Welcome to Human School! In this episode, I'm sitting down with my new friend Ann, who generously shares her incredible story with us. Ann was a Donut Dollie in the Vietnam War, which was a Red Cross position that sought to bring a shining example of womanhood to the GIs. She shares about her experience before, during, and after the war. I guarantee you'll gain a new appreciation for the unsung women who served in this sliver of history. Class is in session. Let's get curious! . . . . . Have a secretly extraordinary life? Apply to be a Human School guest here: https://forms.gle/Z13WGj63oEfgmtjJ9 . . . . . Order your copy of my new book Reconnected HERE: ReconnectedBook.com Let's keep in touch! Sign up for my newsletter to be the first to hear ALL my updates. https://app.e2ma.net/app2/audience/signup/1987227/1965424/ Interested in advertising with us? Reach out here. Book me to speak HERE: https://www.carloswhittaker.com/events . . . . . BETTER HELP: This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/HUMANHOPE and get on your way to being your best self. HIYA HEALTH: Receive 50% off your first order at hiyahealth.com/HUMANHOPE Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
In this episode of Fire Service Data and Tech Talk, host Eddie Buchanan sits down with wildfire experts Anthony Schultz, of ESRI, and Braniff Davis, of the Austin (TX) Fire Department, to explore cutting-edge strategies for wildfire mitigation and response. From predictive mapping and community risk assessments to real-time firefighter tracking, discover how data and technology are revolutionizing the fire service. Learn how departments nationwide can access free GIS tools to improve situational awareness and preparedness. Listen to learn more.
En 1940, à Cherbourg, pendant l'occupation Allemande, Gisèle est enceinte. Mais son mari René doit partir travailler en Allemagne. Gisèle veut avorter et elle se tourne vers sa voisine, Marie-Louise Giraud. Ni l'une ni l'autre ne sait comment faire.
En 1940, à Cherbourg, pendant l'occupation Allemande, Gisèle est enceinte. Mais son mari René doit partir travailler en Allemagne. Gisèle veut avorter et elle se tourne vers sa voisine, Marie-Louise Giraud. Ni l'une ni l'autre ne sait comment faire.
En 1940, à Cherbourg, pendant l'occupation Allemande, Gisèle est enceinte. Mais son mari René doit partir travailler en Allemagne. Gisèle veut avorter et elle se tourne vers sa voisine, Marie-Louise Giraud. Ni l'une ni l'autre ne sait comment faire.
C dans l'air du 1er janvier 2025 - Dominique Pélicot : violeur... et tueur ?Dominique Pélicot est-il aussi un meurtrier ? Le doute plane depuis qu'il a été entendu, jeudi dernier, par une juge spécialisée dans les crimes non-résolus. Déjà condamné à vingt ans de réclusion pour avoir violé et fait violer son ex-femme, Gisèle Pélicot, il pourrait être impliqué dans deux autres affaires : une tentative de viol en 1999 (pour laquelle il a reconnu une partie des faits) et un meurtre avec viol en 1991 à Paris. « Sur les faits de 1991, Dominique Pélicot dit qu'il ne connaît pas cette jeune femme », défend son avocate, « il n'y a pas d'indices graves et concordants militant en faveur de sa culpabilité ». Le mode opératoire est pourtant similaire dans les deux cas : une visite d'appartement sous un faux nom, et un mouchoir imbibé d'éther, plaqué sur le visage des agentes immobilières pour les endormir.En France, depuis 2022, un pôle cold cases existe au parquet de Nanterre. Cette cellule spécialisée est chargée d'instruire les affaires judiciaires non élucidées. Celle de Dany Leprince, dit « Le boucher de la Sarthe », pourrait être quant à elle une erreur judiciaire. L'homme a purgé 17 ans de prison après avoir été condamné en 1997 pour le meurtre de son frère, de sa belle-soeur, et de deux de leurs enfants, mais il se bat depuis le début pour prouver son innocence. Jeudi dernier, sa requête a été jugée recevable et transmise à la Cour de révision. Il pourrait donc y avoir un nouveau procès.Ces cold cases passionnent bon nombre de Français, jusqu'à créer un tourisme morbide sur certains lieux de crimes. À Lepanges-sur-Volgne (Vosges), de nombreux curieux viennent sur la sépulture du petit Gregory, retrouvé mort dans le village en 1984, sans qu'aucun meurtrier n'est jamais été retrouvé. Une association d'habitants cherche aujourd'hui à valoriser le village, et à lui donner une autre image que celle d'un décor de fait divers.Alors, pourquoi la justice s'intéresse à Dominique Pélicot pour une affaire de meurtre ? La condamnation de Dany Leprince pourrait-elle être une erreur judiciaire ? Comment stopper le tourisme morbide autour des cold cases ? Les experts :Damien DELSENY : Rédacteur en chef adjoint en charge du service police-justice au ParisienNoémie SCHULZ : Grand reporter police justice à France TélévisionsDr. MARILYNE BARANES : Docteur en psychologie clinique et psychopathologie, spécialiste du traumatisme, experte judiciaireGénéral François DAOUST : Directeur du centre de Recherche de Gendarmerie NationalePRÉSENTATION : Caroline Roux - Axel de Tarlé - REDIFFUSION : du lundi au vendredi vers 23h40PRODUCTION DES PODCASTS: Jean-Christophe ThiéfineRÉALISATION : Nicolas Ferraro, Bruno Piney, Franck Broqua, Alexandre Langeard, Corentin Son, Benoît LemoinePRODUCTION : France Télévisions / Maximal ProductionsRetrouvez C DANS L'AIR sur internet & les réseaux :INTERNET : francetv.frFACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/Cdanslairf5TWITTER : https://twitter.com/cdanslairINSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/cdanslair/
durée : 00:36:24 - Secrets d'info - par : Jacques Monin - Dominique Pelicot a été entendu, jeudi 30 janvier, pendant cinq heures, par Nathalie Turquey, juge d'instruction au Pôle Cold Case de Nanterre. Déjà condamné à 20 ans de prison pour avoir drogué, violé et fait violer sa femme Gisèle, il est aussi mis en examen dans deux autres affaires.
durée : 00:04:26 - Le Zoom de France Inter - Condamné en décembre dernier à 20 ans de prison pour avoir drogué, violé et fait violer sa femme, Gisèle Pelicot, Dominique Pelicot est aussi mis en examen dans deux autres dossiers : une tentative de viol et un viol suivi d'un meurtre sur deux jeunes femmes agents immobiliers, dans les années 90.
The nightmare endured by French grandmother Gisèle Pelicot, who was drugged and raped over a decade, shocked the world.
Dominique Pelicot est aujourd'hui l'homme qui a livré son épouse Gisèle, endormie et droguée, à cinquante violeurs dans sa maison de Mazan. Il a pour cela été condamné à vingt ans de prison...Mais ce mari pervers et abusif va-t-il entrer dans la mémoire criminelle comme un meurtrier. Celui de Sophie Narme , une jeune agente immobilière, violée et étranglée à Paris en 1991. La justice le suspecte d'être ce tueur qu'on recherche depuis plus de trente ans. Mais ce n'est pas tout. Le violeur de la maison de Mazan est également soupçonné d'autres attaques sexuelles. Retrouvez tous les jours en podcast le décryptage d'un faits divers, d'un crime ou d'une énigme judiciaire par Jean-Alphonse Richard, entouré de spécialistes, et de témoins d'affaires criminelles. Ecoutez L'heure du Crime avec Jean-Alphonse Richard du 27 janvier 2025.
Dominique Pelicot est aujourd'hui l'homme qui a livré son épouse Gisèle, endormie et droguée, à cinquante violeurs dans sa maison de Mazan. Il a pour cela été condamné à vingt ans de prison...Mais ce mari pervers et abusif va-t-il entrer dans la mémoire criminelle comme un meurtrier. Celui de Sophie Narme , une jeune agente immobilière, violée et étranglée à Paris en 1991. La justice le suspecte d'être ce tueur qu'on recherche depuis plus de trente ans. Mais ce n'est pas tout. Le violeur de la maison de Mazan est également soupçonné d'autres attaques sexuelles. Retrouvez tous les jours en podcast le décryptage d'un faits divers, d'un crime ou d'une énigme judiciaire par Jean-Alphonse Richard, entouré de spécialistes, et de témoins d'affaires criminelles. Ecoutez L'heure du Crime avec Jean-Alphonse Richard du 27 janvier 2025.
Welcome to Profiling Evil's new series, Twisted Tales, where we unravel the fascinating crimes and challenges of history. In this episode, we gallop into the perilous world of the Pony Express, a daring enterprise that bridged the gap between East and West for a brief but unforgettable 18 months. While its riders are often celebrated as brave heroes, the story of the Pony Express is equally a tale of robberies, murders, and lawlessness. So saddle up folks and let's explore the twisted tales that shaped this icon of the Wild West. #PonyExpressTrail #WildWestHistory #StagecoachRobbery #GoldRushCrimes #FrontierJustice #OldWestLegends #HistoricTrails #WestwardExpansion #WildWestCrimes #OutlawTales #FrontierGold #StagecoachMurder #WesternHistory #PonyExpressCrimes #OutlawsOfTheWest #mapping #GIS #esri #CourtTV #Newsnation #WildBill #BuffaloBill=======================================Order a copy of Deceived or She Knew No Fear and get the book signed for free! https://www.ProfilingEvil.comDONATE to Profiling Evil: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=T54JX76RZ455SSUPPORT our Podcasts: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1213394/support
durée : 00:38:08 - France Culture va plus loin (l'Invité(e) des Matins) - par : Guillaume Erner, Isabelle de Gaulmyn - Dans l'affaire des viols de Mazan, Gisèle Pélicot a témoigné “pour que la honte change de camp”, mettant en lumière combien ce sont souvent les victimes qui se sentent coupables. En France un enfant est victime de viol ou d'agression sexuelle toutes les trois minutes, comment lever le tabou ? - réalisation : Félicie Faugère - invités : Aude Doumenge Chargée de plaidoyer et de communication de l'association Face à l'inceste. ; Antoine Garapon Magistrat honoraire, Président de la Commission reconnaissance et réparation (CRR)
Episode: 00250 Released on January 20, 2025 Description: In this episode of Analyst Talk with Jason Elder, Jason is joined by Mike Winslow for a "Did You Know?" deep dive segment. Together, they dive into untapped resources that analysts can leverage to improve their workflows, from city GIS data to business license registries and vacation rental maps. Mike shares real-world examples of how unconventional data sources—like FDIC bank registries and Parks and Rec databases—can provide valuable intel for investigations and crime mapping. They also discuss building relationships with city departments and private entities, the importance of staying resourceful on crime scenes, and the potential of tools like facial recognition and private camera collaborations. The conversation takes a deeper turn as Jason and Mike reflect on the recent United Health Care CEO murder, analyzing the challenges of identifying suspects in high-profile cases, the role of technology like facial recognition, and the surprising details of the manhunt. The episode wraps up with a reflection on the role of luck in investigations and the critical need for data quality when solving cases. Tune in for tips, insights, and practical advice to expand your analyst toolbox and prepare for the unexpected. Don't miss this thoughtful conversation that defines the law enforcement analysis profession, one episode at a time! [Note: Description produced by ChatGPT.] Get to know more about Mike by listening to his episode on Analyst Talk With Jason Elder: https://www.leapodcasts.com/e/episode-006-mike-winslow-%e2%80%93-the-ambassador/ Words to the World: Insights from Law Enforcement Analysts...Here's 10 Set to Music https://youtu.be/0d5TME8rd9A CHALLENGE: There are Easter eggs in one of the tables of the Excel chapter that Jason wrote for the IACA textbook. First-person to email us at leapodcasts@gmail.com about what the Easter eggs are will receive a $75 gift card from us. Happy hunting! *** Episode 8 of Cocktails & Crime Analysis - C&CA Ep8 - Christmas Spirits https://youtu.be/lJyLa_uX8iA **** Name Drops: Nikki North Related Links: https://eservices.scottsdaleaz.gov/maps/gis https://www.scottsdaleaz.gov/police/community-camera-registration Association(s) Mentioned: Vendor(s) Mentioned: Contact: mwinslow@scottsdaleaz.gov; https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikewinslow1414/ Transcript: https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/q46h2r6tf7pxgt53/DYK03.pdf Podcast Writer: Podcast Researcher: Theme Song: Written and Recorded by The Rough & Tumble. Find more of their music at www.theroughandtumble.com. Logo: Designed by Kyle McMullen. Please visit www.moderntype.com for any printable business forms and planners. Podcast Email: leapodcasts@gmail.com Podcast Webpage: www.leapodcasts.com Podcast Twitter: @leapodcasts
Caroline Darian talks to Brendan about her memoir I'll Never Call Him Dad Again, an account of her life with her father, Dominique Pelicot who was convicted, with 49 other men, of sexual crimes against her mother Gisèle. She describes the emotional ‘tsunami' of learning the revelations and her advocacy for sexual abuse survivors.
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The energy sector is undergoing a seismic shift, driven by advancements in geospatial technology and the unrelenting evolution of digital innovation. Traditional geotech methods are giving way to LiDAR, GPS, drone and satellite imagery, and the industry now collects more data than ever before. But how do you make sense of this crazy data-rich landscape while holding to the oil and gas ideals of accuracy, efficiency, and safety? Adding to this data overload challenge are the siloed information holdings and the need for skilled professionals who can interpret and leverage geospatial insights. From pipeline monitoring to asset management, the applications of these tools are becoming table stakes, not nice-to-haves. To be competitive, today's energy companies need to rethink how they manage geospatial data, build up predictive analytics, and break through organizational barriers to data sharing. In this episode, I speak with Lonnie Upton, an account manager at NV5 and a seasoned expert in geospatial data for oil and gas. Lonnie shares his journey from field surveying to becoming a leader in the use of cutting-edge remote sensing technologies. Together, we discuss how geospatial tools are driving efficiency, improving safety, and reshaping operations. Some of the questions we explore include: • What problems do technologies like LiDAR and AI-powered tools solve in the energy sector? • How can organizations overcome challenges of data overload and departmental silos? • What steps should companies take to ensure data quality and real-time decision-making? • Why is geospatial data a key driver for the future of energy operations? If you're unfamiliar with how geotech can make a difference, you'll really appreciate this episode on the potential of geospatial technology and its impact on the future of energy. #NV5 #geospatial #GIS #digitaloilfield #O&G #oil&gas Reference Links For NV5
durée : 00:27:45 - Les Midis de Culture - par : Marie Labory - Le cinéaste américain David Lynch est mort hier, 16 janvier 2025, à l'âge de 78 ans. Maître de l'étrange, auteur d'une œuvre entre rêve et réalité, le réalisateur de "Blue Velvet", "Lost Highway" et de la série "Twin Peaks" a marqué le cinéma son époque. - réalisation : Laurence Malonda - invités : Bertrand Mandico Cinéaste; Gisèle Vienne Chorégraphe, plasticienne et metteuse en scène; Yal Sadat Journaliste et critique de cinéma
Alle zwei Tage wird in Deutschland eine Frau von ihrem Partner oder Ex-Partner getötet. Alle drei Minuten erlebt eine Frau oder ein Mädchen häusliche Gewalt in Deutschland. Die Zahl der Fälle von häuslicher Gewalt gegen Frauen steigt seit Jahren. Hingeschaut wird, wenn einmal im Jahr die Fallzahlen vorgelegt werden, oder wenn eine mutige Frau wie die Französin Gisèle Pélicot ihr durch ihren Mann verursachtes ungeheuerliches Leid an die Öffentlichkeit bringt. Auch ihre Tochter Caroline Darian will mit ihrem Buch deutlich machen, dass die Gesellschaft etwas lernen muss aus diesem Fall. Denn ist er auch besonders brutal, steht er doch für viele andere Fälle von Frauen, und ihr Mann steht für viele andere Täter. „Die Scham muss die Seite wechseln“, diese Botschaft von Frau Pélicot ist klar. Aber warum wird über die Täter eigentlich weniger geredet als über die Opfer? Was veranlasst einen Mann, Gewalt gegen eine Frau zu verüben? Härtere Strafen oder ein Gewalthilfegesetz sind wichtig, um betroffene Frauen besser zu schützen und besser helfen zu können. Sind aber nicht wir alle gefordert, für ein gesellschaftliches Klima zu sorgen, in dem die Gewalt gegen Frauen gar nicht erst stattfindet? Darüber sprechen wir mit Alice Westphal, die sich als Autorin und Aktivistin gegen häusliche Gewalt engagiert, Matthias Hendel von der von der Beratungsstelle „Handschlag“ des Caritas-Verbandes Chemnitz, der Anwältin Asha Hedayati und dem Autor Fikri Anıl Altıntaş, der sich für ein anderes Männerbild einsetzt. Podcast-Tipp: Mitreden! Deutschland diskutiert Täglich erleben Frauen körperliche, sexualisierte und psychische Gewalt. Dazu gezählt werden Gewalt in der Partnerschaft, Stalking, digitale Gewalt, Vergewaltigungen, Femizide. Wie kann ein besserer Schutz gelingen? Diesmal Thema in "Mitreden!" https://www.ardaudiothek.de/episode/mitreden-deutschland-diskutiert/hass-gewalt-und-femizide-muessen-wir-frauen-besser-schuetzen/ard/13965433/ Falls Sie selbst betroffen sind und Hilfe benötigen, können Sie sich an das Hilfetelefon wenden. Das Hilfetelefon "Gewalt gegen Frauen" ist ein bundesweites Beratungsangebot für Frauen, die Gewalt erlebt haben oder noch erleben. Unter der Nummer 116 016 und via Online-Beratung unterstützen wir Betroffene aller Nationalitäten, mit und ohne Behinderung - 365 Tage im Jahr, rund um die Uhr. Auch Angehörige, Freundinnen und Freunde sowie Fachkräfte beraten wir anonym und kostenfrei. https://www.hilfetelefon.de/
Nos adentramos en el caso de Gisèle Pelicot, la Francesa que se enteró en el 2020 que su esposo llevaba más de 10 años organizando fiestas para abusar de ella.
This episode takes us to White Sands National Park in Southern New Mexico, home to the world's largest gypsum dune field. The brilliant white sands form a stunning landscape shaped by both nature and history, offering a glimpse into the unique ecosystems and cultural heritage of the border region. White Sands, once a National Monument, became a National Park in 2019, marking an exciting chapter in its long history.We're joined by Marie Frias Sauter, the park's superintendent since 2012. Marie's journey is as dynamic as the dunes she oversees. Growing up as a dual citizen in Mexico City, her early fascination with geography and cartography led her to study at the University of Georgia, where she witnessed the transformation of traditional map-making into modern GIS technology. Over her career, Marie has lent her expertise to parks across the country, bringing her passion for preservation and innovation to every role.In this episode, Marie shares her insights on managing a park with deep ties to both the Department of Defense and its sister park in Mexico, the evolving science of the gypsum dunes, and the park's soon addition—the Ice Age Trail. She also discusses the discovery of ancient trackways, the thrill of hiking and sledding down the dunes, and the challenges of climate change, including the potential loss of wet dune systems as water tables decline.Join us as we explore Marie's extraordinary career, the vibrant culture of the borderlands, and the unique wonders of White Sands National Park.You can follow Who Runs This Park on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook or YouTube, can email us at info@whorunsthispark.com or check us out online at whorunsthispark.com. Sign up for the Who Runs This Park's newsletter at linktr.ee/whorunsthispark. Who Runs This Park is produced by Maddie Pellman with music by Danielle Bees.
In this special episode of Spatial Report, we crossover with our sibling Esri Canada podcast Geographical Thinking. Michelle Brake joins us to talk about her first year as podcast host, sharing stories and conversations through the lens of geography. She then introduces her year-end episode for our listening pleasure: 2024 Geospatial Reflections. Rundown 0:00 – Spatial Report: Geographical Thinking Crossover 8:43 – Geographical Thinking: 2024 Geospatial Reflections Spatial Report: Geographical Thinking Crossover [0:00] For more information Visit our website See our full interviews and GeoSnaps on the Esri Canada YouTube channel Stay up-to-speed on products and developments affecting you in our blog, Getting Technical Have a podcast idea? E-mail us at spatialreport@esri.ca Host Mark Ho, Technical Solutions Specialist at Esri Canada Mark Ho welcomes back Michelle Brake to her old podcast stomping grounds. She was our original ArcGIS Enterprise GeoGeek before becoming the host of the Geographical Thinking podcast in January 2024. In this special episode, they chat about her first year as host of our sibling Esri Canada podcast, then goes deeper into how Geographical Thinking has a unique perspective compared to Spatial Report. Michelle also gives us a sneak peek at some of the guests lined up for future episodes. Finally, she introduces us to one of her favourite episodes for our listening pleasure: 2024 Geospatial Reflections. Guest: Michelle Brake, Senior Technical Solutions Specialist, Enterprise at Esri Canada Geographical Thinking: 2024 Geospatial Reflections [8:43] As 2024 comes to a close, the Geographical Thinking podcast is taking a moment to reflect on 2024—a year filled with innovation, breakthroughs and unforgettable moments in the world of GIS. In this episode of Geographical Thinking, host Michelle Brake asks some of her colleagues at Esri Canada to share their most memorable GIS moments of the year. From game-changing technology to community growth, you'll hear stories that highlight how GIS continues to make an impact. Join us as we look back on these standout moments, explore why they resonated and celebrate the power of geography to transform our lives and communities. For more information Visit our website See our full interviews and GeoSnaps on the Esri Canada YouTube channel Stay up-to-speed on products and developments affecting you in our blog, Getting Technical Have a podcast idea? E-mail us at spatialreport@esri.ca Host Mark Ho, Technical Solutions Specialist at Esri Canada
Women's Magazine host Lisa Dettmer will talk to two radical French feminists about the Gisèle Pelicot case and rape culture in France generally and how the Pelicot case has ignited and united feminists across Europe and even across the globe to stand up publicly to support Gisele and to speak out about this ubiquitous war on women and how rape culture is accepted and normalized around the world. First we talk to Blandine Deverlanges from Les Amazones d'Avignon the feminist group that supported Gisele at the trial in Avignon. And then we talk to Sabreen Al Rassace, an intersectional radical feminist of color in France and founder of the French group Lesbians of Color. The post Lisa Dettmer talks to French Feminists Blandine Deverlanges and Sabreen Al Rassace about the Gisèle Pelicot case and rape culture in France appeared first on KPFA.
After 3 months in a courtroom battle, Gisele Pelicot's Criminal Defence lawyer Stéphane Babonneau talks about how she is doing now that the trial is over. Dominique Pelicot was found guilty of drugging and raping his wife Gisèle as well as recruiting dozens of men to rape her over a decade.
In this episode of Mapping Bigfoot, Scott Tompkins starts the new year with an engaging solo discussion that blends his passion for both Bigfoot research and GIS technology. He begins by diving into the real-time analysis of the devastating fires in LA, using GIS to demonstrate the impact on both the environment and the people affected. After exploring the current event, Scott transitions to the Bigfoot Mapping Project's findings from 2024, analyzing over 200 Bigfoot sightings across North America. He highlights key hotspots, visualizes sighting trends, and shares insights from word clouds and sightings data. The episode provides a unique behind-the-scenes look at how the project uses data to track Bigfoot activity and the importance of crowd-sourced reports. The episode wraps up with Scott reflecting on the project's growth and exciting plans for the future. Tune in for a mix of serious GIS discussions and thrilling Bigfoot analysis!
In dieser Folge werden sexualisierte Gewalt und Vergewaltigung thematisiert. Bitte achtet auf euch, wenn ihr diese Folge anhört. Wie fühlt es sich an, einen der unglaublichsten und erschütterndsten Prozesse der jüngeren Geschichte hautnah mitzuverfolgen? Britta Sandberg, ehemalige Leiterin des SPIEGEL-Auslandsressorts und aktuell Frankreich-Korrespondentin des SPIEGEL in Paris, ist heute bei Wolfgang zu Gast, um über den unglaublichen Vergewaltigungsprozess rund um Gisèle Pelicot zu sprechen. Eine Frau, die durch den Prozess zu einer Person der Öffentlichkeit, gar einer Ikone geworden ist und den bewegenden Satz “die Scham muss die Seite wechseln” geprägt hat. Britta Sandberg hat den Fall nicht nur 69 Tage lang live im Gericht mitverfolgt, sondern auch einen vierteiligen Podcast “Acht Milliarden – Avignon: Der Prozess Pelicot” herausgebracht. Mit Wolfgang bespricht sie die großen Herausforderungen, einem solch schweren Fall beizuwohnen und darüber, wie sich Gisèle Pelicot über den Verlauf des Prozesses verändert hat. Außerdem reflektiert Britta Sandberg über ihren Werdegang im Journalismus und die Zeit als erste, weibliche Ressortleiterin in einem damals extrem männerdominierten Umfeld. Sie spricht zudem über ihre Berichterstattung des Terrorprozesses nach den Anschlägen von 2015 in Paris und ihre tiefe Recherche rund um Folterpraktiken in Guantanamo. Zum Schluss besprechen Britta Sandberg und Wolfgang die aktuelle politische Lage in Frankreich und die Vielzahl an Schwierigkeiten, mit denen Präsident Macron konfrontiert ist. Du möchtest mehr über unsere Werbepartner erfahren? Hier findest du alle Infos & Rabatte: https://linktr.ee/ApokalypseundFilterkaffee
Last year, the story of a French rape case and the woman at its centre, Gisèle Pelicot, captured global attention. Dominique Pelicot was sentenced to 20 years in jail for charges related to drugging, raping, and inviting others to rape his then-wife, Gisèle. 50 others were also found guilty of varying charges including rape, attempted rape, and sexual assault. The case is back in the headlines after the founder of a website (used by Dominique Pelicot to recruit other men to rape his wife) was charged by French police. In today's deep dive, we take a look at the outlawed chatroom 'Coco' and it's founder, Isaac Steidl. Hosts: Emma Gillespie and Zara SeidlerProducer: Orla Maher Want to support The Daily Aus? That's so kind! The best way to do that is to click ‘follow’ on Spotify or Apple and to leave us a five-star review. We would be so grateful. The Daily Aus is a media company focused on delivering accessible and digestible news to young people. We are completely independent. Want more from TDA?Subscribe to The Daily Aus newsletterSubscribe to The Daily Aus’ YouTube Channel Have feedback for us?We’re always looking for new ways to improve what we do. If you’ve got feedback, we’re all ears. Tell us here.See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Caroline Darian, daughter of Dominique and Gisèle Pelicot, tells of the ‘crushing double burden' of being the child of both victim and perpetrator. Plus Philippa Perry invites one reader to see what happens when you prioritise someone who offers you stability and decency
In this episode of Dividend Talk, we dive into the world of dividend-focused ETFs available to European investors. In the News of the Week, we explore the recent sharp decline in Greggs' share price following its trading update, despite record sales. Is this an opportunity to buy, or should investors look elsewhere? The Listener Questions segment tackles a range of intriguing topics: How to prioritise investments when building a dividend portfolio. Why many REITs show negative ROIC vs WACC differences. Expectations for organic growth in diversified dividend portfolios. A thought experiment involving a €50,000 inheritance and turnaround companies. Finally, we wrap up with stock-specific discussions, including Schneider Electric, PepsiCo, and Eaton, while addressing questions on private equity, T. Rowe Price, and Sonoco Products.
"Plusieurs débats au cœur de l'actualité, les Grandes gueules ont le choix, en débattre ou non : SNCF : bientôt la fin des titres de civilité ! Prix Nobel pour Gisèle Pelicot : pour ou contre ? La France, championne d'Europe de la dépression
Project Geospatial presents an AI experiment aggregating and analyzing our content captured from FedGeoDay 2024. Not all content is covered but this definitely covers the highlights and major themes of the conference. Get ready for a deep dive into a recap pf key discussions and innovative ideas presented at FedGeoDay 2024! This recap podcast explores the major themes, from the modernization of geospatial workflows to the impact of AI and machine learning. Key topics covered include: * Open Source Solutions: Discover how open source software and data are becoming critical infrastructure within the government. Learn about the challenges and opportunities of using open source geospatial data for decision-making. * Data Modernization: Understand how agencies are moving beyond traditional GIS systems to embrace database-centric approaches. Hear discussions around cloud-native geospatial data and the importance of interoperability. * AI and Remote Sensing: Explore the role of federal agencies in the growth of AI, including the development of training datasets and ethical considerations. Learn about how AI is being applied to geospatial problems and the challenges of using AI-generated data. * Digital Twins: Gain insights into the concept of digital twins and how they are revolutionizing data production and focusing on process rather than products. Understand the importance of forecasting and modeling capabilities. * Authoritative Data: Delve into the complexities of defining and using authoritative data, as well as the need for semantic layers and ontologies. Discuss the balance between data security and accessibility. * National Spatial Reference System: Learn about the modernization of the NSRS by NOAA's National Geodetic Survey, and how it will improve accuracy and consistency in geospatial data. * Geospatial Data and Policy: Discover the legal and policy issues facing the geospatial community and the need for updated job descriptions. Hear about the efforts to promote open data and address data security concerns. Be sure to check out the coverage of FedGeoDay on you website: https://projectgeospatial.org/coverage/fedgeoday-2024
The MapScaping Podcast - GIS, Geospatial, Remote Sensing, earth observation and digital geography
Telematics Data is Reshaping Our Understanding of Road Networks In this episode MIT Professor Hari Balakrishnan explains how Cambridge Mobile Telematics (CMT) is transforming traditional road network analysis by layering dynamic behavioural data onto static map geometries. Telematics data creates "living maps" that go beyond traditional road geometry and attributes. By collecting movement data from 45 million users through phones and IoT devices, CMT has developed sophisticated models that can: - Generate dynamic risk maps showing crash probability for every road segment globally - Detect infrastructure issues that aren't visible in traditional mapping (like poorly placed bus stops) - Validate and correct map attributes like speed limits and lane connectivity - Differentiate between overpasses and intersections using movement patterns - Create contextual understanding of road segments based on actual usage patterns Particularly interesting for GIS professionals is CMT's approach to data fusion, combining traditional map geometry with temporal movement data to create predictive models. This has practical applications from infrastructure planning to autonomous vehicle navigation, where understanding the cultural context of road usage proves as important as precise geometry. The episode challenges traditional static approaches to road network mapping, suggesting that the future lies in dynamic, behavior-informed spatial data models that can adapt to changing conditions and usage patterns. For anyone working with transportation networks or smart city initiatives, this episode provides valuable insights into how movement data is changing our understanding of road infrastructure and spatial behaviour. Connect with Hari on LinkedIn! https://www.linkedin.com/in/hari-balakrishnan-0702263/ Cambridge Mobile Telematics https://www.cmtelematics.com/ BTW, I keep busy creating free mapping tools and publishing them there https://mapscaping.com/map-tools/ swing by and take a look!
2024年12月14日,建國中學第46屆校友會舉辦了畢業30年的「30重聚」校友活動,晚宴菜單上出現物/性化女性的餐點名稱,會場中擺放穿著女校制服的人形立牌供參加者合影,此事引起社會譁然,並掀起關於單一性別學校的性平教育、社會對第一志願的期待等等討論。與此同時,一起麥當勞未成年少女員工遭門市主管權勢性侵後自盡的案件也正延燒中,由於台灣麥當勞當時未確實保護受害員工與落實調查程序,違反《性別平等工作法》,因此遭台北市勞動部開罰100萬元。許多民眾開始以拒吃抵制行為表達不滿,而建國中學在校生在此事件話題仍受熱議的情況下,貼出購買麥當勞的照片,附文:「考完段考就要來點麥當勞,沒有女權的世界真好」,並 Hashtag 建國中學。此舉引發臺中一中、臺南一中、高雄高中等校皆有學生效仿。隨後,建國中學收到數封恐嚇信,在報警之後,校方也針對學生在網路上的不當言論發出道歉聲明。Zukkim 與 Zoe 觀察這些連鎖事件,提出了幾個討論點:1. 私人與公開場合的分界,以及私下的玩笑與行為是否真的沒關係?2. 包容與包庇是不一樣的:進步空間 ≠ 犯錯沒關係3. 青春也許令人懷念,不代表青春的行為就是對的4. 企業 ESG 的概念不只有環境,也包含公司治理與社會責任5. 對話的重要性:有對話才會有進展的可能本集的時事下酒菜為法國吉賽兒性侵案,這起案件中51名可辨識的加害人,除了皆為居住在同一個小鎮的男性之外,年齡、職業、種族、體型、髮型、婚姻狀態、兒時經歷等特徵都沒有明確的共通性,也因此,法國社會以「普通人先生」統稱本起事件中的加害人們。而受害者吉賽兒.佩利科特(Gisèle Pelicot)堅持以公開審理的方式,當庭播放自己遭性侵過程的影像,讓社會與加害者直面性侵的本質,更讓受害者在過往經常需背負的「羞恥」標籤轉移陣營,回歸到真正該懺悔的加害人身上。我們都是普通的老百姓,「普通人先生」們與建中46屆的校友們也都是我們共享日常的其他老百姓,但普通不代表可以沒有社會責任與原則。希望各位老百姓不論有過什麼樣的青春,不論幾歲、在什麼樣的場合,都能保持對錯的判斷力與不成為加害方的原則。希望大家都能夠當個好人,繼續好好長大。《Z色派對》由鬼島之音 Ghost Island Media 製作、出品 主持 - ZUKKIM 張竹芩 & ZOE 李菁琪 企劃、執行 - 葉阿亭剪接、混音 - 小蔡監製 - Emily Y. Wu追蹤我們的社群Facebook:https://fb.com/ghostislandme/IG:https://instagram.com/ghostislandme/官網:https://ghostisland.media/合作:web@ghostisland.media See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
BE WARNED: It's LuAnna, and this podcast contains honest, upfront opinions, rants, bants and general explicit content. But you know you love it.In this week's LuAnna: The Podcast: We catch up after Lu and Anna hit Dubai for New Years, Anna has a case of anxiety, Imo saw Kerry Katona and Katie Price in Panto, we're learning about a male reflex, a GP receptionist gets a golden jar and the update we've all been waiting for. Plus, we can finally talk about the Gisèle Pelicot case, Meghan Markle's trying tv (again) and a great weirdo to kick off 2025.Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
Episode: 248 Released on January 6, 2025 Description: Happy New Year! Join us in this episode of Analyst Talk with Jason Elder as we sit down with Roman West, a seasoned law enforcement analyst with over 35 years of experience. Roman's journey takes us through the evolution of crime analysis in Australia, from pinboard maps and paper records to sophisticated GIS tools and predictive analytics. We discuss his pivotal role in a groundbreaking operation that executed 80 simultaneous warrants in a single day, disrupting outlaw motorcycle gangs and gathering critical intelligence. Roman also shares insights into the importance of mentorship, teamwork, and stepping out of the office to truly understand the environments analysts study. As a former IACA VP of Membership, Roman reflects on his efforts to emphasize the "international" in the International Association of Crime Analysts and the growth of the profession worldwide. With a blend of professional wisdom, personal anecdotes, and his signature Aussie humor, this episode is a must-listen for analysts at every stage of their career. Whether you're interested in the history of crime analysis, best practices for modern analysts, or just looking for a fascinating conversation, this episode delivers. Don't miss out! [Note: Description produced by ChatGPT.] Words to the World: Insights from Law Enforcement Analysts...Here's 10 Set to Music https://youtu.be/0d5TME8rd9A CHALLENGE: There are Easter eggs in one of the tables of the Excel chapter that Jason wrote for the IACA textbook. First-person to email us at leapodcasts@gmail.com about what the Easter eggs are will receive a $75 gift card from us. Happy hunting! *** Episode 8 of Cocktails & Crime Analysis - C&CA Ep8 - Christmas Spirits https://youtu.be/lJyLa_uX8iA **** Name Drops: Brenda Stork (00:03:54), Frank Scammell (00:07:32), Noah Fritz (00:18:05), Christopher Bruce/Susan Hammen Whitford/Erika Pyne/Carolyn Cassidy (00:34:59), Lorne Verne (00:36:20), Rachel Carson (00:38:11), Joey Ryan (00:42:01) Public Service Announcements: Steve French (https://www.leapodcasts.com/e/steve-french-%e2%80%93-one-compassionate-chap/) Dr. Carlena Orosco (https://www.leapodcasts.com/e/atwje-carlena-orosco-the-policing-strategist/) Manny San Pedro (https://www.leapodcasts.com/e/atwje-manny-san-pedro-the-penalty-box-analyst/) Svetlana Gubin (https://www.leapodcasts.com/e/atwje-svetlana-gubin-the-power-of-math/) Related Links: Victoria Police - https://www.police.vic.gov.au Australian Federal Police (AFP) - https://www.afp.gov.au Robbie Fishing https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8gVxFjiIsuB1I2I9g3zF0w Association(s) Mentioned: IALEIA, IACA Vendor(s) Mentioned: ESRI Contact: Transcript: https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/ivh7tx4k64masjih/RomanWest_Transcript.pdf Podcast Writer: Podcast Researcher: Theme Song: Written and Recorded by The Rough & Tumble. Find more of their music at www.theroughandtumble.com. Logo: Designed by Kyle McMullen. Please visit www.moderntype.com for any printable business forms and planners. Podcast Email: leapodcasts@gmail.com Podcast Webpage: www.leapodcasts.com Podcast Twitter: @leapodcasts 00:00:17 – Introducing Roman 00:08:23 – Starting as an Analyst 00:16:00 – Office Changes 00:19:31 – ABS: 80 Warrants in One Day 00:25:20 – Break 00:27:34 – Supervising Analysts 00:35:00 – IACA VP of Membership 00:44:00 – Personal Interests: Trout Fishing 00:49:36 – Words to the Word
This week, we're talking about Lustron Houses - prefabricated enameled steel houses developed in the post-World War II era in response to the shortage of homes for returning GIs. I'm going to cover the inventor, the Lustron Company, and more importantly, Lustrons in Atlanta - how many were built, who lived in them and how many remain? https://lustronresearch.com/ Want to support this podcast? Visit here Email: thevictorialemos@gmail.com Facebook | Instagram
C dans l'air l'invitée du 30 décembre - Marie-Pierre Porchy, magistrate honoraire et auteure du livre "Consentements, les vérités d'une magistrate" (Édition de Mareuil)Présentation: Lorrain SénéchalCondamné le 19 décembre à vingt ans de réclusion criminelle pour avoir, pendant dix ans, drogué son épouse, Gisèle, afin de la violer et de la livrer à des inconnus à Mazan, Dominique Pelicot ne fait pas appel, a fait savoir à l'Agence France-Presse et à Franceinfo son avocate, Béatrice Zavarro, lundi 30 décembre. Un appel "contraindrait Gisèle à une nouvelle épreuve, à de nouveaux affrontements, ce que Dominique Pelicot refuse", a-t-elle ajouté, en précisant qu'il était "temps" pour son client, âgé de 72 ans, "d'en finir judiciairement". "Mme Pelicot n'est pas et n'a jamais été son adversaire", a-t-elle ajouté.Deux jours après sa nomination, le ministre de la justice multiplie les opérations de communication. En quatre minutes chrono, le garde des sceaux a dévoilé plusieurs mesures censées aller dans le sens d'une justice "plus ferme, plus intense". Sans pour autant convaincre les acteurs de la chaîne pénale. Concernant l'introduction de la notion de consentement dans la définition par le code pénal du viol, il a répondu être "favorable à tout ce qui permettra de protéger davantage les femmes" et va étudier "avec le plus grand sérieux la proposition de loi déposée dans ce sens".L'ancienne magistrate Marie-Pierre Porchy reviendra sur l'absence de notion de consentement dans la loi, et ses conséquences dans le traitement judiciaire des affaires de viols.
Headlines for December 23, 2024; Elon Musk’s Opposition to Gov’t Spending Bill a “Smokescreen” for His Business Interests: Robert Kuttner; Landmark Rape Case of Gisèle Pelicot: As Ex-Husband & 50 Men Are Sentenced, Will French Laws Change?; “Christ Is Still in the Rubble”: Bethlehem Rev. Isaac Calls on U.S. to Stop Funding Gaza Genocide
At the height of World War II, transporting the mail to GIs took a back seat to moving supplies to the front. Soon, millions of letters and packages were piling up with no one to sort them. Commanders reluctantly gave the job to a battalion of Black female soldiers, convinced the task would be too much for them. Despite facing racism and sexism - and grueling working conditions - the women of the Six Triple Eight accomplished their mission, re-establishing an important connection between the homefront and the battlefront. With an ensemble cast featuring Kerry Washington, Susan Sarandon, Sam Waterston, and Oprah Winfrey, The Six Triple Eight is inspired by the real story of the first and only Women's Army Corps unit of color to serve overseas in the Second World War. Given an extraordinary task and united in their determination, these unsung heroes delivered hope and shattered barriers, raising morale on both sides of the Atlantic. In this episode of You Can't Make This Up, host Rebecca Lavoie interviews writer and director Tyler Perry. SPOILER ALERT! If you haven't watched The Six Triple Eight yet, make sure to add it to your watch-list before listening on. Listen to more from Netflix Podcasts.
French prosecutors demand 20-year sentence for ex-husband in Pelicot mass rape case France24, By NEWS WIRES, on 25/11/2024https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20241125-court-moves-to-sentencing-in-french-mass-rape-trialThe case of Dominique Piqueux, currently on trial in France, has horrified the public with its sheer magnitude and depravity. Over a decade, Piqueux allegedly sedated his wife, Gisèle, enabling other men—whom he recruited online—to rape her while he documented the abuse through photos and videos. A total of 72 men reportedly responded to his invitations, with 50 facing trial alongside him. Gisèle bravely refused a closed trial, earning applause and support for shedding light on the widespread, systematic abuse. This trial has sparked a critical dialogue in France, particularly about the diverse profiles of the accused and whether they reflect broader societal tendencies. While some attribute abusive behavior to childhood trauma and psychological predispositions, others caution against using such explanations as justifications. The defense strategies employed—ranging from denial to claims of consent through the husband—highlight the disturbing complexity and persistent misconceptions about consent and rape. The case has also underscored the importance of societal education on these issues. In particular, it reveals how cultural understandings of consent, such as the need for explicit and enthusiastic agreement, may differ internationally. In France, as in other parts of the world, this trial may serve as a critical turning point in how rape and systemic abuse are understood, addressed, and prosecuted. Advocates hope it will inspire better rape laws and a more profound societal reckoning with these crimes.The Non-Prophets, Episode 23.50.4 featuring Infidel 64, Cindy Plaza, AJ and RobBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-non-prophets--3254964/support.
A daily non-partisan, conversational breakdown of today's top news and breaking news stories This Week's Sponsors: – Aura Picture Frames $35 off best-selling Carver Mat frames. Promo Code: MONEWS – Factor Meals – Ready-to-eat, chef-prepared delivered meals | 50% Off | CODE: monews50 – Athletic Greens – AG1 Powder + 1 year of free Vitamin D & 5 free travel packs – LMNT – Free Sample Pack with any LMNT drink mix purchase | Code: MoNews Headlines: – Welcome to Mo News (02:15) – Government Shutdown Watch: Trump-Endorsed Plan Fails (04:30) – Luigi Mangione In NY To Face Federal Charges (17:00) – FDA Could Soon Ban Red Dye No. 3 (20:20) – Gisèle Pelicot's Ex-Husband Jailed for 20 Years In Mass Rape Trial (22:30) – Trump Legal Win: Fani Willis Disqualified From Prosecuting Georgia Trump Case (24:15) – New Drone Restrictions In New Jersey, New York (26:20) – Bluey Coming to Walt Disney World and Disney Cruise Line in 2025 (28:00) – What We're Watching, Reading, Eating (29:00) — Mosheh Oinounou (@mosheh) is an Emmy and Murrow award-winning journalist. He has 20 years of experience at networks including Fox News, Bloomberg Television and CBS News, where he was the executive producer of the CBS Evening News and launched the network's 24 hour news channel. He founded the @mosheh Instagram news account in 2020 and the Mo News podcast and newsletter in 2022. Jill Wagner (@jillrwagner) is an Emmy and Murrow award- winning journalist. She's currently the Managing Editor of the Mo News newsletter and previously worked as a reporter for CBS News, Cheddar News, and News 12. She also co-founded the Need2Know newsletter, and has made it a goal to drop a Seinfeld reference into every Mo News podcast. Follow Mo News on all platforms: Website: www.mo.news Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mosheh/ Daily Newsletter: https://www.mo.news/newsletter Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@monews Twitter: https://twitter.com/mosheh TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mosheh Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MoshehNews Snapchat: https://t.snapchat.com/pO9xpLY9
In one of the worst sex crimes in modern history, Gisèle Pelicot boldly stepped forward to tell her story in order to help others get justice.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/true-crimecast--4106013/support.
In this episode of MissTrial, Karen Friedman Agnifilo, Kathleen Rice, and Danya Perry break down the week's major legal and political developments. They discuss the verdict in France's high-profile rape case and Gisèle Pelicot's courageous decision to come forward. The hosts analyze Judge Merchan's denial of Trump's motion to overturn his Manhattan DA conviction following SCOTUS' immunity ruling and examine generational shifts in Democratic leadership within Congress. They also delve into the Supreme Court's decision to hear arguments on the TikTok ban and the bombshell news of Fani Willis's disqualification from prosecuting Trump in Georgia, raising critical questions about the case's future. Moink: Go to https://Moinkbox.com/MISSTRIAL RIGHT NOW and get FREE wings FOR LIFE Mint Mobile: To get this new customer offer and your new 3-month premium wireless plan for just 15 bucks a month, go to https://MINTMOBILE.com/misstrial. OneSkin: Get 15% off OneSkin with the code MISSTRIAL at https://www.oneskin.co/ #oneskinpod Step into the courtroom with MissTrial, a gripping new legal podcast where justice meets real-life drama, co-hosted by 3 accomplished women: Karen Friedman Agnifilo, the former Chief Assistant District Attorney at the Manhattan DA's office currently prosecuting Donald Trump; E. Danya Perry, former SDNY Federal Prosecutor and currently the formidable attorney representing Michael Cohen as he faced down Trump; and, Kathleen Rice, the first ever woman elected as Nassau County District Attorney and former New York Congresswoman who was present during the January 6 Capitol attack. Together, they dissect high-profile cases, share behind-the-scenes insights, and bring their unparalleled experience to the most pressing legal issues of our time. Tune in for candid conversations, expert analysis, and a deep dive into the trials that shape our nation. Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Coalition of the Sane: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/coalition-of-the-sane/id1741663279
In a major trial in France, Dominique Pelicot and 50 pther men are jailed for repeatedly raping his wife Gisèle. Also, Israeli jets attack Houthi targets in Yemen, and Czech experts restore damaged Ukrainian artworks.
Today, we discuss Gisèle Pelicot, her ex-husband and the 50 men who have been found guilty for rape, in a trial that has shocked the world.Dominique Pelicot, 72, was found guilty of all charges after drugging and raping Gisèle Pelicot, and inviting dozens of strangers to also abuse her over nearly a decade. He was on trial with 50 other men, all of whom were found guilty of at least one charge, although their jail terms were less than what prosecutors had demanded. Outside the courtroom, Gisèle gave her "profound gratitude" to supporters and said she believes in a "better future" for women. Adam is joined by Newsnight's Victoria Derbyshire, BBC Paris correspondent Andrew Harding, and BBC online journalist Laura Gozzi to discuss today's convictions and the impact of the trial for women's movements across the world. If you have been affected by the issues in this story, help and support is available via the BBC Action Line - https://www.bbc.co.uk/actionline/You can now listen to Newscast on a smart speaker. If you want to listen, on most smart speakers just say "Ask BBC Sounds to play Newscast”. You can join our Newscast online community here: https://tinyurl.com/newscastcommunityhere Newscast brings you daily analysis of the latest political news stories from the BBC. It was presented by Adam Fleming. It was made by Jack Maclaren with Anna Harris, Gemma Roper and Nancy Geddes. The technical producer was Mike Regaard. The assistant editor is Chris Gray. The editor is Sam Bonham.
Gisèle Pelicot thanks supporters after 'difficult ordeal' of rape trial as ex-husband jailed for 20 years. All fifty of other defendants were also convicted, with sentences of between 3and 15 years in jail.Also on the programme, the new de facto leader of Syria has told the BBC that the country is too exhausted by war to be a threat to other nations; and, the creator of the Chat GPT artificial intelligence service has set up a WhatsApp account so that its users can get answers to questions using the messaging app.(Photo: Verdict against 51 defendants of mass rape trial in Avignon, France - 02 Dec 2024. GUILLAUME HORCAJUELO/EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock)
The French prime minister Francois Bayrou has praised the courage of Gisèle Pelicot, following a mass rape trial in which her ex-husband and fifty other defendants were found guilty. Dominique Pelicot was jailed for twenty years for organising the repeated drugging and rape of his former wife by dozens of strangers over a decade. Also in the programme, President Macron of France in Mayotte vows to rebuild the cyclone hit territory; and we hear from Angelina Jollie who plays the diva, Maria Callas.(Photo: Gisele Pelicot with her grandson, after the end of the trial in Avignon. Credit: Shutterstock)
On today’s show: A verdict is imminent for dozens of men accused of raping Gisèle Pelicot in France. Alexandra English, for Marie Claire, told us Pelicot’s story. President-elect Trump has pledged to relocate 100,000 federal jobs out of D.C. The last time he tried such a move, it didn’t go very well. The Washington Post’s Todd Frankel explains why. Lightly regulated home insurance is on the rise — quietly. Bloomberg’s Leslie Kaufman unpacks the trend. Plus, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez loses her bid for a big promotion, Trump sues the Des Moines Register, and one woman’s positive outlook after receiving a pig's kidney as a transplant. Today’s episode was hosted by Shumita Basu.