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    Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning
    Unlocking the Secrets of Self-Leadership: PART 2: Chapters 6 to 9 Review (Grant Bosnick)

    Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 16, 2025 31:30 Transcription Available

    Welcome to Part 2 of our in-depth review of Grant Bosnick's 'Tailored Approaches to Self-Leadership.' In this episode, we delve into the significance of hydration for brain health, discovering 'aha' moments through creative insights, and the influential power of expectations on our well-being and success. We also explore the neuroscience behind staying mentally strong and regulate emotions effectively through improved sleep patterns. Join us as we unravel these fascinating research-backed strategies to enhance your self-leadership skills. Welcome back to SEASON 13 of The Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast, where we connect the science-based evidence behind social and emotional learning and emotional intelligence training for improved well-being, achievement, productivity and results—using what I saw as the missing link (since we weren't taught this when we were growing up in school), the application of practical neuroscience. I'm Andrea Samadi, an author, and an educator with a passion for learning and launched this podcast 6 years ago with the goal of bringing ALL the leading experts together (in one place) to help us to APPLY this research in our daily lives. And we will now resume PART 2 of our 4-PART review, to sum up last year, 2024, and our entire year studying one book, Grant Bosnick's “Tailored Approaches to Self-Leadership: A Bite Size Approach Using Psychology and Neuroscience” that we first dove into with our interview on EP #321[i] the end of January 2024. The goal was that each week, we focused on learning something new, (from Grant's book) tied to the most current neuroscience research, that builds off the prior week, to help take us to greater heights this year. It honestly shocked me that this series took the entire year.  Last week, we began with PART 1[ii] and the first 5 chapters of the book. Today we will review chapters 6-9 of Grant Bosnick's Tailored Approaches to Self-Leadership. ((On today's EPISODE #356 PART 2 of our review of Grant Bosnick's Tailored Approaches to Self-Leadership, we will cover)): ✔ EP 327 Chapter 6[iii] “The Hydrated Brain” ✔ EP 330 Chapter 7[iv]“Aha Moments, Creative Insights/the Brain” ✔ EP 333 Chapter 8[v] “Exploring the Power of Expectations” ✔ EP 335 Chapter 9[vi] “The Neuroscience Behind Staying Strong and Clear-Headed” If you have not yet taken the leadership self-assessment, or if you would like to re-take it to see if the results are different for you than last year, you can click the link here to find the quick test.   Self-Assessment Results 2024 vs 2025 I re-took the assessment for 2025, and did notice some similarities and some differences. See what you notice about yourself. I noticed that pathways 2 and 3 are my high areas of focus this year, and that I can drop pathway 6 from my focus. What about you? If you have a few minutes to spare, take this leadership self-assessment again, and see if you notice any changes in yourself for 2025. Did any of your pathways of focus shift since last year? REMEMBER: We are either moving forward into growth, or backwards to safety. (Abraham Maslow). EP 327 Chapter 6 “The Hydrated Brain”   For this episode, I remember wondering how on the earth can we narrow the focus of this topic of health and wellness that Bosnick covers thoroughly in Chapter 6? Dr. Peter Attia[vii], a Canadian-American physician, known for his medical practice that focuses on the science of longevity, says that “exercise might be the most potent “drug” we have for extending the quality and perhaps quantity of our years of life.” He created a rule that he thought would help narrow this focus and it was called “Attia's Rule”[viii] where he suggests that can't even talk about this topic, unless you have reached a certain level of health yourself. I agree, as this is one area we have been focused on this podcast, and I notice that as I strengthen one area, I lose sight of another. It's an ongoing quest for balance, and I wouldn't say I've mastered the balance yet. We dove deep into Attia's Rule on our EP back in October 2022, “Using Neuroscience to Improve Fitness, Longevity and Overall Health.”[ix] Dr. Attia says that nutrition and health arguments are a waste of your time until you've completed a certain set of criteria. He says don't bother defending this topic unless you can: Dead hang for a minute (try this! I honestly thought I was going to die when I did this 2 years ago). I'm not sure I could do it today with the signs of osteoporosis showing up in my fingers (and noticeable when I type). Wall sit for two minutes. (This wasn't difficult for me the fact that I regularly hit the hiking trails). Have a VO2 max of at least 75th percentile for your age group. (Mine is showing 37 right now which was the same as it was in 2022. Interesting that I'm hiking less these days, but have kept the same VO2 max). I think it's important to notice just how vast this topic of health and wellness really is. We mentioned the Top 6 Health Staples[x] on our last episode, that we created back in 2020 when our podcast took a turn towards mental and physical health and wellness, (that we just can't escape) and I wasn't surprised to see Stanford Professor Dr. Andrew Huberman post on Twitter/X that he would like to see a Superbowl Commercial promoting healthy habits. The time for mental and physical health is here, and we cannot deny the connection between the two. We met Dr. Bruce Perry on EP 168[xi] where we dove into his famous book What Happened to You, that he co-authored with Oprah, and the last Kindle book I purchased was Gabor Mate's When the Body Says No: The Hidden Costs of Stress[xii] When I look back at why I chose to highlight “The Hydrated Brain” I honestly think it was because this topic is so vast. Hydration is something that might be emphasized with athletes, but it wasn't something anyone had emphasized with me (unless they were connected to the sports world). To narrow this topic of health and wellness down a bit, did YOU know that keeping our brain hydrated helps us with: Improving concentration and cognition Helping to balance our mood and emotions Maintaining a good memory Boosting our brain's reaction time Increasing blood flow and oxygen to the brain Preventing and relieving headaches Reducing stress Grant Bosnick shared with us in this chapter: “That our brain is 75% water and when our brain is functioning on a full reserve of water, we will be able to think faster, be more focused and experience greater clarity and creativity?” (Chapter 6, Bosnick). Grant reminds us that “everyone is unique and needs different amounts of water per day (but suggests) an adequate intake for men is roughly around 3 liters (100 fluid ounces) a day, (and) for women it's about 2.2 liters (74 fluid ounces) a day. What do you think? Could you improve your water intake? Just by thinking about ways to improve our brain health, we will over time begin to move the needle in the direction of physical health and wellness, which was the concept that Grant wanted us to uncover in Chapter 6. This is just one small idea, (in this HUGE topic) but if we can tackle one idea at a time, we will move in the direction of health and wellness. REVISIT THIS EPISODE TO REVIEW THIS CONCEPT IN DEPTH EP 330 Chapter 7 “Aha Moments, Creative Insights/the Brain” This pathway #3 came out as MEDIUM importance (orange score) for me, alongside mindfulness and flow last year, but this year, this is my second highest pathway of focus. Look to see where pathway 3 showed up for you last  year, and if it's different for you this year. What I loved about Grant Bosnick's book is that he opens up chapter 7 with a story of how insight was used by an organization to help solve the problem with the high number of babies that were dying within a month of their birth, specifically in developing countries.  This organization he wrote about, solved this specific problem using a thought process that took insight using “materials and human resources that could be used to address this issue” (Chapter 7, Bosnick) by building incubators made out of Toyota cars that were readily available in these developing areas. Instead of using their analytical mind and thinking “how do we get more incubators to these areas” someone on their team used insight and creativity to come up with the best solution to use the resources they had readily available to them, locally. So how do we think up these creative ideas? Grant asks us to ponder where we have our best ideas. In the shower? While exercising? At your desk while doing work? Just before falling asleep or waking up? While walking or hiking? While taking with a friend? Grant suggests that few people will come back with “at their desk while working” since this type of creativity involves breaking away from the analytical, thinking mind, and tapping into our “nonconscious” (Chapter 7, Bosnick) part of our brain. It was here I had to look deeper into how this type of thinking happens, and I found the fascinating book, The Eureka Factor: AHA Moments, Creative Insight and the Brain by John Kounios and Mark Beeman. If you want to dive deeper into the science behind insight and creativity, I highly suggest reading this book. I wanted to know HOW to create these “AHA” Moments at will, not by chance and this is what these two cognitive neuroscientists who wrote this book, set out to do. Their goal of writing this book was to “explain how these Eureka experiences happen—and how to have more of them to enrich our lives and empower personal and professional success.” (The Eureka Factor). In the very beginning pages of The Eureka Factor, we learn that “insight is creative” (Page 9, The Eureka Factor, Kounios and Beeman) and when the authors went on to define “what creativity is” they suggest to not define it (yet) since “everyone intuitively recognizes creativity when he or she sees it” (Page 9, The Eureka Factor, Kounios and Beeman). I thought back to when we covered “Improving Creativity” on PART 4 of The Silva Method[xiii] on ((“Improving Creativity and Innovation in our Schools, Sports and Modern Workplaces”)) and we tapped into Dr. Andrew Huberman's research on creativity here. Dr. Huberman explains that “when we see something that's truly creative, it reveals something to us about the natural world and about how our brains work….It must reveal something that surprises us” for it to be truly creative. So, going back to The Eureka Factor, John Kounios suggests that “creative insight is not an exotic type of thought reserved for the few. In fact, (he says) it's one of the few abilities that define our species….most humans—have insights. It's a basic human ability.” (Page 11, The Eureka Factor, Kounios and Beeman). While reading further into The Eureka Factor, I came across an image that helped to explain this idea so we can ALL improve our ability to generate new and creative insights that will empower our personal and professional lives. IMAGE CREDIT: The Eureka Factor (Kounios, Beeman) Page 24 If someone were to ask me “Where do I begin to improve my ability to create NEW insights in my life?” I would say, start here: STEP 1: Go somewhere quiet and think.  We've mentioned a few times on this podcast that “Every man has the natural and inherent power to think what he wants to think, but it requires more effort to do so”[xiv] (Wallace D. Wattles). I recently heard Professor Hod Lipson[xv] from Columbia University, speaking about the future with AI, and while his whole presentation was forward-thinking, eye opening and brilliant, what caught my attention the most was when he mentioned that while working with students with AI and robotics, the hardest part for them was to come up with a name for their robot, because he said “it takes a lot of effort to be creative.” Take the time needed for this process. STEP 2: You might think you are stuck, and like the image suggests in the show notes, you might see a brick wall in front of you, metaphorically speaking, but know that there is always a solution to every problem. You just haven't figured it out yet. It's here that I share ways I've moved past where I'm stuck, and that's by using The Silva Method. I'm reminded daily that many of our current listeners found us from the first episode we did with this 4-part series that ended with an episode on “How to Be More Creative and Innovative”. When you feel stuck, take a break. STEP 3: Keeping your mood positive, break away from where you feel stuck, and do something that makes you happy. It could be going for a walk, or a hike, or playing tennis like the image from The Eureka Factor. Just break away and divert your attention away from the problem. If you are in a meditative state, just be sure to have positive, elevated emotions flowing through you. Looking at the image in the show notes from The Eureka Factor, we see a person playing tennis. You can use whatever method you want here (The Silva Method of Meditation, your own mindfulness practice, going for a walk) or whatever it is for YOU where you access those feelings of calmness and peace. STEP 4: Be open to new ideas that might pop into your head. Be prepared for ideas that might be completely opposite to how you were originally thinking of solving the problem. We are all different here. Think back to the beginning of this episode, when Grant Bosnick asked us to consider where our creative ideas flow into our minds. Mine come in that time just before I go to sleep, or just as I'm waking up. Others might come in the shower, or while exercising. Be open to NEW ideas coming into your mind, and be ready to write them down. STEP 5: Know that there is much work going on from your unconscious mind. You'll will become more self-aware in this process. Grant Bosnick lists a few inventions that were developed this way, in chapter 7 on Insight, and I found an article that lists “Great Eureka Moments in History: From Issac Netwon to Sir Paul McCartney, (where) inspiration arrived suddenly”[xvi] to help these inventors move forward with their famous AHA Moments. I personally think it's amazing how we acquire wisdom. When we suddenly “see” something that escaped us for so long. I can only imagine the room from Grant Bosnick's opening story when that one person said “why don't we make incubators out of Toyota cars?” completely shifting what EVERYONE was thinking. We ended this EP with one of my favorite poems from Stewart Edward White who explains how AHA Moments of Learning can change us forever. He writes: “Curious how we acquire wisdom! Over and over again, the same truth is thrust under our very noses. We encounter it in action; we are admonished of it; we read it in the written word. We suffer the experience; we gradually assent to the advice; we approve, intellectually, the written word. But nothing happens inside us. Then, one day, some trivial experience or word or encounter stops us short. A gleam of illumination penetrates the depth of our consciousness. We see! Usually it is but a glimpse; but on rare occasions a brilliant flash reveals truth fully formed. And we marvel that this understanding has escaped us so long.” REVISIT THIS EPISODE TO REVIEW THIS CONCEPT IN DEPTH EP 333 Chapter 8 “Exploring the Power of Expectations” where we will dive into a topic that I mark as high importance in my life, right up with breathing. When I took my self-assessment last year, the topic of expectations showed up as low priority for me to focus. Not because it's not important to me, but because I've already made this topic of high importance. Expectations came out for me in the RED category, with a low score of 8% (last year) along with goals and time management, that I also put high importance with on a daily basis.  This year, pathway 1 came out as an area of MEDIUM focus for me, and I can tell right now, that the area I need to work on is “time management.” If you've taken the self-assessment, look to see if Expectations (in pathway 1) are of a low, medium or high priority for you to focus on this year. Before looking at Grant Bosnick's thoughts about the topic of expectations, where he begins chapter 8 by asking us “what did you expect?” I had to do some research first, to see what is already out in the world, and there was a lot out there, on the science behind expectations. DID YOU KNOW: That when our expectations are met or exceeded, this “increases our dopamine levels, which leads to increased happiness and well-being, which helps maximize our performance by setting up the conditions of flow and insight, which leads to more productivity and increased confidence?” (Chapter 8, Grant Bosnick) Conversely, did you know that “if our expectations are not met, that it dramatically decreases our dopamine levels, we feel disappointment and stress, resulting in poor performance and decreased confidence?” (Chapter 8, Grant Bosnick, Tailored Approaches to Self-Leadership, Page 84/85). On the EP we went deep into the Science of Expectation, and we looked at a book by David Robson called The Expectation Effect where this author showed us how “our beliefs, in themselves, shape your health and well-being in profound ways, and that learning to reset our expectations (about these issues) can have truly remarkable effects on our health, happiness and productivity.” (David Robson) SOME TIPS ON HOW TO USE THE NEUROSCIENCE OF EXPECTATIONS IN OUR DAILY LIFE: KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I'M EXPECTING (of myself and others): Understanding the science, helps me to keep my expectations tied to myself, and not others, to avoid disappointment and stress.  I expect to achieve my goals, (by putting in the necessary work) keep myself in good health (physical and mental) and will not just THINK about these expectations, but will do the hard work, take the action necessary to achieve them. This way, I'm not just “thinking” of what I expect to occur, I'm actually doing something with those thoughts. If I'm ever feeling “disappointed” with something in my life, a good question to ask is “what did you expect?” and see if I can backtrack to my thoughts. Was I using the science to flood my brain with dopamine, (with something within my control-that I could take action towards) or not. USE POSITIVE EXPECTATION TO BUILD RESILIENCE FOR A HEALTHIER VERSION OF MYSELF: Understanding the science behind our expectations, and especially David Robson's work, where we learned that “people with a more positive attitude towards their later years are less likely to develop (certain age-related diseases)” (David Robson, The Expectation Effect) making a strong case for expecting exceptional mental and physical health in the future. Again, it goes without saying that we can't just “think” ourselves into good health. We need to do the work here in order to expect results to occur. CONTINUE TO EXPECT GOOD THINGS (for myself and others) Knowing that “expectations and beliefs can influence—indeed are already influencing your life in many other surprising and powerful ways. (David Robson, The Expectation Effect) makes me believe in some of the rituals I've heard of over the years, like lucky charms. I learned from David Robson's The Expectation Effect, that “superstitions and rituals can boost perseverance and performance across a whole range of cognitive tasks, and (that) the advantages are often considerable.” (Page 198, The Expectation Effect). Whether you are a professional athlete, singer, public speaker, or someone like me who just wants improved results, there is a science to having a lucky charm, or something that brings you the promise of success, to help you to create a feeling of control during those high stress times we all face. Don't dismiss the power of a lucky rock with a goal written on it, or whatever it is that holds significance to you with your future goals, or something that has meaning to you, that you expect to occur in your future. REVISIT THIS EPISODE TO REVIEW THIS CONCEPT IN DEPTH EP 335 Chapter 9 “The Neuroscience Behind Staying Strong and Clear-Headed” Chapter 9, covering “The Neuroscience of Emotion Regulation” which showed up on my leadership self-assessment (in pathway 4 last year AND again this year) as a low, RED score, of 20%. This is not because it's not something I don't need to pay attention to, this is something I pay attention to daily, right up there with physical health that's also listed in Pathway Four of Grant's Self-Leadership Map. Look to see if Emotion Regulation (pathway 4) is of a low, medium or high priority for you to focus on this year. EMOTION REGULATION AND SLEEP: In a world where we are hit daily by external stimuli, how on the earth can we be proactive to stay mentally strong and clear-headed so we have improved executive control to manage our emotions and regulate them? This took me straight to the work of Dr. Andrew Huberman, and Dr. Matthew Walker who recorded an episode called “Improve Sleep to Boost Mood and Emotion Regulation.”[xvii] It was here where I learned just how important sleep is for keeping a strong, clear mind, so we can use this strength to acknowledge and regulate our emotions, like Bosnick suggested in chapter 9 of his book. Dr. Walker, a professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California, Berkeley and the host of The Matt Walker Podcast, gave example after example that proved that when you've NOT had a good night's sleep, things that wouldn't bother you (when you've slept well), begin to aggravate, or grate on you more. Here's what I found to be remarkable on this topic, something I had not ever heard before. DID YOU KNOW THAT “the greater amount of REM sleep you are getting, (where our dreams occur) the greater amount of emotional detox you will get the next day.” Matt Walker and Dr. Andrew Huberman. Dr. Walker went on to explain that “the brain chemical noradrenaline (that's responsible for our stress reaction) completely shuts off during REM sleep, and serotonin (that plays a role with our mood) decreases, while acetyl choline (that carries messages from our brain to our body through nerve cells) increases by up to 30% in some parts of the brain (and can be even more active than when we were awake).  Dr. Walker concluded that the decrease of stress related brain chemicals is what makes “REM sleep was the perfect condition for overnight therapy.” If we want to improve our emotion regulation, the science is pointing directly to improving our sleep. On this episode, we dove deep into the 4 stages of sleep and suggestions to improve our sleep is something I've been working on for the past 5 years. There is a lot to this, and I'm still working on improving ALL the macroingredients of a good sleep (suggested by Dr. Walker), that include QQRT, or knowing the quantity (amount of sleep), quality (fragmented vs continuous), regularity (sleeping/waking around the same time) and timing (sleeping in alignment with my chronotype).  Dr. Walker explains these areas with Dr. Huberman, and if you do wonder where you can improve, I highly suggest their 6-part series on sleep. TIPS FOR IMPROVING EMOTION REGULATION BY IMPROVING OUR SLEEP: Here are three tips that I took away from the neuroscience of self-regulation, that I've been working on, to see if improving my sleep in these areas, could possibly improve emotion regulation. 1. KNOW HOW MUCH DEEP RESTORATIVE SLEEP WE ARE GETTING EACH NIGHT:  We all know the importance of knowing how much sleep we are getting to be well-rested the next day, (how many hours or the quantity) but it's also important to keep an eye on the QUALITY or amount of DEEP RESTORATIVE sleep we are getting each night. When I looked at the graphic I included when I wrote this EP back in June 2024, using the WHOOP wearable tracker, I can tell you that with focus and effort in this area, I've been able to improve the number of hours of restorative sleep I was getting last year, to this year, by 14%, hitting most nights with sufficient restorative sleep. Do you know how many hours of restorative sleep you are getting each night? 2. KNOW HOW MUCH REM SLEEP WE ARE GETTING: Keeping an eye on how much REM sleep we getting, is my next tip, since we know it's important for consolidating new memories, learning and motor skills. We also just learned that the more REM sleep we are getting, we can say we are getting some good overnight therapy, restoring ourselves mentally. You can find sleep trackers that can help you to measure and track these important ingredients of a good sleep for yourself, and see how much REM sleep you are getting each night, while keeping in mind that “the greater amount of REM sleep you are getting, the greater amount of emotional detox you will get the next day.” (Dr. Walker) Remember, we are working on ways to help with our emotion regulation, and it seems to me, that an easy way to do this, would be to see how we can improve our REM sleep.   3. APPLY THE SCIENCE OF SLEEP TO IMPROVE EMOTION REGULATION: Since “during REM sleep the stress chemicals are turned off” helping us to “strip away the emotion from the memory” we can take this understanding a step further, and see if we are able to solve any of our problems during sleep. Dr. Huberman and Dr. Walker went into great detail about this concept[xviii] that I've actually witnessed first-hand. They described what happens in REM sleep to be like “Behavior-Desensitization” and I had the opportunity to see the stages of this process, done by someone skilled and trained in trauma and the brain, working with someone I know well, who has experiences significant trauma in their life, starting at an early age. Using a series of techniques, the trained therapist took the client safely from talking about a traumatic memory from their childhood, (with extreme emotion attached) to where they could say out loud that the memory had lost its emotional load and no longer gave them an emotional reaction. This is exactly what happens to our brain during REM sleep and why it's mentally restorative. Putting these tips all together, and knowing that improving the quality, and quantity of sleep is linked to improving emotion regulation, I'm working hard to improve restorative sleep and REM sleep, each month.  It's all just a balancing act, though, and working on one part of our health at a time. REVISIT THIS EPISODE TO REVIEW THIS CONCEPT IN DEPTH REVIEW and CONCLUSION: To review and conclude this week's episode #356 on PART 2 of our review of Grant Bosnick's Tailored Approaches to Self-Leadership, we covered a review of the strategies that can help us to implement each concept, from chapters 6, 7, 8, and 9. ✔ EP 327 Chapter 6[xix] “The Hydrated Brain” ✔ EP 330 Chapter 7[xx]“Aha Moments, Creative Insights/the Brain” ✔ EP 333 Chapter 8[xxi] “Exploring the Power of Expectations” ✔ EP 335 Chapter 9[xxii] “The Neuroscience Behind Staying Strong and Clear-Headed” While listening to each episode can be a helpful review, so can revisiting your leadership self-assessment to see what might have changed for you this year from last. I hope this review of chapters 6-9 of Grant Bosnick's Tailored Approaches to Self-Leadership have helped you to think of NEW ways of thinking and taking the necessary action, that will drive you towards whatever it is that you are working on this year. With that thought, I do want to thank you for tuning in, and we will see you next time, with a review of the next 4 chapters. See you next time. REFERENCES: [i] Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast EPISODE #321 with Grant ‘Upbeat' Bosnick  https://andreasamadi.podbean.com/e/insights-from-grant-upbeat-bosnick/   [ii]Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast EPISODE #355 Mastering Self-Leadership REVIEW PART 1 (Grant Bosnick) https://andreasamadi.podbean.com/e/mastering-self-leadership-with-neuroscience/   [iii]Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast EPISODE #327 “The Hydrated Brain” https://andreasamadi.podbean.com/e/neuroscience-meets-social-and-emotional-learning-podcast-episode-327-recap/   [iv] Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast EPISODE #330 “AHA Moments, Creative Insights and the Brain”  https://andreasamadi.podbean.com/e/understanding-self-leadership-and-the-neuroscience-of-goals/   [v] Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast EPISODE #333 “Exploring the Power of Expectations” https://andreasamadi.podbean.com/e/exploring-the-power-of-expectations-in-episode-333/   [vi]Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast EPISODE #335 “The Neuroscience Behind Being Strong and Clear Headed” https://andreasamadi.podbean.com/e/mastering-emotion-regulation-the-neuroscience-behind-staying-strong-and-clear-headed/   [vii] Peter Attia https://peterattiamd.com/   [viii] Attia's Rule https://miloandthecalf.com/2023/02/08/the-attia-rule-some-tests-of-strength-for-longevity/#:~:text=Awhile%20back%20longevity%20expert%20Peter,a%20person%20fit%20for%20longevity.   [ix]Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast “Using Neuroscience to Improve Fitness, Longevity and Overall Health.”  https://andreasamadi.podbean.com/e/brain-fact-friday-on-using-neuroscience-to-improve-fitness-longevity-and-overall-health/   [x] Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast BONUS EPISODE Recorded for Podbean's Wellness Week “The Top 5 Health Staples” https://andreasamadi.podbean.com/e/bonus-episode-a-deep-dive-into-the-top-5-health-staples-and-review-of-seasons-1-4/   [xi]Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast EP 168 “Dr. Bruce Perry and Steve Graner: What Happened to You?”  https://andreasamadi.podbean.com/e/dr-bruce-perry-and-steve-graner-from-the-neurosequential-network-on-what-we-should-all-know-about-what-happened-to-you/   [xii] Gabor Mate When the Body Says No: Understanding the Stress-Disease Connection Published https://www.amazon.com/When-Body-Says-No-Hidden/dp/178504222X   [xiii] Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast EPISODE 264 “The Neuroscience Behind The Silva Method: Improving Creativity and Innovation in our Schools, Sports and Modern Workplaces”  https://andreasamadi.podbean.com/e/the-neuroscience-behind-the-silva-method-improving-creativity-and-innovation-in-our-schools-sports-and-modern-workplaces/   [xiv] Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast EPISODE 315 “Thinking and Acting in This Certain Way PART 2 Review of Wallace D. Wattles The Science of Getting Rich book https://andreasamadi.podbean.com/e/part-2-review-of-wallace-d-wattles-the-science-of-getting-rich-on-chapter-4-thinking-and-acting-in-a-certain-way/   [xv] https://www.me.columbia.edu/faculty/hod-lipson   [xvi] “Great Eureka Moments in History: From Issac Netwon to Sir Paul McCartney, inspiration arrived suddenly” by Dan Falk, Published September 2, 2005 https://magazine.utoronto.ca/research-ideas/culture-society/great-eureka-moments-in-history-famous-inspirational-moments/   [xvii] Dr. Matt Walker: Improve Sleep to Boost Mood & Emotional Regulation | Huberman Lab Guest Series  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_SrHS8FvMM   [xviii] Dr. Matt Walker: Improve Sleep to Boost Mood & Emotional Regulation | Huberman Lab Guest Series https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_SrHS8FvMM   [xix]Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast EPISODE #327 “The Hydrated Brain” https://andreasamadi.podbean.com/e/neuroscience-meets-social-and-emotional-learning-podcast-episode-327-recap/   [xx] Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast EPISODE #330 “AHA Moments, Creative Insights and the Brain”  https://andreasamadi.podbean.com/e/understanding-self-leadership-and-the-neuroscience-of-goals/   [xxi] Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast EPISODE #333 “Exploring the Power of Expectations” https://andreasamadi.podbean.com/e/exploring-the-power-of-expectations-in-episode-333/   [xxii]Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast EPISODE #335 “The Neuroscience Behind Being Strong and Clear Headed” https://andreasamadi.podbean.com/e/mastering-emotion-regulation-the-neuroscience-behind-staying-strong-and-clear-headed/  

    Think Fitness Life
    #164 - Better Everyday with Eric Menchi

    Think Fitness Life

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 15, 2025 64:57

    In this episode we get a behind the scenes look at our new lead interviewer, Eric Menchi. From the past 12 years, his experience has shaped and sharpened him as a coach. Dive into that aspects that make him a better coach and now the head interviewer for Think Fitness Life's Podcast. We hope you can gain insights from his journey to help you on yours. Stay tuned for more episodes with Eric and special guests!   For Physical Assistance Think Fitness Life Coaching is backed by 25 years of Experience guiding people to fitness freedom. Learn more Mention “Kickstart discount” for 10% off your first month.   For Counseling Services we partnered with BetterHelp: A telehealth therapy service connecting people with licensed mental health therapists. Learn more By using the referral link you receive 10% off your first month.  

    The Plant Based News Podcast
    From Steve Jobs Arguments to Nutrition MYTHS: Interview w/ Viva Longevity!

    The Plant Based News Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 49:11

    Having worked alongside tech legends like Steve Jobs and transitioned into a passionate advocate for plant-based living, Chris brings a unique perspective to the table. Join us in this enlightening interview with Chris Macaskill, an esteemed earth scientist and former tech entrepreneur, who shares his expert insights on the myths surrounding low-carb diets and their long-term implications on health.

    Future of Fitness
    Brad Kearns - Rethinking Longevity-based Fitness Programming

    Future of Fitness

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 55:22

    In this conversation, Eric Malzone and Brad Kearns discuss the evolution of fitness, the flaws in traditional endurance training, and the importance of a balanced approach to health and fitness. Brad shares his journey from a competitive athlete to an author and emphasizes the need for a sensible approach to fitness that prioritizes longevity over intensity. They explore the addictive nature of high-intensity training and the need for the fitness industry to evolve towards more sustainable practices. In this conversation, Brad Kearns and Eric Malzone explore the nuances of endurance training, the psychology behind workout enjoyment, the critical importance of power production as we age, and how to create a sustainable fitness template for longevity. They emphasize the need for trainers to adapt their methods to ensure effectiveness while addressing client expectations and the often-overlooked aspects of fitness that contribute to long-term health and performance. Takeaways Pursuing peak performance goals is essential at any age. The running culture has many flawed beliefs about endurance training. High-intensity training can lead to addiction-like behaviors. A more boring approach to fitness can lead to better long-term results. Functional fitness is crucial for injury prevention. The fitness industry often complicates programming unnecessarily. We should reflect on the nature of our fitness goals. Endorphin highs can mask underlying issues with training. Sensible fitness programming should prioritize longevity. Coaches need to educate clients on the importance of balance in training. You can broaden clients' horizons by introducing varied workouts. Sprinting can significantly improve body composition over steady-state cardio. Trainers who achieve results will thrive in their profession. Boring workouts can still be effective and engaging with the right approach. Simplifying fitness concepts is essential for the average person. Maintaining explosive power is crucial for longevity and fall prevention. General everyday activity is more important than a strict fitness regimen. Nutrition plays a vital role in optimizing metabolic function. High-intensity efforts can lead to significant fat loss benefits. Creating a supportive community enhances workout enjoyment. https://madabolic.com/  https://goteamup.com/  https://podcastcollective.io/   

    Mind & Matter
    Thyroid Biology in Health & Aging | Diana van Heemst | 209

    Mind & Matter

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 38:48

    Send us a textShort Summary: Thyroid biology, offering insights into its role in metabolism, development, and longevity, making it a fascinating listen for those interested in how our bodies manage energy and health across the lifespan.Guest: Diana van Heemst, PhD is a biologist at Leiden University Medical Center, specializing in gerontology and geriatrics. Her research focuses on the neuroendocrine biology of aging and longevity in humans, particularly involving thyroid functions.Note: Podcast episodes are fully available to paid subscribers on the M&M Substack and to everyone on YouTube. Partial versions are available elsewhere. Full transcript and other information on Substack.Full Summary: Dr. Diana van Heemst explores the thyroid's critical role in metabolism, growth, development, and transitions across life stages. It discusses the thyroid's evolutionary history, its location in the neck, and how it functions through hormone secretion, specifically T3 and T4. The conversation covers the importance of nutrients like iodine and selenium, the impact of thyroid hormone on various bodily functions, and the implications for health conditions like hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. It also touches on how thyroid activity might relate to longevity.Key Takeaways:Thyroid Hormones: T3 and T4 are crucial, with T3 being the active form that regulates metabolism, heart rate, and cognitive functions.Iodine and Selenium: Essential for thyroid hormone synthesis; iodine is unique to thyroid hormones, while selenium is vital for the enzymes that regulate hormone availability.Hypothyroidism vs. Hyperthyroidism: Hypothyroidism is more common, especially in older age due to autoimmune issues, leading to symptoms like fatigue and cold sensitivity. Hyperthyroidism can result from iodine excess or autoimmune conditions like Graves' disease.Developmental Role: Thyroid hormones are vital for major developmental transitions, from birth to puberty, impacting brain development and metabolic adaptation.*Not medical advice.Support the showAll episodes, show notes, transcripts, etc. at the M&M Substack Affiliates: Lumen device to optimize your metabolism for weight loss or athletic performance. Use code MIND for 10% off. Readwise: Organize and share what you read. Use your phone's link. Athletic Greens: Comprehensive & convenient daily nutrition. Free 1-year supply of vitamin D with purchase. KetoCitra—Ketone body BHB + potassium, calcium & magnesium, formulated with kidney health in mind. Use code MIND20 for 20% off any subscription. MASA Chips—delicious tortilla chips made from organic corn and grass-fed beef tallow. No seed oils or artificial ingredients. Use code MIND for 20% off. For all the ways you can support my efforts

    Chuck Shute Podcast
    Jizzy Pearl Talks New Love/Hate Record, Quiet Riot, His YouTube Channel and More!

    Chuck Shute Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 45:03

    Jizzy Pearl discussed his new album "Punk Rock Fiesta," set to release on March 1, and his upcoming UK tour to celebrate the 35th anniversary of his first Love/Hate record. He emphasized the importance of detaching from technology to write music and shared his experiences with recording in GarageBand. Pearl highlighted the challenges of selling records in 2025 and the need for ingenuity. He also touched on his sobriety, health routines, and the evolving music industry. Pearl mentioned his bandmates for the tour and the benefits of casino gigs, noting the convenience and fan experience.00:00 - Intro00:20 - Telling Stories On Youtube 01:30 - Rock Musician Community 02:35 - Love/Hate & Writing New Record & Technology 05:30 - Music Business & Having a Good Song 07:40 - New Record, Sound & Punk/Metal  Influences 11:30 - New Song Lyrics & Themes 15:50 - Playing Songs Live & Touring 20:50 - Fans & Meet n Greets 23:55 - Longevity of Musicians & Health 29:30 - Shit Talking, Mocking & Gossip 32:35 - Crazy Times Back in the Day 36:30 - Uncontrolled Rowdiness Vs. Maturity 41:35 - New Record & Live Band & QR Update 44:45 - Outro Jizzy Pearl's Love/Hatehttps://jizzypearlslovehate.com/Jizzy Pearl YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/@JPearlTVChuck Shute link tree:https://linktr.ee/chuck_shuteSupport the showThanks for Listening & Shute for the Moon!

    The Smart Weight Loss Coaching Podcast
    91. How Much Water Is Enough For Weight Loss, Optimal Health, and Kidney Stone Prevention?

    The Smart Weight Loss Coaching Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 14:03

    In today's data driven episode, Dr. Lisa explores the research on water intake. Is it true that there's a benefit to drinking 8 glasses of water every day? What about drinking 2 glasses before each meal? Does drinking more water help with weight loss, migraine headaches, urinary tract infections, diabetes, or kidney stones? Is there any downside to drinking a lot of water? Take a listen because Dr. Lisa has the answers to your questions about water, your health and your weight. Thanks for listening! If you'd like more support during your SMART weight loss & health focused journey, check out our program at: www.SmartWeightLossCoaching.com. We would love to meet you!Also…We'd be grateful if you'd follow us and share our podcast with your friends & family. We're here to help you improve your health, live longer, healthier, and lose weight the SMART way!This episode was produced by The Podcast Teacher: www.ThePodcastTeacher.com.

    Over 40 Fitness Hacks
    551: Dr. Patel - Glutathione: The Master Antioxidant for Longevity, Detox, and Cellular Health

    Over 40 Fitness Hacks

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 32:06

    Glutathione: The Master Antioxidant for Longevity, Detox, and Cellular HealthClick On My Website Below To Schedule A Free 15 Min Zoom Call:www.Over40FitnessHacks.comOver 40 Fitness Hacks SKOOL Group!Get Your Whoop4.0 Here!In this episode ofOver 40 Fitness Hacks, host Brad Williams interviews Dr. Patel, a pharmacist with over 25 years of experience in the longevity and anti-aging space. Dr. Patel shares his journey from traditional pharmacy to functional medicine, emphasizing that pharmaceutical companies focus on managing symptoms rather than addressing root causes. This led him to explore glutathione, often called the "master antioxidant," which plays a crucial role in detoxification and cellular defense.Dr. Patel explains that glutathione is a naturally occurring peptide composed of three amino acids—cysteine, glycine, and glutamine—produced by the body to neutralize oxidative stress and support liver detoxification. However, due to aging, poor diet, alcohol consumption, and environmental toxins, natural glutathione levels decline, leading to increased oxidative stress, inflammation, and even cellular senescence (zombie cells).He highlights that while external antioxidants like vitamin C and E can help, they are not nearly as powerful as glutathione in reducing oxidative damage. The body relies on glutathione to combat free radicals, particularly oxygen and nitric oxide species, which contribute to aging and disease. Dr. Patel also discusses the importance of diet in maintaining glutathione levels, recommending foods rich in its precursor amino acids. However, after age 40, supplementation becomes necessary since the body's ability to synthesize glutathione declines.To optimize glutathione levels, Dr. Patel advises:Avoiding toxins, especially alcohol and environmental pollutants.Consuming cysteine-rich foods for natural glutathione production.Supplementing with bioavailable forms of glutathione to support detoxification, energy production, and overall cellular health.Dr. Patel underscores that maintaining glutathione levels allows the body to allocate energy more efficiently, enhancing overall wellness and longevity.If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on my podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach me at brad@over40fitnesshacks.com or visit my website at:www.Over40FitnessHacks.comAdditionally, check out my Yelp reviews for my local business, Evolve Gym in Huntington Beach, athttps://bit.ly/3GCKRzV

    The Dr. Asa Show
    Vitamin B6

    The Dr. Asa Show

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 7:46

    Longevity, Success, Healthy Living, and Nutrition Made Simple Join Our Health Club Community FREE https://www.drasa.com/health-club   Visit Us At Our Health Club Retreats https://www.drasa.com/retreats/ It's Dr. Asa Here... Ask Me Your Question! Text Me: 407-255-7076 Call Me: 888-283-7272 Send me a DM: @DrAsa We are here to help you live your best life. You don't have to live lower than your potential for the rest of your life! Also our Health Club Providers are here to help guide and teach you on how quickly you can reach your health and wellness goals at: https://www.drasa.com/find-a-provider

    Medizin zum Verstehen vom Metropol Medical Center in Nürnberg
    Longevity – Wird Altern eine behandelbare Erkrankung? mit Professor Bernd Kleine-Gunk

    Medizin zum Verstehen vom Metropol Medical Center in Nürnberg

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 22:14

    Älter werden wir alle - aber wie altern wir gesund, was sind die wirksamsten Maßnahmen und welche Hilfsmittelchen gibt es- dafür….Antworten rund um dieses spannenden Thema gibt Professor Bernd Kleine-Gunk vom Metropol Medical Center NürnbergUnsere allgemeinen Datenschutzrichtlinien finden Sie unter https://art19.com/privacy. Die Datenschutzrichtlinien für Kalifornien sind unter https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info abrufbar.

    Plant Fuelled Podcast
    Nutritarian 101: Eat Smarter, Live Longer With Callum Weir & Dr Joel Fuhrman

    Plant Fuelled Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 70:00

    #44Please support the show however you can – like, share, and follow!If you're ready to reshape your health, optimize your diet through bioindividuality,plants and to create the best version of yourself, why not check out my website ⁠⁠here⁠⁠ Or drop me an email at ⁠⁠plantfuellednutrition1@gmail.com⁠⁠ to book a free consultation!Connect with me on social media:⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠Be sure to check out other episodes of the podcast – there's a ton to choose from! Let's get you feeling uplifted!I'd absolutely love to hear from you. If this episode has helped you, or if you've got any people or topics you'd like to hear about, send me a message – or even just say hi! I love hearing from you.And now, let's introduce…Dr. Joel Fuhrman:The Science of Nutrition, Longevity, and Optimal HealthWelcome back to Plant Fuelled, the podcast where the pursuit of health, wellness, and transformation takes center stage. In this episode, we're diving deep into the science of nutrition with none other than Dr. Joel Fuhrman—a leading figure in the world of plant-based eating, longevity, and preventive medicine.Dr. Fuhrman isn't just a doctor; he's a trailblazer who's reshaped how we understand food as medicine. With his groundbreaking Nutritarian Diet and decades of research, he's shown us how to prevent and reverse chronic diseases, boost longevity, and unlock the full potential of the human body.This conversation is more than just a deep dive into health—it's a masterclass in transforming your life. Dr. Fuhrman doesn't hold back, sharing actionable insights, thought-provoking science, and his journey from figure skating to becoming a global health advocate.What You'll Learn in This Episode:

    The Human Upgrade with Dave Asprey
    Tony Robbins on the Ultimate Secrets to Wealth, Mindset, and Success : 1250

    The Human Upgrade with Dave Asprey

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 56:49

    What's keeping you stuck in a scarcity mindset instead of stepping into abundance? What truly sets successful people apart from those who struggle? Tony Robbins has spent decades answering these questions—coaching billionaires, world leaders, elite athletes, and everyday people to master their money, mindset, and mission. In this all-time classic podcast, he shares the hard-hitting truths about financial freedom, why fear is your biggest enemy, and how to break free from the psychological traps that keep you stuck. Tony and Dave dive deep into the wealth-building playbook that the world's top investors use (including Warren Buffett, Ray Dalio, and Paul Tudor Jones), plus the biohacks and routines that fuel Tony's legendary stamina. From the real secret to compounding wealth to stem cell breakthroughs that could change human longevity, this episode will shift the way you think about money, health, and success. Most people dream of financial freedom, but few actually achieve it. What's holding you back—and how can you break through? What You'll Learn: • The biggest mistake people make with money (and how to avoid it) • The mindset of the ultra-wealthy—how top investors think differently • Why fear is your greatest enemy in investing and personal success • The three essential money buckets—security, growth, and dreams • Tony's top biohacks for insane energy and peak performance • The real secret to happiness and fulfillment (it's not what you think) Resources: • 2025 Biohacking Conference: https://biohackingconference.com/2025 • Tony's Website: https://www.tonyrobbins.com/ • Tony's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tonyrobbins/?hl=en • Dave Asprey's New Book - Heavily Meditated: https://daveasprey.com/heavily-meditated/ • Danger Coffee: https://dangercoffee.com • Dave Asprey's Website: https://daveasprey.com • Dave Asprey's Linktree: https://linktr.ee/daveasprey • Upgrade Collective – Join The Human Upgrade Podcast Live: https://www.ourupgradecollective.com • Own an Upgrade Labs: https://ownanupgradelabs.com • Upgrade Labs: https://upgradelabs.com • 40 Years of Zen – Neurofeedback Training for Advanced Cognitive Enhancement: https://40yearsofzen.com SPONSORS: -Puori | Visit https://puori.com/dave and use code DAVE for 20% storewide. -fatty15 | Go to https://fatty15.com/dave and save an extra $15 when you subscribe with code DAVE. Timestamps: • 00:00 Intro • 00:50 Meet Tony Robbins • 02:18 Financial Wisdom & Motivation • 05:43 Psychology of Wealth • 10:10 Investment Strategies • 15:24 Balancing Money & Experiences • 21:21 Power of Giving • 30:06 Paying for College • 31:00 Commitment & Success • 31:53 Energy & Biohacks • 35:12 Cryotherapy & Inflammation • 38:54 Stem Cells & Regeneration • 41:59 Financial Freedom • 46:35 Wnt Pathway Breakthroughs • 52:35 Health & Longevity • 56:34 Final Thoughts See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Ben Greenfield Life
    Bloodwork, Biomarkers, Biohacking Las Vegas, Optimizing Performance and Longevity & More With UFC Fighter Miesha Tate

    Ben Greenfield Life

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 63:08

    In this dual-release episode with Boundless Life and Miesha Tate’s Built for Growth, you’ll get to explore the cutting-edge strategies that top athletes and high-performers use to optimize their bodies and minds. This fascinating conversation dives into the power of comprehensive blood testing, hormonal balance, and genetic assessments for longevity and peak performance. You’ll also discover the latest in biohacking recovery tools—hyperbaric oxygen therapy, red light therapy, PEMF technology—and how they can accelerate recovery and enhance resilience. Whether you're an elite athlete or simply looking to take your health to the next level, this conversation is packed with practical, science-backed insights you can apply right away. Full show notes: https://bengreenfieldlife.com/tatepodcast Episode Sponsors: Force of Nature: Unlock 20% off your order at Force of Nature! Use code BEN at checkout for premium, responsibly sourced meats (minimum purchase of $189 required). Shop now: forceofnature.com/discount/BEN. Timeline Nutrition: Timeline is offering 10% off your first order of Mitopure—vegan softgels designed to provide the recommended dose of Urolithin A for boosted cellular health. Go to timelinenutrition.com/BEN and use code BEN to get 10% off your order. Analemma: To experience the science-backed power of coherent water for yourself, visit analemma-water.com and use code BENG for 10% off! Birch Living: Transform your sleep with a Birch mattress! Enjoy deep, restful nights with 20% off sitewide, plus 2 free Eco-Rest Pillows. Visit birchliving.com/bengreenfield to upgrade your sleep today! BEAM Minerals: If you want to up your mineral game, give BEAM Minerals a try. Go to beamminerals.com and use code BEN at checkout for 20% off your order. Lumen: Optimize your metabolism with Lumen's handheld metabolic coach! Gain personalized insights for better energy, weight management, fitness, and sleep. Lumen even adapts to hormonal changes to keep you feeling your best. Take the next step at lumen.me/GREENFIELD and get 20% off!See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    The Brain Candy Podcast
    888: Orion's Shoes, ADHD Longevity, & VIP XXX Club

    The Brain Candy Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 59:14

    Sarah went on a date to the nerdiest place ever and we are here for it. And Susie spoke at a university and Gen Z made her have hope for the future. We learn what an ADHD dignosis means for your lifespan and why the symptoms of the disorder affect your longevity. Sarah explains why people are paying $250,000 for membership in an exclusive adult club, and Susie argues they're wasting their money. We learn why the monumental study that showed human babies prefer helpers over "hinderers" was flawed, and the truth is they probably don't care. After losing someone close to her, Susie explains why you should reach out to people and tell them what they mean to you because it might be your last chance. Plus, Sarah reveals what all the road, drive, avenue, boulevard, and street designations mean and why it's not random at all!Listen to more podcasts like this: https://wavepodcastnetwork.comJoin our Candy Club, shop our merch, sign-up for our free newsletter, & more by visiting The Brain Candy Podcast website: https://www.thebraincandypodcast.comConnect with us on social media:BCP Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/braincandypodcastSusie's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/susiemeisterSarah's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imsarahriceBCP on X: https://www.x.com/braincandypodSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    The Cabral Concept
    3296: “Electrolyzed Water” Gets Top Rating for Health & Longevity (TT)

    The Cabral Concept

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 14:03

    I don't believe there's just one thing that can make you healthy…     But when I come across something that provides numerous benefits for almost everyone, I want to share it!     So on today's show, I'll go over several research studies on electrolyzed water and its impact on various aspects of health and wellness.     Tune in to today's Cabral Concept 3296, where I break down the science behind electrolyzed water and why it's gaining recognition for its potential health and longevity benefits. Enjoy the show, and let me know your thoughts!   - - - For Everything Mentioned In Today's Show: StephenCabral.com/3296 - - - Get a FREE Copy of Dr. Cabral's Book: The Rain Barrel Effect - - - Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered: CabralSupportGroup.com - - - Dr. Cabral's Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests: > Complete Minerals & Metals Test (Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity) - - - > Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test (Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels) - - - > Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test (Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels) - - - > Complete Food Sensitivity Test (Find out your hidden food sensitivities) - - - > Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test (Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels) - - - Get Your Question Answered On An Upcoming HouseCall: StephenCabral.com/askcabral - - - Would You Take 30 Seconds To Rate & Review The Cabral Concept? The best way to help me spread our mission of true natural health is to pass on the good word, and I read and appreciate every review!  

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    Powerhouse Women
    The 3 Wellbeing Pillars to Balance Alignment, Longevity, and Expansion with Dr. Jenelle Kim

    Powerhouse Women

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 63:50

    What is the secret to living your most balanced life? Here to share her wisdom of medicine, movement, and meditation is Dr. Jenelle Kim, a 9th generation Doctor of Traditional Oriental Medicine and master herbologist. When I asked my community of Powerhouse Women for questions, they all wanted to know the same thing: how do I achieve balance? That's why we're unpacking some of the most powerful breathwork & meditation techniques designed to unlock new levels of alignment in all areas of your life. We'll also guide you through the three main pillars to biohack your way into achieving balance, increasing your longevity, and embodying the life you truly desire!   HIGHLIGHTS 00:00 Say hello to Dr. Jenelle Kim, a 9th generation Doctor of Chinese Medicine! 03:00 The three pillars to bring more balance into your life. 08:00 How do we find our way back into balance? 12:30 The secret to achieving work-life balance. 17:25 What is at the center of an aligned life? 21:10 Ways to bring qigong, living meditation, into your day to day. 27:55 How to increase longevity to live the life you desire. 31:25 When did you know when to pivot during your business journey? 38:30 The most important keys for finding alignment. 47:00 How to discover your own spark of happiness. 50:00 Reframing masculine-feminine energy through yin and yang. 54:10 What is the best way to embody living meditation? 1:00:30 Celebrating Jenelle's Powerhouse moment of creating a legacy and lineage.   RESOURCES + LINKS Get your copy of Myung Sung by Dr. Jenelle Kim HERE! Discover more at https://jenellekim.com/! Click HERE to text the word MENTOR to (602) 536-7829 for weekly business + mindset tips delivered straight to your phone! Powerhouse Women is a COMMUNITY and YOU are part of it! Take a screenshot of this episode and tag us on Instagram so we can keep the conversation going and create more of the episodes you need!    FOLLOW Dr. Jenelle: @drjenellemkim Powerhouse Women: @powerhouse_women Lindsey: @llindseyschwartz Visit the Powerhouse Women website: powerhousewomen.co Join the PW Community Facebook Group: facebook.com/groups/powerhousewomencommunity

    Myers Detox
    Super Longevity: Exosomes, Stem Cells & Plasma Exchange Explained With James Strole

    Myers Detox

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 55:27

    Aging isn't inevitable—it's a solvable problem. James Strole, a leading futurist and founder of the Coalition for Radical Life Extension, reveals why death is optional and how breakthroughs in AI, gene therapy, and spiritual resilience will let humans merge with technology to achieve immortality by 2030. From exosomes to plasma transfusions, James shares the exact protocols he uses at 76 to reverse biological age, detox heavy metals, and prep for the coming singularity. Spoiler: Your grandkids might outlive you… by centuries.    “We're in the era now of super longevity...human beings are going to have the ability to live much longer than we ever even dreamed, possibly unlimited.” ~ James Strole   In This Episode: - James Strole's journey into longevity - Tips for a longer life: cleansing, diet, and exercise - A coming era of super longevity and AI integration - The paleo diet and its role in reducing inflammation - Advanced longevity tools: exosomes, stem cells, and plasma exchange - The power of mindset and the spiritual aspect of longevity - Plasma donation and therapeutic plasma exchange - Gene therapies and their potential for age reversal - Dr. Greg Fahy's work in thymus regeneration and biogerontology - Supplements for longevity: vitamin D3, vitamin A, zinc, and resveratrol - Resources and where to learn more about James Strole's work For more information, visit https://www.myersdetox.com    Ready to detox heavy metals? Take the quiz: http://www.heavymetalsquiz.com    Resources Mentioned: Chef's Foundry P600 Cookware: Get special discount here: bit.ly/MyersDetox Bon Charge Red Light Face Mask: Save 15% with code WENDY: https://boncharge.com   About James Strole: James Strole is a futurist, author, and executive director of the Coalition for Radical Life Extension. For 50+ years, he's pioneered the “immortalist” movement, blending AI, gene therapy, and spiritual practices to end aging. He hosts RAAD Fest—the world's largest longevity event—and runs the People Unlimited community, a global hub for those chasing indefinite lifespans. His book, Just Getting Started: 50 Years of Living Forever, proves death is a choice, not a destiny.   Connect with James: - RAAD Fest 2025 (Vegas): https://raadfest.com/   - Coalition for Radical Life Extension: https://rlecoalition.com/  - People Unlimited Community: https://peopleunlimitedinc.com/    Disclaimer The Myers Detox Podcast was created and hosted by Dr. Wendy Myers. This podcast is for information purposes only. Statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast, including Wendy Myers and the producers, disclaims responsibility for any possible adverse effects from using the information contained herein. The opinions of guests are their own, and this podcast does not endorse or accept responsibility for statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guests' qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have a direct or indirect financial interest in products or services referred to herein. If you think you have a medical problem, consult a licensed physician.

    SuperAge: Live Better
    Guy Leitersdorf on the Future of AI in Longevity

    SuperAge: Live Better

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 42:21

    What if AI could analyze your health data and tell you exactly what to do to live longer? Guy Leitersdorf, CEO of Longevity AI, joins us to explain how his platform uses real-time biomarkers, behavioral science, and AI to optimize health decisions. Instead of one-size-fits-all advice, Longevity AI acts as a personal health coach, adjusting its guidance based on your habits, preferences, and biological markers. On this week's episode of The AGEIST Podcast, we discuss the five key aging conditions, the role of real-time health nudges, and how AI-powered insights can help physicians move from reactive care to true preventative medicine.How long will you live? Take our quiz today to find out! Visit ageist.com/longevity-quizThanks to Our SponsorsBON CHARGE: Want to try the hottest sauna blanket on the market? Check out BON CHARGE's Infrared Sauna Blanket, which is designed to provide easy access to the benefits of infrared heat therapy in the comfort of your own home, here.fatty15: C15:0 is the first essential fatty acid to be discovered in over 90 years. fatty15 is on a mission to replenish your C15:0 levels and restore your long-term health. Get 15% off your 90-day subscription Starter Kit here or enter code “AGEIST” at checkout.LMNT Electrolytes: Our number-one electrolytes for optimal hydration. Listeners receive a free 8-serving sample pack with their purchase at DrinkLMNT.com/AGEIST. Key Moments“Nobody likes to treat their health as a chore, so we match habits to what people actually want to do.”“Physicians don't have time to analyze every piece of data—AI can harmonize it all and provide real-time, personalized insights.”“The question isn't just what you can do to improve your health, it's what you will do—and that's where behavioral science comes in.”Connect With Guy Leitersdorf & Longevity AILongevity AILinkedInConnect With AGEISTNewsletterInstagramWebsiteFor more on Guy Leitendorf's insights and Longevity AI, listen to his full interview on The AGEIST Podcast and/or check out the full episode transcript.Say hi to the AGEIST team!

    Living Beyond 120
    Beyond Binary: How Curiosity, Neurodiversity, and Quantum Thinking Redefine Longevity - Episode 271

    Living Beyond 120

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 64:31 Transcription Available

    In this episode of the Gladden Longevity Podcast, Dr. Jeffrey Gladden engages in a thought-provoking conversation with Dr. Jeff Karp, exploring the themes of curiosity, neurodiversity, education, and the importance of asking questions. They discuss the value of observation, the nature of reality, and the shift from binary to quantum thinking. The conversation also delves into the significance of intentionality in life, the flow state, and the relationship between energy and money. Ultimately, they reflect on the meaning of longevity and how to create a rich life beyond mere wealth.    Growing up in rural Canada, Jeff Karp was written off by his school because of ADHD and learning differences. He evolved a process for embracing life, embodied by a set of 12 simple holistic tools developed over years of iteration and tinkering to make his unique patterns of thought and behavior work for him. These tools are now the subject of a new book: LIT: Life Ignition Tools: Use Nature's Playbook to Energize Your Brain, Spark Ideas, and Ignite Action. Jeff is also Head of Innovation at Geoversity, Nature's University, a rainforest bio-leadership training conservancy located in one of the top biodiversity hotspots in the world.  He is a contributing author at Psychology Today, where he writes a blog titled How Do You Think About That, exploring insights on personal growth and innovative thinking. A passionate mentor and biomedical engineering professor at Harvard Medical School and MIT, a Distinguished Chair at Brigham and Women's Hospital, and a fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, he has published over 170 peer-reviewed papers, which have garnered more than 35,000 citations, delivered 400 invited lectures, and holds over 100 patents.    FOR THE AUDIENCE:  * Get Jeff Karp's book to tap into your own innovative potential → https://www.amazon.com/LIT-Natures-Playbook-Energize-Ignite-ebook/dp/B09NW4PGK3   * Use code ‘Podcast10' to get 10% OFF your supplements at our store → https://gladdenlongevityshop.com/     Takeaways    * Curiosity can be ignited by asking the right questions.  * Neurodiversity should be viewed as a strength, not a disorder.  * Education often prioritizes answers over the importance of questions.  * Asking questions is crucial for innovation and problem-solving.  * Observation enhances our connection with the world around us.  * Intentionality in daily choices can lead to a more fulfilling life.  * Understanding the nature of reality requires questioning our assumptions.  * Binary thinking limits our perspective; quantum thinking opens possibilities.  * Flow states can enhance productivity and joy in life.  * True wealth is measured by relationships and experiences, not just money.    Chapters    00:00 Introduction to Curiosity and Learning Challenges  05:12 The Impact of Neurodiversity on Learning  08:11 The Value of Curiosity in Education  10:50 The Importance of Questioning  14:07 The Power of Observation and Questioning  16:51 Assumptions and Perspectives  20:07 Binary vs. Quantum Thinking  22:56 Navigating Trust and Questioning  26:03 The Evolution of Science and Understanding  31:31 Understanding Bias in Information  34:19 The Importance of Open-Mindedness  39:29 Intentional Living and Decision Making  43:37 Creating Joy Through Connection  48:08 The Power of Unfocusing  52:25 Perceiving Energy in Our Environment  57:04 Transforming Money into Energy for Good  01:00:56 Longevity: A Path to Purpose and Impact  01:03:29 Goodbye    To learn more about Jeff and his work:  Website: www.jeffkarp.com   LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffkarpboston/  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mrjeffkarp/  X: https://x.com/MrJeffKarp     Reach out to us!        Website: https://gladdenlongevity.com/         Email: podcast@gladdenlongevity.com         Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gladdenlongevity/        Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gladdenlongevity/?hl=en         LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/gladdenlongevity        YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5_q8nexY4K5ilgFnKm7naw      

    Pushing The Limits
    The Future of Longevity: Telomerase, Telomeres & Reversing Cellular Ageing with Dr. Bill Andrews (Part 3)

    Pushing The Limits

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 66:07

    In this final episode of our three-part series, we welcome back Dr. Bill Andrews, world-renowned telomere scientist and founder of Sierra Sciences. If you've been captivated by the journey through telomere science so far, you won't want to miss this deep dive into the future of telomerase research and its groundbreaking potential to reverse ageing at the genetic level. In this episode, Dr. Andrews reflects on the progress made in telomere science and shares his latest insights on how telomerase activation could become a mainstream therapy for longevity and disease prevention. He also unpacks the challenges, opportunities, and what lies ahead in the quest for cellular rejuvenation. Key Discussion Points:  Telomerase Activation – Practical Applications & Next Steps What widespread telomerase activation could mean for ageing and chronic disease prevention. How telomerase therapies might revolutionise healthcare in the next decade.  New Discoveries in Telomere Research The most recent advancements and promising compounds for telomerase activation. Understanding the role of telomeres in age-related diseases and how targeting them may prevent or reverse these conditions.  Balancing Safety & Innovation Regulatory and safety considerations for bringing telomerase activators to market. How to stay informed and support the development of telomerase-based therapies.  Longevity Science & Society – What's Next? The ethical and societal implications of dramatically extending human lifespan. Addressing skepticism and dispelling myths around telomerase research. What You'll Learn in This Episode: ✅ The difference between theoretical longevity interventions and those closest to clinical application. ✅ How telomerase research aligns with other emerging fields of longevity science. ✅ Why understanding telomeres is key to unlocking better healthspan and longer life. ✅ The real-world implications of reversing cellular aging and how you can be part of the movement. About Dr. Bill Andrews: Dr. Andrews is a molecular biologist, biotech pioneer, and ultramarathon runner who has dedicated over 30 years to the study of telomeres and telomerase. He holds more than 50 U.S. patents related to telomerase activation and continues to push the boundaries of what's possible in longevity science through his work at Sierra Sciences. Dr. Andrews has been featured in Popular Science, The Today Show, and documentaries like The Immortalists,  where he co-stars with Dr. Aubrey de Grey.

    Aspen Ideas to Go
    Living to 100

    Aspen Ideas to Go

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 52:23

    Advances in medicine and healthy living mean that more and more people will live to be 100. But just because their bodies can last doesn't mean their bank accounts will keep up. Retirement, and especially a long retirement, takes careful planning and sophisticated financial literacy. It's impossible to know what the future economic world will look like, but accounting for the unexpected and finding good guidance is essential. In this talk sponsored by Aspen Institute supporter Prudential Financial, two financial planning experts lay out the options for saving later in life and spread the word on the importance of preparation. Penny Pennington is the managing partner of Edward Jones and Rob Falzon is the vice chair of Prudential. Barron's economic reporter Megan Leonhardt moderates the conversation. aspenideas.org

    Big Idea Big Moves
    Mastering Movement: Francheska Martinez on Functional Fitness & Longevity

    Big Idea Big Moves

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 29:16

    In this motivating episode ofBig Idea Big Moves, Jamie sits down withFrancheska Martinez, a movement enthusiast and functional fitness expert. FrancheskaFit shares her journey from a childhood filled with dance and movement to discovering weight training and ultimately embracingfunctional fitness. She dives into theimportance of movement, efficiency, injury prevention, and holistic wellness, explaining how she helps clients manage chronic pain by addressing the root causes rather than just the symptoms.Jamie and Francheska also explore thepower of community, discussing how surrounding yourself with like-mindedindividuals can fuel both personal and professional growth. Francheska opens up aboutbalancing life, business, and fitness, sharing her strategies for goal-setting,compartmentalizing tasks, and transitioning from in-person training to building an online fitness brand.Plus, Francheska dropspractical fitness and wellnesstips, including the importance of protein intake, evening walks, and maintaining consistency in fitness routines.Whether you're looking for motivation to start your own fitness journey or insights into building a wellness-focused business, this episode is packed with valuable takeaways.Be sure to tell Jamie and Francheska what you think about this episode by leaving a review and rating. It helps us get the message out there!Find out morehttps://linktr.ee/bigideabigmoves Look at our Partnership Info PackageFollow us on Instagramwww.instagram.com/bigidea_bigmovesFacebookwww.facebook.com/bigideabigmovesFor amazing Lifestyle Clothing andpickleball apparel epitomesportswear.comFor Human Resources and Talenthelp contact www.epitomeHR.com Take their free assessmentSleep is the key to buildingmuscle, improving athletic performance, and increasing productivity. But winding down and getting great sleep can be tough. Thirdzy's PM Recovery Collagen can help. This all-natural drink powder, packed with nutrients and aminoacids, supports great quality sleep and muscle recovery. With no melatonin or sedatives – you won't get hooked or feel groggy in the morning. Go to thirdzy.com and use code BIBM20 to save 20%Follow Francheska on Instagram: @francheskafit

    Rusty's Garage
    Jonathan Green Part 2 - Impersonations, falling into Auckland Harbour, the secret to longevity

    Rusty's Garage

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 36:01

    We begin the 2nd part of this Feature Episode with an impersonation that is usually reserved for the broadcast team during warmups - let’s just say that Jonathan sounds exactly like one of the Gods of motorcycle racing. How he fell into Auckland Harbour once while doing a story with some Supercars Drivers - it made the nightly news! Why the talent pool coming out of the New Zealand Summer Series is world class and his talented dog that goes looking for him behind the TV. It’s the final instalment with a globe trotting Motorsport commentator who has seemingly endless enthusiasm and energy. The secret to his longevity and the message to aspiring broadcasters - get stuck in and don’t be afraid to give it a go! Head to Rusty's Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and give us your feedback and let us know who you want to hear from on Rusty's Garage.See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    A Healthier Michigan Podcast
    Lifestyle Changes for Longevity

    A Healthier Michigan Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 15:18

    In this series, we're exploring the balance between what you can and can't control when it comes to your health.On this episode, Chuck Gaidica is joined by Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Dr. James Grant. Together, they explore how small changes to our lifestyle can positively impact longevity.In this episode of A Healthier Michigan Podcast, we explore:The most impactful healthy habits people can adopt to reduce the risk of chronic disease.Small achievable steps to build a healthy lifestyle.Maintaining healthy habits over the long term.

    The Asa Rx Experience
    You Want it Out? Get It Out!!!

    The Asa Rx Experience

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 37:40

    Longevity, Success, Healthy Living, and Nutrition Made Simple Join Our Health Club Community FREE https://www.drasa.com/health-club   Visit Us At Our Health Club Retreats https://www.drasa.com/retreats/ It's Dr. Asa Here... Ask Me Your Question! Text Me: 407-255-7076 Call Me: 888-283-7272 Send me a DM: @DrAsa We are here to help you live your best life. You don't have to live lower than your potential for the rest of your life! Also our Health Club Providers are here to help guide and teach you on how quickly you can reach your health and wellness goals at: https://www.drasa.com/find-a-provider

    digital kompakt | Business & Digitalisierung von Startup bis Corporate
    Gesundheit im Business: Ein Ernährungs-Blueprint für Ü40

    digital kompakt | Business & Digitalisierung von Startup bis Corporate

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 65:58

    INSPIRATION | Joel Kaczmarek spricht erneut mit Gunnar Lott über alltagstaugliche Wege zu mehr Wohlbefinden. In Teil 1 lag der Fokus auf Bewegung und Fitness. Diesmal geht es um das komplexe Thema Ernährung. Wie beeinflusst eine vegane Ernährung unsere Gesundheit? Was hat es mit „Craving“ auf sich, und welche Rolle spielen Supplements wirklich? Außerdem diskutieren die beiden die Auswirkung von Gluten, Antioxidantien und die Bedeutung eines gesunden Frühstücks.  Du erfährst... …wie eine vegane Ernährung zu einer gesunden Lebensweise beitragen kann …was „Craving“ ist …wie du mit Supplements die Gesundheit deines Körpers optimieren kannst …welche Wirkung Gluten auf unseren Körper hat …warum du nicht übermäßig Kaffee konsumieren solltest …weshalb Antioxidantien unsere Gesundheit fördern können …wie ein gesundes Frühstück bei einer ausgewogenen Ernährung aussehen kann …mit welchen Supplements du bei Mangelernährung nachhelfen kannst   Du verstehst nur Bahnhof? Zu viel Fachchinesisch? Unser Lexikon hilft dir dabei, die wichtigsten Fachbegriffe zu verstehen:Podcaster - Eine Person, die Audiobeiträge, sogenannte Podcasts, produziert und veröffentlicht.Systemisch Denken - Eine Denkweise, die Zusammenhänge und Wechselwirkungen innerhalb eines Systems betrachtet und analysiert.Friktionen - Konflikte oder Reibungspunkte innerhalb von Prozessen oder Beziehungen, die stören oder hemmen können.Kraftsport - Eine Sportart, die auf den systematischen Aufbau und die Kräftigung der Muskulatur abzielt.Flexitarisch - Eine Ernährungsweise, die überwiegend pflanzlich ist, aber gelegentlich den Konsum von Fleisch zulässt.Vegetarisch - Eine Ernährungsweise, die auf den Verzicht von Fleisch und Fisch basiert, aber Produkte wie Milch und Eier einschließen kann. Diese Episode dreht sich schwerpunktmäßig um Selbstoptimierung: Als Macher von digital kompakt hat Joel Kaczmarek das Privileg, regelmäßig interessante, kompetente und innovative Menschen zu treffen. Was er von diesen über die (Digital-)Wirtschaft, Unternehmensführung und Persönlichkeitsoptimierung lernt, teilt er in Folgen wie dieser.

    #136 Robert Habeck, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen in der Wahlkampfarena | Bundestagswahl-Spezial feat. Startup-Verband


    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 64:35

    In der heutigen Ausgabe der Wahlkampfarena ist Robert Habeck im “Deep dive” zu Gast. Mit dem Stellvertreter des Bundeskanzlers und Spitzenkandidat von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen sprechen Lea und Verena über die Schuldenbremse, den Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien, Elon Musk und Deregulierung für KI. Im “Catchup” geht es um Verenas Geburtstag, ihren Auftritt bei Caren Miosga und Leas Wegzug. Bei “Was bewegt uns” diskutieren die beiden über die Vielzahl von Wahlumfragen und ob diese wirklich hilfreich sind. [Hier](https://www.wahlrecht.de/umfragen/) findet ihr die Ergebnisse der Wahlumfragen zur Bundeswahl Zum neuen Buch “Lifestyle of Longevity” von Dr. Kati Ernst und Kristine Zeller kommt ihr [hier](https://www.lifestyleoflongevity.de/) Die Beiträge von “DIE DA OBEN!” zu den Wahlprogrammen könnt ihr euch [hier](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfb7LAYCeJJiT3gyquv7V5Q) auf ihrem YouTube-Kanal ansehen. [Hier kommt ihr zu den Fast & Curious Tour Tickets 2025](https://www.myticket.de/de/fast-curious-tickets) [Hier findet ihr unsere aktuellen Werbepartner](https://linktr.ee/fastandcuriouspodcast) Du möchtest in „Fast & Curious“ werben? [Dann hier entlang!](https://podstars.de/kontakt/?utm_source=podcast&utm_campaign=shownotes_fast&curious%20-)

    Flyover Conservatives
    Biohacking Your Health: The Future of Medicine & Longevity - Part 1 - Deep Dive: Drs. Mark and Michele Sherwood | FOC Show

    Flyover Conservatives

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 122:20

    Tonight at 8:30 pm CST, on the Flyover Conservatives show we are tackling the most important things going on RIGHT NOW from a Conservative Christian perspective!  Tonight at 8:30 pm CST, on the Flyover Conservatives show we are tackling the most important things going on RIGHT NOW from a Conservative Christian perspective!  TO WATCH ALL FLYOVER CONSERVATIVES SHOWS - https://flyover.live/show/flyoverTO WATCH ALL FLYOVER CONSERVATIVES SHOWS - https://flyover.live/show/flyoverTO WATCH ALL FLYOVER CONTENT: www.flyover.liveTO WATCH ALL FLYOVER CONTENT: www.flyover.liveTo Schedule A Time To Talk To Dr. Dr. Kirk Elliott Go To To Schedule A Time To Talk To Dr. Dr. Kirk Elliott Go To ▶ https://flyovergold.com▶ https://flyovergold.comOr Call 720-605-3900 Or Call 720-605-3900 Dr. “So Good” SherwoodDr. “So Good” SherwoodWEBSITE: http://doctorsogood.comWEBSITE: http://doctorsogood.comhttp://doctorsogood.comWEBSITE: www.sherwood.tv WEBSITE: www.sherwood.tv Dr. Mark Sherwood and Dr. Michele Sherwood are a husband-and-wife team dedicated to transforming healthcare through a holistic and functional approach. As co-founders of the Functional Medical Institute, they specialize in personalized medicine, biohacking, hormone optimization, and disease prevention. With backgrounds in naturopathic and allopathic medicine, they empower individuals to take control of their health through lifestyle, nutrition, and cutting-edge therapies like peptides and DNA analysis. They are sought-after speakers, authors, and media contributors, known for their expertise in reversing chronic disease and promoting longevity. Passionate about faith, fitness, and freedom, the Sherwoods are on a mission to help people achieve optimal wellness and independence from the broken medical system.Dr. Mark Sherwood and Dr. Michele Sherwood are a husband-and-wife team dedicated to transforming healthcare through a holistic and functional approach. As co-founders of the Functional Medical Institute, they specialize in personalized medicine, biohacking, hormone optimization, and disease prevention. With backgrounds in naturopathic and allopathic medicine, they empower individuals to take control of their health through lifestyle, nutrition, and cutting-edge therapies like peptides and DNA analysis. Send us a message... we can't reply, but we read them all!Support the show► ReAwaken America- text the word FLYOVER to 918-851-0102 (Message and data rates may apply. Terms/privacy: 40509-info.com) ► Kirk Elliott PHD - http://FlyoverGold.com ► My Pillow - https://MyPillow.com/Flyover ► ALL LINKS: https://sociatap.com/FlyoverConservatives

    Health Gig
    513. Unlocking Longevity: Dr. Michael Roizen on How to Live Longer, Healthier

    Health Gig

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 43:40

    Doro and Tricia invite Dr. Michael Roizen to join Health Gig and discuss various aspects of health, such as longevity coaching, the impact of incentives on health outcomes, and the significance of understanding metabolic health through the "six normals". Dr. Roizen emphasizes the role of epigenetics in aging, the benefits of weight lifting, and shares top strategies for maintaining brain health, highlighting the critical importance of stress management in overall wellness. Dr. Roizen talks about essential components of wellness, including the importance of social connections, varied exercise, and even talks through a demonstration of breathing techniques. He offers his opinion on hot topics in today's wellness conversations, likes supplements and hormone replacement therapy, and emphasizes the importance of sleep, guiding listeners toward suggested habits they can potentially incorporate in their daily routine.

    The Health Fix
    Ep 542: Strength Training: Your Health 401(K) for Menopause & Longevity With Niki Sims

    The Health Fix

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 54:35

    In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause sits down with Niki Sims to explore why strength training is like a health 401(k)—an investment in your future well-being! With over a decade of experience in barbell coaching, Niki specializes in creating personalized training programs, refining technique, and fostering a supportive environment for women navigating menopause and beyond.

    The Low Carb Athlete Podcast
    Optimizing Metabolic Health & Cellular Resilience for Longevity

    The Low Carb Athlete Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 53:04

    Know Better | Do Better
    #103 NAD & Aging: The Secret to More Energy, Faster Recovery, and a Sharper Mind with Dr. Greg Kelly

    Know Better | Do Better

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 63:52

    What if the key to unlocking limitless energy, reversing aging, and optimizing your brain function was already inside you—just waiting to be activated? Today's episode is a game-changer because we're diving deep into NAD—the molecule your body is begging for, but likely running low on. I'm joined by Dr. Greg Kelly—naturopathic physician, expert in anti-aging and regenerative medicine, and VP of Product Development at Qualia Life. He's here to break down on the science and why declining NAD levels are silently robbing you of energy, mental clarity, and resilience.