Podcasts about Rammstein

German industrial metal band

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  • 2,982EPISODES
  • Dec 3, 2024LATEST




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Világjárók Klubja Bécs
Világsztároknak színpad építés, veszélyes fák kivágása: “Ezt a munkát nem lehet rutinból csinálni!”

Világjárók Klubja Bécs

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 87:44

Kató Sándor már 20 éve foglalkozik alpintechnikával. Ez idő alatt alkalmazotti élete során számtalan terülten dolgozhatott és gyarapíthatta tudását a teljesség igénye nélkül: acélszerkezeti építkezések/Pentele híd-Dunaújváros, M0-Megyeri híd, M8-Szebényi völgyhíd,/ híddaruk szerelése, hulladék hasznosítómű speciális beszállásos munkavégzése, veszélyes fák kivágása, világsztárok stadion koncertjeihez színpadok építések. https://www.facebook.com/blueteamalpin https://www.youtube.com/@UC_iDh8tWAt6kqX80NB1C49A #ausztria #veszélyes #munka 0:00 Beköszönés 2:00 Közös kapcsolódás: Mandala dalszínház 5:00 Alpin munka megtalálása 6:40 Vállalkozó lét 9:00 Stadion koncert helyszín felépítése 10:30 Fina 12:00 Depeche mode koncert helyszín felépítése 13:00 Robbie Williams koncert 14:00 Rammstein koncert helyszín felépítése 15:30 ACDC koncert 17:00 Iron Maiden koncert 18:10 Koncert élmények 19:16 Sziget fesztivál, ügyelet 22:50 Fa kivágások, fa ápolás 26:00 Versenyek 27:00 Híd épités: Pentele híd, Dunaújvárosnál 33:00 Legnehezebb munkák 37:00 Extrem időjárás 39:00 Ferihegy, katonai nemzetbiztonsági épülete 40:00 Visszadott munkák 43:00 M0-Megyeri híd 45:00 Egyéb híd munkák 46:38 Speciális mentés 52:00 Tiszteletbeli tűzoltói cím 54:00 Maga a mentés verseny 45:00 Önkéntes munkák, tamogatasok 1:02:00 Hobbyk: motorozás, 1:04:00 Síklóernyőzés 1:10:00 Kajakozás 1:12:00 Jövőbelit tervek 1:19:00 Veszély a munkában 1:29:00 Elköszönés ----------------

EL MIRADOR T05C057 Scorpions y el cantante de Rammstein actuarán en el festival Rock Imperium en junio de 2025 (26/11/2024)


Play Episode Listen Later Nov 26, 2024 7:38

La banda Scorpions y el cantante de Rammstein, Till Lindemann, actuarán en el festival Rock Imperium de 2025, que tendrá lugar del 26 al 29 de junio en Cartagena. Aún falta por confirmar una banda más para los cuatro días de música en directo que el hard rock y el heavy metal protagonizarán por cuarto año consecutivo en la Cuesta del Batel de la ciudad portuaria. Los abonos están a la venta en 'www.rockimperiumfestival.es'.Así, Scorpions celebrará su 60 aniversario en Cartagena tras su directo de la primera edición del festival, mientras que la icónica voz de Rammstein debutará en España como artista en solitario en el escenario del Rock Imperium.El cartel lo completan In flames King Diamond, Blind Guardian, Soen, Gun y Airbourne, entre otras bandas. Las últimas confirmaciones anunciadas suman al cartel a Mind Driller, Hitten, Death Angel, Municipal Waste, Leprous y Stryper.El Rock Imperium dejó en Cartagena alrededor de 15 millones de euros en la pasada edición, tal y como ha recordado Noelia Arroyo, alcaldesa de Cartagena. Asimismo, ha avanzado, junto al director de la promotora Madness Live!, Juan Antonio Muñoz, y el director del Instituto de las Industrias Culturales y las Artes, Manuel Cebrián, algunas de las novedades del recinto y la distribución de los conciertos.

Pop nach 8

Pop nach 8

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 23, 2024 73:33

Pikant, sagen die einen. Schlüpfrig die anderen: Andy und Marty, die beiden von "Pop nach 8", sprechen über ein paar echte Sex-Objekte. Wolfang Niedecken von BAP zum Beispiel. Oder Flake von Rammstein. Farin Urlaub von Die Ärzte. Über Wolf Biermann und Robert Smith. Alte Männer? Auf jeden Fall, zum Glück kriegen wir in Episode 147 des Pop-Podcasts aus Berlin aber auch die Gegenposition von Haiyti zu hören. Die interessiert das alles nämlich nicht. 147 - eine Glückszahl? Ganz bestimmt! Überall dort, wo es Podcasts gibt. Und direkt bei popnach8.berlin - Kontakt: mail@popnach8.berlin

Easy German
527: Die deutsche Taylor Swift

Easy German

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 19, 2024 31:30

Wir bewerten deutschsprachige Hits! Von den Ärzten über Helene Fischer und Nena bis Rammstein und Tokio Hotel: Ihr erfahrt, welche populären Lieder uns gefallen und welche für uns ein Flop sind. Zum Deutschlernen sind sie natürlich alle nützlich. Zum Abschluss gibt's noch Tipps zum Thema Präpositionen.   Transkript und Vokabelhilfe Werde ein Easy German Mitglied und du bekommst unsere Vokabelhilfe, ein interaktives Transkript und Bonusmaterial zu jeder Episode: easygerman.org/membership   Werbung NordVPN: Hol dir jetzt den exklusiven NordVPN-Deal unter → nordvpn.com/egp Es ist völlig risikofrei mit der 30-Tage-Geld-zurück-Garantie! Hier findet ihr unsere Sponsoren und exklusive Angebote: easygerman.org/sponsors   Top oder Flop: Bekannte deutschsprachige Lieder Unsere Song-Playlists: YouTube: Music with German Lyrics // Deutsche Musik Spotify: Lieder der Woche (EG Empfehlungen) Website: Lieder der Woche Unsere Tops: NENA - 99 Luftballons (YouTube) Peter Schilling - Major Tom (Völlig losgelöst...) (YouTube) Major Tom is taking over Euro 2024 and uniting German fans (New York Times) Drafi Deutscher - Marmor, Stein und Eisen bricht (YouTube) Udo Jürgens - Griechischer Wein (YouTube) Udo Jürgens - Ich war noch niemals in New York (YouTube) Sportfreunde Stiller - Ich war noch niemals in New York (MTV Unplugged in New York)(YouTube) Herbert Grönemeyer - Männer (YouTube) Udo Lindenberg - Sonderzug nach Pankow (YouTube) Spider Murphy Gang - Skandal im Sperrbezirk (YouTube) Die Ärzte - Schrei nach Liebe (YouTube) Unsere Flops: Helene Fischer - Atemlos durch die Nacht (YouTube) Rammstein - Du Hast (YouTube) Tokio Hotel - Durch den Monsun (YouTube) Matthias Reim - Verdammt Ich Lieb Dich (YouTube) Die Fantastischen Vier - Die Da!?! (YouTube) Peter Maffay - Über sieben Brücken musst du geh'n (YouTube) Die Ärzte - Männer sind Schweine (YouTube)   Eure Fragen Erika fragt: Wann benutzt man die Präpositionen "nach", "zu" bzw. "in"? When to Use 'nach' vs. 'zu' and 'in' (Super Easy German 208) Hast du eine Frage an uns? Auf easygerman.fm kannst du uns eine Sprachnachricht schicken.   Wichtige Vokabeln in dieser Episode das Immunsystem: Die Abwehrmechanismen des Körpers gegen Krankheitserreger die Grippe: Eine durch Viren verursachte, ansteckende Krankheit mit Fieber und Erkältungssymptomen der Ohrwurm: Ein Musikstück, das man nicht mehr aus dem Kopf bekommt die Schlagermusik: Ein populäres, eingängiges, oft emotionales Musikgenre im deutschsprachigen Raum lieblich: Sanft, angenehm oder süß das Fernweh: Die Sehnsucht, neue Orte zu entdecken oder zu reisen schunkeln: Rhythmisches Hin- und Herschwingen bodenständig: Realistisch, geerdet oder traditionsverbunden doxxen: Persönliche Informationen einer Person ohne deren Zustimmung online veröffentlichen (von: "documents")   Support Easy German and get interactive transcripts, live vocabulary and bonus content: easygerman.org/membership

Music History Today
R.E.M. Releases a Cult Classic Song: Music History Today Podcast November 16

Music History Today

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 16, 2024 13:44

On the November 16 edition of the Music History Today podcast, record labels threaten colleges & it's Watermelon Sugar time. Also, happy birthday to members of O-Town, Rammstein, & Color Me Badd. For more music history, subscribe to my Spotify Channel or subscribe to the audio version of my music history podcasts, wherever you get your podcasts from ALL MUSIC HISTORY TODAY PODCAST NETWORK LINKS - https://allmylinks.com/musichistorytoday --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/musichistorytodaypodcast/support

Live Listen Erased
INSPIRED BY A PLANE CRASH? || The Story of Reise, Reise by Rammstein (Retro Review)

Live Listen Erased

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 16, 2024 19:41

Rammstein have made a name for themselves ever since their sophomore album, Sehnsucht, dropped in 1997 but after 7 years how were the band going to keep it fresh or shocking? From basing an album after the worst aeroplane crash in history to writing a song after a real life cannibal Rammstein showed us they still had what it took. This episode is an in depth review on their fourth album Reise, Reise so please enjoy. Rammstein - Reise, Reise ⁠https://open.spotify.com/album/74ydDCcXTco741y42ceRJ5?si=iIASrSbHRFuppvTLbYlOJg ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Discord ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://discord.gg/4BRr3TWbC2⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠  ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.instagram.com/livelistenerased/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Twitter⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠  ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://twitter.com/Livelisteneras1⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Facebook⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠  ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.facebook.com/groups/380146857215506/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ #rammstein #reisereise #music #newmusic #review #musicreview #5minutereview #livelistenerased #podcast #youtube #discord #trending

La Galeria Nocturna Podcast
Especial | Dante y Azteca en La Galería Nocturna

La Galeria Nocturna Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 15, 2024 107:27

️ ¡Bienvenidos a otro emocionante episodio de La Galería Nocturna! En el capítulo 246, tenemos el privilegio de conversar con un músico que es toda una fuerza creativa en la escena nacional e internacional. Hoy nos acompaña Dante: cantante, director de orquesta y colaborador en proyectos con bandas de peso como War Cabinet, Azteca y tributos sinfónicos a gigantes como Rammstein y Metallica . Además, ha compartido escenario con leyendas del metal internacional como Therion, Septicflesh y Epica . A lo largo del episodio, descubriremos la historia y el viaje artístico de Dante, desde sus inicios hasta sus hazañas más recientes en festivales, gira en europa y sus planes para el futuro. ¿Qué lo llevó a fusionar el poder sinfónico con la brutalidad del metal? ¿Qué retos y aprendizajes ha enfrentado colaborando con gigantes de la música? ¡No te pierdas esta conversación cargada de pasión y ritmo épico! ✨

El libro de Tobias
ELDT: Audio relato El hombre de arena de E.T.A Hoffmann - Episodio exclusivo para mecenas

El libro de Tobias

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 14, 2024 81:59

Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! paypal.me/LibroTobias El relato narra la vida de un estudiante, Nathanaël, quien está traumatizado por la muerte de su padre, ocurrida durante su infancia. A pesar de estar comprometido, se enamora de una autómata, Olimpia, construida por Spalanzani y un cómplice. Nathanael cree que ésta es real. El descubrimiento del truco lo lleva a la locura, y finalmente a la muerte. Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann fue un escritor, jurista, dibujante, caricaturista, pintor, tenor y compositor musical prusiano, que participó activamente en el movimiento romántico de la literatura alemana. Canciones: • “Mein Herz Brennt” de Rammstein • “Enter Sandman” de Metallica Narración: Asier Menéndez Marín Diseño logo Podcast: albacanodesigns (Alba Cano) Escucha el episodio completo en la app de iVoox, o descubre todo el catálogo de iVoox Originals

On Wednesdays We Wear Black
AITA Reddit Dilemmas For The Emo's, Metal Heads and Tattooed

On Wednesdays We Wear Black

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 13, 2024 49:17

We look at some extreme examples of Reddit Dilemmas. Should you wear fishnets to your dads funeral? Would you worry if your son listened to Rammstein? We find out who the asshole is!Give us a follow: IG/Twitter: @wewearblackpod Email: wewearblackpod@gmail.com SophieIG/X: @iamsophiek Tiktok: @iamsophiekx YasmineIG: @yasminesumman X/TikTok: @yasminesummanx Special thanks to:Nova Twins for the intro/outro musicWargasm for the screams Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend

One of my oldest pals J.R. Griffin joins the show to talk about how we met, overseeing digital for Fremantle (American Idol, America's Got Talent, The Price Is Right), going from music journalism to working at E! Entertainment, the book an ex-girlfriend suggested he read, dogs with cataracts, Rammstein, the time Gwen Stefani told him he was cute, nicknames, writing for Mean Street and Axcess magazine, what we were like in our twenties and so much more. We also did a round of Just Me Or Everyone and Podcast Pals Product Picks. Get yourself some new ARIYNBF merch here: https://alison-rosen-shop.fourthwall.com/ Subscribe to my Substack: http://alisonrosen.substack.com Podcast Palz Product Picks: https://www.amazon.com/shop/alisonrosen/list/2CS1QRYTRP6ER?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_aipsflist_aipsfalisonrosen_0K0AJFYP84PF1Z61QW2H Products I Use/Recommend/Love: http://amazon.com/shop/alisonrosen Check us out on Patreon: http://patreon.com/alisonrosen   Buy Alison's Fifth Anniversary Edition Book (with new material): Tropical Attire Encouraged (and Other Phrases That Scare Me) https://amzn.to/2JuOqcd You probably need to buy the HGFY ringtone! https://www.alisonrosen.com/store/ Try Amazon Prime Free 30 Day Trial

BEICHTSTUHL by HÄMATOM (Der beste Podcast der Welt)
Wie wir wurden, wer wir sind. 2013

BEICHTSTUHL by HÄMATOM (Der beste Podcast der Welt)

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 11, 2024 97:55

Im Jahr 2013 kam das HÄMATOM Album KEINZEITMENSCH heraus. Wir wurden von einer der bekanntesten Deutschen Bands eingeladen, mit ihnen in Sofia zu spielen und es folgte unsere erste erfolgreiche eigene Tour.

Nachtclub ÜberPop: Podcast
Platten im Plattenbau & der Sound der Wiedervereinigung

Nachtclub ÜberPop: Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 8, 2024 58:03

Lütten Klein, eine Plattenbausiedlung am Rande von Rostock. Wer hier wie Steffen Mau die Wendezeit erlebte, hat große historische Ereignisse wie den Untergang der DDR und die Wiedervereinigung im Lütten-Kleinen erlebt. Mit Konsum, Kinderspielplatz, Cola-Wodka und Clubkonzerten in Schulmensen war die Platte ein sozialistisches Biotop, Anschauungsmaterial für Soziologen damals und heute. Wie erlebte man die Zeit kurz vor dem Mauerfall vor 35 Jahren in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, in Rostock, in der Platte? Welche Platten wurden gespielt und warum? Wieso war es cooler, wie Till Lindemann (später Rammstein) oder Toni Kroos (später Real Madrid) in der Platte zu leben und aufzuwachsen als im historischen Stadtkern, der mehr und mehr verfiel? Der Plattenbau als Paradigma des Sozialismus. Inklusive Feeling B - Konzerten, Dienst bei der NVA und Abenteuern am Ostseestrand. In seinen lesenswerten und erkenntnisreichen Büchern Lütten Klein und Ungleich vereint beschreibt Steffen Mau als Augenzeuge, Autor und Experte die Wendezeit, Wiedervereinigung und Wirklichkeit von heute. Prof. Dr. Steffen Mau ist derzeit selbst so etwas wie der Popstar der Soziologie. Der Makrosoziologe von der Humboldt-Universität Berlin gilt als einer der wichtigsten Intellektuellen, die sich mit dem (Nicht-)Zusammenwachsen von Ost- und Westdeutschland, Frakturen und Ossifikationen, aber auch anderen aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Triggerpunkten vom Lastenfahrrad über Migration bis zur Klimadebatte befassen. Mit Verve, Wortwitz und Wissen formuliert der Rostocker scharf und anschaulich - und verweist dabei immer wieder auch auf den Popdiskurs.

The Story of Rock and Roll Radio Show
The Story of Rock and Roll: S7E44

The Story of Rock and Roll Radio Show

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 31, 2024 179:56

TSORR Radio Show S7E44 aired on 19h00 on Rebel Rock Radio on 31 Oct 2024.  Halloween already, that means 8 more shows until 2025.  Wow!!!!  This show was jam-packed with tons of Rock and Metal and we had a great time live the TSORR Central chat.    There was a lot of new music from bands like Doomsday Outlaw, The New Roses, and Jelusic.  This episode's Twisted Triplets had 3 different tracks called ‘Dead Man Walking'.  We had a choice of 5 but decided to stick with 3:  Onslaught, Elegant Weapons, and The Confession.  We finished the Evolution of Iron Maiden with a track off their last album in their catalogue; Senjutsu.  Next week we start with the Evolution of Judas Priest.   The Diabolical Challenge looked at four albums filed under the ‘S' section in the record shop.    Sex Pistols – Never Mind the BollocksSoundgarden – SuperunknownSlayer – Angel of DeathSlipknot – The Subliminal Verses Vol 3.0 If you are new to TSORR you can find us on Facebook, X, or Instagram.  Please feel free to check out the website at www.thestoryofrockandroll.com there is a huge amount of amazing content on the site with plenty of articles, interviews, video clips, and more.  You will find the monthly newsletter there and you can subscribe if you want to receive it as it comes out.  You can email us at thestoryofrockandroll1@gmail.com, it's always great to hear from people around the world who support the show.   Artists Featured: The Gaslight Anthem, Volbeat, White Zombie, Black Veil Brides, Ace Frehley, Thin Lizzy, Bulletboys, Def Leppard, Girish & The Chronicles, Jelusick, Papa Roach, The Cult, Pretenders, Tom Petty, Onslaught, Elegant Weapons, The Confession, ACDC, Iron maiden, Texas Hippie Coalition, Cindy-Louise, David Gilmour, Doomsday outlaw, The New Roses, Bob Dylan, Sex Pistols, Soundgarden, Slayer, Slipknot, Marilyn Manson, Michael Schenker Group, Roger Kaye, Rammstein, Mötley Crüe, Leslie West. The Story of Rock and Roll. TSORR - Your one-stop shop for Rock

W2M Network
MHOD Jukebox: Motley Crue - Cancelled (EP)

W2M Network

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 28, 2024 113:14

Jesse Starcher, Robert Cooper, Mik Wanamaker and Mark Radulich present their Motley Crue Cancelled EP 2024 Album Review as part of the MHOD Jukebox!Cancelled is an EP by the American heavy metal band Mötley Crüe, released on October 4, 2024, through Big Machine Records. It is their first release with guitarist John 5, who replaced Mick Mars following his retirement from the band in October 2022.On April 19, 2023, Mötley Crüe announced that they had begun working on new music with record producer Bob Rock. Bassist Nikki Sixx released a statement a month later, stating that it had finished production and had begun mixing the new material. In July 2023, frontman Vince Neil confirmed that the band recorded three brand new songs. Two months later, guitarist John 5 confirmed the title of a new song as "Dogs of War", and also revealed that the band had recorded a cover of "(You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (To Party!)" by Beastie Boys.On April 23, 2024, it was announced that Mötley Crüe had signed a deal with Big Machine Records, and three days later the band released "Dogs of War", their first song in five years and their first with John 5. Neil told Billboard that same month that additional music from Mötley Crüe could be released by the end of 2024 or in 2025, but also stated that new material could result in "a few songs here, a few songs there" rather than a full-length album. Drummer Tommy Lee did not rule out releasing a new Mötley Crüe album, but stated that "recording and writing some stuff that you're feeling right at the moment and releasing it is, for us, a lot more a lot more fun and sort of a time stamp of where we're at right now." Sixx said that the band had recorded two other new singles that were ready to be released.On August 23, 2024, Mötley Crüe released their cover version of "(You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (To Party!)" as a single, and announced on the same day that a new EP, titled Cancelled, would be released on October 4.All of that plus video reviews of Motley Crue The Dirt, Motley Crue Dogs of War, Rammstein - Sonne, OZZY OSBOURNE - Shot In The Dark and Morbid Angel - God of Emptiness.All of that plus a discussion of Clown Core!Clown Core (stylized as ClownC0re) is an American musical duo. It is composed of two anonymous artists who wear clown masks, speculated to be drummer Louis Cole of the indietronica/jazzfunk band Knower and Sam Gendel, a saxophonist and frequent Cole collaborator. Their eponymous album Clown Core was released in 2010. The album Toilet followed eight years later. Their album Van was released in 2020. The EP 1234 released in 2021. Their projects are all self-released.Disclaimer: The following may contain offensive language, adult humor, and/or content that some viewers may find offensive – The views and opinions expressed by any one speaker does not explicitly or necessarily reflect or represent those of Mark Radulich or W2M Network.Mark Radulich and his wacky podcast on all the things:https://linktr.ee/markkind76alsohttps://www.teepublic.com/user/radulich-in-broadcasting-networkFB Messenger: Mark Radulich LCSWTiktok: @markradulichtwitter: @MarkRadulichInstagram: markkind76RIBN Album Playlist: https://suno.com/playlist/91d704c9-d1ea-45a0-9ffe-5069497bad59

Musikquizzen Greatest Hits


Play Episode Listen Later Oct 27, 2024 82:07

Glæd dig til at høre nogle af de dygtigste deltagere i Musikquizzens historie: En 18-årige pige i en Rammstein kategori, en ung Phil Collins ekspert samt et orakel i Madonna Ekspertquizzen. Vært: Kenneth K.

Good Morning Music
Rammstein (Du hast), ça dépote sa mémé

Good Morning Music

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 24, 2024 7:58

Extrait : « … Rammstein a vendu des millions d'exemplaires de leurs 8 albums, rempli les stades du monde entier, construit une partie de son immense succès sur l'art de la provocation, donné des concerts qui sont de véritables orgies de flammes et de lumières, inventé la neue deutsche Härt, soit littéralement la « nouvelle dureté allemande », un sous-genre du métal imprégné de bidouillages électroniques, et qu'il est impensable de jouer à un niveau sonore inférieur à celui d'un airbus au décollage … »Pour commenter les épisodes, tu peux le faire sur ton appli de podcasts habituelle, c'est toujours bon pour l'audience. Mais également sur le site web dédié, il y a une section Le Bar, ouverte 24/24, pour causer du podcast ou de musique en général, je t'y attends avec impatience. Enfin, si tu souhaites me soumettre une chanson, c'est aussi sur le site web que ça se passe. Pour soutenir Good Morning Music et Gros Naze :1. Abonne-toi2. Laisse-moi un avis et 5 étoiles sur Apple Podcasts, ou Spotify et Podcast Addict3. Partage ton épisode préféré à 3 personnes autour de toi. Ou 3.000 si tu connais plein de monde. Good Morning Music Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

Nu-Breed Podcast
Nu-Breed - Neue Deutsche Harte

Nu-Breed Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 23, 2024 70:08

  "And now, for something completely different..."  This wee we are joined by the PNW's own Austin and Garrett to discuss the musical movement that is/was "Neue Deutsche Harte."  Jay and Tim get educated on the history of this sub-sub-genre, bands that were a part, and the sonic profile that helps you identify if a band is "it"....and yes, there's much more than Rammstein out there! Instagram: Email:  Voicemail:  267-297-4627 Twitter: Facebook Group: Tim Twitter:  Jay Twitter:  Youtube Channel: Spotify Playlists:   

Manic Mondays
Manic Mondays Episode 903: Clown Attack

Manic Mondays

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 21, 2024 17:55

It appears spooky season is upon us. But it's ok, Devo brought snacks! And a new podcast! Meanwhile, Jeff Whitmire is carousing with a creepy clown, Ten Second Songs is going full pyro at the YMCA, and Piss Ant is being attacked! BY KILLER TOMATOES! Oh my! 1. "Art the Clown" by Jeff Whitmire 2. "YMCA in the style of Rammstein" by Ten Second Songs 3. News of the Stupid! 4. "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" by Piss Ant Jeff Whitmire is at JeffWhitmire.bandcamp.com Ten Second Songs are on YouTube Piss Ant is at PissAntHXC.bandcamp.com Thank you to our Patreon backers for making this show possible!!!

Rzecz w Tym
„Zwycięstwo Trumpa może szybko zakończyć wojnę, choć poprzez kontrowersyjne rozwiązania"

Rzecz w Tym

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 21, 2024 24:29

Jędrzej Bielecki o napięciach geopolitycznych w Europie i na świecieWynik wyborów w USA będzie miał kluczowy wpływ na przyszłość Ukrainy. Zwycięstwo Donalda Trumpa mogłoby doprowadzić do szybkiego zakończenia wojny, choć poprzez kontrowersyjne rozwiązania, które mogłyby być bolesne dla Ukrainy. O obecnej sytuacji w Europie i na świecie oraz roli Polski w sprawach międzynarodowych mówił Jędrzej Bielecki dziennikarz działu zagranicznego Rzeczpospolitej – gość podcastu Rzecz w tym.    Bielecki odniósł się do fotografii, na której przedstawieni są liderzy USA, Francji, Niemiec i Wielkiej Brytanii, co wzbudziło liczne spekulacje dotyczące wykluczenia Polski z ważnych rozmów. - To spotkanie w Berlinie to jest konsekwencja niedoszłego spotkania w Rammstein. Prezydent Biden w czasie tej pożegnalnej wizyty już nie chciał spotykać się z Andrzejem Dudą – mówi Jędrzej Bielecki.    Stosunki polsko-niemieckie: nadzieje były duże   Dziennikarz wskazuje też na impas w relacji Polski z Niemcami, gdzie mimo wcześniejszych nadziei na odbudowanie więzi, współpraca pozostaje ograniczona. Donald Tusk, który jeszcze w lipcu próbował przeforsować inicjatywę „Tarcza Wschód”, spotkał się z chłodnym przyjęciem kanclerza Scholza, co przyczyniło się do dalszego pogorszenia relacji. Problem reparacji wojennych również pozostaje otwartą kwestią, co dodatkowo komplikuje wzajemne stosunki. - Nadzieje były bardzo duże, ale zawód zaczął się już wcześniej, latem, gdy Donald Tusk z projektem ‘Tarcza Wschód' spotkał się z chłodną reakcją kanclerza Scholza – mówi Bielecki.    Szybkie zakończenie wojny może być bolesne   Dziennikarz odnosi się także do amerykańskiej polityki i zbliżających się wyborów prezydenckich. Jego zdaniem wynik wyborów w USA będzie miał kluczowy wpływ na przyszłość wsparcia dla Ukrainy. Wskazuje, że zwycięstwo Donalda Trumpa mogłoby doprowadzić do szybkiego zakończenia wojny, choć poprzez kontrowersyjne rozwiązania, które mogłyby być bolesne dla Ukrainy. - Trump zadzwoni do Putina i albo wymusi negocjacje, albo wyśle broń bez żadnych ograniczeń – dywaguje Bielecki, zwracając uwagę na nieprzewidywalność byłego prezydenta USA.   Kamala Harris, potencjalna rywalka Trumpa, postrzegana jest jako kontynuatorka obecnej polityki Stanów Zjednoczonych, która według Bieleckiego nie prowadzi do rzeczywistego zakończenia konfliktu, lecz utrzymuje Ukrainę w stanie permanentnej wojny na wyczerpanie.   Rozmówcy poświęcili również uwagę wyborom i referendum w Mołdawii - Mołdawia jest kluczowa dla strategicznej pozycji Rosji w Europie Wschodniej – mówi Bielecki, podkreślając, jak ważne są tamtejsze wydarzenia dla sytuacji Ukrainy.

The BOB & TOM Show Free Podcast
B&T Extra: Mr GriswOLD, plus Rammstein, & 117 years old

The BOB & TOM Show Free Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 17, 2024 20:18

Ontoday's Extra, Mr GriswOLD, plus Rammstein, & 117 years old Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

The Story of Rock and Roll Radio Show
The Story of Rock and Roll: S7E42

The Story of Rock and Roll Radio Show

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 17, 2024 181:40

TSORR Radio Show S7E42 aired at 19h00 on Rebel Rock Radio on 17 October 2024. The show was dedicated to the memory of Athol Curtis, who was a big part of TSORR and sadly passed away a year ago to the day. This show was a celebration of the rock and roll spirit of this uniquely special human being. He lives on through the awesome music that we both love so much.    The artists featured (see below) are in order of play so you can find anything you are looking for with ease.   This week's highlights include: The Twisted Triplets where we listened to three different songs all called ‘Downtown'.  We had Tom Waits, Warrior Soul, and Neil Young with Pearl Jam as his backing band.  Metallica is in the Immortals slot.  There was one track over 7 minutes long on Kill 'Em All and we played it – ‘The Four Horsemen'.  The Diabolical Challenge continued with Classic Live Albums Part III ACDC – If You Want Blood, You Got ItLynyrd Skynyrd – One More From the RoadPeter Frampton – Frampton Comes AliveBruce Springsteen – Live – '75 – 85 Bomb Crocodile and Slow Panda's picks of the week were Van Halen – 'Take Your Whiskey Home', and Slash (feat Chris Cornel) - Promise. Artists Featured: Cinderella, Danko Jones, U2, The L.A. Maybe, Texas Hippie Coalition, Gary Moore, Mötley Crüe, Suicide Bombers, The Pretty Reckless, Rammstein, Marilyn Manson, Def Leppard, Judas Priest, Tom Waites, Warrior Soul, Neal Young, Buckcherry, Motörhead, David Gilmour, Iron maiden, The Stranglers, Stiff Little Fingers, UK Subs, Michael Schenker Group, Mick Jagger, Manfred Mann, Metallica, ACDC, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Peter Frampton, Bruce Springsteen, Sixx AM, Van Halen, Slash feat Chris Cornell, Tom Petty, Skid Row, Beastie BoysIf you are new to TSORR you can find us on Facebook, X or Instagram.  Please feel free to check out the website on www.thestoryofrockandroll.com there is a huge amount of amazing content on the site with plenty of articles, interviews, video clips and more.  You will find the monthly newsletter there and you can subscribe if you want to receive it as it comes out.  You can email us on thestoryofrockandroll1@gmail.com, it's always great to hear from people around the world who support the show.   The Story of Rock and Roll. TSORR - Your one-stop shop for Rock

Rob's School of Music
Episode 48: Constance Day – Guitarist for Demi Lovato & Keyboardist for Till Lindemann

Rob's School of Music

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 14, 2024 40:14

n this exciting episode of Rob's School of Music, we're joined by none other than Constance Day—the insanely talented guitarist for Demi Lovato and keyboardist for Till Lindemann of Rammstein. Known on social media as Off With Her Shreds, Constance shares her incredible journey through the world of music, blending her passion for both pop and industrial metal.We chat about what it's like to perform with two of the biggest names in music, the challenges of mastering multiple instruments, and how she maintains her creative spark across such different musical genres. Constance also gives us a peek behind the curtain of life on the road, her gear essentials, and her advice for musicians trying to carve out their own path in the industry.Whether you're a fan of Demi, Till, or just curious about what it takes to be a multi-faceted musician, this is an episode you won't want to miss!

Pop nach 8

Pop nach 8

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 12, 2024 86:38

Es hat sich offenbar einiges aufgestaut zwischen Andy und Marty, den beiden von "Pop nach 8". Denn so lange wie in Episode 141 haben sie noch nie miteinander geredet. Und es geht dann auch von Rammstein bis zu Gewalt, von Helene Fischer bis zu Leonard Cohen, vom Sex-Funk bis hin zu Kinderliedern. Wie es sich für einen Pop-Podcast gehört, wird man auch schon mal ein bisschen lauter. Und man lässt sich auch nicht von Madonna oder ihrer Tochter Estere dabei stören. Wird gesungen? Natürlich! Ist das gut? Nun ja …"Pop nach 8", der Pop-Podcast aus Berlin. Überall dort, wo es Podcasts gibt. Und direkt bei popnach8.berlin - Kontakt: mail@popnach8.berlin

Todays Boondoggle on Domain Cleveland Radio
#313 Today's Boondoggle- Chasing after that Aesthetic Perfection with Daniel Graves

Todays Boondoggle on Domain Cleveland Radio

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 9, 2024 46:55

In this episode Bill talks with Daniel Graves, the maniacal mind behind the band Aesthetic Perfection. We talk about growing up under Grandmas Christian Fundamentalist Rule, Exorcising the common cold, Satanic Panic, sneaking in that MTV, going from Green Day to Nine Inch Nails, and eventually working with Danny Lohner and Sean Beavan of NIN. We also talk about Summer Goth music video, his new ep Bad Vibes, behind the scenes of the Into The Void music video, being bigger in Europe, touring with Til Lindemann of Rammstein, why SEX was a big hit during c*vid, his absurd humor, plus so much more. Today's Boondoggle fans can receive 10% off their orders at dreemnutrition.com by using the promo code BOONDOG10 at checkout. Today's Boondoggle fans can receive 10% off their orders at TNT-Health.com by using the promo code BOONDOGGLE at checkout. So kick back with your headphones and cold one for this latest episode. Enjoy our additional segments featuring music from the Flo White Show and Stories from the VFW Hall. Please Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok. Please subscribe to our YouTube, Rumble, Odysee, Brighteon, and Bitchute channels, and hit the notification button. As well as seen on Wowza TV on Roku. Remember Boondoggle Listeners Matter, so e-mail us at todaysboondoggle@gmail.com and let us know your thoughts so we can read them on air. Tweet us @2daysBoondoggle and Follow us on Instagram @todaysboondoggle as well as on Facebook. Please subscribe and give 5 stars and review. Every review we receive on either Apple Podcast or Google Music we will mention you on a future episode and our Social Media pages. Follow Today's Boondoggle also on DomainCle.com and on Anchor.fm Today's Boondoggle logo designed by Stacy Candow. Additional music by Evan Crouse Also please consider financially supporting us at Todays Boondoggle using Venmo, our GoFundMe, or sponsoring us on our Anchor.fm page, so we can continue to provide you with quality entertainment. Today's Boondoggle Podcast --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/todaysboondoggle/support

P3 Musikdokumentär
Rammstein – provokatörerna från DDR

P3 Musikdokumentär

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 8, 2024 68:18

Det här är berättelsen om Tysklands största band någonsin, som trots att de under sin långa karriär anklagats för allt från högerextremism till sexism, nu står inför sin största kris hitintills. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. En sorlande förväntan hörs från publiken, den här fredagskvällen, den 7 juni 2023. Snart är det dags. Alla riktar sina blickar uppåt, mot toppen av en gigantisk pelare mitt på scenen, på Olympiastadion i München. Där står en man, med armarna utåt – som en frälsare. Han är klädd i svart militärrock, med guldig krage och glänsande knappar. På huvudet tronar en blond tuppkam och övre halvan av ansiktet är helt målad i svart.Mannen heter Till Lindemann och han är de tyska metalgiganterna Rammsteins karismatiske och mystiske förgrundsfigur. För publiken ser allt ut att vara som vanligt med sångaren, men både han och bandet är under stor press, och röster har höjts för att den här spelningen inte ens borde genomföras. Utanför arenan står just nu demonstranter.De protesterar mot Till Lindemann, som anklagas för sexuella övergrepp. Under den senaste veckan har fler och fler kvinnor vittnat mot honom. De berättar om ett castingsystem dit kvinnor rekryteras för att ha sex med Till, före, under och efter konserterna. Vissa hävdar att de blivit drogade. Bortsett från ett offentligt uttalande från bandet, där de säger att de önskar att inte bli dömda på förhand, har Till Lindemann inte sagt ett ord.Medverkande: Jacob Hellner, Sofia Bergström och Jonna GranbergProgrammet är gjort av Filip Bohm sommaren 2024Producent var Joanna KorbutiakExekutiv producent Lars TruedsonSlutmix Fredrik NilssonProgramledare Siri HillHjälp med research Manuel RauchP3 Musikdokumentär produceras av Tredje Statsmakten MediaLjudklippen i programmet kommer från RBB Media (1989), ZTV (1997), P3 Nyheter och Ekot (Sveriges Radio, 1999, 2023), tv-programmen I manegen med Glenn Killing (SVT, 1992) och Voxpop (SVT, 2001), filmerna Rammstein Life (1996) och Rammstein in Amerika (2015), Youtubekontona Veteran YTB, Euronews Culture, DW Deutsch, RTVE Noticias, Rock News Desk och X-kontot @Shelbys69666.

Music Box Vol.57: Metallica, Rammstein, Fabolous, Chalino Sanchez, Morgan Wallen, El Tri, and more!


Play Episode Listen Later Sep 25, 2024 90:23

Scrump and Drew are joined by Jesus Salgado to talk about the music of Shaboozey, Post Malone, Morgan Wallen, Los Prisioneros, Rammstein, Metallica, Demon Hunter, Fabulous, Chalino Sanchez, Fit for a King, El Tri, and more! A Bar Song(Tipsy)-Shaboozey I Had Some Help-Post Malone ft Morgan Wallen Tren al Sur-Los Prisioneros Du hast-Rammstein Enter Sandman-Metallica Undying-Demon Hunter Breathe-Fabolous Alma Enamorada-Chalino Sanchez The Hell We Create-Fit for a King Oye Cantinero-El Tri Seek & Destroy-Metallica   Patreon Merchandise   Social Media: Twitter Instagram 

TB | What Inspired Daniel Graves to Work with Nine Inch Nails?


Play Episode Listen Later Sep 22, 2024 38:12

Support Our Sponsor: CALL ME CHRIS by Chris Akin. https://amzn.to/34dY51W In this episode, Bill sits down with Daniel Graves, the creative force behind Aesthetic Perfection. They dive into his upbringing under his grandmother's Christian fundamentalist influence and the bizarre experience of trying to exorcise the common cold. Graves reflects on the "Satanic Panic" era and his secret love for sneaking in MTV. He shares how his music tastes evolved from Green Day to Nine Inch Nails and eventually led to working with NIN members Danny Lohner and Sean Beavan. The conversation also explores Graves' work on his new EP *Bad Vibes* and the making of the "Into The Void" music video. Graves discusses his popularity in Europe, touring with Rammstein's Til Lindemann, and why his song "SEX" became a hit during the c*vid lockdowns. With his signature humor and unique perspective, Graves makes this an episode you won't want to miss. badvibes nin dannylohner aestheticperfection summergoth **NOTE: Everything said here, and on every episode of all of our shows are 100% the opinions of the hosts. Nothing is stated as fact. Do your own research to see if their opinions are true or not.** Please SUBSCRIBE, click the notification bell, leave a comment or a like, and share this episode!

Kanzlei WBS
Rammstein "Am Ende der Show": Showdown um Lindemann-Prozess | Anwalt Christian Solmecke

Kanzlei WBS

Play Episode Listen Later Sep 20, 2024 13:53

Bist auch du vom Twitter/X-Datenleck betroffen? Jetzt checken und nicht Deine Chance auf Schadensersatz verlieren: https://wbs.law/twitter-check (WERBUNG) Die Rammstein-Tour ist seit über einem Monat vorbei, die Band hat also Pause. Wer keine Pause hat, sind die deutschen Gerichte. Denn die beschäftigen sich weiterhin mit der Berichterstattung über Till Lindemann und die Vorwürfe, die letztes Jahr gegen ihn laut wurden. Nun hat das OLG Frankfurt ein vielleicht wegweisendes Urteil gefällt. Durfte die SZ den Verdacht äußern, Lindemann habe mit einer Frau, die im Beitrag ihre Erlebnisse schildert, Sex ohne ihre Zustimmung gehabt? Beitrag der SZ: https://www.sueddeutsche.de/projekte/artikel/kultur/till-lindemann-rammstein-missbrauchsvorwuerfe-e316483/?reduced=true PM OLG Frankfurt: https://ordentliche-gerichtsbarkeit.hessen.de/presse/der-berufung-eines-saengers-gegen-herausgeberin-einer-tageszeitung-wurde-teilweise-stattgegeben Bericht der LTO: https://www.lto.de/recht/hintergruende/h/sz-verliert-teilweise-gegen-till-lindemann Video Kayla Shyx: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YLsMXyo3Uc § 935 ZPO: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/zpo/__935.html ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ WBS.LEGAL sucht dich! Du bist auf der Suche nach einem attraktiven, spannenden und anspruchsvollen Job? Dann bewirb dich bei uns und komm in unser Team. Bei WBS.LEGAL arbeitest du im Herzen der Medienhauptstadt Köln und bist im Berufsleben immer am Puls der Zeit – garantiert. Hier unsere offenen Stellenangebote: https://www.wbs.legal/karriere/#jobs Was erwartet dich bei uns? Hier bekommst du weitere Infos: https://www.wbs.legal/karriere/. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Rechtsanwalt Christian Solmecke Christian Solmecke hat sich als Rechtsanwalt und Partner der Kölner Medienrechtskanzlei WBS.LEGAL auf die Beratung der Internet-, IT- und Medienbranche spezialisiert. So hat er in den vergangenen Jahren den Bereich Internetrecht/E-Commerce der Kanzlei stetig ausgebaut und betreut zahlreiche Medienschaffende, Web-2.0-Plattformen und App- Entwickler. Neben seiner Tätigkeit als Rechtsanwalt ist Christian Solmecke vielfacher Buchautor und als Gründer der cloudbasierten Kanzleisoftware Legalvisio.de auch erfolgreicher LegalTech-Unternehmer. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Virtueller Kanzlei-Rundgang: https://wbs.law/rundgang Startet euren Rundgang in 3D und 360° durch die Kanzlei WBS.LEGAL (inkl. YouTube- Studio) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Social-Media-Kanäle von WBS.LEGAL Wir freuen uns, wenn du uns auch auf unseren weiteren Social-Media-Kanälen besuchst und uns dort folgst. Jeder unserer Kanäle steht für sich und bringt dir garantiert einen Mehrwert. ▬Instagram und TikTok▬ Auf unseren erfolgreichen Kanälen auf Instagram und TikTok räumen wir täglich mit Rechtsirrtümern auf und präsentieren dir rechtliche Lifehacks. Damit bist du immer auf dem Laufendem und bekommst deine tägliche Dosis Alltagsrecht. Kurz, knackig und immer auf den Punkt. Folge uns auf Instagram und TikTok und du kannst vor deinen Freunden mit neuem Wissen glänzen. ➥ Instagram: https://wbs.law/recht2go ➥ TikTok: https://wbs.law/recht2goTikTok ▬Facebook▬ Auf Facebook sind wir inzwischen schon alte Hasen, denn seit Jahren informieren wir dich dort täglich über aktuelle Rechts-News. Gerne kannst du uns dort auch eine Anfrage als private Nachricht schicken. Schau vorbei! Hier der Link: ➥ https://wbs.law/facebook ▬X / Twitter▬ Erfahre als Erster, wenn es wichtige Rechts-News gibt. Knackige Statements zu aktuellen Themen bekommst du auf unserem X-Account (ehemals Twitter)! Hier der Link: ➥ https://wbs.law/twitter ▬Podcasts▬ Du bist unterwegs, unter der Dusche oder hörst einfach gerne Podcasts? Dann haben wir etwas für dich: Höre die Tonspur unserer Videos täglich auf Spotify, Soundcloud und iTunes. So bleibst du immer aktuell! Hier die Links: ➥ https://wbs.law/spotify ➥ https://wbs.law/soundcloud ➥ https://wbs.law/apple ▬Unser Zweitkanal▬ Unseren weiteren YouTube-Kanal „WBS – Die Experten“ kennst du, oder? Wenn nicht, dann unsere dringende E

Mick and the PhatMan Talking Music
How do bands get their names?

Mick and the PhatMan Talking Music

Play Episode Listen Later Sep 8, 2024 76:59

Send us a textAll bands need a name, but the process of getting that name is different for each band. This episode, we look at how a bunch of well-known bands got their names.  Some are amusing, some are horrifying, some are dark or seedy – be ready for surprises! Our “album you must listen to before you die” is Arc of a Diver, by Stevie Winwood (1980).  This was a formative album during our youth, and with this million-selling album and its hit single “While You See a Chance”, Winwood was a major influence on other people we love, such as Marianne Faithfull.   In Rock News, the major story is that the Gallagher brothers have agreed to reunite as Oasis for a UK tour in 2025. We don't like the odds of the brothers completing the tour without fighting and would like ringside seats! In other news, we look at Nick Cave's new album, Wild God, Bruce Springsteen back on tour, and Neil Young releasing Archives Vol. III, a 17-CD box set featuring 198 tracks.  Wow! References: Oasis, Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, INXS, Guns n Roses, Bee Gees, Bachman Turner Overdrive, Fleetwood Mac, Joy Division, Nazi camps, 10CC, The Lovin' Spoonful, Steely Dan, The Mothers of Invention, Frank Zappa, The Doobie Brothers, Rammstein, Ramstein air show tragedy, Husker Du, The Velvet Underground, Depeche Mode, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Tony Iommi, Ozzy Osbourne, Geezer Butler, Boris Karloff, The Foo Fighters, The Angels, The Beatles, The Quarrymen, The Silver Beetles, Tony Sheridan & the Beat Brothers, Buddy Holly & The Crickets, Pink Floyd, Pink Anderson & Floyd Council, “Oh by the way, which one's Pink?”, Cheap Trick, Slade, ZZ Top, The Rolling Stones, Radiohead, Talking Heads, Shakespeare's Sister, The Bay City Rollers, Led Zeppelin, Queen, Tim Staffell, “Smile”, Freddie Mercury, The Band, The Hawks, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Barenaked Ladies, Jethro Tull, U2, The Hype, Beach Boys, The Pendeltons, "Surfin'", Blue Öyster Cult, “On Your Feet or on Your Knees”  Playlist – Band names 

Tagesthemen (320x240)
tagesthemen 22:15 Uhr, 06.09.2024

Tagesthemen (320x240)

Play Episode Listen Later Sep 6, 2024 35:43

Ermittlungsergebnisse nach versuchten Anschlag in München, Krieg gegen die Ukraine: Schwierige Lage der Truppen im Donbass, Ukrainischer Präsident Selenskyj bittet in Rammstein um weitere Militärhilfen, Recherchen gegen Vorwürfe gegen Israels Armee im Gazakrieg, Erster Chrstopher Street Day in der ehemaligen NPD-Hochburg Albstadt, Weitere Nachrichten im Überblick, Judokas bei den Paralympics: Die Geschichte von Lennart Sass, Das Wetter Hinweis: Die Beiträge zum Thema Paralympics dürfen aus rechtlichen Gründen nicht vollständig auf tagesschau.de gezeigt werden.

Tagesthemen (320x180)
tagesthemen 22:15 Uhr, 06.09.2024

Tagesthemen (320x180)

Play Episode Listen Later Sep 6, 2024 35:43

Ermittlungsergebnisse nach versuchten Anschlag in München, Krieg gegen die Ukraine: Schwierige Lage der Truppen im Donbass, Ukrainischer Präsident Selenskyj bittet in Rammstein um weitere Militärhilfen, Recherchen gegen Vorwürfe gegen Israels Armee im Gazakrieg, Erster Chrstopher Street Day in der ehemaligen NPD-Hochburg Albstadt, Weitere Nachrichten im Überblick, Judokas bei den Paralympics: Die Geschichte von Lennart Sass, Das Wetter Hinweis: Die Beiträge zum Thema Paralympics dürfen aus rechtlichen Gründen nicht vollständig auf tagesschau.de gezeigt werden.

Quantum - The Wee Flea Podcast
Quantum 320 - Nothing Ever Happens - except Germany, Abortion and Keswick Convention, X and Brazil, Telegram and France...

Quantum - The Wee Flea Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Sep 5, 2024 45:02

This week we follow up on abortion - including Kamala Harris, Abortion in India, Feedback, Cameron Fraser on evangelicals and abortion, Keswick Convention and Abortion; Country of the Week - Germany; Banning X in Brazil; France arrests Durov; Nuclear war with Russia; Queering Nuclear Weapons; A man wins womens Paralympics; Bank of England goes Woke; Scottish Womens Charity accepts men as workers; Swinney gives up on Conversion therapy; Gretchen WIttmer; Nigerian Massacres; Gaza hostages executed; Canadian coalition falls apart; Wolves in India' Canadian Forest fires; funding climate change and stopping winter fuel payments in the UK; Windfarms on Shetland; and Coldplays new 'Christian' song. with music from Del Amitri, Leonard Cohen, Kraftwerk, Rammstein, Oasis, Coldplay, and the Wartburg Choir. 

Todo es Rock And Roll Podcast
Hollyweird Vol.9

Todo es Rock And Roll Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Sep 1, 2024 131:44

Nuevo episodio de nuestro podcast ocasional dedicado a comentar artefactos culturales que tratan de manera fantástica y/o satírica el ecosistema de Los Angeles. Javier J. Valencia se viene a hablar del estiloso y crudo neo-noir de William Friedkin, "Vivir y morir en L.A", de la inquietante exploración de la identidad criminal de David Lynch en "Carretera perdida", de cuando la realidad supera a la ficción en la docuserie "Fraude en Hollywood" y del egotrip televisivo detectivesco-weird de Colin Farrell, la estilosa "Sugar". Todo regado con temas de Bowie, Rammstein, Wang Chung y Siouxie and The Banshees.

The Great Metal Debate Podcast
Metal Debate Album Review - Abart (Eisregen)

The Great Metal Debate Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Aug 22, 2024 4:33

Welcome back metal heads to another album review here on The Great Metal Debate podcast. Today we will be talking about a German black metal band called Eisregen with their ... Holy dog shit! This is the band's 16th full-length studio album? What the fuck? How come I'm just now finding out about these guys. Ohhhh, that's why. Its because its their first album to be released through Napalm Records. Gotcha. But damn, these guys have been busier than a one armed machinist. According to Metal-Archives, they have consistently released new music roughly once or per year or once every two years since 1995. In 1998 they released both their debut AND their second album. I have heard from Gomthog that these guys are controversial in their home country. I'm not sure what for but their band bio says that they have been banned in their own country and aren't allowed to play certain songs live. People under the age of 16 aren't allowed to buy their physical media from entertainment stores. For now, lets focus on their newest full-length titled Abart. Not to do a completely half-assed job on this review but I've decided that I'm not going to try to pronounce any of the song titles or names of the band members. Sure, it might be lazy but I received the press release for this album a full week in advance and here we are a few days past the release date of August 16th, so I kinda need to hurry the fuck up. My cause for the delay? I was busy with another review. A review that will never see the light of day. I was gonna do one for the new Mushroomhead album before I realized that it was just me rambling on about my personal nostalgia for the old material only to give Call The Devil a 5/10. There, you got two reviews in one! Looks like y'all got more than you bargained for. Back to Eisregen, the only reason I got the promo from something on Napalm Records is because the distribution for the American copies were being released through Massacre Records. Lucky me. I have another extremely hot take so you might want to get your oven mitts on. Many people would call me a poser for being a Rammstein fanboy but ... I love the industrial metal phase that the black metal band Samael went through during the mid-2000s. I think it's Samael's best work. I know, I know, gather your torches and pitchforks to run me out of the metal community. I don't give a shit. What does that have to do with Eisregen? Eisregen sounds like Samael's 2004 masterpiece Reign of Light album raw dogged it with Rammstein's 2003 masterpiece Sehnsucht. Eisregen has that harsh flavor of German dialect. The band's native language spoils the listener with the continuous rolling tongue accent. Okay, I lied. I'll pronounce this one for you. The opening track "Am Abgrund" had a music video that was dropped a few weeks ago and its how I discovered this band in the first place. I thoroughly enjoyed the combination of the sandpaper voice over the calming piano keys. The entire album mixes the traditional black metal style with softer moments. The fusion of polar opposites give off the perfect blend of a musical Yen and Yang. That's what the overall structure provides, a balance that is easy listening. At least in my personal opinion, I find this 1 hour and 2 minute composition to be flawless. I have zero critiques which means only one thing. Eisregen - Abart is the only album I have reviewed all year that I award a 10/10 rating. It's fucking fantastic! What this band lacks in melodic guitar riffs, it more than compensates with plenty of symphonies. Eisregen's music is not on bandcamp and I have no clue where to obtain physical merch but their music is on all other streaming platforms. If you liked this review, be sure to like and subscribe to our platforms and share our links everywhere.

La Galeria Nocturna Podcast
La Galería Nocturna | El Viejo Sufrimiento de #rammstein

La Galeria Nocturna Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Aug 22, 2024 83:38

En este episodio de La Galería Nocturna, exploramos el nacimiento de una de las bandas más influyentes del metal industrial: Rammstein. Fundada en 1994 en Berlín, la banda se compone de seis talentosos músicos que han logrado forjar un sonido único al combinar la contundencia del metal con elementos electrónicos. Desde su álbum debut "Herzeleid" en 1995, Rammstein se destacó por su capacidad para abordar temas como el amor, el dolor, y la condición humana con una crudeza que refleja tanto la cultura alemana como el contexto post-reunificación del país. Este episodio desentraña cómo "Herzeleid" no solo definió el estilo de la banda, sino que también estableció un nuevo estándar dentro del género, consolidando a Rammstein como una fuerza imparable en la escena musical internacional

Future Flicks with Billiam
Alien Rammstein

Future Flicks with Billiam

Play Episode Listen Later Aug 15, 2024 38:09

This week we have some interesting indie movies but unfortunately they're overshadowed by the new Alien movie. https://linktr.ee/BilliamSWN Questions? Comments? Unwavering Praise? Contact me! The SWN Podcast Network has a Patreon! www.patreon.com/SWNPodcastNetwork You can always find me on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, Google Play, the SomewhatNerdy site, and any podcast app. Check out my new blog where I blog about movies, books, and whatever I fancy. www.billiamthenerd.com Future Flicks and SomewhatNerdy Merch page: http://www.cafepress.com/somewhatnerdy Opening and closing music “Evening Melodrama” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/S https://soundcloud.com/billiamswn/alien-rammstein?si=3523a8a0f1ba42ac91dee95fffed3dc3&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing

soundcloud alien stitcher google play rammstein evening melodrama kevin macleod
Radio Toilet ov Hell
Toilet Radio 511 – Snotpisstium?

Radio Toilet ov Hell

Play Episode Listen Later Aug 14, 2024

This week on Toilet Radio: Blake Judd is BACK with the most ill-advised music video we could imagine! Let's all buy rare black metal vinyl from him! Other stories this week: Capulet Fest has the goddamn state attorney general involved now, boy is that guy boned! Wacken 2024 just wrapped up but the first slate of bands for Wacken 2025 have already been announced - let's take a look! Marilyn Manson is continuing his comeback attempt, this time with Reba from Code Orange in his backing band - woof! Finally, the guy from Rammstein is suing Der Spiegel and it makes us super happy to live in America where we can talk shit without legal consequences. Folks, it's a good one. Want more Toilet Radio? Get hundreds of hours of exclusive content and access to the TovH Discord over at the Toilet ov Hell Patreon. Music featured on this ‘sode: Ripped to Shreds – Perverting the Funeral Rites, Stripping for the Dead This program is available on Spotify. It is also available on iTunes or whatever they call it now, where you can rate, review, and subscribe. Give us money on Patreon to get exclusive bonus episodes and other cool shit. Feel free to leave us a good voicemail at (972) 861-0581 and we'll play it on the show.

Into The Necrosphere
NIGHTSIDE, RAUTA - Jerry Kurunen | Into The Necrosphere Podcast #237

Into The Necrosphere

Play Episode Listen Later Aug 13, 2024 249:51

This week Jerry Kurunen, host of the wildly popular Rauta YouTube channel and frontman for Nightside and Annihilatus, makes his long overdue debut on Into The Necrosphere.  We discuss his musical endeavors, black metal, our shared love of Rammstein, interviewing controversial figures in the scene and much more.On my weekly news rant, I'm joined by the sinister minister, Karl Haikara, to round up the latest singles by 1349, Solstafir, Dreamless Veil, God Dethroned and others for judgment.  PLUS:  Heathen Deity are back with “Satan's Kingdom”, due for release on November 30th.  In another “Premiere on the Sphere”, you'll get to hear the first single off the record before anyone else.  ▶️SUPPORT THE BANDS FEATURED ON THIS EPISODENightsidehttps://nightsideband.bandcamp.com/ Heathen Deityhttps://heathendeity.bandcamp.com/ Annihilatus https://annihilatus.bandcamp.com/ Check out Jerry's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RautaMetal  ▶️SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST https://youtube.com/c/IntoTheNecrosphere ▶️STREAM & DOWNLOADAmazon Musichttps://amzn.to/3epNJ4KSpotifyhttps://spoti.fi/3iKqbIPApple Podcastshttps://apple.co/38wDYhi ▶️SOCIAL MEDIAFacebookhttps://www.facebook.com/intothenecrosphere  Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/intothenecrosphere    Twitterhttps://twitter.com/inecrosphere  ▶️INTO THE NECROSPHERE MERCHhttps://into-the-necrosphere.creator-spring.com▶️THE HORSEMEN OF THE PODCASTING APOCALYPSE Horrorwolf666https://thehorrorwolf666podcast.buzzsprout.com/ Everything Went Blackhttps://everythingwentblack.podbean.com/ Necromaniacshttps://necromaniacs.podbean.com/ Sol Noxhttps://www.solnoxpodcast.podbean.com/ Iblis Manifestationshttps://linktr.ee/iblismanifestationspodcast 

Ab 17
Das große Dödeldesaster

Ab 17

Play Episode Listen Later Aug 6, 2024 18:42

In der heutigen Episode von "Ab 17" nehmen Kathrin und Tommy uns mit auf eine humorvolle und chaotische Reise durch den Alltag. Die Folge führt durch eine Reihe von unterhaltsamen und skurrilen Geschichten. Ein Highlight ist das große Dödeldesaster, das für viele Lacher sorgt. Kathrin und Tommy diskutieren über aktuelle Themen, persönliche Anekdoten und witzige Missverständnisse.00:00:00 - Begrüßung und Einleitung 00:01:43 - Olympia und sportliche Highlights 00:05:44 - Das große Dödeldesaster 00:13:19 - Rammstein und Konzerttouren 00:16:20 - Börsencrash und wirtschaftliche Fragen 00:18:15 - Abschließende Gedanken und Verabschiedung Ab 17 - der tägliche Podcast mit Kathrin und Tommy Wosch. Montag bis Freitag. Morgens und Abends.Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Sh!tty Song of the Week
Rammstein Vs Kiss

Sh!tty Song of the Week

Play Episode Listen Later Aug 5, 2024 93:33

This week, Red and Teresa are joined by Christian Bladt to go through some our favorite bands. For the record, Rammstein isn't Red's favorite band, but it is Teresa's and Kiss is Christian's favorite..(I feel like I said "favorite band" too many times) Can an already obnoxious song put to English, beat a creepy, weird, chest hairy song about love letter nudies? YOU be the JUDGE!!! Rammstein - Du Hast (English Version) VS Kiss - Let's Put the X In Sex Follow Christian Bladt on X . Also watch his shows BladtCast and Who Are These Broadcasters Vote via Straw Poll, X, Discord OR under the episode description on Spotify Join the Patreon Join the Discord

En Caso de que el Mundo Se Desintegre - ECDQEMSD
S26 Ep5834: Entrevista De Trabajo

En Caso de que el Mundo Se Desintegre - ECDQEMSD

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 25, 2024 53:28

La situación incómoda, estresante y tortuosa de asistir a las  entrevistas en busca de un puesto laboral ECDQEMSD podcast El Cyber Talk Show - episodio 5834 Entrevista De Trabajo Conducen: El Pirata y El Sr. Lagartija https://canaltrans.com Noticias Del Mundo: Nicolás Maduro recomienda manzanilla - Los veedores para las elecciones de Venezuela - Netanyahu en el Capitolio - La corriente vital del Atlántico - Estallido en Tequila - Escándalo en Marruecos vs Argentina en Paris - Noticias que no pueden esperar - Los Milei en los Juegos Olímpicos - Cómo privatizar clubes de fútbol - Samuel García no acepta la traición de Musk Historias Desintegradas: Buscando trabajo - Qué le aportará a la compañía - Lo mejor es no necesitar el trabajo - Entrevista en fases - Mar del Plata en invierno - En el camión - Trabajo remoto - Andando en moto - Quiero la calca - La vida hidrocálida - Mi MP3 y mi tel - Ladrón y crítico de moda - Orgulloso olavarriense - Rammstein en Barcelona - Cine y televisión - Luz cámara acción - Delicias gallegas - Día de Galicia - Santiago de Compostela y más... En Caso De Que El Mundo Se Desintegre - Podcast no tiene publicidad, sponsors ni organizaciones que aporten para mantenerlo al aire. Solo el sistema cooperativo de los que aportan a través de las suscripciones hacen posible que todo esto siga siendo una realidad. Gracias Dragones Dorados!! NO AI: ECDQEMSD Podcast no utiliza ninguna inteligencia artificial de manera directa para su realización. Diseño, guionado, música, edición y voces son de  nuestra completa intervención humana.

The Dr. Greenthumb Podcast
#1023 | Becoming Old and Staying Active, Rammstein Concerts, +More The Dr. Greenthumb Show

The Dr. Greenthumb Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 22, 2024 111:45

Inclusivity Included: Powerful personal stories
SAHM 2024: A Conversation with Yasmin Batliwala

Inclusivity Included: Powerful personal stories

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 18, 2024 38:56 Transcription Available

In the first episode of our miniseries of podcasts celebrating South Asian Heritage Month 2024, Gautam Bhattacharyya, chair of Reed Smith's India Business team, welcomes Yasmin Batliwala MBE, CEO of Advocates for International Development. Together, they explore Yasmin's career path, her mentors and inspirations, her passion for pro bono work and the significance of her Parsi heritage. ----more---- Transcript: Intro: Welcome to the Reed Smith Podcast, Inclusivity Included: Powerful Personal Stories. In each episode of this podcast,  our guests will share their personal stories, passions, and challenges, past and present, all with the goal of bringing people together and learning more about others.  You might be surprised by what we all have in common, inclusivity included.   Gautam: Hello everyone and welcome to another of our Reed Smith podcasts and this one is part of our special mini-series to celebrate and mark South Asian Heritage Month 2024 and I'm overjoyed to have as our podcast today the incredibly impressive Yasmin Batliwala. Hello Yasmin.  Yasmin: Hello Gautam, lovely to be here.  Gautam: It's lovely to have you and I've been really so excited to do this podcast with you. For our listeners, I'm going to introduce Yasmin so you can appreciate just what an amazing person she is. Yasmin is the chief executive of Advocates for International Development, a very prominent pro bono and CSR institution with which Reed Smith has had a very long and happy relationship and association. And we continue to do so. And I've known Yasmin for many, many years. and we've had many a discussion about our shared passion for pro bono work and the importance of lawyers doing pro bono work and the impact that it has. Yasmin is responsible for overseeing the work of A4ID, as I'll call it, and she's held many prominent roles in the public and third sector over her very illustrious career. Apart from pro bono work, her portfolios have included some incredible causes. Those include HIV and AIDS, drug alcohol, dependency, and criminal justice. She has also undertaken work for the UN's Office of Drugs and Crime, and has a great deal of board experience too, having, amongst other things, been on the board of a large NHS trust. Yasmin also, to the extent she has spare time, and I'm stunned she does have spare time, has also served as a magistrate in the Youth and Adult Courts. She's also, as you can imagine, been the recipient of several honors. And amongst those, and there are many of them, she has been awarded the City of London Woman of Achievement for her public service work. And in 2022, Yasmin received an MBE for her work in human rights, the rule of law and international development as part of the Queen's New Year's honors list. So it really is a wonderful privilege to be speaking to you on this podcast, Yasmin, and I'm really looking forward to our discussions. Now, let me start with this as we get into our discussion. Tell us a little bit about your career background. I've already highlighted for our listeners a few of the roles that you've undertaken prior to your current role as chief executive of A4ID. But I wonder whether you could give us a little bit of a background about how you got to your role at A4ID and your career background, which has led up to that.  Yasmin: Thank you very much, Gautam. I'd like to start then by thanking you for inviting me to join in this podcast and for the opportunity to talk about the work of Advocates for International Development, which I know that you know that I'm truly passionate about. So to answer your question about what I was doing prior to A4ID work-wise, before joining A4ID, basically I ran my own consultancy, providing senior level support to the public and non-profit sectors. My work primarily involved problem solving, managing teams, assisting the recruitment of CEOs and other executive positions. And I should say that I thoroughly enjoyed being self-employed as it allowed me to spend quality time with my two young daughters as they were then. And I could work during their nursery hours and resume tasks when they were asleep. And incidentally, I even earned more money than I've ever done since while I was working for myself. Throughout my career, I think you've said, I have worked mainly in the public and non-profit sector. And you've indicated the background work I've done within the drugs field and also in HIV. And I've also served, as you've mentioned, on various boards, including also a university, as well as on police authority, where I briefly held position of chair. I currently chair VIA, formerly known as WDP, which is a leading charity providing drug and alcohol services across the UK. VIA is known for its quality of services and innovative approach. And I like to think that my leadership has played a role in its success. Now, in respect to other things that have brought me to A4ID, I was invited to get involved with A4ID just by chance. Someone suggested that I met the executive director at the time. She and I got on swimmingly and as a consequence of that I started to work with her to look at how we could build the organization so that's really a potted summary of my career to date.  Gautam: Well thank you and it really is I mean you know you've packed a lot in in your wonderful career today and undertaking some amazing work for lots of really important causes and you know I think I think one of the things I just want to step back to is you've had a very impressive career. Of that, there's no doubt. And it's ongoing, right? You're not finished yet. Not by a long way. But we all benefit from mentors and inspirations in the course of our career. And I wonder whether you could share with our listeners some of your biggest career mentors and inspirations so far.  Yasmin: Gautam, I think that's a really difficult question because I have been inspired by so many people over the years. Obviously, those who have supported and encouraged me stand out, ranging from my line managers and peers to various teams that I've worked with, including actually my current team. Indeed, my very first job was doing what was called action research on illicit drug use in SW5, which is Earls Court, and also the West End. Professor Betsy Ettore was my line manager at the time, and she was simply amazing. She encouraged me to think for myself and was always available when I needed her. I was at the time fresh out of university and yet she treated me like an equal and I valued that because she actually listened very carefully to what I had to say and supported my ambition for the study that we were doing. Now coming back to where I am today I suppose I especially want to mention the board of A4ID. Their support has been incredible but it's their pioneering spirit and belief that everything is possible that truly inspires me. They also believe in me personally which has been invaluable and enabled me to push forward with our vision. Roger Leese, the chair of A4ID and a partner at Clifford Chance, has perhaps been a significant inspiration throughout our time working together. We've often solved problems by approaching them from completely different perspectives, and his insights have always been spot on. Indeed, the longer I have known him, the more I've come to respect him. To me, integrity and respect are very important in those that have inspired me. And perhaps the reason I've been working in this role for so long has been mainly because of the individuals that I have been fortunate to come across over the years. Now, I've been particularly impressed by the legal profession's can-do culture and their attitude that everything and anything is possible, which happens also to be my perspective in life. This approach and their understated passion is something I greatly admire. The entire legal pro bono community, from international law firms that we work with, to in-house counsel, the judiciary, paralegals and barristers, demonstrate to me their remarkable dedication. They use their skills and intellect to contribute to the greater good, often without expecting recognition or even a pat on the back. Let me give you an example close to home. Now, you've mentioned just in your start the involvement of Reed Smith. So when I joined A4ID, Reed Smith provided us with the accommodation. At that time, A4ID was a much smaller organization with fewer staff and a smaller turnover. Right. Without Reed Smith's support, I'm not sure A4ID would have thrived. Reed Smith even contributed their staff's time to oversee the development of A4ID at the beginning, not seeking thanks or recognition, just doing what they could to help the cause. If anything was requested from them, they would think about it and come back to us with a solution about how to make it happen. So I, for one, have immense admiration for Reed Smith and the support that the firm has provided ever since our inception in 2006. Many of our law firms have also, as well as corporate partners, have also shown and continue to show some support over the years. They've supported A4ID in its journey and through us have provided expert pro bono legal advice to international development sector and have also donated funds to enable us to exist and to function. And I firmly believe that through the law, we can change the world for the greater good and that lawyers have a key role to play in making this happen. Imagine no other profession is able to achieve this, only the legal profession. What inspiration is that? So to answer your question, I would say I've been most inspired by the legal sector with which I've been fortunate to work with and why I'm still in this role after all these many years.  Gautam: Well, thank you, Yasmin. That was an incredibly impressive set of points. And I just wonder if I could dig into that a little bit. Extremely, there's a lot I could unpack there. But let me focus on what makes pro bono work so important. Now, we all know it's really important. It has real impact. And lawyers are integral to that. And so I wonder whether you could give us your thoughts on just why pro bono work is so important and why law firms and the teamwork that they achieve is so important to make that happen. You mentioned in your answer just now just how unique in many ways the legal profession is to be able to deliver those sorts of services and results. And I certainly know how enriching it's been for me personally to be heavily involved in pro bono work for so many years. But I wonder whether you could share your thoughts on that, please.  Yasmin: Thanks, Gautam. I would say that pro bono work is vital because it allows professionals and the corporates to give back to the community, promoting social justice and addressing systemic inequalities. qualities. By providing free legal services to those who cannot afford them, pro bono work ensures that access to justice is not limited by financial means. This contribution really helps to level the playing field, ensuring that vulnerable and marginalized communities and individuals can defend their rights and receive fair treatment under the law. If you look at CSR for law firms, on the other hand, I think it encompasses a broader range of activities beyond pro bono work, which includes ethical business practices, environmental sustainability and community engagement. Pro Bono also, I would say, demonstrates the company's commitment to operating responsibly and contributing positively to society. These initiatives enhance the company's reputation, build trust with stakeholders, and also we find continually that it can lead to increased employee satisfaction and retention. Through pro bono, law firms and corporates can address various social issues from poverty and education to health and environmental protection. The other thing I think that's really important with regard to pro bono, is teamwork that law firms can do. Teamwork is essential in making pro bono successful because it allows the pooling of resources, expertise and networks. Law firms possess specialized legal knowledge and skills and are crucial for tackling complex legal issues. By collaborating, firms can leverage their collective expertise to provide a comprehensive and effective legal assistance. I think this collaborative approach really does ensure that beneficiaries receive high quality support, which are tailored to their specific needs. Also, teamwork among law firms fosters a culture of shared responsibility and mutual support. And we find that when law firms work together with us on pro bono projects, they can share best practices, learn from each other's experiences, and really develop innovative solutions to very common challenges. This collective effort amplifies the impact of their work, making it possible to address larger and more complex issues than any single firm could or tackle alone. It also, I suppose, fosters a sense of solidarity and purpose within the legal community as a whole. So collaboration enhances the reach and scalability of pro bono. By joining forces, and certainly by joining forces with us, law firms can extend their service to a broader range of beneficiaries and communities. This expanded reach is particularly important in addressing systemic issues that require coordinated efforts across different jurisdictions and different sectors which apply to us at A4ID. Collaborative initiatives can mobilize more resources including funding, personnel, technological tools to support large-scale projects and long-term interventions. In fact, teamwork with law firms also provide opportunities for professional development and capacity building. We find and I find continually that lawyers engaged in pro bono work gain valuable experience and skills to enhance their professional growth. Put simply pro bono work makes you a better lawyer. The reason is obvious through A4ID lawyers are exposed to diverse legal issues and client populations broadening their perspective and very much enriching their practices. Additionally, firms that actively participate in these initiatives can attract and retain talent by demonstrating their commitment to social justice as well as ethical practices. And as I've said already, co-ordinated efforts in pro bono can lead to systemic change by addressing root causes of social issues and advocating for policy reforms, law firms can help to create a more equitable and just society. Collaborative projects that people do with A4ID often involve strategic litigation, legislative advocacy and public education concerns, campaigns that go beyond individual cases to affect broader societal change. This strategic approach maximizes the long-term impact of pro bono. So effective teamwork also ensures that pro bono is sustainable. And by sharing the workload and resources, firms can maintain those long-term communities to these projects. Sustainability, after all, is crucial for achieving lasting impact and ensuring that the beneficiaries receive continuous support. Collaborative efforts help distribute the responsibilities and costs which are associated with these initiatives, making it much easier for firms to sustain their involvement over time. So to conclude, pro bono work is essential promoting social justice, corporate responsibility. Teamwork with law firms is crucial for maximizing the effectiveness and reach and sustainability of these initiatives. And through collaboration, law firms can leverage their collective expertise, resources and networks works to make a significant positive impact on society and advance the cause of justice for all. So in a nutshell, that's what makes pro bono so incredibly important.  Gautam: Thank you, Yasmin. And you know, everything you said there, I was just absorbing and just realizing just how it all aligns with exactly how I see it. Because I can honestly tell you, Yasmin that us and you know we've had many a conversation about what pro bono means to each of us but i know that some of my most satisfying outcomes that i've achieved as a lawyer for clients for for pro bono clients have come from that sort of work it's it's not just about doing big cases as we do and as i as i do for big corporate companies a big industrial groups for governments, etc, etc. That's, of course, very important to the life of a law firm. But a law firm needs to be known for everything it brings. And I can honestly say, and I can't talk about some of these cases, but some of the most important cases I've done have involved taking on the establishment. Establishment for people who would otherwise not have access to law firms what I call big law big law firms and those law firms come together in teams like you say often in conjunction with other law firms and there are a number of examples where Reed Smith has teamed up with other law firms and it's a wonderful thing because the perception is otherwise that law firms are all competitors. They're like boxers in a boxing ring. But we're not actually. That's really a myth. We operate in a marketplace, yes, but on pro bono work, we actually come together in a very productive way. And so, no, thank you for sharing those really, really, really amazing thoughts, because I'm sure our listeners, it'll really resonate with our listeners. So thank you for that, Yasmin. I wonder whether I could just now turn to the question of heritage, because heritage is obviously a very important thing. And this podcast is being recorded and will be published as part of South Asian Heritage Month. And I wonder whether you could just share with us a little bit about what makes your heritage so empowering and so important and uplifting for you.  Yasmin: Well, Gautam, as you know, I'm a Parsi. Parsis originated from ancient Persia and fled to India, I think around the 6th, 7th century to escape religious persecution. Their successful integration and preservation of our culture and religious identity in a foreign land. For me, I think exemplify the resilience and adaptability of the community of Parsis. The religion of the Parsi community is Zoroastrianism, which places its values of saying good thoughts, good words and good deeds and doing good deeds. This provides very much of a strong moral and ethical foundation, promoting a positive and proactive approach to life and encouraging meaningful contributions to society. And despite being a small community, and I do mean small, as a number of Parsis are reducing year on year to the point of extinction, I should say, Parsis have made significant contributions in various fields such as business, science, arts and philanthropy. Indeed, social responsibility and generosity of spirit are highly encouraged within the community. So I suppose my heritage is empowering and uplifting because it connects me to a rich and a diverse cultural tapestry that informs my identity and sense of self. This connection to my roots provides me with a deep understanding of where I come from and the traditions that have shaped my community over generations. The stories, the customs and values that have been passed down to me are a source of pride and strength, offering a foundation upon which I can build my own life and my own aspirations. Considerations this cultural inheritance if you like acts as my guiding light influencing my values behaviors and perspectives cultural heritage has also paid i think a significant role in shaping my world view and moral compass the values and ethics inherited from my cultural background guide me guide my actions and decisions promoting principles such as respect as i've have mentioned before, integrity, but also responsibility. These values are not just abstract concepts. They are lived experiences demonstrated by my family members and the community. This moral grounding is empowering as it provides clear guidelines on how to navigate life's complexities and make meaningful contributions to society. And as I've mentioned, My commitment can only be demonstrated by my contribution to the various public sector boards and roles that I've had within the community in which I live. So that's very, for me, a very important part of being a Parsi and a member of a community that will disappear, I suspect, in the not too distant future.  Gautam: Yeah, no, thank you, Yasmin. I am indeed very familiar with the Parsi history. And indeed, many of my best friends in the law are Parsis. And if I just take one jurisdiction, for example, in India, right, which you, of course, know very well, there are many prominent Parsi lawyers. And there have been. One of my greatest mentors was Fali Nariman, who was India's most celebrated lawyer, who unfortunately passed away in February of this year. But many, many prominent lawyers in India are Parsis. And many of the big industrial houses, as you know, in India, are Parsi in origin and remain Parsi in management and in all that they do. And those concepts of doing business fairly and being philanthropic, like very heart of Parsi culture. So it's very interesting. And I recall also, I grew up, Yasmin, in Northwest London. And very near where I went to school, there was an old cinema that stopped showing films. And it was taken over by the Parsi community. And it became a Zoroastrian center of worship. And this goes back to my much younger days. So I'm very familiar with that. And it's very interesting how it continues to inform you and inspire you, because it should do. And I also, I'm also very familiar with the fact that the Parsi community is getting smaller. As people marry outside of the Parsi faith, that inevitably has an impact. But the pride and the history of the Parsis is so rich. And, you know, it'll always be everlasting. So, and there's a long way yet to go. So, no, thank you for that. That's really, really nice to know. And, you know, just one last question on that before we turn to the last topic. What, in terms of looking at the examples of what the Parsi tradition and faith and heritage has taught you, one of the things that I'm always very mindful of is that the pro bono tradition, as I call it, is very well developed in certain jurisdictions. Jurisdictions but it's yet to develop fully in some jurisdictions now one of the countries where it is gathering pace is certainly India but just look at the size of that country and the legal community there i mean just briefly what you know what are your thoughts about what we could do to try to expand the pro bono tradition in a wonderful jurisdiction like India,  Yasmin: Actually, I think there's an awful lot that can be done. There's certainly an interest. We have been working in India and in fact have an entity called the A4ID Foundation, which is wholly Indian. We've been working alongside some amazing lawyers. In fact, part of the board comprises of some absolutely amazing Indian lawyers who are working with us to develop this. So we are bringing the culture to the pro bono culture that already exists, actually, within India and within the Indian community. But it's about using their legal brains that we're starting to to encourage. And that's happening, happening slowly, but it is happening. And with the vast number of lawyers in India, just think what we could do. Amazing. The other thing I wanted to just mention in terms of what you said was this week I received a gift from one of my team, members of my team. He's actually based in India. And the gift was a signed copy of the constitution, Indian constitution by Nariman.  Gautam: Oh, wow. Yeah. It's a wonderful book. Yes. And so I've been dipping since he sent it to me. I've been dipping in it. It's quite a quite a tomb. And I actually thought when I saw it, oh, my God, am I going to be able to read this? Because, you know, it's quite an interesting but quite a how can I put it, a dry topic.  Gautam: Yeah.  Yasmin: But having looked at it and read through it, it's actually brilliantly easy to read. He simplifies things because he knows the subject area so well that it's so easy to read. And I would thoroughly recommend if you have the opportunity to do so. And that includes your the people listening to this. I would thoroughly recommend it. It's a fantastic read.  Gautam: I agree. And, you know, the whole concept of the constitution is so important because it comes down to fundamental principles of fairness and doing things in an orderly way, in a proper way, and upholding that separation of power and not enabling things to just become merged as one. And that independence of thought is very very important now that's well i i think you're very fortunate to have a signed copy of that of that tome um i'm sure it'll be well thumbed in days and weeks to come as you read it so yes we've come almost to the end of our podcast and i've enjoyed, as i always do speaking to you i've had as i've said in the introduction i've had many a conversation with you over the years. I've always come away a much better person after each of those conversations, and this conversation has certainly been no exception to that. One of the traditions that we have in this podcast series, and I'm going to maintain that tradition even though this is a mini-series for South Asian Heritage Month, is to ask you a few more lighthearted things, to get to know the non-pro bono chief executive, Yasmin Batliwala. And so I want to ask you three very, very simple questions. Nothing mean, because I'm not a mean person, as you know, Yasmin. I want to ask you three little questions. First of all, have you got a favorite sort of music?  Yasmin: So on that question, I'd say, where do I start? I like all sorts of music. I have a particular preference, I should say, for classical music. Anything, anything at all by Mozart or J.S. Bach are things that I would be listening to regularly. I also like opera. In fact, I love opera. And I'm also a fan of David Bowie, I should say. But recently, Gautam, I've discovered a new genre of music, and that's heavy metal and electronic music.  Gautam: Amazing.  Yasmin: I've discovered a band called Disturbed, who are amazing. So to all your listeners, I encourage you to listen to their rendition of Simon and Garfunkel's song, Sound of Silence, which is absolutely mesmerizing and haunting.  Gautam: I'm going to check it out myself.  Yasmin: So let me know what you think. I've also discovered a band called Rammstein. I think that's how you pronounce it, which is a German heavy metal group of the 1990s. And I think, I think, and I seem to be listening to them quite a lot. And finally, I've also discovered, recently discovered, Mongolian electronic throat music. And that's totally blown me away. So I've been listening to that. So in terms of my musical taste, it's slightly expanding.  Gautam: That is incredibly eclectic. And I'm going to check out the German metal band and the rendition of Sound of Silence. I'm going to check those out. And I must tell you just very briefly on the Mongolian throat music. Many years ago, I was very fortunate to do a case for the government of Mongolia. It was a litigation in the English courts. And it went all the way to the Court of Appeal here. And I'm very happy that we won in the High Court and in the Court of Appeal. And I had the very good fortune to get to Mongolia twice on that case and to the great city of Ulaanbaatar. And I got introduced to Mongolian throat music. Now, the first trip was 2002-2003, around about then. I've not heard the electronic version as yet, but I'm certainly aware of the more basic classical rendition of throat singing. And also on that trip, I also learned about the eagle dance, which is a very famous dance that they do because the eagle and horses are very revered in Mongolia. And there's a dance which the wrestlers, Mongolian wrestling is also very popular and the wrestlers before they start the bout do this thing called the eagle dance. It's, I mean, I'll tell you more about it when I see you next. Okay, just two more quick ones and then I know we'll wrap. But have you got a favorite holiday destination or place that you just love to visit?  Yasmin: I, yeah, I like it. I love Italy. I don't think I've ever been to any single place And I like to travel around and visit different places that I haven't liked. So I like Italy. I like Italy also. But not only its beauty, its architecture, but the food and the people. So it's not far too far away from the UK. And so if ever I have an opportunity, I've gone to Italy. Recently, though, I went to Sicily. And that was a real find because it's obviously, I mean, talking about cultural traditions and cultural heritage, it seems to have been basically every country has stepped foot on it and taken it over. And it's left these amazing it's the amazing footprints so we've got the Greeks we've got the Normans we've got the various Moors as well all of them make it such a very interesting place.  Gautam: Absolutely. It just shows how cultures have moved around the world. One last question. We are recording this podcast during the European Championships in football. And this is not a leading question. And I am a lawyer. So this is not a leading question. Who's going to win the European Championships? Which country?  Yasmin: I'm afraid I don't watch football. So I can't answer that question. I have been to football matches, Gautam, and I haven't known what's been going on. This was during my time at the police authority, where I went out with the police at Watford to observe how policing was done. It was a lovely day, although we got up incredibly early, I seem to recall. But I had no idea what was going on in the pitch. Um it was slightly tribal in terms of the shouting. It was Manchester and Watford Manchester not sure if it was City or United. I think it was City it had um one of the Gallagher um one of the Gallagher  Gautam: Yeah it's Man City then  Yasmin: Yeah so just to watch that whole kind of tribal way was quite fascinating so i'm afraid i can't answer your question.  Gautam: That's quite okay you um you've answered many many questions in the course of this podcast yasmin thank you very much for doing this podcast it's been a delight to do it and to speak to you and um I could literally have asked you lots more questions and spent more time but these podcasts unfortunately would go on for a very long time if we did that but thank you very much indeed and thank you particularly for doing all the wonderful work that you continue to do on the the pro bono side and the great example you set through your leadership. So thank you very much.  Yasmin: Gautam, thank you so much also for inviting me to this podcast, which I must say I've enjoyed immensely. And if anyone listening out there is interested to work together with us at A4ID, please do contact me. And who knows what we can achieve together.  Gautam: Thank you, Yasmin.  Outro: Arbitral Insights is a Reed Smith production. Our producer is Ali McCardell. For more information about Reed Smith's global international arbitration practice, email arbitralinsights@reedsmith.com. To learn about the Reed Smith Arbitration Pricing Calculator, a first-of-its-kind mobile app that forecasts the cost of arbitration around the world, search Arbitration Pricing Calculator on reedsmith.com or download for free through the Apple and Google Play app stores. You can find our podcast on Spotify, Apple, Google Play, Stitcher, reedsmith.com, and our social media accounts at Reed Smith LLP on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.  Disclaimer: This podcast is provided for educational purposes. 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