Podcasts about Greenwashing

Use of the aesthetic of conservationism to promote organisations

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Latest podcast episodes about Greenwashing

Moxie Podcast
Episode 197 / Chris Solt - A Conversation on Fair Trade, Greenwashing, and conscious Consumerism

Moxie Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 5, 2024 41:57

Confession time—we meant to bring you this episode back in September, but life had other plans. So, if you hear us talking about September, just roll with it! This December, we're diving deep into social impact, exploring the stories, struggles, and triumphs of those making a difference in the world. In this episode I sit down with Chris, a passionate advocate for fair trade and ethical consumerism, to talk about his journey, insights on greenwashing and fairwashing, and advice for navigating today's complex marketplace as an ethical business. 00:00 - Introduction   More about our guest today Chris has dedicated his career to strengthening fair trade businesses and advancing the goals of the larger fair trade movement. As Executive Director, Chris leads the strategic, administrative, and programmatic aspects of the Fair Trade Federation. Prior to joining the FTF in 2016, Chris spent ten years with Ten Thousand Villages US, focused on sales training, event facilitation, and board development. He has served on the WFTO Global Board of Directors since 2019 as the Pacific Representative .  Chris has a BA in Social Science from Cleveland State University, and a Master's Degree in Organizational Leadership from Southern New Hampshire University.   Learn more about Chris and his work in the episode   09:10 - Experiences and Influences on Chris's Career 12:13 - Challenges of Greenwashing and Fairwashing 19:01 - The Role of Large Corporations in Ethical Consumerism 34:07 - Consumer Empowerment and Personal Responsibility 34:21 - Conclusion Mentions Chris Solt LinkedIn Fair Trade Federation Fair Trade Principles Fair Trade Federation Code of Practice   Connect with me: https://jennynuccio.com/contact Follow along with my Weekly Wild: Sign Up! Find me on social media: Jenny Nuccio Work with me through one-on-one mentorship and strategic coaching sessions: Join me! Sign up to receive a copy of the podcast slides covered in this week's episode: https://jennynuccio.myflodesk.com/ry8jrddbfx

The Conspiracy Behind Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 41:06 Transcription Available

**Discussion begins at 5:00**Plastic was invented in the early 20th century, with the first synthetic plastic being created in 1907 by Belgian chemist Leo Baekeland. He developed Bakelite, the first fully synthetic plastic, which was a revolutionary material due to its ability to resist heat and electrical conductivity. Bakelite was initially used in electrical insulators, radios, and automotive parts.  Since that time, plastics have changed the world.  They are widely used in medical devices, and provide safe and sterile packaging for medical supplies, as well as extend the life of food and water.   It is cheap to produce, and more lightweight than older materials.  At the end of the 21st century there were mounting concerns about the environmental impact of plastic.  As a result, the general public was instructed to recycle and the idea that their discarded plastic was being reused, caused people to embrace the use of plastics.  I, for one, had the childhood chore of separating all of the recycling every Sunday night for pick up on Monday morning.  But what if I told you that 90% of plastics aren't even being recycled and that this government project promoting recycling was all a business tool used by big oil companies to pad their pockets?  Send us a textSupport the showTheme song by INDA

Nuclear Hotseat hosted by Libbe HaLevy
NH #702: Combating Nuclear Greenwashing -Physicist and Atomic Chanteuse Lynda Williams

Nuclear Hotseat hosted by Libbe HaLevy

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 58:44

This Week’s Featured Interview: Physicist and Activist Lynda Williams – a foe of nuclear greenwashing Lynda Williams is a Hawaii-based physicist, activist, writer and performance artist – AKA The Physics Chanteuse. She battles against nuclear greenwashing (aka lying) with public presentations, lectures, theatre, and a ferocious activist spirit. Lynda is bringing her new one woman...

Je t'offre un rail ?
#32 Avion vert, SAF, hydrogène... Le greenwashing du secteur aérien décrypté par Aurélien Bigo

Je t'offre un rail ?

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 1, 2024 57:30

L'avion vert, une fausse solution ?! Aurélien Bigo répond sur le podcast "Je t'offre un rail" !

Do you really know?
What is greenwashing ?

Do you really know?

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 29, 2024 3:58

What is greenwashing ? Greenwashing is a marketing practice used by corporations to convince consumers that their business is environmentally friendly. Of course the aim is really to sell more products. Consumers may be convinced they are acting in an environmentally responsible way. While in reality brands are often hiding practices that are not at all helpful to the planet. The term greenwashing first appeared at the start of the 1990s, around about the time mainstream Western society was becoming more aware of environmental issues. As soon as some kind of trend would appear, advertisers were lying in wait to capitalize. By the 2000s, ads using environmental claims were everywhere.   Greenwashing is often very visually apparent. A product's packaging might change, or it could be the communication about the product. For example, the colour green is used more; you see more flowers, trees or animals. Sometimes brands are more explicit in boasting about their environmental performance. And in a way that a lot of people would see as being inappropriate. Their products, whether it be anything from cars to detergents, can turn out to actually be harmful. In those cases, it's borderline false advertising. In America, the Federal Trade Commission had to update its “Green Guides” in 2012, cracking down on greenwashing. Now brands have started using subtler tactics, making detection more difficult.  Coffee is a perfect example and many authors have criticised this kind of greenwashing. One of the world's best known coffee brands has managed to engineer a luxury image for itself, and also sell itself as being environmentally friendly. The reality is totally different however. First Broadcast: 9/1/2020 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Wirtschaft in Zeiten von Corona - alles ist anders
Traceless: Wenn klimaschädliches Plastik einfach verschwindet

Wirtschaft in Zeiten von Corona - alles ist anders

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 29, 2024 39:48

Plastik ist überall – in der Tupperdose, im Autoreifen, in der Fleecejacke. Jedes Jahr landen laut Umweltschützern etwa acht Millionen Tonnen Plastikmüll im Meer. Aber Plastik ist nicht nur für die Umwelt ein großes Problem, sondern auch fürs Klima. Denn die Herstellung ist energieintensiv. Und: Der meiste Plastikabfall wird verbrannt – dabei entstehen viele Treibhausgase. Das Hamburger start-up „traceless“ („spurlos“) hat deshalb eine Alternative aus Getreideresten entwickelt. Die baut sich ab, wenn man sie zum Beispiel auf den Kompost wirft, und verschwindet nahezu „spurlos“. Wie das funktioniert, worauf man bei Bio-Plastik achten sollte, um keinem Greenwashing von Unternehmen auf den Leim zu gehen, und warum ein großer Versandhändler in Zukunft auf traceless setzt, das erfahrt ihr in dieser Folge vom NDR Info-Podcast „Mission Klima – Lösungen für die Krise“ mit Host Susanne Tappe und Reporterin Lena Bathge. Abonniert uns gerne, wenn euch der Podcast gefällt! Habt ihr Kritik, Anregungen, Lob? Gerne an klima@ndr.de Alle unsere Folgen findet ihr hier: https://www.ardaudiothek.de/sendung/mission-klima-loesungen-fuer-die-krise/73406960 Unser Podcast-Tipp: „Kalkar 81 – Familiendrama inmitten der Anti-AKW-Proteste“: https://www.ardaudiothek.de/sendung/kalkar-81-familiendrama-inmitten-der-anti-akw-proteste-wdr/13725883/ Und hier noch Links zur aktuellen Folge: - Unsere Expertin in dieser Folge: Andrea Siebert-Raths, Leiterin des IfBB – Institut für Biokunststoffe und Bioverbundwerkstoffe an der Hochschule Hannover: https://www.ifbb-hannover.de/de/team.html - Sind so genannte Plastik-Zertifikate die rettende Lösung für das Plastik-Problem? NDR-Reporter Christian Baars erzählt im Podcast 11km von seinen Recherchen: https://www.ardaudiothek.de/episode/11km-der-tagesschau-podcast/umstrittene-zertifikate-life-in-plastic-it-s-fantastic/tagesschau/13918285/ - Doku „Kunststoff-Recycling: Wie können wir die Plastikflut eindämmen?“ https://www.3sat.de/gesellschaft/unkraut/unkraut-recycling-plastikflut-100.html - Bio-Plastik – Greenwashing oder Lösung für unser Müllproblem? https://www.swr.de/video/sendungen-a-z/marktcheck/oekochecker/bio-plastik-was-taugt-die-plastik-alternative-102.html - Darf kompostierbarer Kunststoff in den Biomüll? Infos der Verbraucherzentrale: https://www.verbraucherzentrale-bawue.de/pressemeldungen/presse-bw/darf-kompostierbarer-kunststoff-in-den-biomuell-81547#:~:text=Verl%C3%A4ssliche%20Kennzeichnung,Verbraucher%3Ainnen%20zugrunde%20gelegt%20werden. - Studie des US-amerikanischen Bennington Colleges (Vermont) zu Bio-Plastik: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5eda91260bbb7e7a4bf528d8/t/668dad2371dd296eabb148c2/1720560936673/070324_Beyond+Plastics+2024+Compostables+Report.pdf

Au Bout du Jour
A Votre Avis? - Mathis Navard : Greenwashing et greenhushing

Au Bout du Jour

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 29, 2024 12:19

Mathis Navard décline ce qu'est le Greenwashing et le ... greenhushing. Est-ce une nouvelle tendance ? Qu'en est-il de la réflexion des entreprises autour du “vert” ? Eddy Caekelberghs a demandé l'avis de Mathis Navard, Il est docteur en sciences de l'information et communication de l'Université de Poitiers Merci pour votre écoute Le fin Mot c'est également en direct tous les jours de la semaine de 18h30 à 19h sur www.rtbf.be/lapremiere Retrouvez tous les épisodes de Le fin Mot sur notre plateforme Auvio.be : https://auvio.rtbf.be/emission/23283 Retrouvez tous les contenus de la RTBF sur notre plateforme Auvio.beRetrouvez également notre offre info ci-dessous :Le Monde en Direct : https://audmns.com/TkxEWMELes Clés : https://audmns.com/DvbCVrHLe Tournant : https://audmns.com/moqIRoC5 Minutes pour Comprendre : https://audmns.com/dHiHssrMatin Première : https://audmns.com/aldzXlmEt ses séquences-phares : L'Invité Politique : https://audmns.com/LNCogwP L'édito politique « Les Coulisses du Pouvoir » : https://audmns.com/vXWPcqx L'humour de Matin Première : https://audmns.com/tbdbwoQTransversales : notre collection de reportages infos longue forme : https://audmns.com/WgqwiUpN'oubliez pas de vous y abonner pour ne rien manquer.Et si vous avez apprécié ce podcast, n'hésitez pas à nous donner des étoiles ou des commentaires, cela nous aide à le faire connaître plus largement.

BAM! Bock auf Morgen - Marketing For Future
Strommarktnarrative 2/3 Von der Liberalisierung zur Energiewende.

BAM! Bock auf Morgen - Marketing For Future

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 29, 2024 32:21

#086 BAM! Bock auf Morgen - Strommarktnarrative Teil 2

Second Nature
Skip the Greenwashing: What to Look for in Sustainable Fashion

Second Nature

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 43:50

When you're trying to live more sustainably, fashion can be hard to navigate. The industry is ripe with greenwashing that masks exploitative practices for people and planet. But sustainable fashion is an expansive, exciting world of circularity, repair, and trustworthy, responsible brands.On this episode (our season 2 finale!), we're coming face-to-face with the cost conversation when it comes to sustainable fashion, getting real about overconsumption, envisioning a practical future for the industry with fashion expert Samata Pattinson, and finding out what sustainable fashion means to you. Plus, we're talking to Commons' Carbon Strategy Manager Sophie Janaskie about what to look for in a sustainable brand. ➡️ If you're struggling to find sustainable fashion brands that you can trust, we got you. The Commons team has researched and rated hundreds of fashion brands so you can skip the greenwashing. Check it out here: thecommons.earth

Rerun: Sustainable Investing for a Climate-Proof Economy, with Kirsten Spalding


Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 1:45

Mobilizing Investors to Build a More Sustainable Global EconomyAs the effects of climate change rise in prevalence, all facets of the global economy will be affected. In order to address many of the global environmental crises of today, such as biodiversity loss and extreme drought, entrepreneurs are looking into sustainable investment initiatives as a tool for change. Sustainable investing is a process that directs investment capital to companies and businesses actively working to prevent environmental destruction. Sustainable investments often follow an Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) framework, which seeks to promote socially conscious investments. Similar to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which refers to a company's commitment to operating ethically, ESG goes one step further in providing an assessable outcome of a company's overall sustainability performance. Thus, ESG lays a foundation for investors in determining which corporations operate sustainably. Current Climate of Sustainable InvestmentFrom 2021 to 2026, institutional investment in ESG projects is expected to increase by 84%. The World Economic Forum recently published a report noting that over $200 billion is required annually in order to meet adaptation and resilience investment targets, which is three times the current funding. Such investing in adaptation and resilience could reduce exposure to climate risks and yield financial benefits for stakeholders involved. Although climate financing is slowly on the rise, there remains minimal progress in climate-vulnerable and high-emission countries. There are various types of sustainable investing, operating through registered investment companies, alternative investment funds and community investments. The US Sustainable Investment Forum identified 645 registered investment companies with $1.2 trillion sustainable investment AUM in 2022. Not only does sustainable investment cover private equity investments, but also cash, fixed income, and alternative investments. Sustainable investments, like conventional investing, receive a return on their investments. Reports from the Morgan Stanley Institute for Sustainable Investing found no financial trade-off between sustainable investing compared to traditional investment initiatives. Does sustainable investing provide hope for the future?Investing in sustainable industry, infrastructure, and business has the potential to provide a more climate-proof economy for all. For private investors, effective investments in areas vulnerable to climate change could reduce disruptions in the supply chain, thereby boosting labor productivity and lowering operational costs. As such, companies will have the tools in place to be able to respond to vulnerabilities when they arise while still maintaining a profit. Additionally, ESG investing has been proven to provide downside protection during social or economic crises according to the NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business. Such protection may be pertinent in a world more susceptible to the adverse effects of climate change. Many studies corroborate such findings; a meta-study conducted by Oxford University in 2015 revealed that 88% of companies with robust sustainability practices demonstrate better operational performance, translating into higher cash flows and positive effects on investment performance.Greenwashing and ESG ConcernsOne concern within the world of sustainable investment is largely centered around the question of whether organizations will be willing to take more or less risk to achieve an impact. Companies that prioritize sustainability may be more volatile than traditional companies, creating fear around the uncertainty of consistent returns. Further, there is often confusion on how to make a good return on investment when choosing to invest in more socially responsible companies. The rise of sustainable investment has brought about potential concerns related to greenwashing, in which a company's ESG credentials or potential sustainability initiatives may be over-embellished, leading to falsified information. On the other hand, many investors prioritizing sustainable investment initiatives have received a surge in backlash against their new initiatives, mainly from Republican politicians. A recent study by The Conference Board revealed that 48% of surveyed businesses have experienced backlash to their ESG policies or activities, potentially deterring companies from further pursuing such initiatives. An increase in educational awareness is vital to inform investors of the benefits of sustainable investing and ways to do so responsibly amidst criticism. Who is our guest?Kirsten Spalding leads the nonprofit Ceres Investor Network, which supports global investor initiatives such as Paris Aligned Asset Owners, Climate Action 100+, and Net Zero Asset Managers. Nonprofit advocacy organizations like Ceres Investor Network are at the forefront of promoting sustainable business practices through mobilizing investors to build a more sustainable economy. Kirsten holds a B.A. from Yale College in music, a J.D. from Hastings College of Law, and an M.Div. from Church Divinity School of the Pacific. For six years, she chaired the Center for Labor Research and Education, UC Berkeley and taught at the School of Law. She is an Episcopal priest, rector of the Church of the Nativity in San Rafael, CA, and an avid backpacker. ResourcesCeres Investor NetworkAdaptation and resilience investment: How do we get the capital it needsSustainable InvestingSustainable Investing BasicsFurther ReadingCSR or ESG: Where Do Sustainability Frameworks Fit In?ESG and Financial Performance: Uncovering the Relationship by Aggregating Evidence from 1,000 Plus Studies Published between 2015 – 2020 Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2023Financial Performance With Sustainable Investing3 hurdles to sustainable investing — and how to overcome them For a transcript of this episode, please visit https://climatebreak.org/sustainable-investing-for-a-climate-proof-economy-with-kirsten-spalding/

2tokens studio Interviews
Episode 99: Blockchain Meets Sustainability: SRECs, GOs, and Beyond

2tokens studio Interviews

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 21:21

In this episode of the 2Tokens Podcast, our host Erich Schnoeckel sits down with industry leaders Jan Dijkstra from Greenivity and Robert van Mölken of ExoBlock to discuss the potential of tokenizing renewable energy certificates (RECs). Together, they explore how blockchain and decentralized technology can bring new levels of transparency, trust, and efficiency to the renewable energy market while empowering global communities.Key topics covered include:

Newstalk ZBeen
NEWSTALK ZBEEN: Our Ongoing OCR Obsession Goes On

Newstalk ZBeen

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 16:23 Transcription Available

FIRST WITH YESTERDAY'S NEWS (highlights from Wednesday on Newstalk ZB) Does It Really Mean Anything?/Social Housing Solutions/More On Ryan's Bags/Limitless Secret Santa/Podcast RouletteSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

11KM: der tagesschau-Podcast
Umstrittene Zertifikate - Life in plastic, it's fantastic?

11KM: der tagesschau-Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 27:21

Die Erde ertrinkt in Plastik und es wird immer mehr: Jedes Jahr werden über 400 Millionen Tonnen Plastik hergestellt. Bis 2050 könnte sich die Produktionsmenge nach Experten-Einschätzung sogar noch verdoppeln. Sind so genannte Plastik-Zertifikate die rettende Lösung? Immerhin werden sie bei den UN-Verhandlungen um ein Plastikabkommen in dieser Woche in Südkorea diskutiert. NDR-Investigativ-Reporter Christian Baars erzählt in dieser 11KM-Folge, wie die umstrittenen Zertifikate funktionieren und ob sie mehr sind als Greenwashing. Mehr Infos bei tagesschau.de - “UN-Gipfel in Südkorea - Wie der Plastikmüll weniger werden soll”: https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/Y3JpZDovL2Rhc2Vyc3RlLmRlL3dlbHRzcGllZ2VsLzIwMjQtMTEtMjRfMTgtMzAtTUVa Hier geht's zur Weltspiegel-Reportage über Plastik-Zertifikate und das Projekt EcoBali: https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/Y3JpZDovL2Rhc2Vyc3RlLmRlL3dlbHRzcGllZ2VsLzIwMjQtMTEtMjRfMTgtMzAtTUVa Hier geht's zu RadioWissen, unserem Podcast-Tipp: https://1.ard.de/radiowissen Diese und viele weitere Folgen von 11KM findet ihr überall da, wo es Podcasts gibt, auch hier in der ARD Audiothek: https://www.ardaudiothek.de/sendung/11km-der-tagesschau-podcast/12200383/ An dieser Folge waren beteiligt: Folgenautor: Max Stockinger Mitarbeit: Marc Hoffmann Produktion: Christine Frey, Laura Picerno und Hanna Brünjes Redaktionsleitung: Fumiko Lipp und Lena Gürtler 11KM: der tagesschau-Podcast wird produziert von BR24 und NDR Info. Die redaktionelle Verantwortung für diese Episode liegt beim NDR.

Zehn Minuten Wirtschaft
Greenwashing-Vorwurf: Streit um Plastik-Zertifikate

Zehn Minuten Wirtschaft

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 10:08

400 Millionen Tonnen Plastik wird weltweit jedes Jahr produziert. Recycelt werden davon nur etwa zehn Prozent. Die UN-Staaten beraten von heute an in Südkorea über ein Abkommen gegen Plastikmüll. Ein großer Streitpunkt sind sogenannte Plastik-Zertifikate. Was dahintersteckt und was ansonsten helfen könnte gegen das Plastikproblem, klären Christian Baars und Melanie Böff. Podcast Tipp: 11KM: der tagesschau-Podcast Umstrittene Zertifikate - Life in plastic, it's fantastic? https://www.ardaudiothek.de/episode/11km-der-tagesschau-podcast/umstrittene-zertifikate-life-in-plastic-it-s-fantastic/tagesschau/13918285/

IQ - Wissenschaft und Forschung
Das "grüne" Rechenzentrum - Greenwashing oder Klimarevolution?

IQ - Wissenschaft und Forschung

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 24, 2024 14:44

Ohne Rechenzentrum könntet Ihr diesen Podcast nicht hören. Ohne sie gibt es kein Internet und keine Künstliche Intelligenz. Aber sie verschlingen immer mehr Energie. Bis 2030 werden Rechenzentren in Europa fünf Prozent des gesamten Stroms verbrauchen. Sogenannte "Grüne Rechenzentren" versprechen, energiesparend und nachhaltig zu sein. Doch wie klimaschonend arbeiten sie wirklich? Und wie können wir verhindern, dass KI ein Klimakiller wird? Feedback? Anregungen? Wir freuen uns, von Euch zu hören: WhatsApp (https://wa.me/491746744240) oder iq@br.de

Was passiert wenn wir Klimaschutz ignorieren? - Realtalk mit Jan Hegenberg !


Play Episode Listen Later Nov 21, 2024 83:11

In dieser Episode des Plantbased Podcasts spreche ich mit Jan Hegenberg aka "der Graslutscher" über die Verbindung zwischen veganer Ernährung und Klimaschutz. Jan erklärt, warum pflanzliche Ernährung sinnvoll ist und welche Vorteile das für die Umwelt hat. Zudem diskutieren wir über die Herausforderungen, die mit Greenwashing und Fehlinformationen im Bereich Klimaschutz verbunden sind. Jan teilt seine Ansichten zu aktuellen Themen wie erneuerbaren Energien, den Kosten für den Klimaschutz und den häufigsten Missverständnissen über den Klimawandel. Außerdem stellt er sein neues Buch "Klima Bullshit Bingo" vor, das sich mit gängigen Mythen und Fehlinformationen über den Klimawandel auseinandersetzt. Auch über die Missverständnisse rund um vegane Ernährung, sowie Verantwortung für Umweltprobleme sprechen wir. Wir beleuchten auch innovative Ideen zur Energiegewinnung (manche sind echt crazy

Wellness Warrior Collective Podcast
Welcome to Season Three of Wellness Warrior Podcast

Wellness Warrior Collective Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 20, 2024 23:06

In this episode, Lindsaya welcomes listeners to Season Three of the Wellness Warrior podcast, focusing on heart health and wellness initiatives. She discusses upcoming guests, community engagement through self-love practices, and advocacy for healthier food choices. The conversation highlights the issue of greenwashing in the food industry and encourages listeners to be mindful consumers. Lindsaya emphasizes the importance of community and personal growth, inviting everyone to join in the journey of wellness and self-love.TakeawaysWelcome to Season Three of the Wellness Warrior podcast!This season focuses on heart health and wellness.Join the Daily Self-Love Circle for community support.Advocacy for healthier food choices is crucial.Greenwashing in the food industry is a significant issue.Vote with your dollars to promote health.You are worthy of love and self-care.Participate in the Collective Book Club for personal growth.Make America Healthy Again is a key initiative.Your participation is vital to the mission of wellness.Chapters00:00 Welcome to Season Three03:12 Heart Health and Wellness Initiatives05:59 Community Engagement and Self-Love Practices09:11 Advocacy for Healthier Food Choices11:48 Greenwashing and Consumer Awareness20:59 Closing Thoughts and Future DirectionsConnect With Our Community: Dive deep, share, and grow with fellow warriors in our NEW APP Learn more here: https://wellnesswarriorcollective.com/blogs/news/wellnesswarriorhubJoin our Daily Self Love Circle Monday - Friday 7:50 AM EST.

Climate 21
The Hidden Power of Sovereign Wealth Funds in Tackling Climate Change

Climate 21

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 20, 2024 39:47 Transcription Available

Send me a messageIn this episode of the Climate Confident Podcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr Ana Nacvalovaite, a research fellow at the University of Oxford's Kellogg College Centre for Mutual and Co-Owned Business. Ana brought a wealth of insight into a fascinating and complex topic: the role of sovereign wealth funds in advancing sustainability, tackling climate change, and driving equitable global development.We started with the basics—what sovereign wealth funds are and why they matter. Think of them as government-managed investment funds, often backed by surplus revenues from resources like oil, which aim to secure economic stability for future generations. But, as Ana explains, their influence extends well beyond national borders. With trillions of dollars under management, these funds are increasingly pivotal in shaping ESG (environmental, social, and governance) strategies and supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals.We explored how sovereign wealth funds from countries like Norway, the UAE, and China are pivoting towards green technologies, renewable energy, and sustainable infrastructure. Ana also shared why transparency varies so much between funds and how geopolitical strategies can limit what the public—and sometimes even stakeholders—can access.Of course, we didn't shy away from the challenges. Greenwashing, the lack of global standards, and the delicate balance between profitability and sustainability were all on the table. Ana explained how sovereign wealth funds can be both a force for good and a source of contention in developing countries, particularly in regions with weaker regulatory frameworks.By the end of our conversation, one thing was clear: sovereign wealth funds are not just passive players in global finance; they're active architects of a sustainable future. Whether it's mitigating climate risks or funding net-zero technologies, their potential is enormous, but so too are the responsibilities that come with managing such immense capital.For anyone interested in sustainability, global finance, or the interplay between economics and climate action, this episode offers a wealth of insights. Have a listen and let me know what you think!Support the showPodcast supportersI'd like to sincerely thank this podcast's amazing supporters: Lorcan Sheehan Jerry Sweeney Andreas Werner Stephen Carroll Roger Arnold And remember you too can Support the Podcast - it is really easy and hugely important as it will enable me to continue to create more excellent Climate Confident episodes like this one.ContactIf you have any comments/suggestions or questions for the podcast - get in touch via direct message on Twitter/LinkedIn. If you liked this show, please don't forget to rate and/or review it. It makes a big difference to help new people discover the show. CreditsMusic credits - Intro by Joseph McDade, and Outro music for this podcast was composed, played, and produced by my daughter Luna Juniper

La Terre au carré
Les océans cachés des lunes d'Uranus. Lula : l'arbre qui cache une forêt de greenwashing ?

La Terre au carré

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 19, 2024 11:18

durée : 00:11:18 - La Terre au carré - par : Mathieu Vidard - Dans la dernière partie de La Terre Au Carré, La lutte enchantée de Camille Crosnier, la Une des médias par Hervé Poirier d'Epsiloon magazine et vos messages laissés sur le répondeur de l'émission. - réalisé par : Jérôme BOULET

La Terre au carré
Lula : l'arbre qui cache une forêt de greenwashing ?

La Terre au carré

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 19, 2024 4:42

durée : 00:04:42 - La lutte enchantée - par : Camille Crosnier - Le président brésilien est considéré comme l'un des meilleurs défenseurs de l'environnement, avec des chiffres de déforestation en baisse en Amazonie et dans le Cerrado. Mais au Brésil, militants et même scientifiques dénoncent des projets incompatibles avec cette réputation.

Le fil sciences
Les océans cachés des lunes d'Uranus. Lula : l'arbre qui cache une forêt de greenwashing ?

Le fil sciences

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 19, 2024 11:18

durée : 00:11:18 - La Terre au carré - par : Mathieu Vidard - Dans la dernière partie de La Terre Au Carré, La lutte enchantée de Camille Crosnier, la Une des médias par Hervé Poirier d'Epsiloon magazine et vos messages laissés sur le répondeur de l'émission. - réalisé par : Jérôme BOULET

Energy Sector Heroes ~ Careers in Oil & Gas, Sustainability & Renewable Energy
Greenwashing vs. Real Change: How Certification Can Boost Your Bottom Line with David Goodman| Energy Sector Heroes

Energy Sector Heroes ~ Careers in Oil & Gas, Sustainability & Renewable Energy

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 19, 2024 34:14

Want to know how sustainability can boost your business? This week on the Energy Sector Heroes podcast, I sit down with David Goodman, CEO of Eden Arc Group, to explore why sustainability certification is more than just a checkbox—it's a business growth engine.

Camille passe au vert
Lula : l'arbre qui cache une forêt de greenwashing ?

Camille passe au vert

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 19, 2024 4:42

durée : 00:04:42 - La lutte enchantée - par : Camille Crosnier - Le président brésilien est considéré comme l'un des meilleurs défenseurs de l'environnement, avec des chiffres de déforestation en baisse en Amazonie et dans le Cerrado. Mais au Brésil, militants et même scientifiques dénoncent des projets incompatibles avec cette réputation.

Run The Numbers
Risk, Reward, and Revolution: Financing The Clean Future of Flight with ZeroAvia's Georgy Egorov

Run The Numbers

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 18, 2024 53:20

In this episode, CJ interviews Georgy Egorov, CFO of ZeroAvia, who shares his journey from pioneering AI drug discovery to co-inventing a Covid vaccine, and now leading the charge toward zero-emission aviation with hydrogen-powered airplanes. They talk about the complexities of getting funding for a climate tech company and the need for these products to outperform traditional options without relying on green labels. Then Georgy explains the importance of risk management in this industry and some of the many factors he has to consider. With roots in investment banking, he discusses how this experience has helped him become a better CFO and provides advice for identifying the right career opportunities. Tune in for a conversation with a forward-thinking CFO driving innovation in one of the world's most ambitious startups. If you're looking for an ERP head to NetSuite: https://netsuite.com/metrics and get a customized KPI checklist.—SPONSORS:Leapfin is accounting automation software that automatically prepares and posts reliable journal entries. High-growth businesses like Reddit, Canva, and Seat Geek choose Leapfin to eliminate manual tasks, accelerate month-end close, and enable accounting leaders to provide faster insights to help their companies grow. To automatically standardize your revenue data with measurable business impact, check out leapfin.com today. Mercury is the fintech ambitious companies use for banking and all their financial workflows. With a powerful bank account at the center of their operations, companies can make better financial decisions and ensure that every dollar spent aligns with company priorities. That's why over 100K startups choose Mercury to confidently run all their financial operations with the precision, control, and focus they need to operate at their best. Learn more at mercury.com.Mercury is a financial technology company, not a bank. Banking services provided by Choice Financial Group and Evolve Bank & Trust®; Members FDIC.NetSuite provides financial software for all your business needs. More than 40,000 companies have already upgraded to NetSuite, gaining visibility and control over their financials, inventory, HR, eCommerce, and more. If you're looking for an ERP platform ✅, head to NetSuite https://netsuite.com/metrics and get the CFO's Guide to AI and Machine Learning. Operators Guild is where the best CEOs, CFOs, VPs of finance, and BizOps leaders in the business connect, network, and grow together. Built by operators for operators, this members-only community is home to more than 1000 of the most elite high-growth operators in the world. Experience connection and knowledge share with professionals who understand you like no one else does. Learn more and apply at operators-guild.com. Maxio is the only billing and financial operations platform that was purpose built for B2B SaaS. They're helping SaaS finance teams automate billing and revenue recognition, manage collections and payments, and put together investor grade reporting packages.

OnAir with Akin Gump
Speaking Sustainability: A Cost-Based Approach to Managing ESG Issues and Greenwashing Risks

OnAir with Akin Gump

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 18, 2024 30:36

In the latest episode of our OnAir with Akin podcast, we continue our Speaking Sustainability series hosted by Chad Smith, a consultant in the New York office specializing in ESG. Chad is joined by guests Jim Deeken, an investment management partner in the Dallas office, and Kirk Anderson, an investment management counsel in the New York office. The trio explores the challenges of implementing ESG principles in the corporate world, highlights the importance of aligning ESG statements with actual practices to avoid legal issues and regulatory scrutiny and the risks involved with false sustainability claims. To learn more, visit akingump.com.

Afternoons with Pippa Hudson
Legal Talk: Legalities of labelling and marketing to prevent greenwashing

Afternoons with Pippa Hudson

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 18, 2024 12:13

Pippa speaks to Jeanine Coetzer, senior associate at Spoor and Fisher, Africa's largest specialised intellectual property law firm, about the concept of greenwashing. We look into the legalities of labelling and marketing products in South Africa with claims about their environmental benefits. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Startcast | Der Innovations, Business & Marketing Podcast
#264 TEDx München Spezial | Innovative Ansätze für die Textilindustrie | Felix Rohrbeck und Carl Warkentin

Startcast | Der Innovations, Business & Marketing Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 17, 2024 33:59

#263 TEDx München Spezial | Innovative Ansätze für die Textilindustrie | Felix Rohrbeck und Carl WarkentinFelix Rohrbeck, Investigativ-Journalist und Mitbegründer von Flip, und Carl Warkentin,Innovator und Gründer von Monaco Ducks, diskutieren gemeinsam die Herausforderungenund Chancen im Textilbereich. Dabei stehen die Themen Müll, Nachhaltigkeit und die Zukunftder Modeindustrie im Mittelpunkt. Beide bringen ihre wertvollen Erfahrungen aus derBranche mit: Rohrbeck als Experte für Greenwashing und nachhaltigen Konsum, Warkentinals Pionier der Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Mode. Der Talk verspricht spannende Einblicke in dieFrage, wie innovative Ansätze die Textilindustrie nachhaltig verändern können. Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Speak Up For The Ocean Blue
How Can You Reduce Your Carbon Footprint: Practical Steps for a Sustainable Lifestyle

Speak Up For The Ocean Blue

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 15, 2024 13:40 Transcription Available

In this episode of the How to Protect the Ocean podcast, host Andrew Lewin discusses practical ways for individuals to reduce their carbon footprint. Here are the key strategies highlighted: Calculate Your Carbon Footprint: Start by determining your current carbon footprint using a reliable calculator. Understanding your baseline is essential for tracking progress. Food Choices: Opt for Plant-Based Diets: Shift from meat, especially beef, to more plant-based proteins. This can significantly reduce your food-related carbon emissions by 50-80%. Buy Local: Purchase food from local farmers or farmers' markets to minimize the carbon footprint associated with transportation and mass production. Local farm food is generally more sustainable than imported or factory-farmed options. Clothing Purchases: Avoid Fast Fashion: Steer clear of fast fashion brands that use synthetic fibers. Instead, consider investing in higher-quality, sustainable clothing made from natural materials like wool. Thrift Shopping: Buy second-hand clothes from thrift shops to reduce waste and avoid contributing to the fast fashion cycle. Sustainable Business Practices: If you are in a position to influence workplace policies, advocate for sustainable practices. This can include forming employee-led sustainability committees to promote eco-friendly initiatives. Implement energy-efficient solutions, such as replacing incandescent light bulbs with energy-efficient alternatives, which can drastically reduce power consumption. By following these steps, individuals can not only lower their carbon footprint but also contribute to a more sustainable future. Andrew encourages listeners to share their experiences and progress in reducing their carbon footprint. Link to article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/leighcuen/2024/11/10/how-to-reduce-your-carbon-footprint/ Follow a career in conservation: https://www.conservation-careers.com/online-training/ Use the code SUFB to get 33% off courses and the careers program.   Do you want to join my Ocean Community? Sign Up for Updates on the process: www.speakupforblue.com/oceanapp   Sign up for our Newsletter: http://www.speakupforblue.com/newsletter   Facebook Group: https://bit.ly/3NmYvsI Connect with Speak Up For Blue: Website: https://bit.ly/3fOF3Wf Instagram: https://bit.ly/3rIaJSG TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@speakupforblue Twitter: https://bit.ly/3rHZxpc YouTube: www.speakupforblue.com/youtube  

Scaling UP! H2O
394 Visibility and Value: Enhancing Sustainability in Water Treatment

Scaling UP! H2O

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 15, 2024 66:17

By highlighting cost savings, clients can see how efficient water treatment impacts their bottom line. Sustainability isn't just a trendy term—it's about implementing practical practices that protect our planet for current and future generations. By adopting sustainable strategies, we can conserve resources, cut costs, and create lasting benefits for both the environment and our client's businesses. In our latest episode of the Scaling UP! H2O Podcast, we had the privilege of speaking with James Courtney, CWT, LEED AP of CSC Technologies an advocate for water sustainability, who shared actionable insights on how water professionals can effectively embrace sustainability while adding value to their clients. Meet James Courtney: A Champion for Sustainability In our enlightening conversation, James shared his journey in the water industry and emphasized the vital role that water professionals play in promoting sustainability. He stated, "We help our customers by saving them money on water, electricity, and fuel." This highlights how our work not only benefits the environment but also leads to significant financial savings for our clients. Sustainability: More Than Just a Buzzword Sustainability means optimizing our resources. As James noted, "We operate in this space where we are directly responsible for the sustainability of our customers.” Water treaters have a unique opportunity to minimize their clients' carbon footprints while improving efficiency. Whether it's running boilers without scale, optimizing cooling towers, or maximizing cycles of conductivity, every action contributes to a greener future. James also cautioned against greenwashing, reminding us that not all practices labeled as "green" deliver real benefits. We must be vigilant and ensure that our sustainability efforts  Educating and Empowering Clients Understanding water and energy usage is essential for effective water management. James encourages water professionals to educate their clients about their consumption patterns. “Clients often don't realize that overusing chemicals or wasting water is a problem,” he explained. By illustrating the cost savings—like reducing their electricity bills or fuel costs—clients can connect the dots between efficient water treatment and their bottom line. Harnessing Data One of James's most compelling stories was about using smart meters to identify inefficiencies. He shared, “Meters give you information; information gives you the opportunity to find solutions to problems you didn't even know you had.” In one instance, a client's building was using half a million gallons of water due to a blocked condensate receiver. The installation of a meter enabled the team to identify the issue and prevent unnecessary water loss, ultimately leading to significant cost savings for the client. James's team also tackled a fascinating case with two identical LEED Platinum buildings. Even though they were built exactly the same, one consumed significantly more power. By analyzing minute-by-minute energy data, they pinpointed the problem, leading to solutions that not only enhanced efficiency but also inspired other buildings in the community to adopt similar practices. The Impact of Visibility James highlighted an intriguing study involving a housing development where identical homes were built. In half of these homes, energy meters were placed indoors, allowing residents to see their energy usage, while the other half had meters located outdoors. The results were striking: “The houses with visible indoor meters used less energy simply because people could see it,” James explained. Residents began to turn energy monitoring into a game, challenging themselves to reduce their consumption. This simple shift towards visibility in daily energy use not only heightened awareness among residents but also nurtured a culture of energy-saving habits. As James aptly put it, “What gets measured gets managed.” Engaging clients in enjoyable and measurable ways can significantly drive sustainability efforts. Final Thoughts James's insights remind us of the significant role water professionals play in fostering a sustainable future. By leveraging data and educating our clients, we can create meaningful change that benefits both our communities and the environment. Together, let's continue to explore the importance of sustainability practices that protect our generation and the ones to come. Thank you for being part of the Scaling UP! H2O community. Together, let's continue to educate ourselves and each other on the importance of sustainability practices that benefit both our generation and those to come. Stay curious, stay informed, and keep scaling up your knowledge! Timestamps 01:28 - Trace Blackmore shares what he is thankful for, and extends gratitude to the listeners and to AWT for the 2024 Innovation Award, and shares his family's Thanksgiving traditions 15:18 - Interview with James Courtney, CWT 58:00 - Upcoming Events for Water Treatment Professionals 01:01:05 - Drop by Drop with James McDonald  Connect with James Courtney Phone: +1 443 878 2407 Email: james@csctech2o.com Website: https://www.csctech2o.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-courtney-cwt-leed-ap-379a6877/ Read or Download James Courtney's Press Release HERE Guest Resources Mentioned Check if your seafood is sustainable here Check your water footprint here Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most by Douglas Stone I Said This You Heard That by Kathleen Edelman LEED AP O+M Class More than half of energy use in homes is for heating and air conditioning article The Last Optimist by Mark Mills (Podcast) The United States uses a mix of energy sources article Scaling UP! H2O Resources Mentioned Alton Brown's turkey recipe, Romancing The Bird Donate To Our 6K World Vision Team Learn how to make your own 6K World Vision Team Industrial Water Week Resources The Rising Tide Mastermind Scaling UP! H2O Academy video courses Submit a Show Idea AWT (Association of Water Technologies) 386 Industrial Water Week 2024: Boiler Tuesday 004 It's Not Easy Being Green! 325 Rising Together: Conquering Challenges through Collective Support Drop By Drop with James In today's episode, we're thinking about control ranges. There are a few trains of thought on control ranges. Which tests and readings really need a control range applied to them? How wide or narrow should the control range be? It's something one should consider carefully. I have seen control ranges applied to every test parameter for a makeup, such as city water, that the user had absolutely no control over. Are these control ranges really necessary? Sometimes, they are, especially if the makeup source is susceptible to changes in water quality, such as total hardness, which can impact downstream softener performance. I've also seen control ranges so large a bus could slide through them sideways. What good is such a wide control range doing for the water system? Nothing was actually being controlled. I've seen control ranges that were so unreasonably narrow that the parameters were almost ALWAYS out of range as well. What good does that serve? Is a better control system needed to meet these narrow ranges or is a wider control range more fitting instead? A lot of you out there use field service report programs that turn red, green, and sometimes yellow when a parameter is outside the control range. Not having good and proper control ranges can make that field service report's color coding nearly useless because it is always too red or even too green and not actually reflecting the true stressed or controlled state of the system. Control ranges that are too tight may yield field service reports that are red all the time, which will lead to either the end user ignoring the colors or being annoyed by the report always looking red. Control ranges that are too broad may not show the true state of stress the system is under and lead to more problems down the road. Lastly, I've even seen reps be pressured by their customers to avoid red color coding as much as possible, leading to either uselessly wide control ranges or no control ranges at all. This can be a touchy subject, but your control ranges must be meaningful and useful. It may take some finesse to get everyone on the same side of the table on this but seeing a little red when appropriate TODAY beats dealing with the impact of a failed water system and wasted energy and water TOMORROW. Events for Water Professionals Check out our Scaling UP! H2O Events Calendar where we've listed every event Water Treaters should be aware of by clicking HERE.

Insurance Speak
Insurance Protections for Greenwashing and ESG Claims

Insurance Speak

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 13, 2024 14:03

Insurance protections for greenwashing and ESG claims Description: Carolyn Rosenberg of Reed Smith discusses how greenwashing claims have evolved and how businesses can protect themselves with the right insurance.

The Rock Fight: Outdoor Industry & Adventure Commentary
Polartec's Shed Less Fleece: Fabric Innovation Or Greenwashing?

The Rock Fight: Outdoor Industry & Adventure Commentary

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 11, 2024 20:07 Transcription Available

Today on THE ROCK FIGHT (an outdoor podcast that aims for the head), Colin opens the show discussing Polartec's recent announcement of their Shed Less fleece, a fabric that, according to the brand, reduces microfiber shedding by up to 85%.Drawing on his experience, Colin offers insights into the challenges ingredient brands face when developing innovative products, especially given the outdoor apparel industry's tendency to prioritize cost over performance. This approach often causes product messaging, like the press release for Shed Less, to come across as greenwashing rather than true innovation.Finally, Colin concludes with The Parting Shot and a tribute to JanSport co-founder Murray McCory, who recently passed away.Hurricane Helene Relief Links:Fuel GoodsOutdoor Business Alliance Hurricane Relief FundGoFundMe for Bubba O'LearysWestern North Carolina Hurriance Helene Resource GuideEast Tennessee Foundation Relief FundHead to www.rockfight.co and sign up for News From the Front, Rock Fight's weekly newsletter!Please follow and subscribe to THE ROCK FIGHT and give us a 5 star rating and written review wherever you get your podcasts.Listen to and follow Gear & Beer! The newest show on the Rock Fight Podcast Network.Have a question or comment for a future mailbag episode? Send it to myrockfight@gmail.com or send a message on Instagram or Threads.Thanks for listening! THE ROCK FIGHT is a production of Rock Fight, LLC.

Event Industry News Podcast
Greenwashing: How it manifests in the events industry

Event Industry News Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 7, 2024 26:24

Sustainability strategy experts Sam Wilson, managing director at Syntiro Associates, and Dr Dominic Tantram, partner at Terrafiniti, present a podcast precursor to the ‘Unmasking Greenwashing in the Events Industry: Understanding, Identifying, and Avoiding Misleading Practices' panel at Event Sustainability Live (ESL). Succinctly titled ‘Greenwashing', this episode sees Sam and Dominic do some background, their two companies having worked together, before defining the term and inadvertent incarnations. Steered by host James Dickson, they go on to talk/to explain materiality and double materiality, comms traps and much more. Clued-up contributors, real insight, and some telling hand gestures, this is a great use of time. It's equally powerful as background to the ESL session on November 21st, where Tara Blackburn, environmental sustainability manager at Hearst Lab Scout, and executive director at Evcom, Claire Fennelow, will join Sam and Dominic for the session. Event Sustainability Live takes place at ExCeL London between 20th-21st November and is free to attend, click here to register To keep up to date with all the news, subscribe for free here. If you would like to take part in a podcast, then please complete our submission form.

Clothing Coulture
Provocative Contradictions on Greenwashing

Clothing Coulture

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 5, 2024 19:16

Stars Design Group CEO, Bret Schnitker and CSO Emily Lane discuss the challenges and complexities of greenwashing in sustainable fashion on Clothing Coulture. They explore why some companies shy away from eco-friendly practices due to fear of being labeled as greenwashing despite their genuine efforts. The episode also touches on resource limitations and the potential impact of innovative solutions like CiCLO in enhancing sustainability efforts. Discover strategies for navigating this intricate landscape while prioritizing people, planet, and profit.

RNZ: Morning Report
Mike King's I Am Hope accused of greenwashing

RNZ: Morning Report

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 3, 2024 3:57

Mike King's mental health charity I Am Hope is being accused of greenwashing after handing out a pamphlet to children presenting a heavy trucking firm and a coal-burning electricity company as climate heroes. Climate Change Correspondent Eloise Gibson reports.

Living Planet | Deutsche Welle
Deep Dive: Can planting trees really offset my flight emissions?

Living Planet | Deutsche Welle

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 1, 2024 30:25

Ever been in this situation? You want to fly, but when you start looking at carbon offset websites, you can't tell what's real? Then this episode's definitely for you. We asked around, and got some pretty interesting answers, including from an unlikely carbon credit b.s. detector.

The Economy, Land & Climate Podcast
How is Colombia's sugar cane industry harming Black communities?

The Economy, Land & Climate Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 1, 2024 21:45

As the UN Biodiversity Conference draws to a close Bertie speaks to María Arango, a lawyer at the international human rights organization Forest People's Programme, about the impacts of the sugar cane industry on Black communities in the Cauca River Valley region of western Colombia. A new report titled The Green Illusion finds that more than 80% of the region's wetlands have been drained in order to plant sugar cane, resulting in Afro-descendant peoples being displaced from their ancestral lands and stripped of vital resources.Bertie and María discuss the report's findings and how international summits such as COP16 present key opportunities to protect the rights of Indigenous people that live in biodiversity hotspots.Further reading: Read the full report: The Green Illusion: Impacts of the Sugar Cane Monoculture on the Biodiversity and Livelihoods of the Black People in the Cauca River Valley, October 2024The Green Monster: Human Rights Impacts of the Sugarcane Industry on Black Communities in Colombia, June 2021'Colombia's cane industry efficient but potentially damaging', Mongabay, March 2017Click here to read our investigation into the UK biomass supply chain, or watch a clip from the BBC Newsnight documentary.

So klingt Wirtschaft
Greenwashing-Vorwürfe vermeiden – Nachhaltigkeit überzeugend kommunizieren

So klingt Wirtschaft

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 30, 2024 15:27 Transcription Available

Schweigen ist die schlechteste Idee. Wie Transparenz und authentische Kommunikation helfen, erfolgreich mit Green Claims zu werben und Vertrauen zu schaffen.

Heal Thy Self with Dr. G
The Dirtiest And Cleanest Laundry Detergents | #324

Heal Thy Self with Dr. G

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 28, 2024 22:45

In this video, Dr. G reveals the “dirtiest” and “cleanest” laundry detergents, helping you identify products that may contain harmful chemicals and toxic additives versus those that are safe and non-toxic. Learn which detergents protect your family's health and the environment, and find out how to make cleaner choices for your laundry routine. #laundry #wellness #chemical === Thank You To Our Sponsor! Puori Click here https://puori.com/drg and use code DRG for 20% off the already discounted subscription prices. === Show Notes: 00:00:00 - Introduction: Is Your Laundry Detergent Toxic or Clean? 00:00:41 - Personal Experience with Conventional Detergents 00:02:01 - Overview of the Investigation into Laundry Detergents 00:03:11 - Importance of Understanding Laundry Detergent Ingredients 00:03:32 - The Problem with Phthalates in Laundry Detergents 00:05:01 - Phthalates and Their Impact on Health 00:07:21 - Carcinogens Found in Laundry Detergents 00:09:00 - Volatile Organic Compounds and Their Effects 00:10:01 - Antibacterial Agents and Their Risks 00:10:43 - Understanding Skin and Respiratory Issues Related to Laundry Detergents 00:11:05 - The Impact of Microplastics from Laundry Detergents 00:11:21 - Hormonal Disruption and Environmental Concerns 00:11:38 - The Importance of Environmental Responsibility 00:12:04 - The Problem of Greenwashing in Laundry Products 00:12:25 - Vague Claims and Lack of Certifications 00:12:39 - Misleading Terms: Natural and Non-Toxic 00:12:56 - Understanding Biodegradable and Plant-Based Claims 00:13:27 - The Issue with False Certifications 00:14:25 - The Need for Ingredient Transparency 00:15:02 - How to Choose the Right Laundry Detergent 00:15:51 - Key Ingredients to Avoid in Laundry Detergents 00:16:30 - Recommendations for Safer Fragrance Options 00:17:08 - Overview of Product Review Process 00:18:09 - Companies with Questionable Laundry Detergents 00:19:00 - Middle of the Pack: Brands Needing Improvement 00:19:46 - Top Three Recommended Laundry Detergents 00:20:37 - The Importance of Choosing Safe Products for Children 00:22:14 - Understanding Greenwashing and Its Impact 00:22:30 - Closing Thoughts and Gratitude 00:22:39 - Weekly Well Wishes Be sure to like and subscribe to #HealThySelf Hosted by Doctor Christian Gonzalez N.D. Follow Doctor G on Instagram @doctor.gonzalez https://www.instagram.com/doctor.gonzalez/

eCommerce MasterPlan
Recycling Passion: How Detrash is Disrupting the Watch Industry with Guy Blaskey

eCommerce MasterPlan

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 28, 2024 33:57

Guy Blaskey is the founder at Detrash watches, where he's on a mission to both create the most efficient eCommerce company possible AND be a force for good by creating sustainable products and supporting 1% for the planet and Surfers Against Sewage. Guy founded Detrash in January this year and started selling in June exclusively via it's Shopify store. Guy was previously on the show talking about his multi-million turnover pet food brand Pooch and Mutt. Hit PLAY to hear: Starting a new business with purpose and passion Practicing proactive sustainability The growing trend of ethical consumerism Disrupting industries with sustainable options Why a small team matters for startups Key timestamps to dive straight in: [04:43] Enjoys advisory roles, charity work, and entrepreneurship. [09:11] Watch provokes sustainable conversations and reminders. [11:22] Greenwashing in FMCG packaging is really annoying. [13:26] The more people want recycled products, the more businesses are going to get into recycled materials. [16:54] Tried limited drops, now using dispatch windows. [21:00] Helped start business with minimal funds, advised caution. [22:35] Listen to Guy's Top Tips! Full episode notes here: https://ecmp.info/514Discover Yoast for Shopify >>> https://ecmp.info/yoast-shopify Download our new ebook... https://ecmp.info/ebook 500 Tips to Increase Your ProfitsGet all the links and resources we mention & join our email list at https://ecmp.infoLove the show? Chloe would love your feedback - leave a review here: https://ecmp.info/review or reply to the episode Q&A on Spotify.Interested in being a Sponsor? go here: https://ecmp.info/sponsor This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: Spotify Ad Analytics - https://www.spotify.com/us/legal/ad-analytics-privacy-policy/

Landwirtschaft und Umwelt
Dreifach-Krise: Wie Artensterben, Klimawandel und Gesundheit zusammenhängen

Landwirtschaft und Umwelt

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 27, 2024 22:58

Wie Artensterben, Klimawandel und Gesundheit zusammenhängen (Von Anne Herrberg und Stephan Hübner) / Pandas - Chinas fluffige Vorzeige-Diplomaten (Von Benjamin Eyssel) / ARD-Aktion #unsereFlüsse: Mühlbach in Landsberg am Lech in schlechtem Zustand (Von Florian Regensburger) / Foodwatch kritisiert Greenwashing in der Milchindustrie (Von Martin Thiel) / Nationalsozialismus und Landwirtschaft im Allgäu (Von Doris Bimmer) // Moderation: Simon Plentinger

The Rock Fight: Outdoor Industry & Adventure Commentary
Is The Outdoor Industry Leading When It Comes To Sustainability? Plus: This Week In Greenwashing!

The Rock Fight: Outdoor Industry & Adventure Commentary

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 25, 2024 41:03 Transcription Available

Today on THE ROCK FIGHT (an outdoor podcast that aims for the head) environmental fashion journalist Sophie Benson returns to talk about the latest sustainability topics to come out of the outdoor industry.Sophie joins Colin & Producer Dave to share her insights on the recent upcycling and recommerce initiatives from various outdoor brands. The episode also delves into the implications of new legislation in California, SB707, which holds producers accountable for their textile waste. They also discuss Sophie's coverage of the Trashie program, which aims to tackle fashion waste while raising questions about consumer behavior and responsibility.Lastly they wrap things up with another edition of This Week In Greenwashing!Chapters:02:27 - Exploring Upcycling and Recommerce14:00 - California's New Textile Legislation23:52 - Understanding the 'Trashy' Take Back Program34:07 - This Week in GreenwashingHurricane Helene Relief Links:Fuel GoodsGoFundMe for Bubba O'LearysWestern North Carolina Hurriance Helene Resource GuideEast Tennessee Foundation Relief FundHead to www.rockfight.co and sign up for News From the Front, Rock Fight's weekly newsletter!Please follow and subscribe to THE ROCK FIGHT and give us a 5 star rating and written review wherever you get your podcasts.Listen to and follow Gear & Beer! The newest show on the Rock Fight Podcast Network.Have a question or comment for a future mailbag episode? Send it to myrockfight@gmail.com or send a message on Instagram or Threads.Thanks for listening! THE ROCK FIGHT is a production of Rock Fight, LLC.

Green IO
#47a - The Microsoft Azure dilemma with Holly and William Alpine - Learnings from a 10K employee grassroots sustainability initiative

Green IO

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 22, 2024 42:03

They both went to this job interview to hone their skills, and got a dream job at Microsoft! In its fast-growing and AI-pioneered Azure division and with a romance on top of it…

Arbitrage - Learning to Trade
October 22, 2024

Arbitrage - Learning to Trade

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 22, 2024 6:24

A) Three ThingsChik Fil Play?Greenwashing?Higher Prices Here To StayB) Leave Your Work at WorkC) AI Bot PIPS Pick of the DayTrade while you sleep and across time zones with Arbitrage Trade AssistVisit arbitragetrade.com We are not financial advisors. We offer an AI Algorithm Service named PIPS at ArbitrageTrade.com#new, #breakingnews, #foryou, #news, #Trending, #ChikFila, #Greenwashing, #WisdomTree, #IMF, #Inflation, #FamilySupport this show http://supporter.acast.com/arbitrage. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

La Terre au carré
Face au greenwashing d'Amazon, ses employés se rebellent

La Terre au carré

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 21, 2024 4:44

durée : 00:04:44 - La lutte enchantée - par : Camille Crosnier - Le groupe s'est vanté en juillet d'avoir atteint sept ans plus tôt que prévu ses objectifs de 100% d'énergie renouvelable utilisée pour ses opérations. Mais c'est faux, et c'est un collectif d'employés qui le prouve, déterminé à lutter de l'intérieur contre les dérives d'Amazon. - invités : Camille Crosnier - Camille Crosnier : Journaliste et chroniqueuse de radio française

The CleanTechies Podcast
#214 THIS is What People ACTUALLY Think about NY ClimateWeek

The CleanTechies Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 17, 2024 27:51

A while ago, we released a survey to collect people's feedback on NY Climate Week 2024. Well… the results are in! And we are here to recap them. If you want to know…What people thought the best events were (and why) As well as the worst… (namedropped…

Gloss Angeles
Reviewing Allure's Best of Beauty List. Plus: Are Beauty Brands Really Greenwashing Worse Than Fashion? Our Thoughts

Gloss Angeles

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 16, 2024 37:42

Allure's annual Best of Beauty list is out! Kirbie and Sara review (some of) the over 300+ list of winners across the categories, including best sheer lipstick to best detergent (yes, there's even a category for detergent!) We know that the beauty industry is working to be more sustainable, but are they more talk than walk? We unpack a new report from Good On You that claims nearly two thirds of the beauty brands it assessed rated “Not Good Enough,” or worse. What does it really mean? Let's discuss! Shop this episodeWatch our episodes!GlossAngelesPod.comCALL or TEXT US: 424-341-0426Join our Slack to try new products before they launchJoin our FB GroupInstagram: @glossangelspod, @kirbiejohnson, @saratanTwitter: @glossangelespod, @kirbiejohnson, @saratanEmail: glossangelespodcast@gmail.com Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

No Stupid Questions
215. Is It Okay to Do the Right Thing for the Wrong Reason?

No Stupid Questions

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 13, 2024 35:02

What's wrong with donating to charity for the tax write-off? Should we think less of people who do volunteer work to pad their resumes? And why is Angela stopping women in public parks to compliment them? SOURCES:Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.Geoffrey Goodwin, professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania.Jon Huntsman, politician, diplomat, and businessman.Immanuel Kant, 18th-century German philosopher.Emrys Westacott, professor of philosophy at Alfred University. RESOURCES:"How Inferred Motives Shape Moral Judgements," by Ryan W. Carlson, Yochanan E. Bigman, Kurt Gray, Melissa J. Ferguson, and M. J. Crockett (Nature Reviews Psychology, 2022)."Just 2 Minutes of Walking After a Meal Is Surprisingly Good for You," by Rachel Fairbank (The New York Times, 2022)."Psychological Egoism," by Emrys Westacott (ThoughtCo, 2020)."A Meta-Analytic Review of Moral Licensing," by Irene Blanken, Niels van de Ven, and Marcel Zeelenberg (Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2015)."Selfish or Selfless? On the Signal Value of Emotion in Altruistic Behavior," by Alixandra Barasch, Emma E. Levine, Jonathan Z. Berman, and Deborah A. Small (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2014)."Greenwashing — the Deceptive Tactics Behind Environmental Claims," by the United Nations. EXTRAS:"Giving It Away," by People I (Mostly) Admire (2022)."How Can We Get More Virtue and Less ‘Virtue Signaling'?" by No Stupid Questions (2020)."Does Doing Good Give You License to Be Bad?" by Freakonomics Radio (2018).

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