International news organization based in London and owned by Thomson Reuters
We always like to start the year off on a positive note and this show subject most certainly fits the bill. Betty White had a career in show business that lasted seven decades. She was one of America's sweethearts and won over the hearts of many in her prime-time roles. Just when you thought she was in her twilight years, she had a career resurgence like we've never seen before. She entertained us until she was in her 90's and the country mourned when she passed. But with all the people and characters she ran into during her career, was it all sunshine and roses? How did her co-stars feel about her? Was the beef with her and Bea Arthur real? We'll dive into all this and more in the Betty White episode of AHC Podcast. Intro Music Credits: [No Copyright Sound] Pop Beat [ Instrumental ] [ FREE USE MUSIC ] - MBB, Jonas Schmidt - Moving On Citations: Betty White - age, Health & Family. (2021, December 31). Fact Check, R. (2022, January 13). Fact check: Conspiracy theories appear about actress Betty White following her death | reuters. Fitzgerald, T. (2022, January 3). Betty White's early years: How she became one of TV's first superstars. Forbes. Kussin, Z. (2022, February 10). Betty White's “golden girls” castmates called her “the C-word”: New podcast. New York Post. Staff, C. (2017, December 24). Betty White had dreams of working as a park ranger during her childhood. Closer Weekly. White, B. (1995, January 1). Here we go again : My life in television : White, Betty, 1922- : Free download, Borrow, and streaming. Internet Archive. Wikimedia Foundation. (2024, December 17). Betty White. Wikipedia.
Nicolas Maduro will serve a third term as Venezuela's president, despite criticism. How much support does the President have? Maria Corina Machado, leader of the opposition has condemned the inauguration as a coup and a violation of the constitution.Also on the programme: the USA's South Carolina Attorney General, Alan Wilson, tells Newshour why he supports the banning of social media platform TikTok; and Israeli settlers of the West Bank tell the BBC why they support the election of Donald Trump as the new President of the United States.Image: President Nicolas Maduro gestures on the day of his inauguration for a third six-year term in Caracas, Venezuela January 10, 2025. Credit: Leonardo Fernandez Viloria via Reuters.
As we welcome a new year, we reflect on 2024 as another strong year for equities with inflation, interest rates, and the ongoing impact of artificial intelligence. Still very much in the spotlight. 2025 is shaping up to be an intriguing year for equity investors BlackRock's Global CIO of Fundamental Equities, Tony DeSpirito, will discuss the factors driving the market where he sees the biggest equity opportunities and some of the challenges that lie ahead.Sources: S&P 500 2 Year Return, Y Charts, ‘How Reddit Surprised Wall Street With 185% Post-IPO Surge', Investor Business Daily, Nov 2024; Russell 1000 Value Index historical charts; 2023 GICS Changes: Companies Impacted and What You Need to Know, State Street Global Advisors, Jan 2023; The Magnificent Seven Monitor, Reuters; BlackRock Fundamental Equities with data from FactSet as of 11/30/24This content is for informational purposes only and is not an offer or a solicitation. Reliance upon information in this material is at the sole discretion of the listener. Reference to the names of each company mentioned in this communication is merely for explaining the investment strategy and should not be construed as investment advice or investment recommendation of those companies. In the UK and Non-European Economic Area countries, this is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. In the European Economic Area, this is authorised and regulated by the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets. For full disclosures go to Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
'We all have had a very different journey and therefore have different wounds or scars and different needs and abilities and strengths and weaknesses.' This week, Mandeep Rai, the author of The Values Compass: What 101 Countries Teach Us About Purpose, Life and Leadership, tells us about cultural humility and what is necessary to listen to and understand others. She shares the considerations that individuals and institutions must make to hold space for others, and the many lessons she has learned traveling around the world. Dr. Mandeep Rai is a global authority on values, working with companies, institutions, and individuals worldwide. She has traveled to more than 150 countries and reported as a journalist for the BBC World Service and Reuters. Mandeep studied philosophy, politics, and economics (PPE), has an MSc in International Development from the London School of Economics, and completed an MBA at London Business School. She also holds a PhD in global values. Host: Katie Koestner Editor: Evan Mader Producers: Emily Wang and Catrina Aglubat
Ahead of President Trump's return to The White House, Meta is replacing its US fact-checking program with a new “user-driven” approach called Community Notes. Angie Drobnic Holan, Director of the International Fact-Checking Network, explains the implications of this decision and whether decentralising moderation can effectively address misinformation. Piers Morgan, broadcaster and former host at Rupert Murdoch's News UK, has announced his decision to leave and focus on his YouTube channel. Julia Angwin, investigative journalist and fellow at Harvard Kennedy School, explains how this reflects the broader rise of independent content creators. Joey Contino, TikTok news influencer, shares how he has built a loyal following through accessible and direct reporting. Alessandra Galloni, Editor-in-Chief of Reuters, considers how traditional media organisations can adapt to these trends. Grand Theft Auto 6 is shaping up to be a landmark release in gaming history. With its first female protagonist, advanced AI, and immersive gameplay mechanics, the game is expected to push boundaries in both technology and storytelling. Vic Hood, freelance gaming journalist, examines the franchise's enduring appeal and how this instalment could set new benchmarks in the gaming industry. Presenters: Katie Razzall and Ros Atkins Producer: Simon Richardson Assistant producer: Lucy Wai
Exporturile de gaze naturale stârnesc polemici înainte chiar de momentul în care contractele vor fi derulate. Dar, exportul de materie primă energetică este o temă colaterală. Mult mai important ar fi ca guvernul să găsească soluțiile pentru ca gazul ce va fi extras din Marea Neagră să fie industrializat în țară. Câtă emoție a stârnit știrea că OMV Petrom a contractat către o companie germană o cantitate de gaze care va fi extrasă din perimetrul Neptun Deep, din Marea Neagră. Extragerea gazelor naturale din zona offshore ar trebui să înceapă în anul 2027, iar agenția Reuters a anunțat pe surse că OMV Petrom a încheiat cu Uniper, o companie energetică germană, un acord pentru livrarea unei cantități de 1,4 miliarde de metri cubi pentru o perioadă de cinci ani.Sunt două teme aici. Prima este că, în mod sigur, de fiecare dată când va veni vorba de exportul de gaze naturale va fi nevoie de explicații ample legate de contractele de vânzare-cumpărare. În următorii ani, subiectul exporturilor de materii prime energetice din România va rămâne deschis, sensibil la publicul larg și speculat din punct de vedere politic.O a doua temă este cea a înțelegerilor „pe sub masă” pentru acceptarea României în zona Schengen. „Ziarul financiar” a publicat un articol, sub semnătura redacției, în care erau citate surse anonime și se arăta că „iese la iveală prețul Schengenului, respectiv gazele din Marea Neagră vor merge în Austria și Germania”. Aș fi trecut lejer peste informație, dar ieri seară, în ediția electronică a ziarului, alături de alte câteva materiale publicistice citite de 485 de ori, de 376 de ori sau doar de 95 de ori exista articolul despre „prețul Schengen” accesat exact de 264.968 de ori. Un număr foarte mare. Este greu de spus câți dintre cei care au citit textul au crezut că intrarea României în Schengen s-a făcut pe baza unui „troc”, dar acesta este un subiect pentru autorități.Chestiunea strict tehnică este mai clară, iar ministrul energiei, Sebastian Burduja a adus o serie de precizări. Respectiv, cantitatea contractată de Petrom cu firma germană reprezintă doar 1% din producția totală estimată a zăcământului Neptun Deep. Adică, un procentaj nesemnificativ.Apoi, cele două companii care operează perimetrul Neptun Deep, Romgaz și OMV Petrom, au responsabilitatea propriilor decizii comerciale, dar legea are și o „frână” pentru situația în care statul român dorește să blocheze derularea unor contracte bilaterale.România este un producător european important de gaze naturale. Anul trecut, Olanda și România au împărțit primele două poziții, iar exploatarea perimetrelor din Marea Neagră va duce detașat producția locală pe primul loc la nivel european. În acest context, este clar că exportul de gaze naturale este o opțiune foarte bună pentru România, mai ales în contextul în care Uniunea Europeană vrea să elimine importurile din Rusia.Să fim realiști: vor exista în continuare tot felul de voci care vor contesta exportul românesc de gaze naturale. Dar, principala temă nu este exportul, ci utilizarea gazului natural în țară cu o valoare adăugată cât mai ridicată, iar statutul de cel mai important producător european va avantaja România pentru atragerea de investiții.În loc să discutăm la nesfărșit în termenii naționalismului economic despre exportul de gaz, mai bine autoritățile ar încuraja investițiile în centrale de producție a energiei electrice care folosesc gazele naturale. Așa cum este cazul centralei electrice de la Iernut, județul Mureș.Guvernul ar trebui să găsească soluții pentru atragerea investitorilor în industria chimică și în producția de îngrășăminte chimice. Romgaz și-a anunțat intențiile de a deveni furnizor de gaze și energie pentru consumatorii casnici. Foarte bine, dar, combustibilul primește valoare adăugată în industrii, nu în consumul gospodăriilor.Uniunea Europeană consumă din totalul cantității de gaze, 32% pentru producerea de energie electrică, 25% pentru gospodăriile populației și 24% pentru industrie. România ar trebui să se apropie de această structură. Dar, ar trebui ca prioritățile să fie concentrate pe investiții și nu măcinate de frici naționaliste că gazele din România vor merge în Europa.
Operațiunea „stat mai suplu”. Ce face Musk în SUA vor să facă Ciolacu și Bolojan la noi. Aproape 40 de agenții, departamente și institute trebuiau deja comasate (HotNews) - Secretomania livrării gazelor din Marea Neagră: de ce a trebuit să apară o ştire pe surse ca să aflăm că gazele din Neptun Deep merg în Germania? (Ziarul Financiar) - Arhiepiscopul Teodosie pretinde că a fost „înregistrat din răzbunare” în timp ce cumpăra influența unui afacerist. Prelatul, filmat când negocia un comision de 160.000 de lei (Libertatea) Cum suflă PSD vânt în pânzele extremiștilor (SpotMedia)Dacă ar fi să ne mai încredem în deciziile luate în coaliție, primul tur al alegerilor prezidențiale ar trebui să aibă loc în 4 mai, al doilea în 18 mai, iar candidatul comun al celor trei partide rămâne Crin Antonescu.În același timp, pe surse aflăm ceea ce comunicarea oficială nu spune, și anume că validarea dlui Antonescu de către partide ar urma să fie făcută în funcție de rezultatul unor măsurători care vor fi realizate în perioada imediat următoare.Din start, este o dovadă de neseriozitate și lipsă de profesionalism. Cum să anunți oficial un candidat, să-i treci numele în protocolul unei coaliții de guvernare și abia apoi să te apuci să-l măsori ca să te lămurești dacă mai are sau nu tracțiune electorală?În cel mai bun caz, pare că au aruncat un nume la disperare, că să poată constitui coaliția, și apoi om mai vedea.Și dacă sondajele vor arăta rău?Pentru că există și această posibilitate.Ce vor face într-o astfel de situație? Vor schimba din nou candidatul? Doar candidatul sau și data alegerilor pentru a căuta altă variantă? O caută de pe acum? Toți? Ilie Bolojan și Kelemen Hunor nu par a juca la două capete. Pentru PSD e deja un brand.Și, de fapt, care e planul PSD? Să aibă propriul candidat? Va fi greu să-l impună coaliției dacă vrea să păstreze și funcția de premier.Filmulețul despre fraudarea alegerilor de către PSD prin donare de voturi către AUR pare a sugera că dl Ciolacu ar mai vrea să candideze o dată, cât timp, nu-i așa, nu ar fi pierdut de fapt la urne.Integral pe pagina SpotMedia.Operațiunea „stat mai suplu”. Ce face Musk în SUA vor să facă Ciolacu și Bolojan la noi. Aproape 40 de agenții, departamente și institute trebuiau deja comasate (HotNews)Guvernul va înființa, în perioada următoare, un departament pentru eficientizare guvernamentală, pe modelul inventat de DonaldTrump, care va fi condus de premierul Marcel Ciolacu și de șeful Senatului, Ilie Bolojan, după cum a anunțat, recent, ministrul Finanțelor, Tánczos Barna. În aparatul central al Guvernului există domenii pentru care funcționează în același timp mai multe agenții sau autorități, cu activități care se suprapun sau se completează. Unele sunt în subordinea directă a Executivului, altele sunt în coordonarea ministerelor și mai există și autorități sub controlul Parlamentului.În subordinea premierului și Secretariatului General al Guvernului (SGG) se află aproape 40 de entități guvernamentale (agenții, institute, administrații, comisii, oficii, departamente etc), potrivit datelor transmise de către SGG anul trecut, la solicitarea HotNews.O eficientizare guvernamentală trebuia realizată până la data de 30 iunie 2024, prin comasarea a cel puţin 20% din numărul de agenții, potrivit Legii 296/2023 privind unele măsuri fiscal-bugetare, însă acest lucru nu a fost realizat.Secretomania livrării gazelor din Marea Neagră: de ce a trebuit să apară o ştire pe surse ca să aflăm că gazele din Neptun Deep merg în Germania? De ce a ieşit Ministerul Energiei să anunţe abia a doua zi după ştirea publicată de Reuters? A fost făcută prima oară o ofertă statului român în baza dreptului de preempţiune? Dacă da, când şi cât? Dacă nu, de ce? (Ziarul Financiar)A trebuit să anunţe agenţia de ştiri Reuters pe surse ca să aflăm că o parte din gazele din Marea Neagră extrase de OMV Petrom (SNP) din perimetrul Neptun Deep, acolo unde are 50% fiind operator, vor merge în Germania la compania Uniper.Şi la 17 ore de la publicarea în Reuters ca să aibă şi Ministerul Energiei o primă reacţie pe subiect: „Un pas firesc în cadrul unui proiect de importanţă strategică pentru ţara noastră şi pentru Europa“.ZF reamintește că România are un consum anual de gaze de 8-9 miliarde de metri cubi, din care 1 miliard de metri cubi din Marea Neagră, iar restul prin OMV Petrom şi Romgaz prin exploatările on-shore (de pe ţărm – n. red.). În perimetrul Neptun Deep autorităţile şi companiile au estimat rezerve de gaze de 80-100 de miliarde de metri cubi cu un potenţial de 200 de miliarde de metri cubi.Arhiepiscopul Teodosie pretinde că a fost „înregistrat din răzbunare” în timp ce cumpăra influența unui afacerist. Prelatul, filmat când negocia un comision de 160.000 de lei (Libertatea)Teodosie Petrescu, Înaltpreasfințitul Arhiepiscop al Tomisului, a încercat în zadar să obțină restituirea la Parchet a dosarului în care este acuzat de cumpărare de influență, după ce a fost filmat în timp ce accepta să dea unui om de afaceri un comision din suma totală pe care acesta i-o promitea că o va obține de la stat pentru construirea unei biserici. Singura abordare pe care avocații au găsit-o a fost să susțină că filmarea a fost făcută „din răzbunare”, însă nu au reușit să îi convingă pe magistrați.Al treilea dosar penal deschis pe numele lui Teodosie Petrescu se află pe rolul Înaltei Curți, unde pe data de 15 ianuarie 2025 se va judeca o contestație a înaltului prelat împotriva hotărârii Curții de Apel Constanța, care pe data de 14 noiembrie 2024 a confirmat legalitatea rechizitoriului și a decis începerea judecății pentru cumpărare de influență.Continuarea în ziarul Libertatea.
The scientists said their new findings on the mixing and mating of the groups suggested the activities happened a little more recently than thought in the past. They believe the contact continued over many generations. 科学家们表示,他们关于这些群体混合和交配的新发现表明,这些活动发生的时间比过去想象的要晚一些。他们相信这种接触持续了好几代人。Priya Moorjani was co-writer of the study appearing in Science. She is an assistant professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California, Berkeley. She told Reuters, “Genetic data from these samples really helps us paint a picture in more and more detail.” Priya Moorjani 是发表在《科学》杂志上的这项研究的合著者。她是加州大学伯克利分校分子和细胞生物学助理教授。她告诉路透社,“这些样本的基因数据确实帮助我们越来越详细地描绘了一幅图景。” The team noted that it is difficult to know the exact nature of the interactions between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals based on the examined data. The researchers also could not confirm exactly where the mixing and mating happened. However, they believe it was most likely somewhere in the Middle East. 研究小组指出,根据检查的数据很难了解智人和尼安德特人之间相互作用的确切性质。研究人员也无法确定混合和交配发生的确切位置。然而,他们认为它很可能在中东某个地方。 The researchers noted most modern humans still have genetic material from Neanderthals that accounts for an estimated one to two percent of their DNA. They said modern-day genetic traits linked to skin color, hair color and even nose shape can relate back to the Neanderthals. Our genetic makeup also includes links to another group of human ancestors called Denisovans. 研究人员指出,大多数现代人类仍然拥有来自尼安德特人的遗传物质,估计占其 DNA 的百分之一到百分之二。他们说,与肤色、头发颜色甚至鼻子形状相关的现代遗传特征可以追溯到尼安德特人。我们的基因构成还包括与另一群人类祖先(丹尼索瓦人)的联系。 Moorjani noted that the history of Neanderthals living outside Africa for thousands of years likely gave them a greater ability to deal with climate and diseases in new environments. “Some of their genes may have been beneficial to modern humans,” she added. 穆尔贾尼指出,尼安德特人在非洲以外生活了数千年的历史可能使他们在新环境中应对气候和疾病的能力更强。“它们的一些基因可能对现代人类有益,”她补充道。 Rick Potts is director of the Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins program. He was not involved in the new research. Potts told The Associated Press he hopes future genetic studies can help scientists learn even more details about the interactions of Neanderthals and modern humans. 里克·波茨 (Rick Potts) 是史密森学会人类起源项目的主任。他没有参与这项新研究。波茨告诉美联社,他希望未来的基因研究能够帮助科学家了解更多关于尼安德特人和现代人类相互作用的细节。 He said, “Out of many really compelling areas of scientific investigation, one of them is: well, who are we?” 他说:“在许多真正引人注目的科学研究领域中,其中之一是:嗯,我们是谁?”
Postaw nam wirtualną kawę — 00:42 - Ile osób w USA zwolni Elon Musk? 04:18 - Space X i Drugi Polak w Kosmosie 05:29 - Red Roomy, czyli Nowe Wątki w Sprawie Diddy'ego 08:07 - 26 Latek, Który Podzielił Amerykę Kontakt:
Ez súlyosabb volt, mint egy kormányinfó Telex 2025-01-09 11:20:54 Tudomány Elon Musk Kormányinfó Az X vezérigazgatójának Las Vegas-i fellépésén megtudhattuk, hogy Elon Musk egy látnok, a média halott, és a dezinformáció csak egy más nézőpont. X lesz a Facebookból ICT Global 2025-01-09 06:03:04 Mobiltech Instagram Elon Musk Twitter Mark Zuckerberg Elon Muskot a Twitter megvétele óta számosan bírálták, hogy a vélemények ellenőrzésmentessége mellett állt ki, most viszont a Facebook, az Instagram és a Threads megszünteti a tényellenőrzést. Mark Zuckerberg nem akar politikai befolyásoltságot Az MI elkezdett "ízlelni" színeket és formákat – ez emberibb, mint gondolnánk ITBusiness 2025-01-09 04:37:29 Infotech Milyen íze lehet egy rózsaszín gömbnek? És milyen hangja van egy Sauvignon Blanc-nak? Első hallásra ezek a kérdések nevetségesnek tűnhetnek, de rengeteg tudományos kutatás mutatja, hogy az emberi agy összekapcsolja az érzékszervi élményeket. Lehet, hogy nem tudatosul bennünk, de különböző színekhez, formákhoz és hangokhoz más-más ízélményeket társí Ügyfélkapu Plusz: itt a megoldás! Új bejelentkezési módot fejlesztettek Startlap Vásárlás 2025-01-09 09:53:52 Infotech Ügyfélkapu Hamarosan érkezik egy újabb fejlesztés az Ügyfélkapu Pluszhoz, ami azoknak jelent majd nagy segítséget, akik nem szeretnének QR-kódokkal és okoseszközökkel bajlódni. Itt a SpaceX európai konkurense: tesztelés alatt a többször használható űrrakéta 2025-01-09 07:33:37 Tudomány Világűr Leányvállalat SpaceX Az Arianespace leányvállalata, a Maiaspace elérte az európai űrkutatás egyik legfontosabb mérföldkövét: megkezdődtek Európa első újra felhasználható orbitális rakétájának kritikus tesztjei – számolt be a Reuters. Az európai űripar jelentős Sajátos nevet kapnak a lakók, akik beköltöznek az új kísérleti városba Rakéta 2025-01-09 13:39:07 Infotech Már idén elkezdhetnek beköltözni a lakók a futurisztikus városba, ahol együtt fogják építeni a helyet, és a legújabb technológiai megoldásokat tesztelik. Galaxisunkon kívül is jártak a testünk atomjai 2025-01-09 09:25:59 Infotech Egy új vizsgálat alapján a testünkben lévő atomok többsége megjárta a cirkumgalaktikus közeget. Bemutattak a laptopot, ami osztrigákból készült First Class 2025-01-09 11:39:25 Infotech Környezetvédelem Kütyü Acer Még környezetbarátabbá vált az Acer Aspire laptopcsaládja azzal, hogy megnövelték a kütyü természetes összetevőinek arányát. Havonta kell majd fizetni a Samsung Galaxy telefonjaiért a cég új előfizetéses modelljében PC Fórum 2025-01-09 09:00:00 Mobiltech Telefon Samsung A Samsung a hónap közepén megrendezésre kerülő idei első Unpacked eseményen egy teljesen új értékesítési modellt is le fog leplezni Galaxy telefonjaihoz - szivárgott ki a héten. Ebben a vásárlóknak nem előre kell majd kifizetniük a készülékek árát, hanem havonta, kvázi előfizetési díjért cserébe használhatják majd azokat. A program részletei egyel Agyeldobós újdonságokat hozott a 2025-ös CES Index 2025-01-09 08:09:00 Tudomány Mozi CES Holigrafikus kijelzővel, minden korábbinál erősebb videókártyával és újabb, mozivászonra készülő játékadaptációkkal indítják az évet a techóriások. Az Nvidia bemutatta az első asztali AI szuperszámítógépét 2025-01-09 05:33:57 Cégvilág Mesterséges intelligencia Kiállítás Nvidia CES Az Nvidia a jelek szerint tovább mélyíti jelenlétét a mesterséges intelligenciához kapcsolódó hardverek piacán: bemutatta első asztali mesterségesintelligencia-eszközét, a Digits szuperszámítógépet. A CES 2025 kiállításon bemutatott számítógép alapja az új AI-vezérelt startupok – Forradalom vagy kihívás? Fintech 2025-01-09 10:20:00 Modern Gazdaság Mesterséges intelligencia Startup Jonas Templestein, a Monzo társalapítójának a cége, a Nustom, mesterséges intelligencia (AI) által alapított és működtetett vállalkozások létrehozására összpontosít. Az ötlet forradalmi, de jelentős jogi, etikai és technológiai kihívásokat vet fel. Vajon valóban ez a jövő a startup világban? A Monzo társalapítójának irányváltása az AI-alapú strartu Vérengzés jön a bankszektorban – 200 ezer munkahely szűnhet meg nyomtalanul Privátbankár 2025-01-09 10:28:00 Gazdaság Mesterséges intelligencia A mesterséges intelligencia terjedése komoly hatásokat hoz magával. A további adásainkat keresd a oldalunkon.
Pre-show: Κοπή πίτας, φαγητά στην ξενιτιά Ιστορίες της χρονιάς (2024) Physics - JWST Sees More Galaxies than Expected Physics - Nuclear-Fusion Reaction Beats Breakeven Physics - First Glimpses of the Neutrino Fog First sighting of ‘neutrino fog' sparks excitement – but is it bad news for dark matter? Ανακάλυψη νετρίνων από πειράματα στην Ιταλία και την Κίνα Προοπτικές για τη σκοτεινή ύλη και τα φυσικά μοντέλα Cosmological Evidence Emerges That Dark Energy Is An Illusion | Discover Magazine Νέα μοντέλα κοσμολογίας που αμφισβητούν την ύπαρξη σκοτεινής ύλης Θεωρία Timescape και του τρόπου που ο χρόνος επηρεάζεται από βαρυτικά πεδία Surprisingly thick ice on Jupiter's moon Europa complicates hunt for life | Science | AAAS Ανακαλύψεις για το παχύ κέλυφος πάγου στην Ευρώπη του Δία Επιπτώσεις στις πιθανότητες ύπαρξης ζωής Europe's Maiaspace steps up effort to counter SpaceX with reusable rocket | Reuters Αρνητικά νέα για την Ευρώπη και τους καθυστερημένους επαναχρησιμοποιούμενους πυραύλους Συγκρίσεις με την SpaceX και άλλες πρωτοβουλίες στην Ευρώπη Google passes milestone on road to an error-free quantum computer | Science Researchers Demonstrate Quantum Teleportation over Fiberoptic Cables Carrying Internet Traffic | Sci.News NSF panel says proposed giant telescopes would swamp agency's budget | Science | AAAS NASA Artemis Moon Missions Delayed Until 2026 and 2027 - The New York Times First Rocks Returned from Moon's Far Side Reveal Ancient Volcanic Activity | Scientific American Footprints Suggest Different Human Relatives Lived Alongside One Another - The New York Times When It Comes to Thinking, Our Brains Are Surprisingly Slow | Discover Magazine Νέα δεδομένα για το ανθρώπινο εγκέφαλο και την ταχύτητα μεταφοράς δεδομένων Hera Mission Launches to Witness Asteroid-Crash Aftermath - Sky & Telescope ESA - Eclipse-making double satellite Proba-3 enters orbit Oldest known alphabet unearthed in ancient Syrian city Ανακάλυψη παλαιότερου αλφαβήτου στη Συρία Why eating less slows ageing: this molecule is key NASA's Parker Solar Probe Makes its Record-Breaking Closest Approach to the Sun - Universe Today Το Parker Solar Probe πλησίασε τον ήλιο και επιβίωσε, καταρρίπτοντας ρεκόρ ταχύτητας Post-show Το viral Thread του Θέμου Nosferatu, Squid Game Επικοινωνία email: Instagram: @notatop10 Threads: @notatop10 Bluesky: Web: (00:00:00) Pre-show (00:08:13) Intro (00:08:30) Κορυφαίες ειδήσεις του 2024 (00:11:16) Νέφος νετρίνων (00:16:37) Μούφα η σκοτεινή ενέργεια (?) (00:31:56) Η Ευρώπη πάχυνε (00:35:01) υρωπαϊκοί επαναχρησιμοποιούμενοι πυραύλοι (00:44:57) Κβαντικοί υπολογιστές (00:51:45) Οι διάδοχοι του Hubble (00:59:02) Αποστολή Artemis (01:01:29) Οι πέτρες από τη σελήνη (01:02:38) Ανθρώπινα αποτυπώματα (01:07:26) Το throughput του ανθρώπινου μυαλού (01:16:27) Επιστροφή στον αστεροειδή (01:17:43) Εκλείψεις κατά βούληση (01:18:39) Το παλαιότερο αλφάβητο στον κόσμο (01:21:16) Τρώτε λιγότερο για να ζήσετε πολύ (01:25:40) Parker Solar Probe (01:31:01) Post-show
What's happening in property investing news this week in Australia? It's time to find out! We remove all the fluff to bring a neatly packaged news show, designed to keep you on the ball as an Australian Property Investor. Let's see what's making property news headlines this week in Australia.
Ez súlyosabb volt, mint egy kormányinfó Telex 2025-01-09 11:20:54 Tudomány Elon Musk Kormányinfó Az X vezérigazgatójának Las Vegas-i fellépésén megtudhattuk, hogy Elon Musk egy látnok, a média halott, és a dezinformáció csak egy más nézőpont. X lesz a Facebookból ICT Global 2025-01-09 06:03:04 Mobiltech Instagram Elon Musk Twitter Mark Zuckerberg Elon Muskot a Twitter megvétele óta számosan bírálták, hogy a vélemények ellenőrzésmentessége mellett állt ki, most viszont a Facebook, az Instagram és a Threads megszünteti a tényellenőrzést. Mark Zuckerberg nem akar politikai befolyásoltságot Az MI elkezdett "ízlelni" színeket és formákat – ez emberibb, mint gondolnánk ITBusiness 2025-01-09 04:37:29 Infotech Milyen íze lehet egy rózsaszín gömbnek? És milyen hangja van egy Sauvignon Blanc-nak? Első hallásra ezek a kérdések nevetségesnek tűnhetnek, de rengeteg tudományos kutatás mutatja, hogy az emberi agy összekapcsolja az érzékszervi élményeket. Lehet, hogy nem tudatosul bennünk, de különböző színekhez, formákhoz és hangokhoz más-más ízélményeket társí Ügyfélkapu Plusz: itt a megoldás! Új bejelentkezési módot fejlesztettek Startlap Vásárlás 2025-01-09 09:53:52 Infotech Ügyfélkapu Hamarosan érkezik egy újabb fejlesztés az Ügyfélkapu Pluszhoz, ami azoknak jelent majd nagy segítséget, akik nem szeretnének QR-kódokkal és okoseszközökkel bajlódni. Itt a SpaceX európai konkurense: tesztelés alatt a többször használható űrrakéta 2025-01-09 07:33:37 Tudomány Világűr Leányvállalat SpaceX Az Arianespace leányvállalata, a Maiaspace elérte az európai űrkutatás egyik legfontosabb mérföldkövét: megkezdődtek Európa első újra felhasználható orbitális rakétájának kritikus tesztjei – számolt be a Reuters. Az európai űripar jelentős Sajátos nevet kapnak a lakók, akik beköltöznek az új kísérleti városba Rakéta 2025-01-09 13:39:07 Infotech Már idén elkezdhetnek beköltözni a lakók a futurisztikus városba, ahol együtt fogják építeni a helyet, és a legújabb technológiai megoldásokat tesztelik. Galaxisunkon kívül is jártak a testünk atomjai 2025-01-09 09:25:59 Infotech Egy új vizsgálat alapján a testünkben lévő atomok többsége megjárta a cirkumgalaktikus közeget. Bemutattak a laptopot, ami osztrigákból készült First Class 2025-01-09 11:39:25 Infotech Környezetvédelem Kütyü Acer Még környezetbarátabbá vált az Acer Aspire laptopcsaládja azzal, hogy megnövelték a kütyü természetes összetevőinek arányát. Havonta kell majd fizetni a Samsung Galaxy telefonjaiért a cég új előfizetéses modelljében PC Fórum 2025-01-09 09:00:00 Mobiltech Telefon Samsung A Samsung a hónap közepén megrendezésre kerülő idei első Unpacked eseményen egy teljesen új értékesítési modellt is le fog leplezni Galaxy telefonjaihoz - szivárgott ki a héten. Ebben a vásárlóknak nem előre kell majd kifizetniük a készülékek árát, hanem havonta, kvázi előfizetési díjért cserébe használhatják majd azokat. A program részletei egyel Agyeldobós újdonságokat hozott a 2025-ös CES Index 2025-01-09 08:09:00 Tudomány Mozi CES Holigrafikus kijelzővel, minden korábbinál erősebb videókártyával és újabb, mozivászonra készülő játékadaptációkkal indítják az évet a techóriások. Az Nvidia bemutatta az első asztali AI szuperszámítógépét 2025-01-09 05:33:57 Cégvilág Mesterséges intelligencia Kiállítás Nvidia CES Az Nvidia a jelek szerint tovább mélyíti jelenlétét a mesterséges intelligenciához kapcsolódó hardverek piacán: bemutatta első asztali mesterségesintelligencia-eszközét, a Digits szuperszámítógépet. A CES 2025 kiállításon bemutatott számítógép alapja az új AI-vezérelt startupok – Forradalom vagy kihívás? Fintech 2025-01-09 10:20:00 Modern Gazdaság Mesterséges intelligencia Startup Jonas Templestein, a Monzo társalapítójának a cége, a Nustom, mesterséges intelligencia (AI) által alapított és működtetett vállalkozások létrehozására összpontosít. Az ötlet forradalmi, de jelentős jogi, etikai és technológiai kihívásokat vet fel. Vajon valóban ez a jövő a startup világban? A Monzo társalapítójának irányváltása az AI-alapú strartu Vérengzés jön a bankszektorban – 200 ezer munkahely szűnhet meg nyomtalanul Privátbankár 2025-01-09 10:28:00 Gazdaság Mesterséges intelligencia A mesterséges intelligencia terjedése komoly hatásokat hoz magával. A további adásainkat keresd a oldalunkon.
Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger PictureEU continuing to have inflation, they are now saying it is because of high energy costs. Biden trying to block Trump is going to fail in the end. A bill has been introduced to stop federal funding of Newsom's train. Canada is now waking up to the [CB] and what causes inflation. The [CB] tried to trap Trump but he is on to them. The [DS] is struggling, the more they do in regards to [FF] the worse it gets for them. When the people are awake and thinking logically [FF] do not work on the people. The fake news does not control the narrative. The [DS] is weakening and they are exposed. When Trump said lets make America Great Again he was following the founding fathers, its time to expand the country. (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:13499335648425062,size:[0, 0],id:"ld-7164-1323"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Economy Euro zone inflation jumps in December on higher energy costs Euro zone inflation accelerated in December, an unwelcome but anticipated blip that is unlikely to derail further interest rate cuts from the European Central Bank. Inflation in the 20 nations sharing the euro picked up to 2.4% last month from 2.2% in November, Eurostat said today, in line with expectations in a Reuters poll of economists, lifted by more expensive energy and stubbornly high services costs. Source: Congress Report on LEGISLATED WITHDRAWAL PROVISION 1/15/2021 under @realDonaldTrump From BLOOMBERG: “Energy analysts say it WON'T MAKE MUCH OF A DIFFERENCE IN U.S. OIL PRODUCTION. Tom Kloza, Oil Price Service global head of energy analysis, said it's NOT PARTICULARLY CONSEQUENTIAL FOR U.S. EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION GOING FORWARD…..there are plenty of existing offshore rigs pumping oil in the Gulf of Mexico. Don't see it having ANY REAL IMPACT ON U.S. SUPPLY, EXPORTS, IMPORTS.” From OFFSHORE: “Biden's order would not affect central & western parts of the Gulf of Mexico, WHERE MOST U.S. OFFSHORE DRILLING TAKES PLACE.” “The action is a law that gives presidents broad authority to withdraw federal waters from FUTURE oil/gas leasing & dev.” “The move could allow the U.S. to meet future energy needs w/out jeopardizing areas important to NATIONAL SECURITY, coastal communities, marine life.” ALSO NOTABLE
Day 1,050.Today, as the new Ukrainian offensive in Kursk continues, we discuss the evolving picture in that region, look at the latest developments in unmanned aerial and land warfare, and fears superbugs spawned in war could spark the next pandemic.Contributors:Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor of Defence). @DomNicholls on X.Francis Dearnley (Executive Editor for Audio). @FrancisDearnley on X.Arthur Scott Geddes (Deputy Global Health Editor). @ascottgeddes on X.Michael Bohnert (RAND Analyst). @mbohnert on X.Content Referenced:Trump's Ukraine envoy postpones Kyiv trip until after inauguration (Reuters):'Putin doesn't want negotiations' - our interview with Zelensky's 'power broker' Andriy Yermak: needs more help to beat ‘superbugs', says chief doctor (Arthur in The Telegraph):''I bought a drone and killed my boss" (Arthur in our sister podcast Battle Lines): a Conflict-Borne Superbug Bring on Our Next Pandemic? (Rolling Stone) to The Telegraph: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
How can you turn the challenges of disruption into opportunities for growth and innovation? Terence Mauri joins Kevin to discuss how leaders can transform uncertainty into opportunity and thrive in a rapidly changing world. Terence believes leaders need to shift their mindset and embrace curiosity, unlearn outdated practices, and foster cultures of agility and innovation. He also shares his DARE Framework for mindset shifts. Data: Leading with AI to enhance customer experience and operational efficiency. Agility: Letting go of bureaucratic practices and embracing iterative progress. Risk: Understanding that not taking a risk is often the greatest risk. Evolution: Adopting nature-inspired approaches to adaptability and resilience. Listen for 00:00 Introduction 00:32 Overview of the Episode 01:17 Sponsor Mention: The Long-Distance Leader 01:41 Meet Terence Mauri 02:32 Terence's Journey to Leadership and Disruption 05:00 The Paradox of Risk in Leadership 06:05 Understanding Disruptions in the Modern Era 09:06 Disruptive Trends in AI and Industries 12:03 The Importance of Mindset Shifts for Leaders 15:10 What's Not Going to Change? 18:08 Turning Disruption into Tailwinds 20:02 Introducing the DARE Framework 22:16 D – Data: Leading with AI 23:23 A – Agility: Eliminate Bureaucracy 27:10 R – Risk: Courage vs. Conformity 29:10 E – Evolution: Embracing Change Gradually 32:58 Books Terence Recommends 34:49 Key Takeaways and Closing Thoughts Meet Terence Terence Mauri is the author of The Upside of Disruption: The Path to Leading and Thriving in the Unknown. He is a world-leading expert on the future of leadership, AI, and disruption. As the founder of the future trends think tank Hack Future Lab and a highly acclaimed author, Mauri is the mind behind the movement for leaders to find the upside of disruption and rethink leadership for a post-AI world. He says: “The future isn't just about tech or trends. It's about mindsets and choices, too. Let's not waste one of the biggest reframing moments in our lifetimes because when volatility is high, not taking a risk is a risk.” Mauri's actionable insights and myth-busting thinking have been featured in The Economist, Forbes, Inc. BBC, Reuters, Business Insider, and The Drucker Forum. He has been described as “an influential and outspoken expert on the future of leadership” by Thinkers50, the global authority on today's top business thinkers. Book Recommendations The Upside of Disruption: The Path to Leading and Thriving in the Unknown by Terence Mauri The Brooklyn Follies by Paul Auster Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout by Cal Newport Like this? Leading Through Disruption with Tony Hunter The Disruption Mindset with Charlene Li Work Disrupted with Jeff Schwartz Join Our Community If you want to view our live podcast episodes, hear about new releases, or chat with others who enjoy this podcast join one of our communities below. Join the Facebook Group Join the LinkedIn Group Leave a Review If you liked this conversation, we'd be thrilled if you'd let others know by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. Here's a quick guide for posting a review. Review on Apple: Podcast Better! Sign up with Libsyn and get up to 2 months free! Use promo code: RLP
On Monday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ended months of speculation about his future, in a resignation speech outside his Rideau Cottage residence in Ottawa. Amid plummeting opinion polls, internal party pressure had been mounting for him to vacate the Liberal leadership, after Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland dealt him what many saw as a decisive blow when she quit the government in December. So as the battle to replace Mr Trudeau gets underway, what does Canada's political landscape look like, with the Conservative opposition eagerly anticipating a looming election?On today's episode Sumi Somaskanda is joined by the BBC's Jessica Murphy in Toronto, and The Global Story reporter Peter Goffin. They discuss the Trudeau legacy, and the man poised to become the next long-term Prime Minister, Pierre Poilievre. Plus, the impact of a new Trump administration across the border.The Global Story brings you trusted insights from BBC journalists worldwide. We want your ideas, stories and experiences to help us understand and tell #TheGlobalStory. Email us at You can also message us or leave a voice note via WhatsApp on +44 330 123 9480.Producer: Laurie KalusSound engineer: Mike RegaardAssistant editor: Sergi Forcada FreixasSenior news editor: China CollinsPhoto credit: Reuters
Scientists have used ancient genes to learn more details about contact between Neanderthals and humans tens of thousands of years ago. 科学家利用古代基因来了解数万年前尼安德特人与人类接触的更多细节。Results of two recent studies estimate the two groups likely met and began mating about 45,000 years ago. 最近两项研究的结果估计,这两个群体很可能在大约 45,000 年前相遇并开始交配。 Modern humans – also known as Homo sapiens – began in Africa hundreds of thousands of years ago and later started spreading to Europe, Asia and other places. Scientists believe that at some point, they met and mated with Neanderthals. The mixing of these groups had a major influence on humans' genetic code. 现代人类(也称为智人)数十万年前起源于非洲,后来开始传播到欧洲、亚洲和其他地方。科学家认为,在某个时候,他们与尼安德特人相遇并交配。这些群体的混合对人类的遗传密码产生了重大影响。 However, scientists do not know exactly when or how the two groups interacted. But the two new studies provide some additional details about the timing of this contact. 然而,科学家们并不确切知道这两个群体何时或如何相互作用。但这两项新研究提供了有关这次接触时间的一些额外细节。 One group of scientists examined genetic material from three female and three male Homo sapien individuals who lived around 45,000 years ago. Reuters news agency reported that research involved the oldest genes from Homo sapiens ever examined, or sequenced. 一组科学家检查了生活在 45,000 年前的三名女性和三名男性智人的遗传物质。路透社报道称,这项研究涉及迄今为止检查或测序过的智人最古老的基因。 Some of the genes came from bones found in a cave in the central German village of Ranis. Other material came from a woman believed to have lived at around the same time in a cave in a mountainous area of what is now the Czech Republic. 一些基因来自在德国中部拉尼斯村庄的一个洞穴中发现的骨头。其他材料来自一位妇女,据信她大约在同一时期住在现在捷克共和国山区的一个洞穴里。Researchers estimated the period of mixing between Neanderthals and humans at about 49,000 to 45,000 years ago. The findings were recently published in a study in Nature. 研究人员估计尼安德特人和人类的混合时期约为 49,000 至 45,000 年前。该研究结果最近发表在《自然》杂志上的一项研究中。 A second group of researchers examined genetic material from 300 present-day and ancient Homo sapiens. This included 59 individuals who lived between 2,000 and 45,000 years ago. That study, published in the journal Science, estimated the period of mixing at about 50,500 to 43,500 years ago. 第二组研究人员检查了 300 名现代和古代智人的遗传物质。其中包括生活在 2,000 至 45,000 年前的 59 个人。这项发表在《科学》杂志上的研究估计,混合时期约为 50,500 至 43,500 年前。
Hey smarties! We're on a break for the holidays and revisiting some of our top episodes from 2024. We can't do this show without you and we still need your support. If you can, donate today to keep independent journalism going strong into 2025 and beyond. Give now to support “Make Me Smart.” Thank you so much for your generosity, happy holidays and we'll see you in the new year. Anime seems to be just about everywhere these days: film, music videos, the NFL and big streaming services like Netflix and Hulu. “Anime is colossal. In terms of raw revenue, anime and the NLF are tied at about $20 billion in [annual global] revenue,” said Chris Plante, editor in chief and co-founder of Polygon at Vox Media. “When you think of anime, it can be seen as niche, but the reality is that couldn’t be further from the truth.” On the show today, Plante explains anime economics, what's behind the rise of anime in the United States and some of the problematic aspects of the medium. Later, we'll discuss how climate change is impacting cherry blossom season and why the commercial real estate crisis could be a big problem for regional banks. Later, one listener calls in on a landline about landlines. And, this week's answer to the Make Me Smart question comes from a digital illustrator based in Long Beach, California. Here’s everything we talked about today: “Who watches anime? Polygon surveyed more than 4,000 people to find out” from Polygon “Anime Market to Reach USD 62.7 Billion by 2032” from Yahoo Finance “Anime Is Booming. So Why Are Animators Living in Poverty?” from The New York Times “Sony Jacks Up Prices for Crunchyroll and Kills Funimation” from Gizmodo “From Niche To Mainstream: The Unstoppable Global Popularity Of Anime And How It Happened” from BuzzFeed “Streaming and covid-19 have entrenched anime's global popularity” from The Economist “Naruto Movie in the Works With Destin Daniel Cretton” from The Hollywood Reporter “Cherry blossom forecast: We predict peak bloom in D.C. around March 21” from The Washington Post “Early jacaranda bloom sparks debate about climate change in Mexico” from Reuters “Commercial Real Estate Market Plunge Has Lenders Facing a Brutal Reality” from Bloomberg “Comic: Tienes economic anxiety? Artist Julio Salgado reflects on changes in creative industries” from the Los Angeles Times Are you a fan of anime? Tell us about your favorite anime series! Leave us a voicemail at 508-U-B-SMART or email
Hey smarties! We're on a break for the holidays and revisiting some of our top episodes from 2024. We can't do this show without you and we still need your support. If you can, donate today to keep independent journalism going strong into 2025 and beyond. Give now to support “Make Me Smart.” Thank you so much for your generosity, happy holidays and we'll see you in the new year. Anime seems to be just about everywhere these days: film, music videos, the NFL and big streaming services like Netflix and Hulu. “Anime is colossal. In terms of raw revenue, anime and the NLF are tied at about $20 billion in [annual global] revenue,” said Chris Plante, editor in chief and co-founder of Polygon at Vox Media. “When you think of anime, it can be seen as niche, but the reality is that couldn’t be further from the truth.” On the show today, Plante explains anime economics, what's behind the rise of anime in the United States and some of the problematic aspects of the medium. Later, we'll discuss how climate change is impacting cherry blossom season and why the commercial real estate crisis could be a big problem for regional banks. Later, one listener calls in on a landline about landlines. And, this week's answer to the Make Me Smart question comes from a digital illustrator based in Long Beach, California. Here’s everything we talked about today: “Who watches anime? Polygon surveyed more than 4,000 people to find out” from Polygon “Anime Market to Reach USD 62.7 Billion by 2032” from Yahoo Finance “Anime Is Booming. So Why Are Animators Living in Poverty?” from The New York Times “Sony Jacks Up Prices for Crunchyroll and Kills Funimation” from Gizmodo “From Niche To Mainstream: The Unstoppable Global Popularity Of Anime And How It Happened” from BuzzFeed “Streaming and covid-19 have entrenched anime's global popularity” from The Economist “Naruto Movie in the Works With Destin Daniel Cretton” from The Hollywood Reporter “Cherry blossom forecast: We predict peak bloom in D.C. around March 21” from The Washington Post “Early jacaranda bloom sparks debate about climate change in Mexico” from Reuters “Commercial Real Estate Market Plunge Has Lenders Facing a Brutal Reality” from Bloomberg “Comic: Tienes economic anxiety? Artist Julio Salgado reflects on changes in creative industries” from the Los Angeles Times Are you a fan of anime? Tell us about your favorite anime series! Leave us a voicemail at 508-U-B-SMART or email
It's Tuesday, January 7th, A.D. 2025. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard on 125 radio stations and at I'm Adam McManus. ( By Kevin Swanson Islam is the number one threat to Christians today International Christian Concern has issued their Global Persecution Index for 2024 — placing the countries of Nigeria,Niger, Sudan, Congo, Eritrea, Somalia, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and North Korea at the highest level “where Christians are regularly tortured and killed for their faith.” Each of these, except North Korea, is an Islamic country. As an ideology, Islam has replaced communism as the most serious threat to Christians in the world. Abortion is leading cause of death worldwide Referring to data from Worldometer, Breitbart News announced that abortion was the leading cause of deaths in 2024. A record of 45 million babies died at this count. That compares to 8.2 million people who died from cancer, 5 million from smoking, 1.7 million from HIV/AIDS, 1.35 million from traffic fatalities, and 1.1 million people died from suicide. Kamala Harris certifies Trump's presidential victory Here in the United States, the November presidential election results were certified by the U.S. Senate on Monday, reports NBC News. Ironically, Vice President Kamala Harris, the presidential loser, had the unenviable task as President of the Senate of certifying that her opponent, Donald Trump, won the election in a landslide. Trump is set to become the 47th President of the United States come January 20th. Notice that when she announces Trump's name the Republicans burst out in a cheer and a standing ovation. Not to be outdone, the Democrats applaud Kamala when she announces her electoral vote total. Listen. HARRIS: “The state of the vote for the president of the United States, as delivered to the President of the Senate, is as follows. The whole number of the electors appointed to vote for President of the United States is 538. Within that whole number, the majority is 270. “The votes for president of the United States are as follows: Donald J. Trump of the state of Florida, has received 312 votes. Kamala D. Harris…” (Republicans applaud) (Harris bangs the gavel twice) HARRIS: “Kamala D. Harris of the state of California has received 226 votes.” (Democrats applaud) Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau resigns After months of abysmal polling predicting a massive Conservative victory in the fall 2025 Canadian presidential election, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced yesterday that he intends to resign as Prime minister and leader of the Liberal Party, reports Reuters. TRUDEAU: “I intend to resign as party leader as prime minister after the party selects its next leader through a robust, nationwide competitive process. Last night, I asked the president of the Liberal Party to begin that process. This country deserves a real choice in the next election, and it has become clear to me that if I am having to fight internal battles, I cannot be the best option in that election.” Trudeau, age 53, took office in November 2015 with a message of hope and "sunny ways" and won re-election twice, becoming one of Canada's longest-serving prime ministers and winning plaudits from liberals for his focus on gender parity policies. Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, who is running for Prime Minister, offered this reaction. POILIEVRE: “Canadians desperate to turn the page on this dark chapter in our history might be relieved today that Justin Trudeau is finally leaving. But what has really changed? Every liberal [Member of Parliament] in power today and every potential liberal leadership contender, fighting for the top job, helped Justin Trudeau break the country over the last nine years. “All liberal politicians actively worked to pass into law the job-killing, inflationary carbon tax, a tax that Carbon Tax [Mark] Carney endorsed in his book. All supported a law quadrupling the tax over the next five years. All voted for or actively supported Trudeau's out-of-control spending, debt, and immigration. All passed Trudeau's housing policies that doubled the cost of homes. All liberal politicians helped pass catch-and-release bail and house arrest for the most rampant re-offenders, policies that increased violent crime 50%, gun crime 116%, and hate crime by 250%. “So, given that liberal [Members of Parliament] and leadership contenders unanimously supported everything Trudeau has done, why dump him now, right before an election? “Have they had a change of heart? Is it because they feel guilty that they doubled housing costs, hiked taxes, unleashed crime, broke immigration, forced a quarter of the population into poverty? No! They continued supporting Trudeau when he did all of those things. No, their only objection is that he is no longer popular enough to win an election and keep them in power.” Biden awards evolutionists, socialists and God-haters Evolutionists, socialists, and opponents of Christianity received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Joe Biden, as he prepared to leave office, reports USA Today. Jane Goodall and Bill Nye, the Evolutionist Guy, received the award. Also receiving the top citizen award included Hillary Clinton and George Soros, the man responsible for persecuting Christians and conservatives through Right Wing Watch and People for the American Way. Proverbs 28:4 reminds us that “Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, but such as keep the law contend with them.” Massive snow storm cancels 1,300 flights That massive snow storm across Kansas and eastern states, has closed down flights. In God's providence, over 1,300 flights were cancelled. Manhattan, Kansas was blanketed with 15 inches of snow, the second highest snowfall in history for the city. 6 states stockpile Abortion Kill Pills Some states are collecting bullets, or rather Abortion Kill Pills, to murder as many babies as possible. The Center for American Progress has announced that six states have stockpiled at least 2.25 million abortion pills in case the new Trump administration moves to restrict the distribution of these murderous devices. The six states are California, Oregon, Washington, New York, Massachusetts, and Maryland. TV viewership is down The cable news channels are languishing. Fox News Channel averaged 2.4 million viewers during primetime last year — compared to CNN's 685,000 and MSNBC's 1.5 million. The big three networks -- ABC, CBS, and NBC -- claimed 13 million viewers during primetime hours in 2024, representing an increase of about 10% from 2023, but down from 21 million viewers seven years ago. Golden Globes honors 2 movie flops on transgendering and rape And finally, The Golden Globes lavished their awards over the weekend -- this time upon a film centered around the theme of transgendering a male, reports the Associated Press. The R-rated movie “Emilia Perez” received four awards, but the film never played in American theaters —and only took in $9 million worldwide. That compares to the Kendrick Brothers' Christian film “The Forge” released last year — which earned over $40 million in worldwide box office receipts! Another unknown film “The Brutalist” took home three major awards, but barely made $1 million in the box office. The film lived up to its name with ample scenes of rape, nudity, vile language, homosexuality, and drug use. Indeed, in the words of 1 John 2:17, Hollywood and “the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.” Close And that's The Worldview on this Tuesday, January 7th, in the year of our Lord 2025. Subscribe by Amazon Music or by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at Or get the Generations app through Google Play or The App Store. I'm Adam McManus ( Seize the day for Jesus Christ.
The history of antisemitism in Europe stretches back as far as Ancient Rome, but persecutions of Jews became widespread during the Crusades, beginning in the early 11th century when the wholesale massacre of entire communities became commonplace. From the 12th century, the justification for this state-sanctioned violence became the blood libel accusation: the idea that Jews ritually murdered Christian children and used their blood in the celebration of Passover. Nowhere in Europe was the blood libel more tenacious, credible, and long lived than in the Russian Empire, particularly during the late Imperial period, which saw large scale pogroms and harsh restrictions visited upon the empire's Jewish population. The Russian Revolution of 1917 attracted many Jews to its cause, thanks in large measure to Bolshevik condemnations of antisemitism and persecution of the Jewish minority. These numbers grew in the wake of the brutal Civil War that followed from 1918 - 1922 when the White Army revived the pogrom with particular vigor. What happened after the Bolshevik victory is the subject of Elissa Bemporad's new book, Legacy of Blood: Jews, Pogroms, and Ritual Murder in the Lands of the Soviets (Oxford UP, 2019), which won the National Jewish Book Award (Modern Jewish Thought and Experience). Bemporad probes the underbelly of the "Soviet myth"— that the USSR had eradicated the pogroms, banished the notion of a blood libel to the scrapheap of other opiates for the people, and vanquished antisemitism as part of the regime's broad anti-religious campaign — and discovers that both pogroms and the blood libel had a robust afterlife in the USSR. As she traces changing attitudes towards Jews in the USSR, Bemporad also examines the uneasy and often ambivalent but mutually dependent, and ever-shifting relationship between the regime and the Jewish population as the Soviet century unfolds. Legacy of Blood looks at the re-emergence of overt antisemitism in the occupied territories of the USSR during World War II and the troubled return of the Jews to mainstream society after the war. The result is a meticulously researched, thought-provoking, and eminently readable book that adds much to both Jewish and Russian historical scholarship. Elissa Bemporad is an Associate Professor of History at CUNY Graduate Center and the Jerry and William Ungar Chair in East European Jewish History, Queens College of CUNY. She is the author of Becoming Soviet Jews: The Bolshevik Experiment in Minsk (Indiana University Press, 2013) and the forthcoming A Comprehensive History of the Jews in the Soviet Union, vol I (NYU Press). Jennifer Eremeeva is an American expatriate writer who writes about travel, culture, cuisine and culinary history, Russian history, and Royal History, with bylines in Reuters, Fodor's, USTOA, LitHub, The Moscow Times, and Russian Life. She is the award-winning author of Lenin Lives Next Door: Marriage, Martinis, and Mayhem in Moscow and Have Personality Disorder, Will Rule Russia: A Pocket Guide to Russian History. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Support our show by becoming a premium member!
The history of antisemitism in Europe stretches back as far as Ancient Rome, but persecutions of Jews became widespread during the Crusades, beginning in the early 11th century when the wholesale massacre of entire communities became commonplace. From the 12th century, the justification for this state-sanctioned violence became the blood libel accusation: the idea that Jews ritually murdered Christian children and used their blood in the celebration of Passover. Nowhere in Europe was the blood libel more tenacious, credible, and long lived than in the Russian Empire, particularly during the late Imperial period, which saw large scale pogroms and harsh restrictions visited upon the empire's Jewish population. The Russian Revolution of 1917 attracted many Jews to its cause, thanks in large measure to Bolshevik condemnations of antisemitism and persecution of the Jewish minority. These numbers grew in the wake of the brutal Civil War that followed from 1918 - 1922 when the White Army revived the pogrom with particular vigor. What happened after the Bolshevik victory is the subject of Elissa Bemporad's new book, Legacy of Blood: Jews, Pogroms, and Ritual Murder in the Lands of the Soviets (Oxford UP, 2019), which won the National Jewish Book Award (Modern Jewish Thought and Experience). Bemporad probes the underbelly of the "Soviet myth"— that the USSR had eradicated the pogroms, banished the notion of a blood libel to the scrapheap of other opiates for the people, and vanquished antisemitism as part of the regime's broad anti-religious campaign — and discovers that both pogroms and the blood libel had a robust afterlife in the USSR. As she traces changing attitudes towards Jews in the USSR, Bemporad also examines the uneasy and often ambivalent but mutually dependent, and ever-shifting relationship between the regime and the Jewish population as the Soviet century unfolds. Legacy of Blood looks at the re-emergence of overt antisemitism in the occupied territories of the USSR during World War II and the troubled return of the Jews to mainstream society after the war. The result is a meticulously researched, thought-provoking, and eminently readable book that adds much to both Jewish and Russian historical scholarship. Elissa Bemporad is an Associate Professor of History at CUNY Graduate Center and the Jerry and William Ungar Chair in East European Jewish History, Queens College of CUNY. She is the author of Becoming Soviet Jews: The Bolshevik Experiment in Minsk (Indiana University Press, 2013) and the forthcoming A Comprehensive History of the Jews in the Soviet Union, vol I (NYU Press). Jennifer Eremeeva is an American expatriate writer who writes about travel, culture, cuisine and culinary history, Russian history, and Royal History, with bylines in Reuters, Fodor's, USTOA, LitHub, The Moscow Times, and Russian Life. She is the award-winning author of Lenin Lives Next Door: Marriage, Martinis, and Mayhem in Moscow and Have Personality Disorder, Will Rule Russia: A Pocket Guide to Russian History. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Support our show by becoming a premium member!
The history of antisemitism in Europe stretches back as far as Ancient Rome, but persecutions of Jews became widespread during the Crusades, beginning in the early 11th century when the wholesale massacre of entire communities became commonplace. From the 12th century, the justification for this state-sanctioned violence became the blood libel accusation: the idea that Jews ritually murdered Christian children and used their blood in the celebration of Passover. Nowhere in Europe was the blood libel more tenacious, credible, and long lived than in the Russian Empire, particularly during the late Imperial period, which saw large scale pogroms and harsh restrictions visited upon the empire's Jewish population. The Russian Revolution of 1917 attracted many Jews to its cause, thanks in large measure to Bolshevik condemnations of antisemitism and persecution of the Jewish minority. These numbers grew in the wake of the brutal Civil War that followed from 1918 - 1922 when the White Army revived the pogrom with particular vigor. What happened after the Bolshevik victory is the subject of Elissa Bemporad's new book, Legacy of Blood: Jews, Pogroms, and Ritual Murder in the Lands of the Soviets (Oxford UP, 2019), which won the National Jewish Book Award (Modern Jewish Thought and Experience). Bemporad probes the underbelly of the "Soviet myth"— that the USSR had eradicated the pogroms, banished the notion of a blood libel to the scrapheap of other opiates for the people, and vanquished antisemitism as part of the regime's broad anti-religious campaign — and discovers that both pogroms and the blood libel had a robust afterlife in the USSR. As she traces changing attitudes towards Jews in the USSR, Bemporad also examines the uneasy and often ambivalent but mutually dependent, and ever-shifting relationship between the regime and the Jewish population as the Soviet century unfolds. Legacy of Blood looks at the re-emergence of overt antisemitism in the occupied territories of the USSR during World War II and the troubled return of the Jews to mainstream society after the war. The result is a meticulously researched, thought-provoking, and eminently readable book that adds much to both Jewish and Russian historical scholarship. Elissa Bemporad is an Associate Professor of History at CUNY Graduate Center and the Jerry and William Ungar Chair in East European Jewish History, Queens College of CUNY. She is the author of Becoming Soviet Jews: The Bolshevik Experiment in Minsk (Indiana University Press, 2013) and the forthcoming A Comprehensive History of the Jews in the Soviet Union, vol I (NYU Press). Jennifer Eremeeva is an American expatriate writer who writes about travel, culture, cuisine and culinary history, Russian history, and Royal History, with bylines in Reuters, Fodor's, USTOA, LitHub, The Moscow Times, and Russian Life. She is the award-winning author of Lenin Lives Next Door: Marriage, Martinis, and Mayhem in Moscow and Have Personality Disorder, Will Rule Russia: A Pocket Guide to Russian History. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Support our show by becoming a premium member!
The history of antisemitism in Europe stretches back as far as Ancient Rome, but persecutions of Jews became widespread during the Crusades, beginning in the early 11th century when the wholesale massacre of entire communities became commonplace. From the 12th century, the justification for this state-sanctioned violence became the blood libel accusation: the idea that Jews ritually murdered Christian children and used their blood in the celebration of Passover. Nowhere in Europe was the blood libel more tenacious, credible, and long lived than in the Russian Empire, particularly during the late Imperial period, which saw large scale pogroms and harsh restrictions visited upon the empire's Jewish population. The Russian Revolution of 1917 attracted many Jews to its cause, thanks in large measure to Bolshevik condemnations of antisemitism and persecution of the Jewish minority. These numbers grew in the wake of the brutal Civil War that followed from 1918 - 1922 when the White Army revived the pogrom with particular vigor. What happened after the Bolshevik victory is the subject of Elissa Bemporad's new book, Legacy of Blood: Jews, Pogroms, and Ritual Murder in the Lands of the Soviets (Oxford UP, 2019), which won the National Jewish Book Award (Modern Jewish Thought and Experience). Bemporad probes the underbelly of the "Soviet myth"— that the USSR had eradicated the pogroms, banished the notion of a blood libel to the scrapheap of other opiates for the people, and vanquished antisemitism as part of the regime's broad anti-religious campaign — and discovers that both pogroms and the blood libel had a robust afterlife in the USSR. As she traces changing attitudes towards Jews in the USSR, Bemporad also examines the uneasy and often ambivalent but mutually dependent, and ever-shifting relationship between the regime and the Jewish population as the Soviet century unfolds. Legacy of Blood looks at the re-emergence of overt antisemitism in the occupied territories of the USSR during World War II and the troubled return of the Jews to mainstream society after the war. The result is a meticulously researched, thought-provoking, and eminently readable book that adds much to both Jewish and Russian historical scholarship. Elissa Bemporad is an Associate Professor of History at CUNY Graduate Center and the Jerry and William Ungar Chair in East European Jewish History, Queens College of CUNY. She is the author of Becoming Soviet Jews: The Bolshevik Experiment in Minsk (Indiana University Press, 2013) and the forthcoming A Comprehensive History of the Jews in the Soviet Union, vol I (NYU Press). Jennifer Eremeeva is an American expatriate writer who writes about travel, culture, cuisine and culinary history, Russian history, and Royal History, with bylines in Reuters, Fodor's, USTOA, LitHub, The Moscow Times, and Russian Life. She is the award-winning author of Lenin Lives Next Door: Marriage, Martinis, and Mayhem in Moscow and Have Personality Disorder, Will Rule Russia: A Pocket Guide to Russian History. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Support our show by becoming a premium member!
The history of antisemitism in Europe stretches back as far as Ancient Rome, but persecutions of Jews became widespread during the Crusades, beginning in the early 11th century when the wholesale massacre of entire communities became commonplace. From the 12th century, the justification for this state-sanctioned violence became the blood libel accusation: the idea that Jews ritually murdered Christian children and used their blood in the celebration of Passover. Nowhere in Europe was the blood libel more tenacious, credible, and long lived than in the Russian Empire, particularly during the late Imperial period, which saw large scale pogroms and harsh restrictions visited upon the empire's Jewish population. The Russian Revolution of 1917 attracted many Jews to its cause, thanks in large measure to Bolshevik condemnations of antisemitism and persecution of the Jewish minority. These numbers grew in the wake of the brutal Civil War that followed from 1918 - 1922 when the White Army revived the pogrom with particular vigor. What happened after the Bolshevik victory is the subject of Elissa Bemporad's new book, Legacy of Blood: Jews, Pogroms, and Ritual Murder in the Lands of the Soviets (Oxford UP, 2019), which won the National Jewish Book Award (Modern Jewish Thought and Experience). Bemporad probes the underbelly of the "Soviet myth"— that the USSR had eradicated the pogroms, banished the notion of a blood libel to the scrapheap of other opiates for the people, and vanquished antisemitism as part of the regime's broad anti-religious campaign — and discovers that both pogroms and the blood libel had a robust afterlife in the USSR. As she traces changing attitudes towards Jews in the USSR, Bemporad also examines the uneasy and often ambivalent but mutually dependent, and ever-shifting relationship between the regime and the Jewish population as the Soviet century unfolds. Legacy of Blood looks at the re-emergence of overt antisemitism in the occupied territories of the USSR during World War II and the troubled return of the Jews to mainstream society after the war. The result is a meticulously researched, thought-provoking, and eminently readable book that adds much to both Jewish and Russian historical scholarship. Elissa Bemporad is an Associate Professor of History at CUNY Graduate Center and the Jerry and William Ungar Chair in East European Jewish History, Queens College of CUNY. She is the author of Becoming Soviet Jews: The Bolshevik Experiment in Minsk (Indiana University Press, 2013) and the forthcoming A Comprehensive History of the Jews in the Soviet Union, vol I (NYU Press). Jennifer Eremeeva is an American expatriate writer who writes about travel, culture, cuisine and culinary history, Russian history, and Royal History, with bylines in Reuters, Fodor's, USTOA, LitHub, The Moscow Times, and Russian Life. She is the award-winning author of Lenin Lives Next Door: Marriage, Martinis, and Mayhem in Moscow and Have Personality Disorder, Will Rule Russia: A Pocket Guide to Russian History. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Support our show by becoming a premium member!