Solo Sexual ExperiencesEmpowered Connection to Self: How prioritizing your pleasure builds confidence and emotional resilience.Ripple Effects on Relationships: How self-intimacy enhances communication and connection with partners and loved ones.Living a Life of Pleasure and Ease: Reframing pleasure as a necessity and breaking generational cycles of survival-first mindsets.Actionable Steps:Set aside time for solo exploration without pressure or expectation.Create a sensory-rich, judgment-free environment for yourself.Reflect on your experiences in a journal or mindfulness practice.Links Mentioned:Join Our Email List: Be the first to know about upcoming episodes, special offers, and more. Sign up here.Book a Free Consultation: Feeling stuck or need support? Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with Javery Integrative Wellness Services here.Get 10% Off with Our Sponsor: Use code Javery Wellness at Organic Loven for 10% off your order and experience pleasure-centered, body-safe products.Connect with Us:Instagram: @natasha_is_satisfiedFacebook: @NatashaChentilleYouTube: @NatashaChentilleWebsite: www.javerywellness.comSponsor: Organic LovenSpecial thanks to our sponsor
Read OnlineJesus summoned the crowd again and said to them, “Hear me, all of you, and understand. Nothing that enters one from outside can defile that person; but the things that come out from within are what defile.” Mark 7:14–15What is within you? What is in your heart? Today's Gospel concludes with a list of vices that sadly come from within: “evil thoughts, unchastity, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy, arrogance, folly.” Of course, none of these vices are desirable when looked at objectively. They are all quite repulsive. And yet too often they are sins that people deal with on a regular basis to one extent or another.Take greed, for example. When understood clearly, no one wants to be known as one who is greedy. It's a shameful attribute to have. But when greed is not looked at as greed, it's easy to fall into the trap of living it. One who is greedy desires an excessive amount of this or that. More money, a better house, a nicer car, more luxurious vacations, etc. Thus, when a person is acting in a greedy way, greed does not seem undesirable. It's only when greed is looked at in an objective way that it is understood for what it is.In this Gospel, by naming this long list of vices, Jesus does us an incredible act of mercy. He rattles us and calls us to step back and look at sin for what it is. Jesus also makes it clear that when you live one or more of these vices, you become defiled. You become greedy, a liar, cruel, a gossip, hateful, arrogant, etc. Objectively speaking, no one wants this.What is it in that list of vices that you struggle with the most? What do you see within your own heart? Be honest with yourself before God. Jesus desires that your heart be pure and holy, freed from these and every filth. But unless you are able to look at your own heart with honesty, it will be difficult to reject the sin with which you struggle. Reflect, today, upon this list of sins identified by our Lord. Consider each one and allow yourself to see each sin for what it truly is. Allow yourself to despise these sins with a holy wrath and then turn your eyes to that sin with which you struggle the most. Know that as you consciously see that sin and reject it, our Lord will begin to strengthen you and purify your heart so that you become freed from that defilement and become, instead, the beautiful child of God you were made to be. My merciful Lord, help me to see sin for what it is. Help me, especially, to see my own sin—that sin within my own heart that defiles me as Your dear child. As I see my sin, give me the grace I need to reject it and to turn to You with all my heart so that I can become a new creation in Your grace and mercy. Jesus, I trust in You!Image: Rembrandt, Public domain, via Wikimedia CommonsSource of content: catholic-daily-reflections.comCopyright © 2025 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.
Your faithfulness to God should reflect His faithfulness to you. “It is of the Lord's mercy we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness (Lam 3:22-23). The lifestyle of the spiritually maturing believer demonstrates faithfulness with love, respect, admiration, gratitude, and obedience to God and reflects God's mercy and compassion toward others. Part of the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to give you the strength to remain faithful. “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness…” (Gal 5:22-23). Download Transcript: https://rhem.pub/reflect-faithfulness-a50ccf