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    Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
    2535: Seven Steps to Go from Dad Bod to Fit at 40

    Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 17, 2025 47:34

    If Someone Wants to Go from Dad Bod to Fit at 40, What Are the First 7 Steps They Should Take? If someone wants to go from dad bod to fit at 40, what are the first 7 steps they should take? #1 - Lift weights. (1:08) #2 - Eat ONLY real food. (6:11) #3 - Eat protein first. (8:20) #4 - Eat veggies second for every meal. (13:18) #5 - Get consistent sleep. (16:37) #6 - Check hormones. (19:38) #7 - Ignore scale and mirror, focus on health and performance. (23:25) Questions (Diet, Training, & Lifestyle):  How do I build a simple meal plan that helps me lose fat without feeling like I'm starving all the time? (26:06) Do I need to completely cut out beer and junk food, or is there a way to enjoy them in moderation? (29:32) What's the best workout plan for someone in their 40s who hasn't exercised regularly in years? (32:50) How often should I train each week to lose fat and build muscle without overdoing it? (34:31) Should I be lifting heavy weights at 40, or is it safer to stick with bodyweight exercises? (36:06) I feel stiff and sore after workouts. How can I improve my recovery and flexibility at this age? (38:28) How do I stay consistent with my fitness goals when work and family responsibilities take up most of my time? (40:29) What's the best way to involve my family in this fitness journey so I don't feel like I'm doing it alone? (43:29) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Transcend for this month's exclusive Mind Pump offer!  February Promotion: MAPS Anabolic & No B.S. 6-Pack ** We are offering them both for the low price of $59.99, which is a savings of $114! ** Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #2437: What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Ultra-Processed Foods for 30 Days Mind Pump #2450: The Smartest Way to Use Protein to Burn Fat & Build Muscle Use the 3-2-1 Formula for Best Sleep Results | Cabral Concept 2526 Mind Pump #2320: Throw Away the Scale! Mind Pump #2235: Ten Tips for a Leaner, Fitter Body After Age 40 Mind Pump #2402: The 5 Reasons Why Walking is King for Fat Loss (Burn More Fat than Running & How to Do it Correctly) Why Your Tempo Matters When You Workout! – Mind Pump TV Sore muscles…what does it mean? – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #2312: Five Steps to Bounce Back From Overtraining Mind Pump #2112: Is 15 Minutes Enough Time for an Effective Workout? Mind Pump #2152: How to Convince Friends & Family to Work Out Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram  

    A Certain Age
    Never Too Late to Build Lift Heavy: Why Midlife is the Perfect Time to Begin Strength Training with Fitness Pro Holly Rilinger

    A Certain Age

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 17, 2025 45:06

    Curious about all the buzz around "lifting heavy" at midlife? Fitness pro and Nike Master Trainer Holly Rilinger breaks down why strength training is an engine of longevity—and how to make it work for you. Learn exactly how to start building muscle (no matter your experience level), discover the science behind post-workout recovery, and get expert tips for managing osteoporosis and injuries. Whether you're a beginner or looking to level up your strength game, Holly breaks down exactly how to begin, sharing the surprising truth about how little equipment you really need. Bonus! Listen to the end for a special discount for Holly's 21-day virtual program! Holly trains celebrities like Katie Couric and Dr. Mary Claire Haver. Now, she can train you! SHOW NOTES + TRANSCRIPT acertainagepod.com FOLLOW A CERTAIN AGE: Instagram Facebook LinkedIn GET INBOX INSPO: Sign up for our newsletter AGE BOLDLY We share new episodes, giveaways, links we love, and midlife resources Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Podcast with Dr. Jay Calvert

    Dr. Jay Calvert & Dr. Millicent Rovelo discuss the technical aspects of the Midface Lift! The docs define the "midface" & "nasojugal groove", discuss specific techniques associated with the operation, common cases, aesthetic considerations, the use of fat grafting, and how to harmonize the face via the Midface Lift!--Dr. Jay Calvert & Dr. Millicent Rovelo are Board Certified Plastic Surgeons located in Beverly Hills, California.Dr. Jay Calvert - drcalvert.comInstagram: @DrJayCalvertDr. Millicent Rovelo - roveloplasticsurgery.comInstagram: @RoveloPlasticSurgeryFollow the Podcast on Instagram: @BeverlyHillsPlasticSurgeryPod

    Fellowship Bible Church Conway
    Philippians - Two Purposeful Partners

    Fellowship Bible Church Conway

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 16, 2025

    Two Purposeful Partners(Philippians 2:19-30) For the bulletin in PDF form, click here. Message SlidesssTimothy - F.F. BruceTimothy - John StottPaul and Epaphroditus - Alec MoyterPaul's Co-Workers - F.F. BruceCo-Workers in the Pauline Mission - GuthrieThe Need for Living Examples - GuthrieTwo Orders of Friends - Chuck SwindollINTRODUCTION: Role Models AgainTimothy(Genuine Christ-Centered Concern)Proven Character - (2:19-21) Humble partners put the needs of others before their own.Proven Track Record - (2:22-24) Humble partners can be trusted with ministry responsibilities. Epaphroditus(Brother, Co-worker, Fellow Soldier)A Man for All Season - (2:25) Humble partners take every opportunity to serve well.Serving in sickness and in health - (2:26-30) Humble partners serve well, even if it is costly. Humble Partners Sacrificially Serve with Christ-like Characterthrough thick and thin. The Centrality of Examples in PhilippiansA - The Example of Paul (1:12-26) B - Appeal to Steadfastness and Unity in the face of opposition (1:27-30) C - Appeal to Unity based on common life in Christ (2:1-4) D - The Example of Christ (2:5-11) C' - Application of Unity based on the common work of God (2:12-13) B' - Application of Steadfastness and Unity in the face of opposition (2:14-18)A' - The Examples of Timothy & Epaphroditus (2:19-30)Home Church QuestionsRead Philippians 2:19-30. Is there an immediate insight or application you would like to share from the passage or the message?Paul presents Timothy and Epaphroditus as exemplary models of proven worth in ministry. Who has been a role model for you by their commitment to ministry? How has their life challenged you to a deeper life of service?Reflect on your own life. What does it mean to seek the interests of Jesus Christ rather than your own interests (ref. v.21)?Describe the different groups of people within your circle of influence. In what ways are you an example to them of what it means to serve Christ? In what ways do you fall short?Paul's concern for Epaphroditus is described in verse 27, and expressed the sorrow he would experience if Epaphroditus were to die. What does this suggest to you about praying for others? about experiencing sorrow with the loss of a loved one (ref. 1 Thessalonians 4:13)?Paul desired to send these men to strengthen and encourage the Philippian believers. Who can you reach out to strengthen and encourage this week?Pray for the Unreached: People Groups in the United States The United States is home to over 520 distinct people groups, 98 of which are unreached peoples. These include immigrants, refugees, Indigenous communities, and even international students. While many enjoy access to the gospel, language barriers, cultural isolation, and secular influences present significant challenges to reaching some communities with the gospel. Pray for laborers to be sent into these communities, equipped to bridge cultural and linguistic gaps with the love of Christ. Lift up local churches and ministries to boldly engage these groups, providing resources, discipleship, and community.Elder's Retreat: February 21-22Please be in prayer for our elders as they spend time with each other and before the Lord focusing on their Spiritual Responsibility, Personal Accountability, and Leadership of our Body.New to Fellowship?We are so glad that you chose to worship with our Fellowship Family this morning. If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you. Please fill out the “Connect Card” and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift. Czech Stoby's FundraiserFellowship, thank you for showing up! Sunday, February 2, was the Czech fundraiser at Stobys, and we received a great response from the Fellowship family. The team raised $5000. Thank you Fellowship!Men's Muster 2025 - Men don't retreat. They muster. Will you muster with us? Mark your calendars for April 25-27! Men's Muster is heading to a NEW location—Ferncliff Camp & Conference Center in Little Rock. It's the perfect weekend to connect, have fun, and be challenged to relentlessly pursue Christ together. Chris Moore will lead the teaching, and you won't want to miss it. Registration is $150, with scholarships available. Register at fellowshipconway.org/register. Middle School Retreat | February 28-March 2Parents, our new student pastors are taking the Middle School group (5th-7th) to Ferncliff (in Little Rock) the last weekend in February. This is a great opportunity for your students to get to know our new pastors and connect deeper with the students their age. The weekend features Biblical teaching, meaningful small group time, and a ton of fun! To register your student for the retreat, go to fellowshipconway.org/fsm. Silent Auction | April 6thYouth and College Mission Teams will host a Silent Auction on Sunday, April 6th, at 4 PM. We are asking for you to participate in one of three ways. First, do you have a service, item, or experience you can donate to be auctioned off? We would love to have it. Second, we would love for you to show up and support the students and adults on the trip. Finally, if you cannot make it, please consider donating to the event. To donate an item or for any questions, please get in touch with our College Pastor, Andrew Stauffer at astauffer@fellowshipconway.org. Prayer During Service

    What Happens Next in 6 Minutes
    Cocaine, Race Riots, and the Cuban Boat Lift in Miami in 1980

    What Happens Next in 6 Minutes

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 15, 2025 35:57

    Nicholas Griffin is the author of a Year of Dangerous Days. Miami was not the beautiful and successful metropolitan city that it is now 45 years ago. I want to find out from Nick why the Columbians used Miami as their US entry point for distributing cocaine and why that resulted in so much violence. I want to learn about what caused a massive race riot in Miami that led to the burning of over 200 buildings. Get full access to What Happens Next in 6 Minutes with Larry Bernstein at www.whathappensnextin6minutes.com/subscribe

    A Word With You
    God of Galaxies, God of Our Grief - #9940

    A Word With You

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025

    I really hate it when a five-year-old makes me feel dumb, especially when it's my grandson. I mean, he didn't mean to make me feel dumb. He didn't know he was making me feel dumb. But he is really smart, and he knew a lot about a lot! Like the solar system. He had the planets down cold along with all kinds of facts about the universe. Things I either have forgotten or never knew. Another thing our grandson was really mastering was numbers. Man, could he count! He was working on thousands, millions, billions, and his favorite quantity, a google! When it comes to our universe, he was never going to be able to count that high! I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "God of Galaxies, God of Our Grief." With the discoveries of new high-tech explorers like NASA's New Horizons spacecraft, and the Hubble Telescope, we are learning some absolutely staggering new things about the universe we live in. They counted at one point over 200 billion galaxies and I think it's maybe a couple trillion now. When we look up in the sky at night, it's estimated that we can see maybe 9,000 stars. But it's estimated that the average number of stars in a single galaxy is actually 200 billion stars! Let's see: 200 billion stars times 200 billion galaxies... oh for heaven's sake, that's a mental meltdown. If you think that the vastness of the universe is amazing, fasten your seatbelt for something much more amazing. It's in Psalm 147:4, our word for today from the Word of God. It says of God, "He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name." What? I can't even remember the names of all the people I've met! But God calls each of the 200 billion stars in 200 billion galaxies by name! Isaiah 40:26 says, "Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name. Because of His great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing." Not only does He number all the stars and name all the stars, but He knows when any star goes out! In the verse just before the one that says God numbers and names the stars, the Bible shows something else amazing about Him. It says, "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." Wow! This God who gives personal attention to countless billions of stars cares about your broken heart! He stands ready to heal what's broken in your life with the power that rules this mighty universe. Wow! You may have felt very unnoticed and very insignificant in your life, but not to the most powerful person in the universe. He knows you, He cares about your wounds, He deeply, deeply loves you. For this awesome God left the throne room of heaven to come here to this little dirtball called earth on a rescue mission for you, to actually die on a cross for the sin you've done against Him, the sin that has cut you off from Him all these years. The sin no religion can remove. The Bible says of Him, He is "the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me" (Galatians 2:20). And this very day, this awesome God may be knocking on the door of your heart. He's offering to come into your life with His infinite love, His infinite power - the power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Why would you wait one more day to open up your heart to a Savior like this? Tell Him, "Jesus, it makes no sense for me to try to run my life any longer. I'm sorry for running a life you were supposed to run. I believe my only hope is your death for my sin on the cross. I turn from my sin today. I am yours, Lord Jesus!" If you want to make this day your "Jesus day," will you experience the greatness of His love in your heart, the greatness of His power in your life, would you just reach out to Him today? We'd love to help you do that. That's why we're here. Go to our website ANewStory.com. He's who you were made by. He's who you were made for, and this very day, my friend, you can belong to Him!

    A Moment with Joni Eareckson Tada
    A Reason to Look Up

    A Moment with Joni Eareckson Tada

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 1:00

    If you're feeling down, remember your redemption is drawing near. It's the best reason to keep looking up! -------- Thank you for listening! Your support of Joni and Friends helps make this show possible.     Joni and Friends envisions a world where every person with a disability finds hope, dignity, and their place in the body of Christ. Become part of the global movement today at www.joniandfriends.org   Find more encouragement on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube.

    AURN News
    Judge Orders Trump Administration to Lift USAID Funding Freeze Within Five Days

    AURN News

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 1:47

    A federal judge has ordered the Trump administration to begin lifting its freeze on U.S. foreign aid within five days, citing the move's devastating impact on humanitarian programs worldwide. The ruling, issued late Thursday, requires the administration to notify all affected organizations and provide proof of compliance by Tuesday. The funding halt has left organizations, contractors, and farmers scrambling, with millions of dollars in undelivered food aid reportedly rotting in ports. Nonprofits warn that crucial global health and development programs are at risk of collapse. U.S. District Judge Amir H. Ali sharply criticized the administration's actions, stating officials had provided no rational justification for abruptly suspending congressionally approved aid. The court also barred Secretary of State Marco Rubio and other officials from enforcing stop-work orders, which had directed contractors to halt aid projects midstream. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Free NYC e-bikes, OnlyFans handlebars, more


    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 68:45

    This week on Electrek's Wheel-E podcast, we discuss the most popular news stories from the world of electric bikes and other nontraditional electric vehicles. This time, that includes an NYC program to give out free e-bikes to delivery riders, a new bicycle handlebar designed with help from Onlyfans, Vammo's 1 million battery swaps, a new e-moto/e-snowmobile project, Lift electric hydrofoil boards, and more. The Wheel-E podcast returns every two weeks on Electrek's YouTube channel, Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter. As a reminder, we'll have an accompanying post, like this one, on the site with an embedded link to the live stream. Head to the YouTube channel to get your questions and comments in. After the show ends, the video will be archived on YouTube and the audio on all your favorite podcast apps: Apple Podcasts Spotify Overcast Pocket Casts Castro RSS We also have a Patreon if you want to help us to avoid more ads and invest more in our content. We have some awesome gifts for our Patreons and more coming. Here are a few of the articles that we will discuss during the Wheel-E podcast today: NYC is giving free e-bikes to delivery workers with shoddy or illegal electric bikes How adult-site OnlyFans helped this high-tech handlebar come to market Rising star Vammo rides past 1 million battery swaps for electric motorcycles Lift's new Lift5 and LiftX electric foil surfboards make gliding over water easier than ever This ‘sold-out' street-legal electric motorcycle is also an electric snowmobile I went back to China to tour more e-bike factories and visit companies. Here's what I saw Here's the live stream for today's episode starting at 10:00 a.m. ET (or the video after 11:00 a.m. ET): https://www.youtube.com/live/ZdhMUUQsO9Q

    Daybreak Africa  - Voice of America
    WHO chief urges US to lift freeze on foreign aid - February 14, 2025

    Daybreak Africa - Voice of America

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 2:52

    World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus says that the United States' pause on foreign aid contributions is having a serious impact on global health, hitting programs fighting polio, HIV and other threats. Tedros urged the U.S. to consider resuming aid funding until solutions can be found. Tedros said that the suspension of funding for the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) had caused an immediate stop to HIV treatment, testing and prevention services in the 50 countries it supports.

    Forge Audio Network
    "We Need to Lift the Trophy" (Forge Daily 14/02/25, ft. Coach Bobby)

    Forge Audio Network

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 26:50

    In this episode of Forge Daily, host Steve Milton and head coach Bobby Smyrniotis discuss Forge FC's recent experience in the CONCACAF Champions Cup against CF Monterrey. They delve into the challenges faced during travel, the team's performance in the matches, and the integration of new players. Bobby emphasizes the importance of taking chances in high-stakes games and reflects on the potential of younger players. The conversation also touches on the upcoming season, rivalries, community engagement through school day matches, and the team's preparation for the future.TakeawaysForge FC faced tough competition against CF Monterrey.Travel challenges impacted the team's return home.The team showed resilience despite the losses.Bobby emphasizes the need to score chances.Integration of new players is crucial for success.Youth players showed promise in the final minutes.Community engagement is important for building support.Rivalries with Cavalry FC and York United are significant.The team aims to lift a trophy this season.Training camp will focus on preparing for a long season.Chapters00:00 - Introduction and Overview of the CONCACAF Experience02:59 - Travel Challenges and Team Resilience05:54 - Analysis of the Matches Against CF Monterey09:06 - Team Development and Integration of New Players12:06 - Youth Player Performance and Future Prospects15:03 - Looking Ahead: Upcoming Season and Rivalries18:10 - Community Engagement and School Day Matches21:05 - The Importance of Local Rivalries23:52 - Training Camp and Preparation for the SeasonCONCACAF Champions Cup, match #1:Forge FC vs CF Monterrey - February 5th at Hamilton StadiumGet your tickets now at:https://www.ticketmaster.ca/forge-fc-tickets/artist/2557308or by calling 905-527-3674

    Baby Blue Viper

    Video available — www.fed965.comCollaborations, Meetings, Sessions — babyblueviperbusiness@gmail.com .YouTube — babyblueviper This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.fed965.com/subscribe

    Tim Conway Jr. on Demand
    Brian Regan & New Ontario Flights

    Tim Conway Jr. on Demand

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 23:55 Transcription Available

    Brian Regan coming to CA for several appearances // More with the very funny Brian Regan // Airline announces new flights to Ontario Airport / Malibu restaurant opens after being shut down due to the fires / Big Bear getting lots of snow and have a new chair lift  

    The Storm Skiing Journal and Podcast
    Podcast #198: Mammoth & June Mountains President & Chief Operating Officer Eric Clark

    The Storm Skiing Journal and Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 76:33

    The Storm Skiing Journal and Podcast is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and to support independent ski journalism, please consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.As of episode 198, you can now watch The Storm Skiing Podcast on YouTube. Please click over to follow the channel. The podcast will continue to stream on all audio platforms. WhoEric Clark, President and Chief Operating Officer of Mammoth and June Mountains, CaliforniaRecorded onJanuary 29, 2025Why I interviewed himMammoth is ridiculous, improbable, outrageous. An impossible combination of unmixable things. SoCal vibes 8,000 feet in the sky and 250 miles north of the megalopolis. Rustic old-California alpine clapboard-and-Yan patina smeared with D-Line speed and Ikon energy. But nothing more implausible than this: 300 days of sunshine and 350 inches of snow in an average year. Some winters more: 715 inches two seasons ago, 618 in the 2016-17 campaign, 669 in 2010-11. Those are base-area totals. Nearly 900 inches stacked onto Mammoth's summit during the 2022-23 ski season. The ski area opened on Nov. 5 and closed on Aug. 6, a 275-day campaign.Below the paid subscriber jump: why Mammoth stands out even among giants, June's J1 lift predates the evolution of plant life, Alterra's investment machine, and more.That's nature, audacious and brash. Clouds tossed off the Pacific smashing into the continental crest. But it took a soul, hardy and ungovernable, to make Mammoth Mountain into a ski area for the masses. Dave McCoy, perhaps the greatest of the great generation of American ski resort founders, strung up and stapled together and tamed this wintertime kingdom over seven decades. Ropetows then T-bars then chairlifts all over. One of the finest lift systems anywhere. Chairs 1 through 25 stitching together a trail network sculpted and bulldozed and blasted from the monolithic mountain. A handcrafted playground animated as something wild, fierce, prehuman in its savage ever-down. McCoy, who lived to 104, is celebrated as a businessman, a visionary, and a human, but he was also, quietly, an artist.Mammoth is not the largest ski area in America (ranking number nine), California (third behind Palisades and Heavenly), Alterra's portfolio (third behind Palisades and Steamboat), or the U.S. Ikon Pass roster (fifth after Palisades, Big Sky, Bachelor, and Steamboat). But it may be America's most beloved big ski resort, frantic and fascinating, an essential big-mountain gateway for 39 million Californians, an Ikon Pass icon and the spiritual home of Alterra Mountain Company. It's impossible to imagine American skiing without Mammoth, just as it's impossible to imagine baseball without the Yankees or Africa without elephants. To our national ski identity, Mammoth is an essential thing, like a heart to a human body, a part without which the whole function falls apart.About MammothClick here for a mountain stats overviewOwned by: Alterra Mountain Company, which also owns:Located in: Mammoth Lakes, CaliforniaYear founded: 1953Pass affiliations:* Ikon Pass: unlimited, no blackouts* Ikon Base Pass: unlimited, holiday blackoutsClosest neighboring ski areas: June Mountain – around half an hour if the roads are clear; to underscore the severity of the Sierra Nevada, China Peak sits just 28 miles southwest of Mammoth, but is a seven-hour, 450-mile drive away – in good weather.Base elevation: 7,953 feetSummit elevation: 11,053 feetVertical drop: 3,100 feetSkiable acres: 3,500Average annual snowfall: 350 inchesTrail count: 178 (13% easiest, 28% slightly difficult, 19% difficult, 25% very difficult, 15% extremely difficult)Lift count: 25 (1 15-passenger gondola, 1 two-stage, eight-passenger gondola, 4 high-speed six-packs, 8 high-speed quads, 1 fixed-grip quad, 6 triples, 3 doubles, 1 Poma – view Lift Blog's inventory of Mammoth's lift fleet) – the ski area also runs some number of non-public carpetsAbout JuneClick here for a mountain stats overviewOwned by: Alterra Mountain Company (see complete roster above)Located in: June Lake, CaliforniaYear founded: 1963Pass affiliations:* Ikon Pass: unlimited, no blackouts* Ikon Base Pass: unlimited, holiday blackoutsClosest neighboring ski areas: Mammoth Mountain – around half an hour if the roads are clearBase elevation: 7,545 feetSummit elevation: 10,090 feetVertical drop: 2,590 feetSkiable acres: 1,500 acresAverage annual snowfall: 250 inchesTrail count: 41Lift count: 6 (2 high-speed quads, 4 doubles – view Lift Blog's inventory of June Mountain's lift fleet)What we talked aboutMammoth's new lift 1; D-Line six-packs; deciding which lift to replace on a mountain with dozens of them; how the new lifts 1 and 16 redistributed skier traffic around Mammoth; adios Yan detachables; the history behind Mammoth's lift numbers; why upgrades to lifts 3 and 6 made more sense than replacements; the best lift system in America, and how to keep this massive fleet from falling apart; how Dave McCoy found and built Mammoth; retaining rowdy West Coast founder's energy when a mountain goes Colorado corporate; old-time Colorado skiing; Mammoth Lakes in the short-term rental era; potential future Mammoth lift upgrades; a potentially transformative future for the Eagle lift and Village gondola; why Mammoth has no public carpets; Mammoth expansion potential; Mammoth's baller parks culture, and what it takes to build and maintain their massive features; the potential of June Mountain; connecting to June's base with snowmaking; why a J1 replacement has taken so long; kids under 12 ski free at June; Ikon Pass access; changes incoming to Ikon Pass blackouts; the new markets that Ikon is driving toward Mammoth; improved flight service for Mammoth skiers; and Mammoth ski patrol.What I got wrong* I guessed that Mammoth likely paid somewhere in the neighborhood of $15 million for “Canyon and Broadway.” I meant that the new six-pack D-line lifts likely cost $15 million each.* I mentioned that Jackson Hole installed a new high-speed quad last year – I was referring to the Sublette chair.* I said that Steamboat's Wild Blue Gondola was “close to three miles long” – the full ride is 3.16 miles. Technically, the first and second stages of the gondola are separate machines, but riders experience them as one.Why now was a good time for this interviewTalk to enough employees of Alterra Mountain Company and a pattern emerges: an outsized number of high-level execs – the people building the mountain portfolio and the Ikon Pass and punching Vail in the face while doing it – came to the mothership, in some way or another, through Mammoth Mountain.Why is that? Such things can be a coincidence, but this didn't feel like it. Rusty Gregory, Alterra's CEO from 2018 to '23, entered that pilot's seat as a Mammoth lifer, and it was possible that he'd simply tagged in his benchmates. But Alterra and the Ikon Pass were functioning too smoothly to be the products of nepotism. This California ski factory seemed to be stamping out effective big-ideas people like an Italian plant cranking out Ferraris.Something about Mammoth just works. And that's remarkable, considering no one but McCoy thought that the place would work at all as a functional enterprise. A series of contemporary dumbasses told him that Mammoth was “too windy, too snowy, too high, too avalanche-prone, and too isolated” to work as a commercial ski area, according to The Snow Mag. That McCoy made Mammoth one of the most successful ski areas anywhere is less proof that the peanut gallery was wrong than that it took extraordinary will and inventiveness to accomplish the feat.And when a guy runs a ski area for 52 years, that ski area becomes a manifestation of his character. The people who succeed in working there absorb these same traits, whether of dysfunction or excellence. And Mammoth has long been defined by excellence.So, how to retain this? How does a ski area stitched so tightly to its founder's swashbuckling character fully transition to corporate-owned megapass headliner without devolving into an over-groomed volume machine for Los Angeles weekenders? How does a mountain that's still spinning 10 Yan fixed-grip chairs – the oldest dating to 1969 – modernize while D-Line sixers are running eight figures per install? And how does a set-footprint mountain lodged in remote wilderness continue to attract enough skiers to stay relevant, while making sure they all have a place to stay and ski once they get there?And then there's June. Like Pico curled up beside Killington, June, lost in Mammoth's podium flex, is a tiger dressed up like a housecat. At 1,500 acres, June is larger than Arapahoe Basin, Aspen Highlands, or Taos. It's 2,590-foot-vertical drop is roughly equal to that of Alta, Alyeska, or Copper (though June's bottom 1,000-ish vertical feet are often closed due to lack of lower-elevation snow). And while the terrain is not fierce, it's respectable, with hundreds of acres of those wide-open California glades to roll through.And yet skiers seem to have forgotten about the place. So, it can appear, has Alterra, which still shuffles skiers out of the base on a 1960 Riblet double chair that is the oldest operating aerial lift in the State of California. The mountain deserves better, and so do Ikon Pass holders, who can fairly expect that the machinery transporting them and their gold-plated pass uphill not predate the founding of the republic. That Alterra has transformed Deer Valley, Steamboat, and Palisades Tahoe with hundreds of millions of dollars of megalifts and terrain expansions over the past five years only makes the lingering presence of June's claptrap workhorse all the more puzzling.So in Mammoth and June we package both sides of the great contradiction of corporate ski area ownership: that whoever ends up with the mountain is simultaneously responsible for both its future and its past. Mammoth, fast and busy and modern, must retain the spirit of its restless founder. June, ornamented in quaint museum-piece machinery while charging $189 for a peak-day lift ticket, must justify its Ikon Pass membership by doing something other than saying “Yeah I'm here with Mammoth.” Has one changed too much, and the other not enough? Or can Alterra hit the Alta Goldilocks of fast lifts and big passes with throwback bonhomie undented?Why you should ski Mammoth and JuneIf you live in Southern California, go ahead and skip this section, because of course you've already skied Mammoth a thousand times, and so has everyone you know, and it will shock you to learn that there is anyone, anywhere, who has never skied this human wildlife park.But for anyone who's not in Southern California, Mammoth is remote and inconvenient. It is among the least-accessible big mountains in the country. It lacks the interstate adjacency of Tahoe, the Wasatch, and Colorado; the modernized airports funneling skiers into Big Sky and Jackson and Sun Valley (though this is changing); the cultural cachet that overcomes backwater addresses for Aspen and Telluride. Going to Mammoth, for anyone who can't point north on 395, just doesn't seem worth the hassle.It is worth the hassle. The raw statistical profile validates this. Big vert, big acreage, big snows, and big lift networks always justify the journey, even if Mammoth's remoteness fails to translate to emptiness in the way it does at, say, Taos or Revelstoke. But there is something to being Not Tahoe, a Sierra Nevada monster throwing off its own gravity rather than orbiting a mother lake with a dozen equals. Lacking the proximity to leave some things to more capable competitors, the way Tahoe resorts cede parks to Boreal or Northstar, or radness to Palisades and Kirkwood, Mammoth is compelled to offer an EveryBro mix of parks and cliffs and groomers and trees and bumps. It's a motley, magnificent scene, singular and electric, the sort of place that makes all realms beyond feel like a mirage.Mammoth does have one satellite, of course, and June Mountain fills the mothership's families-with-kids gap. Unlike Mammoth, June lets you use the carpet without an instructor. Kids 12 and under ski free. June is less crowded, less vodka-Red Bull, less California. And while the dated lifts can puzzle the Ikon tote-bagger who's last seven trips were through the detachable kingdoms of Utah and Colorado, there is a certain thrill to riding a chairlift that tugged its first passengers uphill during the Eisenhower administration.Podcast NotesOn Mammoth's masterplanOn Alterra pumping “a ton of money into its mountains”Tripling the size of Deer Valley. A massive terrain expansion and transformative infill gondola at Steamboat. The fusing of Palisades Tahoe's two sides to create America's second-largest interconnected ski area. New six-packs at Big Bear, Mammoth, Winter Park, and Solitude. Alterra is not messing around, as the Vail-Slayer continues to add mountains, add partners, and transform its portfolio of once-tired giants into dazzling modern megaresorts with billions in investment.On D-Line lifts “floating over the horizon”I mean just look at these things (Loon's Kancamagus eight on opening day, December 10, 2021 – video by Stuart Winchester):On severe accidents on Yan detachablesIn 2023, I wrote about Yan's detachable lift hellstorm:Cohee referenced a conversation he'd had with “Yan Kunczynski,” saying that, “obviously he had his issues.” If it's not obvious to the listener, here's what he was talking about: Kuncyznski founded Yan chairlifts in 1965. They were sound lifts, and the company built hundreds, many of which are still in operation today. However. Yan's high-speed lifts turned out to be death traps. Two people died in a 1985 accident at Keystone. A 9-year-old died in a 1993 accident at Sierra-at-Tahoe (then known as Sierra Ski Ranch). Two more died at Whistler in 1995. This is why all three detachable quads at Sierra-at-Tahoe date to 1996 – the mountain ripped out all three Yan machines following the accident, even though the oldest dated only to 1989.Several Yan high-speed detachables still run, but they have been heavily modified and retrofit. Superstar Express at Killington, for example, was “retrofitted with new Poma grips and sheaves as well as terminal modifications in 1994,” according to Lift Blog. In total, 15 ski areas, including Sun Valley, Schweitzer, Mount Snow, Mammoth, and Palisades Tahoe spent millions upgrading or replacing Yan detachable quads. The company ceased operations in 2001.Since that writing, many of those Yan detachables have met the scrapyard:* Killington will replace Superstar Express with a Doppelmayr six-pack this summer.* Sun Valley removed two of their Yan detachables – Greyhawk and Challenger – in 2023, and replaced them with a single Doppelmayr high-speed six-pack.* Sun Valley then replaced the Seattle Ridge Yan high-speed quad with a Doppelmayr six-pack in 2024.* Mammoth has replaced both of its Yan high-speed quads – Canyon and Broadway – with Doppelmayr D-line six-packs.* Though I didn't mention Sunday River above, it's worth noting that the mountain ripped out its Barker Yan detachable quad in 2023 for a D-Line Doppelmayr bubble sixer.I'm not sure how many of these Yan-detach jalopies remain. Sun Valley still runs four; June, two; and Schweitzer, Mount Snow, and Killington one apiece. There are probably others.On Mammoth's aging lift fleetMammoth's lift system is widely considered one of the best designed anywhere, and I have no doubt that it's well cared for. Still, it is a garage filled with as many classic cars as sparkling-off-the-assembly-line Aston Martins. Seventeen of the mountain's 24 aerial lifts were constructed before the turn of the century; 10 of those are Yan fixed- grips, the oldest dating to 1969. Per Lift Blog:On Rusty's tribute to Dave McCoyFormer Alterra CEO Rusty Gregory delivered an incredible encomium to Mammoth founder Dave McCoy on this podcast four years ago [18:08]:The audio here is jacked up in 45 different ways. I suppose I can admit now that this was because whatever broke-ass microphone I was using at the time sounded as though it had filtered my audio through a dying air-conditioner. So I had to re-record my questions (I could make out the audio well enough to just repeat what I had said during our actual chat), making the conversation sound like something I had created by going on Open AI and typing “create a podcast where it sounds like I interviewed Rusty Gregory.” Now I probably would have just asked to re-record it, but at the time I just felt lucky to get the interview and so I stapled together this bootleg track that sounds like something Eminem would have sold from the trunk of his Chevy Celebrity in 1994.More good McCoy stuff here and in the videos below:On Mammoth buying Bear and Snow SummitRusty also broke down Mammoth's acquisition of Bear Mountain and Snow Summit in that pod, at the 29:18 mark.On Mammoth super parksWhen I was a kid watching the Road Runner dominate Wile E. Coyote in zip-fall-splat canyon hijinks, I assumed it was the fanciful product of some lunatic's imagination. But now I understand that the whole serial was just an animation of Mammoth Superparks:I mean can you tell the difference?I'm admittedly impressed with the coyote's standing turnaround technique with the roller skis.On Pico beside KillingtonThe Pico-Killington dilemma echoes that of June-Mammoth, in which an otherwise good mountain looks like a less-good mountain because it sits next door to a really great mountain. As I wrote in 2023:Pico is funny. If it were anywhere else other than exactly next door to the largest ski area in New England, Pico might be a major ski area. Its 468 acres would make it the largest ski area in New Hampshire. A 2,000-foot vertical drop is impressive anywhere. The mountain has two high-speed lifts. And, by the way, knockout terrain. There is only one place in the Killington complex where you can run 2,000 vertical feet of steep terrain: Pico.On the old funitel at JuneCompounding the weirdness of J1's continued existence is the fact that, from 1986 to '96, a 20-passenger funitels ran on a parallel line:Clark explains why June removed this lift in the podcast.On kids under 12 skiing free at JuneThis is pretty amazing – per June's website:The free June Mountain Kids Season Pass gives your children under 12 unlimited access to June Mountain all season long. This replaces day tickets for kids, which are no longer offered. Everyone in your family must have a season pass or lift ticket. Your child's free season pass must be reserved in advance, and picked up in-person at the June Mountain Ticket Office. If your child has a birthday in our system that states they are older than 12 years of age, we will require proof of age to sell you a 12 and under season pass.I clarified with June officials that adults are not required to buy a season pass or lift ticket in order for their children to qualify for the free season pass.While it is unlikely that I will make it to June this winter, I signed my 8-year-old son up for a free season pass just to see how easy it was. It took about 12 seconds (he was already in Alterra's system, saving some time).On Alterra's whiplash Ikon Pass accessAlterra has consistently adjusted Ikon Pass access to meter volume and appease its partner mountains:On Mammoth's mammoth snowfallsMammoth's annual snowfalls tend to mirror the boom-bust cycles of Tahoe, with big winters burying the Statue of Liberty (715 inches at the base over the 2022-23 winter), and others underperforming the Catskills (94 inches in the winter of 1976-77). Here are the mountain's official year-by-year and month-by-month tallies. Get full access to The Storm Skiing Journal and Podcast at www.stormskiing.com/subscribe

    The Mockingpulpit
    “A Strange Internal Lift” -- Paul Zahl

    The Mockingpulpit

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 17:45

    Click here (https://allsaintswinterpark.org/) to check out All Saints Episcopal Church in Winter Park, FL.

    HOPE is Here
    A Little Faith Lift

    HOPE is Here

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 14:42

    Do you ever feel like you just don't measure up? There's always someone smarter, richer, prettier, skinnier, funnier, holier, or (you fill in the blank)? Greg talks to author Patty LaRoche today about rejection, the subject of her book, A Little Faith Lift. www.ALittleFaithLift.com ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Look for HOPE is Here: - at www.HOPEisHere.Today - on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/HOPEisHereToday - on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/hopeisherelex/ - on X (Twitter) - https://www.x.com/hopeisherelex - on TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@hopeisherelex - on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtJ47I4w6atOHr7agGpOuvA Help us bring HOPE and encouragement to others: - by texting the word GIVE to 833-713-1591 - by visiting https://www.hopeisheretoday.org/donate   #Lexington #Kentucky #christianradio #JesusRadio #Jesus #WJMM #GregHorn #GregJHorn #suicideprevention #KentuckyRadio #HOPEisHere #Hope #HopeinJesus #FoodForThoughtFriday #MondayMotivation #FridayFeeling #Motivation #Inspiration #cupofHope #FYP #ForYouPage #SuicideAwareness

    Beyond the B
    Bonus Episode: Cancel Culture in Climate (w/ Jenny Morgan)

    Beyond the B

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 49:56

    We are sharing this crossover episode from Next Economy Now, our other LIFT podcast highlighting the leaders who that are taking a regenerative, bio-regional, democratic, equitable, racially-just, and whole-systems approach to creating the new economy. Check out all episodes here lifteconomy.com/podcast.How can we move beyond shame and blame to foster collaboration in addressing climate challenges? In this episode, Jenny Morgan, climate strategist and author of Cancel Culture in Climate, discusses the intersection of B Corps, cancel culture, regenerative economics, and sustainable business practices.For full show notes, visit: https://www.lifteconomy.com/blog/jenny-morgan/Our newest session of the Next Economy MBA begins March 25th – join us! This nine-month learning journey is designed to provide emerging leaders of the Next Economy with the skills they need to help their organizations thrive.Learn more and sign up for a free intro with one of our facilitators: https://www.lifteconomy.com/mba.Special Offer for BtB Listeners: Use code PODCASTMBA to save 10% on tuition.Support the showWe want to hear from you! Email us at beyond@lifteconomy.com with requests for content, suggestions for future guests, and feedback about our episodes.

    The Fundraising Masterminds Podcast
    80. How to Fundraise from Baby Boomers to Gen Z

    The Fundraising Masterminds Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 40:33

    Click here to download our free PDF, How to Fundraise from Baby Boomers to Gen Z:→https://www.fundraisingmasterminds.net/boomers-to-gen-zIn this episode of the Fundraising Masterminds Podcast, we're breaking down the key differences between each generation when it comes to giving. Get ready to learn how to fundraise, from baby boomers to Gen Z!Join us as we explore how trust shaped giving in the Silent Generation, why Baby Boomers demand transparency, and how Gen Z thrives on the Internet. From direct mail and phone calls to social media campaigns and cryptocurrency donations, we're covering everything you need to know to connect with donors of all ages.Find out why Baby Boomers prioritize legacy giving, while Gen X values only efficiency and results. Learn why Millennials crave experience and hands-on involvement. Discover why Gen Z is all about micro-giving and social activism - and why their influence is only growing. And find out how segmenting your donors can revolutionize your fundraising efforts.So whether you're looking to strengthen relationships with older donors or tap into younger giving trends, this episode has you covered. Tune in today to learn not only how to reach the next generation, but how to reach the other generations as well!Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more nonprofit tips and tricks.ASK US A QUESTION:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.speakpipe.com/fundraisingmasterminds⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠NEED HELP WITH YOUR NONPROFIT?Most nonprofits are under-funded. Even if you think your nonprofit is doing well, we've found you could be doing much better. However, most nonprofits don't have a clear development strategy that keeps them grounded. As a result, they "get creative" and "try new things" based on what is popular or trending, or they get comfortable with where they are at and don't realize the dangers they will be facing in just a few short years.The Perfect Vision Dinner Course is a 20-week "live video" course that addresses this problem head on. The course was developed by Jim Dempsey after 38+ years as a Senior Development Director at Cru. After Jim had personally done over 2,500 vision dinners in his lifetime and raised over $1 billion worldwide, Jim and Jason have partnered together to bring you Fundraising Masterminds. Our first course, The Perfect Vision Dinner is a time-tested proven formula that will introduce our development system and grow your nonprofit to its maximum potential.The course includes 20-hours of personalized development coaching from Jim Dempsey and Jason Galicinski and also includes a real-time community group where you have access to everyone attending the course and also our Masterminds throughout the course.The goal for this course is to fully equip you with a Biblical basis for Development so that you can Win, Keep and Lift new partners to higher levels of involvement with your nonprofit.→ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://FundraisingMasterminds.net⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA:→ Instagram:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://instagram.com/fundraising.masterminds⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠→ Facebook: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://facebook.com/fundraising.masterminds⁠⁠⁠Episode Keywords:baby boomers to gen z, how to fundraise from baby boomers to gen z, fundraise from baby boomers to gen z, direct mail, direct mail marketing, direct marketing, direct mail nonprofits, nonprofit direct mail, nonprofit direct marketing, cryptocurrency donations, crypto donations, social media fundraising, social media fundraising campaigns, social media campaigns, giving trends, nonprofit tips and tricks, jim dempsey, jason galicinski, fundraising masterminds podcast, nonprofits.

    Brazil Crypto Report
    #138: Unlocking Financial Innovation in Brazil with Fenasbac

    Brazil Crypto Report

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 43:24

    Danielle Teixeira is a program manager at Fenasbac, which is linked to the Central Bank of Brazil and runs several startup acceleration programs critical to promoting financial innovation in Brazil.She joins host Aaron Stanley to discuss Fenasbac'scurrent NEXT Accelerator program, which features prominent sponsors including Banco do Brasil, Ripple, and Mercado Bitcoin, focusing on challenges ranging from blockchain implementation to tokenization of real-world assets.For fintech companies and entrepreneurs interested in entering the Brazilian market, FENASBAC's programs offer a structured pathway to engage with regulators and established financial institutions.00:00 Introduction01:59 History and evolution of FENASBAC04:32 FENASBAC's role as intermediary between Central Bank and industry06:50 Overview of innovation programs and ecosystem building08:16 Details on the NEXT Accelerator program10:20 How corporate sponsors and startups are matched13:23 Program structure and networking opportunities15:00 Current sponsors including Banco do Brazil, Ripple, and Mercado Bitcoin16:32 Ripple and Mercado Bitcoin's specific challenges21:23 Success stories from previous cohorts24:41 International expansion plans26:47 What makes FENASBAC's accelerator unique30:08 Overview of LIFT ecosystem programs34:00 Impact of LIFT Challenge on Brazil's CBDC development36:01 How these programs have influenced Brazil's financial system39:33 Preview of upcoming CVM (securities regulator) project41:26 How to get involved in FENASBAC's programsYou can connect with Danielle onLinkedin-------------------------------------------------------------------Binance is the largest platform for trading of digital assets. With over 250 million users around the world, the exchange offers over 350 trading pairs, best-in-class products and services for investors, and advanced tools for institutions players.Binance currently holds over US$ 160 billion in user assets under custody and reached a cumulative historical trading volume of $100 trillion in 2024, showcasing the trust placed in it by users worldwide.With user-focus at the core of its DNA, Binance continuously invests to increase usability, bring new features and deepen security.Liquidity matters. Security is non-negotiable.⁠ Join Binance Now⁠------------------------------------------------------------------Powered by hydroelectric energy from the ITAIPU Dam, Morphware provides high-performance compute to run, train, and build your AI apps and agents.One of the greatest expenses when it comes to building AI applications is the compute. Morphware provides a gateway to accessible compute for AI development.Using abundant clean energy from Paraguay, NVIDIA's highest performing GPU servers and bitcoin mining infrastructure, Morphware offers some of the most competitive prices for compute in the industry.Follow on X @⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Morphwareai⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and join the⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Telegram⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ to be a part of the community----------------------------------------------------------------

    Vanguard Sessions by Vanillaz
    Vanguard Sessions by Vanillaz (Episode 272)[LIVE From Lift]

    Vanguard Sessions by Vanillaz

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 60:01

    Subscribe and drop a review on Apple Podcasts: apple.co/38LuCjB Previous Vanguard Sessions Tracklists : 1001.tl/1b2kl6u Vanguard Sessions by Vanillaz (Weekly Radio Show) Online every Monday

    lift vanguard sessions
    Inside The Epicenter With Joel Rosenberg
    Tommy Fretwel - God Secrets Revealed #259

    Inside The Epicenter With Joel Rosenberg

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 11, 2025 29:18

    In today's episode, guest speaker Tommy Fretwell delved into God's incomparable nature. We'll discuss idol worship's foolishness, God's majesty as the creator, and the comforting promises from Isaiah and Ezekiel. Discover the profound connections between Old Testament prophecies and New Testament revelations about Jesus as the Good Shepherd. Tommy explains how "waiting on the Lord" can transform our lives, drawing parallels between the Israelites' exile and our spiritual journey today. This episode is filled with insights on faith, strength, and the significance of proclaiming the Messiah. Tune in, share your thoughts, and explore God's profound secrets together. (00:04) Proclaim to Judah: "Behold your God, Messiah."(05:06) Behold God's glory; it transforms us positively.(08:50) God promises to be Israel's ultimate shepherd.(13:17) The Prophet extols God's greatness and magnificence.(14:27) God's greatness: immense authority and comforting power.(19:40) Stars showcase God's powerful and knowing creation.(23:09) The humble, exalted, self-reliant, humbled, as Jesus taught.(27:28) Serve as God's ambassador, fulfilling His mandate.(29:10) Central point of an earthquake's origin. Learn more about The Joshua Fund: JoshuaFund.comMake a tax-deductible donation: Donate | The Joshua FundStock Media provided by DimmySad / Pond5 Verse of the Day: Today's verse is found in Isaiah chapter 40:9. You who bring good news to Zion go up on a high mountain. You who bring good news to Jerusalem lift up your voice with a shout. Lift it up. Do not be afraid. Say to the towns of Judah, here is your God. Prayer Pray that more people in the epicenter will know their God and find their Messiah during war and distress.Pray that the eyes and hearts of the people will be open to see Jesus, the Messiah. Related Episodes: Tal Heinrich - Hope Amidst Ongoing Threats #210Living in Israel: A Decade with Joel and Lynn #208Building God's Church Together: We Are Living Stones and End Times Signs #164Finding Comfort in God: Exploring Isaiah 40 with Joel Rosenberg and Tommy Fretwell #247 Links For Reference https://www.joshuafund.com/learn/latest-news/join-us-on-our-alaska-cruise Donate a generous monthly gift to The Joshua Fund to bless Israel and Her Neighbors now and for the long haul. Become an Epicenter Ally today! Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

    MY Devotional: Daily Encouragement from Leading The Way
    Love Will Lift You: February 11, 2025

    MY Devotional: Daily Encouragement from Leading The Way

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 11, 2025 3:09

    In today's devotional, Dr. Michael Youssef encourages us with the depth of God's unfailing love. If you would like more insight into today's devotional topic, listen to Dr. Michael Youssef's sermon series From Despair to Destiny: LISTEN NOWPRE-ORDER NOW FOR YOUR GIFT OF ANY AMOUNTOne out of every seven Christians around the globe suffers intense persecution. As hatred toward followers of Jesus increases, we will be forced to either take a stand for Christ or retreat into cowardice. We will be forced to either proclaim our love for Jesus or deny our Lord. That's why Dr. Michael Youssef has written his newest book God's Final Call. In this timely teaching from Revelation 2-3, Dr. Youssef leads you through important warnings and uplifting encouragements from Christ Himself delivered in His seven letters to the seven churches of Revelation—words just as relevant today as they were to the first century church. Jesus' letters teach His followers how to live victoriously in times of peril and hostile opposition, so may we heed them closely as the world grows darker and more evil. Request your copy today for your gift of any amount!*Offer valid in US, UK, and Canada through April 5, 2025.

    Video Store Memoirs

    Kevin takes a solo look at Kevin Hart's latest movie on Netflix.

    40+ Fitness for Women: Strength Training, Health & Weight Loss for Women in menopause & perimenopause
    #105: Is Lifting Weights Not Your Thing? Too boring? Doesn't work for you? Let's chat...

    40+ Fitness for Women: Strength Training, Health & Weight Loss for Women in menopause & perimenopause

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 11, 2025 21:40 Transcription Available

    This is a different kind of episode. I am sharing my frustrations about women who tell me that strength training is 'not their thing'.Strength training should be everyone's thing. There is no substitute. Yes, there are other forms of exercise, but none that build muscle & strength and confer the health benefits that weight training does. Plus those muscles are essential for keeping us out of the nursing home. In this episode, I address the common statements I hear from midlife women who don't lift. "Weight training is not my thing""I tried it and it doesn't work for me""Weight training is boring"If any of those statements sound familiar - this is the episode for you. Send me your thoughts

    UBC News World
    Best Luxury Sliding Door For Indoor-Outdoor Living In Scottsdale Is Lift & Slide

    UBC News World

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 11, 2025 2:39

    Panda Windows & Doors (888-2461651) is opening up homes around Scottsdale with their luxury Lift & Slide Doors. This modern glass sliding door is the secret to stunning interior-exterior design. Bring the best in modern luxury into your home at https://www.panda-windows.com/category/indoor-outdoor-living/ Panda Windows & Doors City: Los Angeles Address: 14921 Delano Street Website: https://www.panda-windows.com/ Phone: +1 702 643 5700

    Common Prayer Daily
    Monday in the Fifth Week After Epiphany

    Common Prayer Daily

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 18:03

    Episode NotesFor Daily Prayers and more become a Member on PatreonVisit our Website for more www.commonprayerdaily.com Daily Office - Monday in the Fifth Week After Epiphany Opening Words:I will give you as a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth. Isaiah 49:6b Confession:Let us humbly confess our sins unto Almighty God. Most merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We are truly sorry and we humbly repent. For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and forgive us; that we may delight in your will, and walk in your ways, to the glory of your Name. Amen.   Almighty God have mercy on you, forgive you all your sins through our Lord Jesus Christ, strengthen you in all goodness, and by the power of the Holy Spirit keep you in eternal life. Amen.   The InvitatoryLord, open our lips. And our mouth shall proclaim your praise. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen. Alleluia. Psalm 95:1–7The Lord has shown forth his glory: Come let us adore him. Come, let us sing to the Lord; * let us shout for joy to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving * and raise a loud shout to him with psalms. For the Lord is a great God, * and a great King above all gods.In his hand are the caverns of the earth, * and the heights of the hills are his also. The sea is his, for he made it, * and his hands have molded the dry land.Come, let us bow down, and bend the knee, * and kneel before the Lord our Maker. For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand. * Oh, that today you would hearken to his voice! The Lord has shown forth his glory: Come let us adore him.  The PsalterPsalm 801Hear, O Shepherd of Israel, leading Joseph like a flock; *shine forth, you that are enthroned upon the cherubim.2In the presence of Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasseh, *stir up your strength and come to help us.3Restore us, O God of hosts; *show the light of your countenance, and we shall be saved.4O Lord God of hosts, *how long will you be angereddespite the prayers of your people?5You have fed them with the bread of tears; *you have given them bowls of tears to drink.6You have made us the derision of our neighbors, *and our enemies laugh us to scorn.7Restore us, O God of hosts; *show the light of your countenance, and we shall be saved.8You have brought a vine out of Egypt; *you cast out the nations and planted it.9You prepared the ground for it; *it took root and filled the land.10The mountains were covered by its shadow *and the towering cedar trees by its boughs.11You stretched out its tendrils to the Sea *and its branches to the River.12Why have you broken down its wall, *so that all who pass by pluck off its grapes?13The wild boar of the forest has ravaged it, *and the beasts of the field have grazed upon it.14Turn now, O God of hosts, look down from heaven;behold and tend this vine; *preserve what your right hand has planted.15They burn it with fire like rubbish; *at the rebuke of your countenance let them perish.16Let your hand be upon the man of your right hand, *the son of man you have made so strong for yourself.17And so will we never turn away from you; *give us life, that we may call upon your Name.18Restore us, O Lord God of hosts; *show the light of your countenance, and we shall be saved.  Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.  LessonsIsa. 58:1-12Shout out, do not hold back! Lift up your voice like a trumpet! Announce to my people their rebellion, to the house of Jacob their sins. Yet day after day they seek me and delight to know my ways, as if they were a nation that practiced righteousness and did not forsake the ordinance of their God; they ask of me righteous judgments, they delight to draw near to God. "Why do we fast, but you do not see? Why humble ourselves, but you do not notice?" Look, you serve your own interest on your fast day, and oppress all your workers. Look, you fast only to quarrel and to fight and to strike with a wicked fist. Such fasting as you do today will not make your voice heard on high. Is such the fast that I choose, a day to humble oneself? Is it to bow down the head like a bulrush, and to lie in sackcloth and ashes? Will you call this a fast, a day acceptable to the Lord? Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of injustice, to undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover them, and not to hide yourself from your own kin? Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up quickly; your vindicator shall go before you, the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry for help, and he will say, Here I am. If you remove the yoke from among you, the pointing of the finger, the speaking of evil, if you offer your food to the hungry and satisfy the needs of the afflicted, then your light shall rise in the darkness and your gloom be like the noonday. The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your needs in parched places, and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters never fail. Your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to live in.The Word of the Lord. Thanks Be To God.  Te Deum laudamusYou are God: we praise you;You are the Lord; we acclaim you;You are the eternal Father:All creation worships you.To you all angels, all the powers of heaven,Cherubim and Seraphim, sing in endless praise:Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might,heaven and earth are full of your glory. The glorious company of apostles praise you.The noble fellowship of prophets praise you.The white-robed army of martyrs praise you.Throughout the world the holy Church acclaims you;Father, of majesty unbounded,your true and only Son, worthy of all worship,and the Holy Spirit, advocate and guide. You, Christ, are the king of glory,the eternal Son of the Father.When you became man to set us freeyou did not shun the Virgin's womb.You overcame the sting of deathand opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers.You are seated at God's right hand in glory.We believe that you will come and be our judge.Come then, Lord, and help your people,bought with the price of your own blood,and bring us with your saintsto glory everlasting.  Gal. 6:11-18See what large letters I make when I am writing in my own hand! It is those who want to make a good showing in the flesh that try to compel you to be circumcised-- only that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ. Even the circumcised do not themselves obey the law, but they want you to be circumcised so that they may boast about your flesh. May I never boast of anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. For neither circumcision nor uncircumcision is anything; but a new creation is everything! As for those who will follow this rule-- peace be upon them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God. From now on, let no one make trouble for me; for I carry the marks of Jesus branded on my body. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers and sisters. Amen.  The Word of the Lord.Thanks Be To God.  Mark 9:30-41They went on from there and passed through Galilee. He did not want anyone to know it; for he was teaching his disciples, saying to them, "The Son of Man is to be betrayed into human hands, and they will kill him, and three days after being killed, he will rise again." But they did not understand what he was saying and were afraid to ask him. Then they came to Capernaum; and when he was in the house he asked them, "What were you arguing about on the way?" But they were silent, for on the way they had argued with one another who was the greatest. He sat down, called the twelve, and said to them, "Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all." Then he took a little child and put it among them; and taking it in his arms, he said to them, "Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me." John said to him, "Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he was not following us." But Jesus said, "Do not stop him; for no one who does a deed of power in my name will be able soon afterward to speak evil of me. Whoever is not against us is for us. For truly I tell you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you bear the name of Christ will by no means lose the reward.The Word of the Lord. Thanks Be To God.  Benedictus Dominus DeusBlessed be the Lord, the God of Israel; *he has come to his people and set them free.He has raised up for us a mighty savior, *born of the house of his servant David.Through his holy prophets he promised of old,that he would save us from our enemies, *from the hands of all who hate us.He promised to show mercy to our fathers *and to remember his holy covenant.This was the oath he swore to our father Abraham, *to set us free from the hands of our enemies,Free to worship him without fear, *holy and righteous in his sightall the days of our life.You, my child, shall be called the prophet of the Most High, *for you will go before the Lord to prepare his way,To give his people knowledge of salvation *by the forgiveness of their sins.In the tender compassion of our God *the dawn from on high shall break upon us,To shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death, *and to guide our feet into the way of peace.Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: *as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.  The Apostles CreedI believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.     The PrayersThe Lord be with you.And also with you.Let us pray. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.    Suffrages BV. Save your people, Lord, and bless your inheritance;R. Govern and uphold them, now and always.V. Day by day we bless you; R. We praise your name for ever.V. Lord, keep us from all sin today; R. Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy.V. Lord, show us your love and mercy; R. For we put our trust in you.V. In you, Lord, is our hope; R. And we shall never hope in vain.    The CollectsCollect of the DaySet us free, O God, from the bondage of our sins, and give us the liberty of that abundant life which you have made known to us in your Son our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.  Daily Collects:A Collect for PeaceO God, the author of peace and lover of concord, to know you is eternal life and to serve you is perfect freedom: Defend us, your humble servants, in all assaults of our enemies; that we, surely trusting in your defense, may not fear the power of any adversaries, through the might of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. A Collect for Grace O Lord, our heavenly Father, almighty and everlasting God, you have brought us safely to the beginning of this day: Defend us by your mighty power, that we may not fall into sin nor run into any danger; and that, guided by your Spirit, we may do what is righteous in your sight; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.  Take a moment of silence at this time to reflect and pray for others.  Collect of Saint BasilO Christ God, Who art worshipped and glorified at every place and time; Who art long-suffering, most merciful and compassionate; Who lovest the righteous and art merciful to sinners; Who callest all to salvation with the promise of good things to come: receive, Lord, the prayers we now offer, and direct our lives in the way of Thy commandments. Sanctify our souls, cleanse our bodies, correct our thoughts, purify our minds and deliver us from all affliction, evil and illness. Surround us with Thy holy angels, that guarded and instructed by their forces, we may reach unity of faith and the understanding of Thine unapproachable glory: for blessed art Thou unto ages of ages. Amen.   A Prayer of St. John ChrysostomAlmighty God, you have given us grace at this time, with one accord to make our common supplications to you; and you have promised through your well-beloved Son that when two or three are gathered together in his Name you will grant their requests: Fulfill now, O Lord, our desires and petitions as may be best for us; granting us in this world knowledge of your truth, and in the age to come life everlasting. Amen.     DismissalLet us bless the LordThanks be to God! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all evermore. Amen 

    Audio Podcast
    2025.02.09 Dr Kenneth Bruce Lift Mission Summit Phillipians 2 - 25-30 Cultivating A Church - Culture Of Mission_1

    Audio Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 47:00

    Dr Kenneth Bruce LIFT Global Summit Cultivating A Church - Culture Of Mission

    Video Podcast
    2025.02.09 Dr Kenneth Bruce Lift Mission Summit Phillipians 2 - 25-30 Cultivating A Church - Culture Of Mission

    Video Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 47:00

    Dr Kenneth Bruce LIFT Global Summit Cultivating A Church - Culture Of Mission

    Afternoons with Helen Farmer

    Afternoons with Helen Farmer

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 67:41

    Why weight-training help women over 40...See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    That Don‘t Sound Right
    Need A Lift?

    That Don‘t Sound Right

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 20:54 Transcription Available

    Welcome back to another engaging episode of "That Don't Sound Right," a podcast dedicated to rekindling the art of conversation in an age before the Internet took center stage. Hosted by Peter and Cecil, this episode dives into a fascinating topic: the belt man lift. This intriguing piece of industrial equipment, reminiscent of a ski lift but vertical, is the springboard for a discussion full of nostalgia and humor. As they discuss their firsthand experiences and the potential hazards of the belt man lift, our hosts touch on broader themes of safety, the relentless march of regulations, and the charming unpredictability of old-school technologies. Join our conversation free from modern fact-checking, where the journey is more important than the destination and everyone is welcome to say, "That Don't Sound Right!" Tune in as we further explore the international reach of our podcast, with listeners from Canada to India, and ponder the existence of paternosters around the globe. This is an episode full of stories that will make you smile, think, and remember the days when conversations thrived without instant online validation. Join the conversation with us! Merchandise: https://that-dont-sound-right.creator-spring.com/ Website: thatdontsoundright.com Email: tdsrpodcast@gmail.com Instagram: @tdsrpodcast    Threads @tdsrpodcast Enjoy the episode!

    Lifehouse Church Podcast

    Living out the great commandment to "love our neighbor" requires us to go where we wouldn't normally go to do what we don't like to do; we need to be willing to get into messy, unexpected situations even when it's least convenient. . . Won't You Be My Neighbor? - Week 2 | Pastor Patrick Grach | February 9, 2025 . . Stay Connected! Watch live at our Online Campus: Lifehouse.Online Online Website: www.lifehousechurch.org/ Facebook: / lifehousechurchorg Instagram: / lifehousechurchorg . . Your generosity enables us to carry out our mission of reaching people with the life-giving message of Jesus and helping them experience life change. To contribute to this goal, visit: www.lifehousechurch.org/give

    Covenant Life Church
    Crosswinds Series Part 2: Sexual Impurity

    Covenant Life Church

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 48:01

    We’re in the middle of a three-part series on relationships called Crosswinds. If you picture a cross, there are two pieces of wood: a vertical piece and a horizontal piece. Throughout this series, we’re talking about horizontal things — how we conduct ourselves and interact with people around us — that can hinder our vertical pursuit of God’s glory. While headwinds give us lift and tailwinds give us speed, crosswinds are never helpful. Last week, we talked about the first common crosswind in our relationships: the excessive use of alcohol. We learned that it never helps and provided resources to help those dealing with this issue. This week, we’re going to talk about our next crosswind: sexual impurity. It’s mentioned often in the Bible, but many churches don’t discuss it. Together, we’ll explore how sexual impurity is killing our marriages and other relationships.

    The Pod at The Palace
    Report Card: Big Z's Big Night Not Enough To Lift Hogs By Tide

    The Pod at The Palace

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 24:16

    Big Z's career night was not enough to lift Arkansas past Alabama despite a furious rally on Saturday. Curtis Wilkerson is back with the Postgame Report Card following another narrow loss at Bud Walton Arena. Check out the daily Razorback Basketball Mailbag https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSMx4u4Xnwc&list=PLJiDrEgHVPu78t6p9fsFiBDu3TLuqRe3Q #arkansas #razorbacks #football #basketball #baseball #sampittman #johncalipari SHOUTOUT TO OUR SPONSORS: RHOBACK Check out the highest quality of performance hoodies, polos, quarter zips, joggers, and more with Rhoback clothing! All different types of apparel for men, women, and kids that will have you ready to take on any occasion this sports season! Visit www.rhoback.com & use promo code: HOGSBY20 for 20% off your 1st purchase! Be sure to check out their amazing Razorback game day gear in their collections section! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAYETTEVILLE FLY COMPANY Fayetteville Fly Company is a local small business based right here in Fayetteville. They offer apparel for outdoor enthusiasts and weekend warriors who enjoy everything NW Arkansas has to offer including fishing, hiking, biking, hunting and more. Fayetteville Fly Co carries a full line of hats, long and short sleeved shirts, outerwear, and more. Use code: HOGSBY20 for 20% off purchases at www.fflyco.com Free Shipping on all orders of $50 (5% back to local non-profits supporting nature conservation efforts) Gear up for the Holidays Check out New full zip jackets and hoodies in time for colder weather ahead! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALUMNI HALL 3417 N College Ave, Fayetteville, AR 72703 479-435-6352 www.insidearkansas.com/alumnihall The best and largest selection of Razorback gear Apparel for the family - mens, womens, kids, pets too Razorback apparel, accessories, hats, Yeti, gifts - Alumni Hall has it all Hall Pass Rewards - Earn points with your purchases and get rewarded! Once you've spent $150 (which is easy to do), you'll get $10 off your next purchase Have the nice brands we love (for men) - Nike, Columbia, Cutter & Buck, Johnnie-O, Onward Reserve, Peter Millar, southern tide, Tommy Bahama, Turtleson. We know some athletes so for our friends that shop the big and tall Hogs gear - shop today at www.insidearkansas.com/alumnihall Alumni Hall - The ultimate Razorback shopping destination! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BET SARACEN Arkansas' #1 Sports Betting App! Visit www.betsaracen.com to check out the latest spreads, lines, O/U, parlays, and more! BetSaracen has specials running every day that are unique to everyone here in the great, state of Arkansas! Download the BetSaracen app today on the Apple or Google Play store and get to winning big ONLY with BetSaracen…Arkansas' #1 Sports Betting App! https://apps.apple.com/us/app/saracen/id1612098207 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRYANT TECHNOLOGIES Whether it's structured cabling, security camera installation, digital signage, or TV mounting, Bryant Technologies has you covered. They service the entire state of Arkansas as well as all of Arkansas' bordering states! Have Bryant Technologies help you with all of your network & security needs. Give them a call at 870-883-0330 or check out their website at www.bryantstechnologies.com It's Bryant Technologies…Quality Work. Guaranteed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The Power Of God's Whisper Podcast
    25-040 A Love Letter from God: My Child, I Am Within You

    The Power Of God's Whisper Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 4:42

    Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:16 – "Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?"My Beloved Child,Do you not know that I am with you? I am not distant, watching from afar. No, I have made My home within you. My Spirit dwells in you, guiding, strengthening, and speaking to you each day. You are not alone, nor will you ever be.The world may tell you that you must search for Me in distant places, but I am already here—within your heart, speaking truth and life into your spirit. Listen closely. My voice is not always loud; sometimes it is a gentle whisper, calling you to trust, to rest, to walk in confidence.You are My temple, set apart for My presence. You carry My Spirit with you wherever you go. That means you are never without direction, never without comfort, never without My power. When fear tries to creep in, remember: I am within you. When you feel uncertain, remember: I am within you. When you feel weary, rest in the truth that My strength is already at work inside of you.I want you to walk in boldness, knowing that My presence is your anchor. I am not a God who comes and goes—I am constant, unshakable, always with you. Do not be afraid. Trust in My leading, for I will never fail you.My child, lean into Me today. Quiet your heart, and you will hear My voice. Lift your eyes, and you will see My hand at work in your life. You are My dwelling place, and I take great delight in you.With love always,Your Heavenly FatherMy Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe

    Kingdom Rock Radio
    Crosswinds Series Part 2: Sexual Impurity

    Kingdom Rock Radio

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 48:01

    We’re in the middle of a three-part series on relationships called Crosswinds. If you picture a cross, there are two pieces of wood: a vertical piece and a horizontal piece. Throughout this series, we’re talking about horizontal things — how we conduct ourselves and interact with people around us — that can hinder our vertical pursuit of God’s glory. While headwinds give us lift and tailwinds give us speed, crosswinds are never helpful. Last week, we talked about the first common crosswind in our relationships: the excessive use of alcohol. We learned that it never helps and provided resources to help those dealing with this issue. This week, we’re going to talk about our next crosswind: sexual impurity. It’s mentioned often in the Bible, but many churches don’t discuss it. Together, we’ll explore how sexual impurity is killing our marriages and other relationships.

    Jan Weiler – Mein Leben als Mensch
    Halbnackt im Lift der Wahrheit

    Jan Weiler – Mein Leben als Mensch

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 4:43

    Wer in Unterhosen im gläsernen Außenlift seines Wohnhauses feststeckt, tut gut daran, an etwas ganz Anderes zu denken, während er wartet. Unserem Wochenkolumnisten ist das glänzend gelungen - er deckt schonunglos nicht die Mängel der Aufzugsinstallation und -wartung auf, sondern die einer ganz anderen Branche.

    Engines of Our Ingenuity
    The Engines of Our Ingenuity 1326: Lift-Off

    Engines of Our Ingenuity

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 8, 2025 3:45

    Episode: 1326 Lift-off: Reflections on the launch of NASA Flight STS-91.  Today, we all count 3-2-1.

    Is that all you got?
    Those Who Wait..

    Is that all you got?

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 8, 2025 23:15

    Good things are coming…. You gotta wait for it though. You have to learn to lean into the unknown , the uncertainty, the fear, the lack of direction. God is orchestrating things behind the scenes that will blow your mind , that will humble you , and that are for your good. Lift your head up and look to the hills for which cometh your help. Act like you have the God of the universe on your side. Be not weary! In due seasonnnnnnn.

    PHLY Philadelphia Eagles Podcast
    Philadelphia Eagles Super Bowl: Final thoughts as Saquon Barkley hopes to lift Lombardi

    PHLY Philadelphia Eagles Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 7, 2025 72:03

    We're closing it out from Radio Row as Saquon Barkley, Lane Johnson, Jordan Mailata, A.J. Brown, Jalen Hurts, Devonta Smith, Jalen Carter, Zack Baun and Quinyon Mitchell prepare for the biggest game of their lives. So too is this the biggest show for Deniz Selman, who is trying to land and make it to the show in time.Join Zach Berman, Bo Wulf and maybe some special guests make their final thoughts and predictions ahead of Super Bowl LIX.

    Eclipse On Tap
    Episode 82 - BOGO Heavy Lift Rocket Launches!

    Eclipse On Tap

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 7, 2025 99:00

    On this episode of Eclipse on Tap, discuss both the Blue Origin New Glenn and SpaceX Starship launches occurring on the same day, hype up the March 2025 total lunar eclipse, and revisit the infamous "Tic-Tac" UFO's. Available now on your favorite podcast platforms. Give us a follow on our social media pages at @eclipseontap [Episode recorded live from Pub 39A on 1/24/25. Produced by Matt Deighton]

    Carefully Examining the Text

    A Song of Ascents- “The pilgrimage began in ‘Kedar' (120:5); it ends in the Lord's house wherein the pilgrims ‘bless the Lord' (2) and He blesses them (3)'” Motyer, 576. This “forms a magnificent conclusion to this collection of psalms” VanGemeren, 817. It is “a brief word of departure as they ready themselves to return to their homes in the surrounding countryside” NICOT, 940. 134:1 Behold, bless the LORD, all servants of the LORD- Allen says, 216, Behold “is here uniquely with an imperative” and he translates this Come. Ps. 124:6 The word bless is used in each of these verses. In the first two verses servants are blessing the LORD but in vs. 3 the LORD is blessing us. “The Hebrew root that the NRSV regularly translates as ‘bless' originally meant more literally ‘to kneel,' as in paying homage to a superior (see above on Ps. 95:6; see also Pss. 16:7; 26:12; 34:1; 63:4; 103:1-2; 115:18; 135:19-20; 145:1, 10)” McCann, 1217.In our attitude to God, bless means “to praise, thank, and glorify God” Miller, 416. The NIV translates 134:1-2 praise and 134:3 bless. This obscures the fact that all the verses use the same Hebrew word. “Servants could apply to the whole nation in a different context, but here refers to those officiants who stand to minister (Ps. 135:1-2; Deut. 10:8) day and night (I Chron. 9:33) at the temple. By night is a plural in Hebrew and probably is to be taken in the distributive sense of ‘night after night'” Miller, 416-417.   The first step of the LORD blessing us originally is left out. “But the exchange is quite unequal: to bless God is to acknowledge gratefully what He is; but to bless man, God must make of him what he is not, give him what he has not” Kidner, 454.Who serve by night in the house of the LORD- 122:1-2. I Chron. 23:26, 30. Serve is literally stand here- Ps. 135:1-2; Deut. 10:8; 18:7; I Chron. 23:30. Exodus 12:42; Isaiah 30:29 Passover seems to have been celebrated at night. God, our Keeper, neither slumbers nor sleeps- Ps. 121:4- so this may be a wish that He is praised continually at the temple- Broyles, 475. “Evening duties included keeping the lampstand and the sacrifices burning as well as guarding the gates (Ex. 27:21; Lev. 6:9; I Chr. 9:22-27)” Longman, 441. “Later Jewish tradition associates nocturnal services with the Feast of Tabernacles, the ceremony of water libation during the nights of the festival (Cf. Mishnah, Sukk. 5:4)” Allen, 218. 134:2 Lift up your hands to the sanctuary- Ex. 9:29; I Kings 8:30; Ps. 28:2; 63:4; I Tim. 2:8. Sanctuary is a single word and may refer to worshiping in holiness or to the holy place, sanctuary- Kidner, 454. And bless the LORD 134:3 May the LORD bless you from Zion- Lev. 9:22-23; Num. 6:24-26; Ps. 128:5-6. The God who made everything dwells in a special way in Zion and sends His blessings from there. “Like His commandment, his blessing is not ‘far off'; not ‘in heaven' nor ‘beyond the sea,' but ‘every near you' (Deut. 30:11-14; Rom. 10:6ff)” Kidner, 454. “Dynamic potential is given to those who give Yahweh since acknowledgment of His power…He generously shares with His devoted followers from His own resources of omnipotence so that abundant life may be theirs: Allen, 218. He who made heaven and earth- Ps. 115:15; 121:2; 124:8; 146:6 He is LORD of all. The Creator of all “makes Himself known in historical relationships that are marked by particular people and particular places” Broyles, 475. Jesus and Psalm 134Luke 24:50-53Eph. 1:3

    The Oil Stream
    Hyman's OT winner lift Oilers past Blackhawks - The GCL Diesel Oil Stream Postgame Show

    The Oil Stream

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 63:48

    The Oilers win their second straight game in OT by defeating the Chicago Blackhawks 4-3 on Wednesday night. The Oilers blew a 3-1 lead late in the 3rd period but were awarded a power play in overtime, where Zach Hyman scored his 19th goal of the season for the W. Jeff Skinner was excellent on the night picking up two points but the PK continued to struggle, allowing another goal. Also, hear postgame interviews from J. Skinner and head coach Kris Knoblauch.  Tom Gazzola - Matt Kassian - Derek Van Diest - Hernan Salas

    Virginia Public Radio
    Virginia Democrats look to lift funding cap on school support staff

    Virginia Public Radio

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025

    Back in 2008 when the country entered a recession, states like Virginia took austerity measures to help balance their books. But some of those cost-saving measures live on today, even as the Commonwealth collects billions in surplus funds. Brad Kutner has more on the bipartisan effort to see the school support staff cap removed. 

    The Fundraising Masterminds Podcast
    79. Four Things You Can Do Right Now to Kickstart Your Major Donor Program

    The Fundraising Masterminds Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 27:31

    In this episode of the Fundraising Masterminds Podcast, we're talking about 4 things you can do right now to kickstart your major donor program. If you're struggling to connect with your major donors, then this episode is for you! Join us for an overview of the 4 steps to starting a major donor program for your nonprofit. From hosting exclusive, high-profile events to making a compelling case for support, we're covering everything you need to know to turn major donors into lifelong partners. Expose the similarities between donor relationships and dating. Find out how one organization turned weekend getaways into million-dollar partnerships. Uncover the one thing every major partner considers before making a major gift. And discover our simple followup strategy that will keep your major partners engaged for years to come. So whether you're launching a major donor program for the first time or are looking to refine your existing strategy, these four steps will give you a clear roadmap to success. Remember, it's all about relationships. Make sure that you are going into this with a genuine heart and intention to start a friendship with these people, and you will see great results. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more major donor fundraising strategies! ASK US A QUESTION: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.speakpipe.com/fundraisingmasterminds⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ NEED HELP WITH YOUR NONPROFIT? Most nonprofits are under-funded. Even if you think your nonprofit is doing well, we've found you could be doing much better. However, most nonprofits don't have a clear development strategy that keeps them grounded. As a result, they "get creative" and "try new things" based on what is popular or trending, or they get comfortable with where they are at and don't realize the dangers they will be facing in just a few short years. The Perfect Vision Dinner Course is a 20-week "live video" course that addresses this problem head on. The course was developed by Jim Dempsey after 38+ years as a Senior Development Director at Cru. After Jim had personally done over 2,500 vision dinners in his lifetime and raised over $1 billion worldwide, Jim and Jason have partnered together to bring you Fundraising Masterminds. Our first course, The Perfect Vision Dinner is a time-tested proven formula that will introduce our development system and grow your nonprofit to its maximum potential. The course includes 20-hours of personalized development coaching from Jim Dempsey and Jason Galicinski and also includes a real-time community group where you have access to everyone attending the course and also our Masterminds throughout the course. The goal for this course is to fully equip you with a Biblical basis for Development so that you can Win, Keep and Lift new partners to higher levels of involvement with your nonprofit. → ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://FundraisingMasterminds.net⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: → Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://instagram.com/fundraising.masterminds⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠→ Facebook: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://facebook.com/fundraising.masterminds⁠⁠⁠ Episode Keywords: major donor, major donor rating, major donor fundraising, major donor program, kickstart your major donor program, major donors, major partner, major partners, major partner program, 4 steps to starting a major donor program, starting a major donor program, 4 steps to starting a major donor program for your nonprofit, starting a major donor program for your nonprofit, donor relationships, major gift, major donor fundraising strategies, jim dempsey, fundraising strategies, donor.

    Cosmere Conversations
    Episode 165: Wind and Truth!!!

    Cosmere Conversations

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 88:09

    Brooke and Tyler finally discuss Wind and Truth! We review the predictions made both right and wrong, gush about our favorite moments, and share our rough cuts from Stormlight Archive Book 5. The time for the hashtag you've been waiting for is now here. #AllSpoilers Support this podcast by becoming a Patron on Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/CosmereConversations) Original music by David Gruwier (https://twitter.com/DGruwier). "Radiant" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5CFAZUv4C0) by David Gruwier.